Hyaluronic Acid Benefits: Skin Care and More!

Hair Loss
Posted by Kate (Maidenhead, Berkshire, England) on 01/03/2012

Hi Alfred - How long was it before your bald patches were filled up with new hair? I've been taking 3 x 50mg Hyaluronic Acid tablets for the past 6 days, I've not seen any improvement apart from smooth facial skin. Please help me? I'm fast losing my hair. Thanks Kate.

General Feedback
Posted by John (Singapore) on 09/13/2011

Regarding Ted & Alfred's recommendation of Hyaluronic Acid supplements, are there any concerns that HA may promote breast & colon tumors?

Thanks for any advice, John

Degenerative Disc Disease
Posted by Carolyn (Capitan, Nm) on 03/01/2011

My husband was told by his Doctor that his incredable pain in his back was because his disks were degenerating. Surgery was the only option they left him with. I learned about hyaluronic acid right here on this site. I made it for him and in about a week his pain was gone. He's a bad boy and only took it for a few weeks and because his pain is gone he has quit taking it. I also made it for an friend with bad knees and he had a very good result. He has cancelled plans for a knee replacement.

Congestive Heart Failure
Posted by Claudia (Kansas City, Kansas) on 03/01/2011

Does anyone know if the salt in the HA recipe would make congestive heart failure worse? Using borax in the bath caused all the fluid build up in legs to drain out which was fantastic! but the HA/sea salt/water mixture is bringing all the fluid back.

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic, Atlanta) on 10/24/2010

Hi Mynmimi,

No, I haven't tried another brand of HA yet. My husband has been taking the PP brand for many months now and loves it. Next time we need to re-order, I want to try the brand that Lisa from Thousand Oaks had recommended at some point last summer since it is considerably cheaper. Sorry, I don't remember the brand so will have to hunt for it on the HA page. Yes, if you want to sleep, try a supplement that contains inositol! You might also want to try homemade milk kefir with its high tryptophan levels. That also zonked me out (see my recent feedback on the subject). Please let us know how it goes with the HA!


Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Mynmimi (Bristol, Tn) on 10/24/2010

Dierdre, did you try any other brands of HA and if so, what results did you have? I have sleep problems and now I tempted to use the PP brand HA and perhaps it will put me to sleep! Plus the excellent results some people are having are appealing.

General Feedback
Posted by Sherry (Lutherville, Md, Usa) on 10/10/2010

I've a question for Ted about the use of HA. My teenage son hurt his knee while playing sports and tore his cartilage about 9 months ago. He's taking comfrey tea and silica from horse radish for a month or so, but it is not helping too much. I am wondering if HA could help his torn cartilage. I woud appreciate if you could respond to my inquiry. Thanks.

Where to Buy: Uk
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 09/24/2010

I have seen hyaluronic acid in the UK in health food shops like Holland & Barrets and Bean Freaks.

Where to Buy: Uk
Posted by Dj (London, Gb) on 09/23/2010

I see that Purity Products does not supply Ultimate HA outside of the US or Canada, so I wonder where Alfred in Bangkok gets the supply from, or anyone else non US. I have seen a few ebay site operators selling it that may ship abroad... I'm thinking that the costs of getting Ted's recommended HA from Pure Bulk in the US, means we have to look for a quality european based HA product... Anyone used one yet?

In health - DJ

Multiple Ailments Cured
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/07/2010

Update from HA 100 mg daily.. It does not work fast but it works.. We must have the HA in our system to repair the broken parts with its glue type stuff. I was bald.. Top and back.. Now its covered black color.. But it works slowly, my white mustache, now 90 black..

Barnicles on my face falling off slowly, liver spots on back of my hand 90% gone.

Skin soft and supple and heals quickly..

Had large wart growing on right side of my nose. Good size.. My glasses did not sit strait.. Night time put banana skin over wart.. Taped on, , 5 nights gone. No arthritis pain, no pain at all.

Alfred's daily schedule..



General Feedback
Posted by Peter (Chicago, Il) on 09/02/2010


One gram of salt is approx 1-1/2 teaspoon (per Google), also 8 capful is equal to approx 1 shot glass. Accoding to Ted, this formula lasts over 2 weeks. Can you let me know when you pour 8 caps into a shot glass, do you fill up the shot glass?

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Lafayette, La) on 09/02/2010

Hi. I emailed Ted directly re: how to use his HA remedy for spinal degeneration. Will that also get posted to this website, when or/if he answers? My questions were; His mixture of Hyaluronic acid in sea salt and water were not extremely clear. I read his referred Purebulk website directions on mixing, and they were a little different. In Ted's mixture:
1. Does the water have to be 39 degrees F. Or lower?
2. How do I measure 1 gram of sea salt?
3. Does the formula go bad after 48-72 hours like that on Purebulk?
4. Mine did not gel up like Purebulk talks about, although Ted used 500 mg. HA, purebulk used over 2 grams, I believe. 5. Do you have to shake it every 2-4 hours for 12-24 hours like Purebulk instructs?
I am SO excited about starting this regiman, as is my husband. I actually mixed his up this yesterday morning, and shook it appropriately (is this necessary, Ted?) and gave him 8 capfuls this morning. He very sceptically asked me how long it takes to work. I said anywhere from 1 day on, why? He said he could hardly walk on his knee this morning, 3 hours later, no pain! Awesome if this would be "the Miracle Cure", huh?
God Bless, Lisa from SW Louisiana

General Feedback
Posted by Beryl (London, England) on 09/02/2010

Hi, After reading Alfred's letter about the benefits of hyaluronic acid, I started taking it, but found it made me feel overwhelmingly tired. It was from an animal source. So I changed to one sourced from plants, and have been taking it ever since with no ill effects. But to be honest I cannot see any improvement in my health, and I was wondering if anyone else had experienced any beneficial changes? In the meantime, I shall continue for a while yet. Perhaps give it three months in all. Best wishes. Beryl

General Feedback
Posted by Sue (Fairfax, Va Usa) on 08/09/2010

Thank you for your reply. I am taking the same brand as what Lisa from Thousand Oaks is taking. As for the tablet dissolving in water, I always wondered about that test, since the stomach contains hydrochloric acid that is 10 times as acidic as pure lemon juice and can have a pH of 1 or less... In any case, I hope I get the same benefits as you and Lisa, and the many others who have generously reported their experiences. Thank you, Sue

General Feedback
Posted by Dj (London, Gb ) on 08/09/2010

Hi all, I was about to buy from the purebulk site but got a little confused by Ted's initial comments. Can you clear up for me this comment: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes: "... Hyaluronic acid, yes I buy them from purebulk. The only particular brand I like is not the brand itself but for those formulations used for horses, which is proven to work. So Purebulk do not do an equine HA product." What does this mean then please? As I'm buying for international shipment the order will be very expensive for a months supply so I need to know what I'm buying! Cheers for viewing, best wishes, DJ

General Feedback
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 08/08/2010

I know some of the answers...

1. Refrigerated best
2. Either way with food or empty stomach both work for me..
3. The one with Vit C.. I do not know the answer.. When you say Tab.. Normally tabs takes a long time to dissolve, sometimes more than 20 minutes which does not do too much for the body. Capsules are better,


General Feedback
Posted by Sue (Fairfax, Va Usa) on 08/08/2010

Having read numerous posts here about hyaluronic acid, I am now trying it, but in the various suggestions I find some confusion. So I am appealing to the generosity of knowledgeable contributors who take the time to share their expertise. When taking the hyaluronic acid tablets:

1. Should it be refrigerated?
2. Should it be taken on an empty stomach, or with food?
3. Should it NOT be taken at the same time as vitamin C, or any other particular supplements?

None of these issues is addressed on the bottle. Many thanks for this wonderful site.

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 08/07/2010

Beryl.. Thanks for the confidence.. Now to get u on track. Take ACV Apple cider vinegar for two weeks.. Get your system cleaned out.. Then try the HA but start small.. Your pills are 50mg each.. Take one 50mg pill a day for a week.. Then two etc and see what happens.. I think to start with 150mg too big a load on the system.. Give your body time. Stay well my friend, Alfred

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Beryl (London, Uk) on 08/06/2010


Alfred has won me over with the positive results he's had with Hyaluronic Acid, so a few days ago I purchased a bottle and started taking it. I've been taking 150mgs but find that an overwhelming tiredness comes over me and I do not have the energy to do anything. As the day goes on and I move further away from taking the HA my energy levels start to come back. I do feel that I've wasted my money because the HA was expensive and from a very good source. As far as I'm aware, the HA I purchased is animal sourced, would I fare better with a plant or fish based product?

I do find that I also feel overwhelmingly tired when I ingest flaxseed or chia seed.
Best wishes

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa From Mcminnville, Oregon (Mcminnville, Oregon, Usa) on 07/28/2010

Hi Ted, I am new to this site and I am wondering about taking Hyaluronic acid for Degenerative Disc Disease. My husband takes pain medication daily(2-3 500 mg percoset) and I am wondering if anyone has experienced any side effects by taking the HA in addition to pain medication. He desperately wants to find a solution to getting away from taking pain medication, and from everything I've been reading about HA it sounds like this may be the solution he's been searching for.

General Feedback
Posted by Lee (New York) on 07/26/2010

Hi Alfred, I could not agree more. EC is the only place that I know of where we can read about the personal experiences of the many generous contributors and then draw our own conclusions. I am always eager to read the updates that people like you so kindly provide. Thank you so much - and a huge thank you to EC. Lee

General Feedback
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/25/2010

Yes, We are learning about HA- that's why Earth Clinic is a Fantastic website. We learn from trial and error from You special people out there with challenges. . Alfred did not have too much hurting him, so he pussy footed around with 100mg of HA BUT a lot of YOU are hurting BIG Time. . So Lisa was the smart one. . She Bit the BULLET. . Took 300mg with two meals. . That HA took care of her pain she had for 5 years. My concern is YOU do what is best for you. . What ever company pill you now have. . And nothing seems to be happening. . Double or triple your daily dose BUT not more than 300mg per day. Then see what happens. . For the best quality HA- it's your choice who you will purchase from. The cost will be similar. . About $1. 00 per 100mg. . Both makers pills are good and maybe more out there we do not know about. If you have something broken, or something hurts real bad. . " Take the Lisa challenge. ". Go for 300mg per day. Then after your hurt is gone and joint repaired. . Go back to 200mg or what ever is needed. . Health #1. . Not his or hers or mine or yours. Thanks for your time. Alfred

General Feedback
Posted by Tina (Princeton, N J) on 07/23/2010

Hi Lisa,
I just read your post on HA and had to comment. I too have been taking Source Natural's HA, in both the kinds you mention, the Joint Complex and the Skin Eternal formula. I think I wrote a post last month(?) about this. I started HA because of knee pain due to some over-enthusiasm at the gym. Within a few days my pain had disappeared and the bonus was that my skin looked and felt so smooth and I seemed to have new energy. I became an instant believer in the positive effects of HA and I can't thank earth clinic enough for all the info they allow to flow through. And I also would like to take this opportunity to thank Alfred for his original post about HA. I went to Whole Food to buy the brand he mentioned but they did not have it. Instead, I was led to Source Natural and was told that it was equally good. Since then, I'm on my second bottle (I take two a day, one in the AM and one in the PM) and along with a teaspoon of turmeric mixed with raw honey, black pepper and coconut oil washed down with a glass of warm water first thing in the morning, my knees have given me no trouble at all. Like you, I too have become a convert to green smoothies ( I try to have a green smoothie at least for one meal every day) and the difference is amazing: I have tons of energy, sleep like a log, and best of all, I have begun to lose weight!

General Feedback
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/21/2010

Lisa Congratulations. . No more joint pain after 5 years. . You now take 300mg per day. 3. . 50mg tabs per meal ( two meals). . I am very happy for you. . Just one thing when you talked about $15.00 price with Source Natural that was for a 15 day supply (not 30 day supply) Continue your climb for better health. My best. . Alfred

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 07/21/2010

Hi Lee, I am happy to update! First off, I would like to say that this morning, after 2 days back on the Hyaluronic Joint Complex, I woke up completely able to walk without any catching in my hips! It feels miraculous. Especially after 5 years of pain. . . I am not sure what kind of effects you are after but that was exactly what I have been in search of. My diet change took care of many things but did not make any difference in my hip challenges. So, in light of this, I would have to say this formula is the answer over the Skin Eternal formula that this company offers, though they both have the same amount of HA in them. Two tablets have 100mg of HA, 600mg of Type II collagen, 750mg of glucosamine, 600mg of chondroitin and 400mg of MSM. It works for me! For myself, I have found that 3 tablets with my lunch and 3 with dinner work. I am going to stay with this for a couple of days and then cut back and see if my results remain the same. As for the size, the joint complex are large but I wrote how I take them in my last post which poses no problem for me. I think also that it is important to always remember the principle of uniqueness! This formula really works for me and I really gave the other one a fair shake- 4 bottles. I remember too that Deirdre had a negative reaction with the other one due to what she believes was from the inositol. This formula does not include that. For those who are sensitive to that, this may be the answer. We all have to find what works for our unique body. I hope this info helps Lee. If you have any other questions, I would be happy to answer them. Lisa

General Feedback
Posted by Lee (New York) on 07/21/2010

Hi Lisa, I'm about to finish my supply of the "preferred" brand of HA and was delighted to read your update. Could you let me know how many milligrams you take each day (of the new brand)? Also, are the pills any larger than the ones that Alfred recommended? I feel that the HA is helping with general stiffness but have not noticed the other effects. Perhaps I need to take a larger dose. Thanks so much. I hope you are enjoying your summer. Lee

General Feedback
Posted by Pr (Houston, Texas) on 07/20/2010

Thanks Lisa, for your reply. It was helpful.

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 07/20/2010

Hi PR and Kay, To answer your questions: The Source Natural pills are two different sizes. The joint complex pills are quite large although I didn't give it much thought until you posed that question. The way I have always taken pills though makes it easy I think. Since you usually have to take supplements with food, I chew a mouthful of food well and then when I'm ready to swallow, I put in a pill and it goes right down with the food. At any rate, that works for me. Now, the Skin Eternal formula of theirs- the pills are considerably smaller. Both have the same amount of hyaluronic acid in them but the Joint complex has considerably more ingredients. The reason I bought the skin formula was because I knew this company made a superior product since I had excellent results with the Joint complex and they also had an equal amount of HA. I bought them but as soon as I found the Joint complex again I grabbed them. I also noticed that the Joint complex sells out fast! So, obviously others notice their effectiveness.

As for my results that I notice, my skin is very soft and supple, my joints feel lubricated, wrinkles are almost non-existent on my neck and face. And at 53, that's a bonus! That being said, I have to honestly say that a lot of that may be due to my diet changes which are lots of raw veggies and a green smoothie daily. The biggest reason I wanted to try the HA though was to feel a difference in my hip joints because that has been an on-going search for several years at this point. After reading Ted's explanation about HA and what it does for the body I tried Alfred's HA recommendation. Definitely noticed a difference immediately but after the initial change, didn't notice anything more. Also, they were quite expensive. THEN, I tried this company's Joint complex and Wow! Big difference. Just what I have been searching for! It really is nice to be out of pain. Hope this info helps. Lisa

General Feedback
Posted by Pr (Houston, Texas) on 07/20/2010

Hi Lisa, I am following your results with the hyaluronic acid and am glad to hear another brand not as expensive is working just as well. My question is can you up date on any new developments or if not any can you please restate how hyaluronic acid has been helping you. Thanks so much.

General Feedback
Posted by Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 07/20/2010


In checking on-line to try and find the Source Naturals brand that you recommended, I found that most people complained of the size of the pills. Some said that they returned them and a few said they just couldn't take them. Of those that could get them down, they seemed pretty happy with the results. What's your feeling on the size of the pills?

Thanks, Kay

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 07/19/2010

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to write about hyaluronic acid. I know that Alfred had a specific recommendation of which I ordered online and went through 4 bottles. When I ran out I was on holiday so I went to the health food store and found another brand and thought I'd give it a try. Well, it was fantastic! I had really good results with it and might venture to say even better than the recommended one. The brand I found is Source Naturals and the product is called Hyaluronic Joint Complex (with Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM). In addition it has collagen. Then, when I went to find it again, I could not! So, I decided to give another a try. This time it was the same company, Source Naturals but instead it was their Skin Eternal Hyaluronic Acid and still it worked quite well. The first one though was better for my needs which is hip pain. Now, the bonus- the first one was only $15 and the second I found on sale for $10! That's way less than Alfred's recommended. Here's to health, Lisa

Multiple Cures
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/15/2010

Good Day Jacki, Ultimate H. A. Is the best one. To start with, double the dose for a few days. Then take 4 pills per day. They will help you at a tender age of 60. Stay well. Alfred

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jacki (Portland, Or) on 07/14/2010

Hi Alfred, I am so impressed with your results that I ordered the Ultimate HA formula then I saw that you started with Hylastin. Which vitamins are you taking and which do you feel is overall better for someone close to 60?

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/08/2010

Judy.. You sound like one sweet person.. Only 69.. Just a kid.. BUT with the HA wrinkle stuff u can buy in the store.. It will dissolve your wrinkles (I call them hinges.) from smiling too much.. But seriously.. New stuff out in the market, that will get rid of those hinges. When you say 55.. In Thailand 5 means HA. If 555.. It would be HA HA HA. Now you know Thai.

I know you will contact Ted.. Please give him complete description of what is happening to your system (not Just HA stuff) but everything.. YOU WILL be amazed How he can clear your challenges UP.

Stay well...
I Care,

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/08/2010

Sara.. You live in a Great Country.. Canada. I spent some time in Edmonton..

I guess I was not clear I take 100mg of HA..= 3 pills.. When I take 3 pills from pp it = 100mg.. I am now taking 4 pills = 133mg.. You can take up to 300mg per day according to the book.. "How to live to 100 without growing old" meaning you will be 100yrs old but Not look 100yrs old.. But my opinion. I think smaller doses would be better absorbed.. Like 50mg per time x 4 or 5 or 6.. Get absorbed better... I worry about Health food store pills.. My daughter is 58, knew the people, she said they know their business.. Took pills for 3 weeks nothing happened.. I asked her to give it the water test.. The pill did not dissolve.. If you trust the people.. Buy small quantities.

I think as far as the hair thing.. My hair is growing where it was. On my head and arms. No new places.. Please do not worry about that. Rome was not built in a Day.. You will not look younger overnight.. But the HA stuff is good. Has a list of GOOD things it will do for you.. Health worth more than money.. Take one day at a time.. Life will be good to you

I Care,

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Judy (Denver, Co, Usa) on 07/07/2010

Alfred, Thanks for answering. Yes it was PP, if we're talking about the same PP. All I can say is it was in capsule form, ad was on the radio, one bottle free and two more charged. I did not do water test. I think I did three total a day. I did whatever the directions said for two days each time. I forgot to add in original post, I'm very sensitive. When I was tested for allergies many years ago I was allergic to 40 percent. I'm sure hundreds of people could take this without a problem, otherwise I'd have sent form to the FDA. I seldom have a problem with nutrients and when I do it's very minor. I think I got caught up in their talk about how it helps get rid of wrinkles or I'd have left it alone after the first try. Serves me right to be that vain. I'm 69. Can't expect to look 55. Would be nice though.
I will contact Ted. Thank you.

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 07/07/2010

Alfred, I would like to start taking HA, my health food store carries one at 150mg. Is this too much? You said you take 100mg three times a day. Should I take 150mg twice a day. And for a much sillier question- Will I grow a bunch of hair in places I don't want-face and arms. Thanks, Tina

General Feedback
Posted by Peter (Chicago, Il) on 07/06/2010

To Bill from San Fernando, Luzon

I have been taking's Ted's Hyaluronic Acid formula for the disk & back problem on empty stomach (3 times a day), he also recommends taking magnesium citrate on empty stomach also, can I take both of them at the same time ?

Thanks Bill for your advice.

EC: Peter is referring to Ted's reply regarding Hyaluronic Acid in the below thread:


04/18/2010: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Hyaluronic acid, yes I buy them from purebulk. The only particular brand I like is not the brand itself but for those formulations used for horses, which is proven to work. Hyaluronic acid is way better then the popular Glucosamine sulfate. It is a miracle supplement against back pain caused by degenerative spinal column.

My formula that works is as follows: 500 mg of Hyaluronic acid powder (sodium hyaluronate) plus 9 grams of sea salt in 500 cc of water. Store in refrigerator when not in used. The formula advocated by the (purebulk) will not work as it degrades Hyaluronic acid since vitamin C will obviously degrade them. They do get more stable if EDTA is added in small amounts as free metal irons tend to degrade them. The dose is about 8 caps three times a day empty stomach. It takes about 2 weeks to completely remove all back pain and the joint affected area in extremities may take a little longer. I have a couple of cases with severe spinal degeneration of cartilage and gets fully restored upon taking of HA. What the HA does is very simple. It is a major component of synovial fluid - spinal fluids. It is also found in your skull that acts as a shock absorber. So if the movie Rocky got decomissioned from boxing, the HA will restore the brain concussion and helps boxers against brain damage as HA will act as shock absorber between the brain and the skull..."  continued


Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/06/2010

Judy, I am stunned what is happening to you. We are born with a lot of HA in our system. As we get older we lose much of it. Your side effects are many. Did you overdose on the HA? How many mm was the pill? I know pill not from PP. Their stuff is well balanced. That's the only thing I can figure. Did you give the pill the water test? How long did it take pill to dissolve? If longer than 20 min the pill was old. Judy, please send note to Ted. He is an amazing person. He will figure it out.

I Care,

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Judy (Denver, Colorado, Usa) on 07/05/2010

I tried HA Joint Formula. Seldom have I had anything so devestating happen that is going on now. I took it two days and my ankles ached and swelled. I was taking something else new so I quit both. The swelling went down so I tried the HA alone. Same thing happened. I quit and swelling went down again. What possessed me to try it a third time, I'll never know, but I did. Ankles ached and swelled, I quit, but this time the swelling didn't go away. It got worse. My legs swelled and then my belly swelled. In three days I looked like I was 6 months pregnant and felt like I was carrying around a 20 lb watermelon and was hard as a rock. Then I developed a rash that was lumps in rows and felt like ropes. These were skin colored. Three days later I noticed I had a teet like bump (like teets on a dog or cat) and next day I had two more. A few days later I had deep red smooth rash where the skin was clear. I used ACV and that red went away in a day. All this from navel down. ACV helped get rid of the bumps somewhat but what is left feels hard. I got psoriasis on my elbow. I wake up in the morning with matter in the corners of my eyes and crust on lids and eyes are bloodshot. Eyewash helps, but eating sage on bread helps the most.

When my legs started getting badly swollen, I was ready to do anything. I quit taking every nutrient and stopped eating and drank nothing but water, a little juice, green tea and cup of coffee. It took two days for the swelling to go down enough to get compression socks on. The belly softened up but is still swollen. I have water pills but I'm allergic to them. They make my ankles swell and blood pressure go up. I'm taking black radish and parsley and now the leg swelling goes down at night, but I haven't seen my ankle bones in months. The swelling gets worse after I get up and after awhile have a hard time walking because of the pressure, and have no stength to get up a step.

This has been going on since mid-March. Before I took HA I felt great, had lost a little weight and had bought a polka CD and danced around to get exercise. I'm not one to go to doctors. Every time I go to one I end up worse off. Now I'm wishing I had. (at least an allergist) I think it's too late for an allergist now.

We have an annual health fair and you can get a pretty comprehensive blood test. (35 things checked) I've been going over 35 years and seldom have anything out of whack. This year - 7 things and 3 more one point over or under baseline. 2 tests point to heart, liver or kidneys. My cholesterol is perfect. Uric acid is high but I don't have arthritic pains or gout.

My blood pressure is/was high. I take L-arginine and hawthorn and ACV for that and most times it's close, or is normal. Six years ago I went to a doc that put me on BP med that raised by blood sugar and almost put me in a wheel chair because of back, hip and leg pain. Now I'm diabetic and as for BP, drugist says they've about run out of options.

My son takes medicinal marijuana for back pain. A friend of his gave me some salve for the rash his wife had and didn't use up. That seems to be helping and a side effect is, it lowers my blood sugar. It's always high in the morning even when I took medication. I do my best to keep it under control with nutrients, herbs and diet. I had it under perfect control with diet only before I was given the BP med that raised it. It's high in the morning but with this marijuana salve it's lower (normal) than I've seen in years. It got rid of the psoriasis on my elbow. I only got 1/2 gram. I'm not a marijuna person. Wouldn't smoke it, but I'm ready to find a dr that will prescribe the salve.

This HA has something in it made from olives that's supposed to "trigger" the HA and make it absorb better and faster. Boy, does it ever. This belly weight is not like fat and not like water bloat. I do a little dry brushing to get the lymph moving. I have a dutch door and I lean on that and sort of walk in place and do mild squats for exercise. Muscle tone in belly is gone.

Does anyone have any ideas? Sorry this post is so long.

Degenerative Disc Disease
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/04/2010

Val... I agree the pills Hylastin from PP are Big.. But Big and powerful IF you can Swallow them.. I had trouble swallowing them but I finished the bottle by dipping the pill in Honey.. then it went down easier. Then I switched to Ultimate H.A. I take 4 pills a day now.. my hair on my going crazy..People keep looking at me.. Top and back top of my head.. Not a hair. Now a handful.. in black.. Maybe your husband can try the Honey thing.. the other thing if you have Dentures.. take my dentures out.. easier for me to swallow pill....My joints no pain, skin getting younger, barnicles of aging slowly moving on

Take it easy.. try the pill in honey..your husband needs the pills more than you do.

I Care

Multiple Cures
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/04/2010

Hell Hope.. We must give H>A> time.. It will do mircles. With its putty.. re-pair your old and tired joints..which will work like new.. go back to running and sports. Takes care of the barnicles of aging, better eyes, better skin. List goes on & on. Thanks for your note.

I Care,

Multiple Cures
Posted by Juli (Toledo, Oh) on 07/02/2010

Hello, I have a question for Alfred concerning HA. I read from one of your earlier posts that you switched from U Ha to the hylastin HA and then I think you switched back to U HA recently. I'm interested in starting HA for sore joints, and I wondered about the difference you experienced. I took a collagen powder product last year and experienced nightmares and extreme dizziness, so I am very wary. Thank you so much for your time~Juli(49)

Degenerative Disc Disease
Posted by Val (Tampa, Florida) on 07/01/2010

Thank you for asking, Alfred! He can't take them because the capsules (Hylastin) are too large. Lord, they are monsters!

I started taking them 3 days ago though and will definitely let you know if I see any difference in my fine lines, dry skin, vision (oh, to not need reading glasses), gray hair or stiff neck and shoulders. We also just bought a new mattress so that will probably help with the stiff joints.


Multiple Cures
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, California) on 07/01/2010

Wow-Alfred - What Grand news! Big congratulations and well, just W-O-W!!! I have been using the product you recommended and have been feeling quite wonderful - a bit of detox from time to time due to my experimentation with other great stuff but, today woke up after 2 nights of lack of sleep to feeling quite excellent, self-empowered, and filled with joy, energy and creativity! I think you are most certainly on to something :-D
Wishing you the very best -

Multiple Cures
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/01/2010

On the way to the Forum, stopped and got massage at my favored place.. have not been there for 3 weeks.
The massage was great, relaxing, rewarding,, all that good stuff. When the massage gal got me sitting up and start working on my head she stopped. She did not believe ALL THAT NEW BLACK HAIR.. TAKING OVER THE WHITE..too many questions to answer.. I saw the black hair coming in my bald spot from the front.. But the back of my head invaded with black hair... i do not get to the back often.. but thanks to HA.. Wow I will give it one year..Rome was not built in a Day.. my bald spot filled in, all my hair black..With what HA is doing with the skin, barnacles of aging disappearing instead of 83.. Could I pass for 68 yrs young.. we will see.. only must wait for one year. thanks for your time.. Earth Clinic good people.
I Care

Degenerative Disc Disease
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/25/2010

Val..is the new HA helping your husband?

I care

Multiple Ailments Cured
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/25/2010

Been quiet on the Home front.. Not too much about HA.. Its keeping my joints limber, mustache in two month will be completly black, cuts and scratches heel very fast with no scars..barnicles of aging disappearing slowly..

I care

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Gail (Wheelers Hill, Victoria Ausstralia) on 06/22/2010

Thank you Catherine for your feedback, I did manage to locate a supply in Australia where I am getting pure powdered H. A. which makes 5 ltrs, lasting me about 4-5 weeks as Iam initally taking about 150ml a day to build up but the difference it is making in my mobility is very noticable, I have had no adverse reactions at all, I will however have to look into another supply soon as it is way too expensive to buy this way on a pension. I see the product you are getting is only 10% HA , how many tablets are u taking per day?

Cheers, Gail

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Gail (Wheelers Hill, Victoria Ausstralia) on 06/22/2010

Thank you Catherine for your feedback, I did manage to locate a supply in australia where Iam getting pure powdered H A which makes 5 ltrs, lasting me about 4-5 weeks as Iam initally taking about 150ml a day to build up but the difference it is making in my mobility is very noticable, I have had no adverse reactions at all, I will however have to look into another supply soon as it is way too expensive to buy this way on a pension. I see the product you are getting is only 10% HA , how many tablets are u taking per day?

Cheers, Gail

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 06/20/2010

Reply to Gail, Hi if you search the web for "healthyonline" you will get the worldwine natural health pharmacy website. In NZ I purchase from their link www.healthy.co.nz

There are two products both supplying 100mg hyaluronic acid..one with MSM and one without. They also contain Hydrolized Collagen Type2 600mg, and Chondroitin Sulphate 200mg.

These are the only HA supplements I can buy here and I have to say I have been getting gradual improvement in joint pain and stiffness. Also I got my daughter to try this last week and in four days she has had significant improvement in pain and stiffness..she said she usually had to roll off the side of the bed onto her hands and knees in the morning to be able to stand up and she noticed yesterday (day 5) that she got up and went into the kitchen before she realised she had got out of bed normally with no pain..(we are taking the supplement with MSM) Best of luck.

Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/14/2010

Carly, Thanks for your suggestion.. that I stopped too fast taking the HA.. Should have been gradual...I do not know what my hurry is.. Moses lived 900 years, I am just a kid, No rush.. I have time. Thanks for the suggestion. Well taken.

I care

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thai) on 06/12/2010

Lee, I did not answer your questions properly.. My being tired has nothing to do with side effects of HA..But When Deirdre had a tired reaction, I was looking for an easy way out. Wishful thinking. Playing long shot. My being tired started when I left California, moved to Thailand and retired.. worked ever since I was 13..Mind does not stop working, planning, its still active.The tireness came from boredom, nothing to do, take it easy.. That not my cup of tea..Soo instead of sitting around I help people and am starting a new business and teaching other people to do the same.. my life is getting back together.. I am keeping it busy.

By me stopping taking the HA for one week, its amazing. I now have pain here and there.. Knees hurting bad. But in a week they will be new again.Please do not worry about the HA.. Only good will happen to you as you go into the future taking HA

I Care

General Feedback
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thai) on 06/13/2010

This Book I read when I am sitting on the John.

"How to Live 100 years Without Growing Old"..Back cover. What HA does. Holds water in the body,..acts as a lubricant in the heart valves..,Is the spongy shock absorber at the end of the bones..,holds most of the moisture in the skin.., makes up 80% of the human eye,.. provides a barrier against the spread of infection.. helps to erase fine facial aging lines and wrinkles.(plastic surgery in a bottle)...can produce scarless wound healing...has antioxidant properties....detoxifies the body...provides form and shape to the body...

author of this book Bill Sardi..Please Please.. do not push your bodies. we only have one body.. be good to it.. All these changes can not happen overnight (Rome Was not built In A Day) Take a normal,or a little more than normal supply of the HA..

Do not shock your system.. get a good quality HA.. do not waist you money on JUNK pills
I Care

Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 06/11/2010

Hi Alfred -

I am glad to hear you are feeling better. I always enjoy reading your posts here on Earth Clinic.

I had a thought concerning the HA and how when you went off it for a week you felt bad. I wonder if it is like the reaction people have sometimes when they stop taking high doses of vitamin C abruptly? Maybe if a person stops taking HA they should taper down slowly?

Sorry if you already addressed this idea. I did not see your first post, and am joining this in the middle.

Just wanted to throw that thought out there.

Best to You,

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, Ca) on 06/11/2010

Hi Alfred -

Sooo happy you figured out what you needed! Here is to exercise - bodies were built to move and they love it!

For the record, I started off with a lower quality brand HA several weeks ago and did not see too much improvement. I started the Ultimate HA about a week ago, in addition to oil pulling with sesame oil, and I feel Fabulous!! Much less aching of muscles and joints, sleep like a baby, skin improving, and mind is clear and joyous! It could be HA or OP, but I sense that it is both and what a FINE combination!

Keep well, Sweet Alfred!

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/11/2010

It's been one week.. stopped Taking P. Ultimate HA..I thought easy solution.. Just stop taking Ultimate.. Got idea because Deirdre got bad reaction.. I thought maybe that was why I was tired during the day.

NOT TRUE..NOT TRUE.. In fact after giving up P. U.HA. am hurting.. my knees, both knees hurt, My being tired has NOTHING TO DO WITH the HA.. Its lack of exercise. My age must have something to do with it...I have a very good Vitamin from the same company that my wife was using. Perfect multi Super Greens. I took for 2 days now..

Amazing how good I am feeling. when my wife complains ,she does not feel good.. she is only 49 yrs old. I ask her. Did you take your vitamin.?. She always say.. I forgot. so with the vitamin and exercise.. My energy I know will return.

Thanks for your caring.

Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/11/2010

After one week without HA.. my body started to fall apart. In about 4 days my knees started to hurt.. I have no reaction to HA..

I got to get off My a-- and do more exercise..I eat a lot of vegtables.. I grow my own purslane and aloe vera.. never knew you could eat aloe vera.. a little bitter BUT very healthy.. Just wash it, scrape the little ruff spots off the edge.. do not peel.cut in thin slices. eat the whole thing.. tell u one thing, it gets that poop out of you..every day like clock work.

That HA is good stuff Lee. Thanks for checking In.
I care

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Lee (New York, Usa) on 06/10/2010

I'm confused. Alfred, have you been feeling exhausted all during your use of ha, or did it just start? So many of us have been reading your posts with enthusiasm and I, for one, ordered the brand that you are using. So far, I'm feeling fine but am concerned about the potential exhaustion. Could you clarify when this started happening to you? Thank you for all of your insights. Lee

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/08/2010

Good day Bev from sunny California,

My reading on HA tells me 300mg a day max.. But Ted uses liquid to heal a specific area.. When he says caps .. each cap about 25mg so 8 caps = 200 and 12 caps = 300 same.. I never figured it out. But Ted can give you a better answer.. Ted is one Amazing person..NO doctors will tell you what Ted tells you. He does a lot of research.. But he is one busy guy.

I Care

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Bev (Long Beach, Ca) on 06/07/2010

I don't have any side effects but what would you consider mega doses? I take 3 per day (Alfred's brand)AM, Afternoon PM and PM.

Joint Pain
Posted by Tina (Princeton, N J) on 06/07/2010

Hi All,

I have been using HA for three weeks now. My brand is from Source Naturals and has 100 mg of HA. It also has BioCell collagen, Type II collagen, and Chondroitin Sulfate. I take two tablets every day, morning and night.

I had been nursing a sore knee for two weeks prior to taking HA (result of trying too many new classes at the gym!) and was hoping the HA would help with the lingering pain. Within a week, I could run up and down the stairs as before, without a twinge. I also found that my pores were shrinking, and my face looked and felt smoother. I did have some sleepless nights initially until I figured out that it must be the L-carnitine, which I had also begun taking at the same time. I reduced my dosage of that to one TBSP a day and now I sleep soundly. Till date, I have had no unusual dreams that I can remember any way. For now, I plan to continuing taking HA because I love the results. Thanks EC for having this great forum where one can learn so much to improve one's life.


Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 06/06/2010

I may have figured out the ingredient causing extreme fatigue in the Ultimate H.A. formula: inositol.

Inositol side effects include:

skin rash
can induce contractions in pregnant women
causes a deficiency of magnesium and potassium

Mega doses - hamper the absorption of iron, calcium and zinc.
Mega doses - can cause kidney diseases like kidney stones, etc.

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects
Posted by Val (Tampa, Florida) on 06/06/2010

The one we are taking has:
BioCell Collagen II® 1000 mg

Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II 600 mg

Chondroitin Sulfate 200 mg

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) 100 mg

Other Ingredients: Kosher gelatin (capsule), rice powder, and magnesium stearate

The one that should arrive Tuesday is Hylastin from PP and has:

Purity's HylastinTM is our next generation H.A. formula designed to dynamically support healthy, supple skin with 100 mg of Hyaluronic Acid per serving, plus other powerful ingredients to supercharge your skin and joints, including super concentrated Ultra-Pure Omega-3 Fish Oil, Pomegranate P40pTM Extract, 5-Loxin®, Folic Acid, Borage Oil, IP-6, and Vitamins E, C and B12.

I really hope this one is better as this is not a great time for us to be wasting money, but if it helps his joint pain it will be worth it. By the way, the one we have been taking hasn't helped us in any way at all.


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