(Davao, Philippines)
orange juice has a capacity to expel mucus but when the body system is weak enough to expel so the patient may suffer the healing crisis which the patient believes a negative but in reality it is a positive healing. So Fulvic role is to help the juice get more effective and the body to handle the healing crisis. so the patient in general will get ease.
Broad Benefits
I even tried about a half-dozen fulvic acid products including several of those commonly mentioned on this forum, but saw zero improvement. Several of those products were extracted from the humate deposit in northwestern New Mexico in the USA which is touted as being the “best" fulvic source in the world. However, when it was tested for fulvic content it was actually quite low.
Despite my past experiences, I decided to try yet another fulvic product in 2015 even though I did not have very high expectations. The company selling it claimed their fulvic product was superior from competing products for two important reasons. First, the source of the unique leonardite shale comes from a rare deposit which is one of only two in the world. It is located in a remote and pristine environment and the shale is uncontaminated with a high concentration and quality of fulvic.
Second, the extraction is done using a patented, non-chemical process. Most fulvic is extracted using chemicals or a simple water extraction, but both methods yield very low fulvic content despite marketing claims to the contrary.
After just six weeks from the time I began adding this ultra-concentrated fulvic product to my daily regimen and taking it internally (at the amount recommended on the label), my skin condition was totally healed. I could hardly believe my eyes because it was not 90 or 95 percent gone, it was as though I had never had this skin condition. This proved to me that not all fulvic products are equal.
In addition, my allergy symptoms were significantly reduced. And my wife, who is a marathon runner, experienced much greater performance and endurance, plus her menstrual cramping and severe sinus pressure disappeared after she began consuming this same fulvic product.
Another person who had a life-changing experience was a client of my wife who has epilepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome. Within weeks after starting this particular fulvic, all of the multiple smaller seizures she had daily—that her anti-seizure medication does not help with—ceased, and her chronic fatigue symptoms were reversed. She was no longer a recluse and literally had a new lease on life.
Several months later, she ran out of this fulvic product and purchased a different brand, thinking it would produce the same therapeutic effect. However, the symptoms soon returned and she became bedridden again. Once she got more of this particular fulvic, her symptoms abated. Now she never wants to be without it ever again because of the remarkable difference it has made.
And neither do I. I have no doubt that this phenomenal dietary supplement will enhance anyone's wellbeing by supporting the body's innate ability to regenerate and guard against sickness, disease and premature aging. It even helps plants and animals to thrive as well.
I truly hope my story will inspire others who have been searching for a natural solution to their long-standing health issues to never give up because the answer is available to those who believe and search for it. Blessings!
I am so glad to hear that you are well and have recovered. I am suffering from what I think is chronic fatigue. Please will you share the name and brand of the fulvic mineral product you used to restore your health. I would really appreciate this as I am absolutely at breaking point.
Thank you,
Did you ever get a reply about the fulvic acid source from Proud Tulsan (Tulsa, Ok, Usa) on 01/17/2018? Was trying to decide if it was worth the effort to also ask him for his source.
Would you please tell me the brand you used? I'm at my witts end looking. Ty💛
I firmly believe the original poster is using the supremefulvic brand. The description on how its extracted and source is similar to the faq section of the site.
I am using the same brand as well and it provided "immediate" relief to my reflux and eventually curing it.
It's how I knew mine is just not placebo.
I am continuing using it to see if there are other benefits
Hi Regina, I use Optimally Organic Fulvic Acid. I have had no problems with it and actually think it is helping me. It turns the distilled water golden color. I use 1-3 drops 2 X day in a qt. mason jar of water.
Hope that is helpful.
Hi, our family has used Optimally Organic Fulvic Ionic Minerals for 12 years, from little kids to Grandma, and we have all stayed well and thrive. 80 year old grandma is healthy as can be and our kids are little geniuses. Wish I had this when I was growing up. Can't say enough about it. Kids take the X100, the wife X200 because she is very sensitive and it gives her too much energy and the rest of us (adults) take the X350. IMPORTANT - what the fulvic acid source is and how it has been extracted. I know Optimally Organic uses a protected ancient plant humic shale. Its the cleanest starting material there is. Only they can use it because it has to be specially extracted. They invented a water only extraction method and patented it. Everyone else is using coal, peat or leonardite, which in itself isn't awful, but its not in the universe of the Optimally Organic source. What IS bad though is how they are forced to extract the fulvic and humic acids out. It requires chemical extraction, usually potassium hydroxide which is toxic to the body and pushes water out of the body causing dehydration and they can't remove it from their final products because once you introduce it, it binds to the fulvic acid molecule.
So in my humble opinion there is no 'better' fulvic acid than Optimally Organic. I have done serious research over the last decade and spoken to numerous doctors who use it in their daily practice. I am VERY careful and prayerful about what I put in the mouth of my kids and entire family. I would try their lower concentration like the X100 if you are sensitive or potentially heavy metal toxic. Remember it chelates heavy metals from the body. So for example if you have mercury tooth fillings, mercury has unfortunately been leaching into your bloodstream little by little since you got them. Fulvic acid will start getting that out of your body and the process can be brutal per several doctors. Just go SLOW and maybe even just 1 drop of X100 once a week. Then slowly increase from there. If you get a rough reaction, slow back down and take a few days off. Detoxing isn't easy for everyone BUT its the best possible thing you can ever do for your long term health. Good luck everybody, hope it helps you the way its helped us.
Broad Benefits
Mind you, this was a HUMIC substance, and it was completely black. When you would add it to your water, it would mushroom-cloud (like chlorophyl does) and turn it completely black. This is a product that is no longer being made, so perhaps I will have permission to list the brand? It was by Dr. Lamar's products, they stopped making it over 2 years ago.
Alot of people talk alot about how great fulvic acid is, and it really is good, but fulvates are derivatives of humates, and in my experience, humic supplements are vastly superior. I NEVER responded like that to ANY one supplement I had ever taken in my life, and I've been popping supplements and cures for almost 30 years!
Humic substances are not given the fanfare that they rightfully deserve (at least not outside the gardening community). Instead most companies produce fulvic substances. I highly reccommend trying a black water HUMIC supplement, and it should indeed change your water black, not brown or gold like the fulvates do. There are several companies that produce a true HUMIC product, just do a bit of Scroogling and you should find them. Some of them offer fulvic AND humic acids in seperate bottles. This is a great idea. Feel free to write me with any thoughts, questions or comments! Needless to say I am a bonafide believer in the black water humics!
(Wpb, Fl)
JD Can you email me directly some of the companies contact info for a good humic acid source ? Thanks JP
(Salina, Ks)
Please tell me where you get the humic acid, and the dosage you take. I tried to do a search but it is very difficult and confusing. Thank you.
(Grand Rapids, Mi)
I have been using a product called fulvia which is a combination of fulvic acid and resveratrol and it had done a wonders for me.
Broad Benefits
I heard about fulvic acid speeding the recovery of many ailments, tendonitis included, so I thought I would give it a go, I had nothing to loose, and my left arm was now practically useless. I had trouble getting dressed, couldn't raise my arm even high enough to shave, couldn't even put my hand on my hips, it just dangled there. I am happy to report that it is now nearly recovered, and I am shocked how far it has come in such a short amount of time. I can now do anything with it that I need to without noticing any pain. I still need to rebuild strength in it for lack of use all these months, but that should come in time. The only time I do feel a slight twinge of pain is when I reach back to undo my bra, but I feel even that is only slight, and in a short amount of time I will not feel that anymore either.
Other pluses about taking fulvic acid was that my left eyebrow grew back in. For years I've had a bald spot about 1/4 inch on my left eyebrow, that I just penciled in, I have hair there now, blows my mind. My eyelashes are longer too. I have so much hair on my head, that I can't tell if it is fuller or not (sorry), this would be worth a shot for those who have thinning hair and could afford to test fulvic acid for this condition, might take longer than 3 months to test though. Toe nail fungus is gone. Although I didn't have it very bad, just a little on 2 toes on my right foot, but it is gone now. Three black heads I have on my face, the smallest one is gone, and the 2 larger ones are much smaller now. All these little pluses tell me I am healing from the inside out.
Other supplements I took on a daily bases with weekends off (I always rest my body of any supplements on weekends). These I took before tendonitis.
1.)Greens drink )My multi vitamin/mineral.)
2.)Vitamin E (to keep from having hot flashes)
3.)Cod liver oil (twice a week)
4.)Magnesium oil
5.)Vitamin D3 (twice a week)
6.)Extra virgin coconut oil
When I got the tendonitis, I still took all the above, but took some additional sups as well, all fresh herbs I cap myself. All for inflamation and pain reasons.
1.)Turmeric with fresh grated black pepper
2.)Ginger root powder
3.)Yucca root powder.
Now this is the part you are going to hate, because I can't tell if one is better than the other, but I took 2 different kinds of fulvic acid. In the morning mixed in my greens drink, I took the fulvic acid minerals 300X strength 12 drops from optimally organic. In the evening I took one ounce in 8 ounces of water of the Wu Jin San Fulvic acid from Bioag.
The fulvic acid from Optimally Organic was bitter that's why I hid the taste in my greens drink, but the Wu Jin San has no taste at all, so I could take that in water.
Just a few more things I want to add before I close is the amount of energy I had. It did not seem to matter if I had 2 hours sleep or 9 hours sleep, I always had the energy to make it through the day. I also found myself happier, laughing so much more, I just feel better all way around. I still get my monthly, and it has been steady for these 3 months. Exactly 31 days cycle, like I did when I was young. This past year and a half, my period became irregular, sometimes it would come every 3 weeks, sometimes I would miss a month, never knew when it would hit, but these 3 months have been right on Q. I hope I covered everything, and was clear enough for everyone. Writing is not my best feature, Peace, Rena.
P.S. BTW 49 year old female
Broad Benefits
Buying Guide to Humic and Fulvic Acid
I decided to write a small buying guide for fulvic and humic acid due to the fact that the information is spread all over the place and can be very confusing so will try to condense the info in one post. It makes it a very time consuming subject to truly research. When you're sick, it becomes an obstacle. This doesn't answer all the questions but it will hopefully be a short cut to getting up to speed and starting your journey into using humus for health. I am not an expert, so please do your own due diligence.
I will connote Fulvic Acid as FA and Humic acid as HA.
Here are the key considerations in buying FA/HA:
1) Labeling
2) Heavy metals
3) Strength, Quantity and Cost
4) Other
The labeling is definitely one of the biggest barriers to comparing products. Some tests measure the gross amount of HA and FA while others can give separate figures for both which the International Humic Substance Society promotes. Many refuse to label due to lack of an agreed upon standard. I do think this is a cop out.
Some labeling may be effected by the state law in a few states. I think most people want to know the proportion of HA and FA in a product.
"There is a lack of universal standards for measuring and labeling so consumer has another barrier to overcome. Numbers quoted by products may be like comparing apples to oranges."
"No matter what method is used the fact remains that until a single test is made standard and used by all registration agencies the confusion will continue through the marketplace. "
Heavy Metals
Any formulation which contains minerals could possibly have heavy metals. Since HA/FA gives the body the ability to absorb nutrients including minerals, heavy metals is a concern especially of one intends to take it for the long term. There are reports of high amount of lead, aluminum, mercury and arsenic in some brands.
FA/HA should not be taken in raw or unprocessed form since it may contain fungus growth.
I have found that the well known brands tend to minimize or remove the toxic metals. I can't vouch for the testing labs they use. The problem with so many products is that you have to dig for even this info. If your calculating the amount from numbers you need to know the amount of heavy metal in a daily serving.
Here is a contrarian view of the heavy metal issue.
I think most people will opt to not go there because it is the more unknown and they need more effort to do due diligence. I haven't come across any beneficial types of aluminum but I haven't researched the subject enough to confirm that.
It isn't whether it has aluminum or lead in it that matters but the daily amount you would consume. In a few brands I found that have aluminum, they keep it to 1/10th the average daily amount that a person gets in their food. One of those brands was a purified fertilizer brand.
Strength, Quantity and Cost
Cost is a product of strength and quantity.
The current labeling issues I discussed above makes it very difficult to clearly compare brands.
For liquid concentrated solutions, there is a good write up here
but another brand will say
Again I think claiming "no universal standard" is a cop out. They could use the IHSS anointed test and give some type of info. They could use other tests, specify which test they used. I think they have to make some type of effort to give some data even if not perfect.
There are liquid, powder and extracts. There are varying degrees of humid and fulvic. I am still in my infancy in understanding this myself but I will leave you to decide. Maybe someone can chime in with another perspective on this issue.
Some people may want to formulate their own mixture so flecibility may be important. Obtaining more pure humus may be the way they want to go. Ted has advocated a 70/30 fulvic/humic blend ratio.
When To Take
As far as when you take it, it depends if your taking medications and what you are eating. If you know the food your eating is very healthy meaning it has minimal contaminants - such as pesticides, chemicals, not organic etc. - then taking the fulvic acid with meals should be very beneficial. Otherwise probably take it 1/2 hour before eating or 2 hours after eating. If using medications, take 2 hours apart.
One major caveat is - Do not use with chlorinated water. Filtered water should be ok. Chlorine interacts with it in a negative way.
Filtered water should be ok. Chlorine interacts with it in a negative way.
I don't endorse any product but just point out the more well known ones out there. Shilajit Shilajit is used in Ayurvedic medicine. Reported to contain at least 85 minerals in ionic form, as well as triterpenes, humic acid and fulvic acid. Shilajit should not be taken in raw or unprocessed form since it may contain fungus growth. Not all Shilajit is created equal due to heavy metals and contaminants.
Life Extension uses Primavie brand in it's formulations. This seems to be at least one of the gold standard brand for purity. It is used in research studies. WuJinSan WuJinSan is a purified fulvic Acid without the minerals. This in essence is the active ingredient. This should be one of the cleanest products.
Garden store variety HA/FA The advantage of Garden store variety is low cost. The supposed disadvantage is heavy metals. Ted advocates this.
In such a blend, Ted recommends adding a tspn or two of ACV or ordinary vinegar to the HA/FA mixture, thus acidifying the mixture, which will therefore act to precipitate out and remove the Humic acid component, leaving just the more useful and beneficial Fulvic acid in solution. Humifulvate Humet-R This is peat derived humate is more dominated by humic acid. It wasn't easy to find heavy metal content but in long pdf paper buried deeply, I concluded it was low. TeraVita SP-90 Humic Acid 100% Soluble Powder is 90% or more humic acid. This is advertised as fertilizer. It says it has 1% aluminum but doing the calculation based on daily dose of 1 oz, it is very low amount. The reason why one may want to use this is because humic acid won't be absorbed by body but stay in the colon.
You also have products by companies in referenced links above.
Some Addition info
I have seen it repeated that Fulvic acid is derived from Humic Acid. That is incorrect. Fulvic Acid is derived from Humus as seen below. It is a portion of the Humus Substances.
Organic soil matter (decaying non living matter) -> Humus (Substances) Humus is well rotted and will unlikely break down further. A humus layer can be 40 million years old. A rule of thumb about the quality: the older the better.
- Humus Substances -> Humic Acids (soluble at high ph) (Yellow)
- Humus Substances -> Fulvic Acids (soluble at any PH) (Black)
- Humus Substances -> Humin (insoluble at any PH)(Black)
- Humic & Fulvic acids contents of various materials Natural Sources Humic Acids % Fulvic Acids % Leonardite/Humate 40 85 Black Peat 10 40 Sapropel Peat 10 20 Brown Coal 10 30
Fulvic Acid is generally considered the active ingredient. This does not mean that humic acid us not an active ingredient also. Fulvic acid mainly transports particles, while humic acid mainly binds particles. They both have useful medicinal functions.
Humic acid is thought to support the removal of heavy metals from the body by acting as a chelator. It may be possible for the body to accumulate metals within the stomach, and chelators are thought to help remove these metals from the stomach by latching on the metals within the stomach and supporting their removal from the body.
(Faithville, Us)
I would like to now where I can buy Fulvic Acid? I am worry to buy the wrong product and wich is the dose for cancer?
(New Mexico)
The most important issue seems to be left out here. The way the acids are extracted is of paramount importance. Bio ag and others are still using Acid precipitation to extract fulvic acid and in the process they are combining the naturally occurring organic minerals with an acid rendering them sulfates or nitrates or the signature of which ever acid used. Non-precipitated products are the only ones that are safe for human consumption.
Chronic Skin Condition
Then in September of 2015 I tried a new fulvic acids product, taking only one-quarter ounce per day. And a little over a month later (before I finished the second bottle), the skin on my hands had been completely healed without any trace of the chronic condition I had suffered with for so many years! I was SO elated! Since I wasn't sure whether the fulvic acids product I was taking was responsible for this result, I did not reorder it after finishing the second bottle just to see what would happen. After several weeks had passed, the symptoms began to return so I placed another order for two more bottles.
Again, the condition totally cleared up after about a month later. Then after finishing the fourth bottle, I decided not to reorder immediately just to see if the condition would return. Several weeks later, the symptoms began to return again. But shortly after taking the fulvic acids product again, the symptoms completely subsided. This proved to me that the fulvic acids product was solely responsible for clearing up this condition and as long as I am on this product, my hands look perfectly healthy. I had previously tried at least four other brands of fulvic acids—including the one that claims to be a 350X concentrate—but NO improvement was ever seen with my dreadful condition. I don't know whether this product worked by detoxifying my body or strengthening my immunity, but however it was accomplished I am just grateful to God that I found this life-changing “miracle in a bottle”. Hopefully, my story will be an inspiration to others. Thank you.
Hi Paul,
Could you post the name of the supplement you took with the fuvic acid? I see a couple with the word "miracle" in the description and would like to try what you used without wasting time and money to locate it.
If regular pasteurized milk is used to make milk kefir (as advised), do you think the bacteria formed in the kefir will kill the bad bacteria in the milk that comes from most cows, as you have posted, or should I use ultra pasteurized instead? Or is milk kefir even safe to drink?
Thank you.
Hi and thanks for your reply. The fulvic acids product I used that actually worked isn't any of those brands mentioned on this forum. I did include a link to the fulvic acids product that helped me in my original posting, but it did not get posted. If you want to contact me directly at pjsmith2011 at mail dot com, I will let you know.
Regarding using pasteurized milk to make kefir, I would personally not recommend it. Raw cow milk is hard for humans to digest since it was designed to support the growth of baby cattle. And when it is subjected to high heat through pasteurization, the proteins become denatured and the body recognizes them as a toxin rather than a nourishing food. There is a reason dairy products are among the most common dietary allergens.
I would suggest using raw goat milk for making kefir if you can find it since goat milk is much more digestible than cow milk.
However, the company that sells the fulvic acids product I use also has an excellent probiotic product that is made from fermented organic and non-GMO foods rather than fecal matter as some probiotics are made from. It does not require any refrigeration either.
Hope this helps and I wish you success in your wellness journey.
(Naples Italy.)
Thank you for sharing your story/ Can you please tell what product exactly you are using? I have ordered the 350×concentrate... So that didn't do anything? Thanks! Maria
Hi, Maria! If you will contact me at the email address above, I will tell you which fulvic acids product was the only one that produced the desired results I was seeking. As far as the 350X concentrate brand that you referred to, it didn't do anything for me. Thanks!
Could you tell me the best Fulvic Acids to use, and where to get it. Thanks, Sandy
Pretty please email me the name of the fulvic humic acid you used that outperformed optimally organic. Ty💛infinite blessings
I know it has been a long time since you posted, if you are still receiving these posts, can you send me the information on the brand of fulvic acid that you used?
(Cerritos, Ca, USA)
I would truly appreciate it if someone can email me privately to let me know where to obtain fulvic acid/humic acid? Thank you so much
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa)
Hi George450 from Cerritos, Ca.
I am currently taking fulvic acid. Like you, I had no guidance in which one is the best to take. I am only on week 2, way to soon to report anything. I am planning on reporting after 3 months use.
My health complaint at this time is bursitis in my left shoulder, which runs all the way down past my left elbow. For some reason I have very weak tendons. About 7 years ago, I had tennis elbow in my right arm, and it took about 5 years for it to completely recover. I am trying to speed up the progress using fulvic acid, because like most health issues I know it is due to some kind of deficiency.
I am a long time Earth Clinic reader, a big fan of this site. I will report my results, good or bad, but only in due time, unless of course the ailment recovers before hand. Peace, Rena.
(Ogallala, Ne, United States)
Rena, If you're still involved with this process I'd love to hear from you and the direction things have gone for you with Fulvic Acid. I was curious about your using Bioag's Wujinsan vs. Optimally Organics products and what your results were. Also is it a problem that the Wujinsan comes in a plastic bottle? Any and all information you might have to share if greatly appreciated, I'm just embarking on the dirt eating/drinking pathway! Thanks! Caswelldoug(at)
Fulvic Acid Fertilizer
My problem is that I do not know how to mix it. My seller in china speaks broken english and his mixing instructions seem waaaaay too strong.
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa)
Hi Erin From Auburn,
Can you pull up a website from the company you bought it from, or a phone number you can call and ask? Different companies may have different dilution ratios, it best to contact them if you can. Peace, Rena.
(Nanning, Guangxi,china)
Hi, Erin From Auburn, generally speaking dilution ratio of fulvic acid powder to water is 1:400-1:800.We are fulvic acid manufacturer in China. If you need any information of fulvic acid, please do not hesitate to contact me. my company: Tian Yuan Shun Feng Tech. Co., Ltd.
my e-mail: [email protected]
HI, we are a manufacturer of fulvic acid. Our fulvic acid can be supplied with 80%, so sorry the highest not 75%. And if you have any qyestions about this products, welcome to connect with us by carol(at)x-humate(doc)com
(Portland, Or)
I was looking for fulvic acid and I was so fortunate I found a place in Oregon that sold it I ordered it and it was swiftly delivered to my door This fulvic acid that I ordered is for human consumption and the cost was about one hundred dollars and it was worth it the container was like a gallon or something and last forever.
(Dublin, Ireland)
Question: Does anyone know of specific research that describes the effect of Humic and Fulvic acids on the skin please?
(Cherry, Il)
Fulvic Acid does not have a standard for measuring the concentration by chemical testing. The standard is to judge the concentration by comparing the color (colormetric) to a chart, When your color matches up with the chart then you have a relative idea of the concentration. I have been involved with the agricultural side of the 12 molecules that make up the humic or humate complex. I buy a concentrate that is almost black in color that is sold to me as a 3% by weight solution. There is a specific molecular weight to the Fulvic molecule and this is the way I buy material for cropping uses. I can tell you that if the liquid you buy is golden that it has already been cut by probably close to 100:1. Most times I see a product offered that has been cut 150:1 and is more the color of iced tea in the north. At this rate we would use a quart to the acre for growing crops. For human consumption, you can make your own determinations. Thanks for all your contributions, it helps find out what actually does work.
Fulvic Acid Side Effects

Fulvic Acid Side Effects

(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)
Hi John, Your reaction is interesting because fulvic acid is known to be a powerful detoxifier of herbicides, pesticides and other poisons including radioactive elements. Your reaction could actually have been one of rapid detoxification if any of these were in your system. Not sure how much you took but, maybe back off and slowly introduce it. I personally, take shilajit daily from an excellent source. Hope this information helps you. Lisa
(Midvale, Ut)

I had the same reaction to it when I took the dose they say to take, I quit it for a while then started back up with only 1 drop a day for a few days then started upping it and it works amazingly.

I just started on Fulvic Acid. Purchased on Amazon, Optimally Organic brand 350x concentration. Recommended 4-7 drops 3 times a day, 1 drop diluted in 2oz water. Started 1-3 drops 1-2 times a day. The very second day I experienced more energy, and completed 1.5hr walk instead of normal 0.5 hr. I walk inside my apartment and very slow. Next 2-3 days were uneventful. Following night I suddenly started feeling as if I was coming down with flu, aches all over, pain in my guts, chills. Next morning I was feeling run down, but my guts were sort of OK, just lots of trips to the bathroom, it seemed that I was unloading lots of waste, I did not know I had.I eat very healthy and organic, so my elimination was always regular. By evening I had slight fever, but it was my guts that went crazy as if I had food poisoning-crumps, severe diarrhea, nausea. I don't know what to make out of this, but my guess it is xerx reaction.Unless I got food poisoning all of a sudden. No Fulvic acid today, the diarrhea persists, mostly mucus. Take 1 drop of each essential oil 3 times a day, peppermint, ginger, cardamom, carrot seed and oregano. Take internally in water. Have not slept in 3 days. Will post more later as my experience progresses. My health issues - POTS (dysautonomia), sever dizziness, severe insomnia.
Today was the first day my digestive symptoms subsided, so I took one drop midday. The dizziness kept me in bed all day yesterday and is not going away today. Took meclizine twice. The night before I had another episode of vertigo, terrifying, but not as violent as 3 months ago. I am taking Fulvic Acid to see if it will have any effect on my dysautonomia, dizziness, vertigo and insomnia. I have tried everything else under the sun and that includes mind body therapies of all kinds.

6/26 update. I gradually increased FA to 2 drops x 3 times a day and this morning took 3 drops. Had no issues until today.
I have fever again, 100.4, severe low back pain and what it feels like cyctitis. My urine is clear though, just burning sensation when pee and the low back pain is really bad. Have chills all over. Bode aches. Never had cystitis before.
Applied essential oils to my back, heat pad and took "no-spa" , drotaverine is another name. It is very safe for spasms, it is given to pregnant women in Eastern Europe. Not sold in the USA, but you may find it in the Easter European shops (in the US).
I want to mention that in the last 5-7 years I had fever only once when I got flu/cold. And it was the first time I had flu/cold in 5-7 years. So getting fever twice in the same month after I started on FA might have something to do with FA effect on my body. Good or bad, will see.

I'm commenting on Siri from NYC post here as I also had a reaction similar to theirs. I also used the same company 350x Fulvic Acid. Was only using a drop and then up to 3 a day, however it wiped me out, headaches, fatigue, wakefulness, and general stomach achiness. I wasn't nauseous, and it seemed to constipate me. I also thought perhaps I had food poisoning. I mistakenly started it at the same time I was taking a strengthening herb mix, as well as a green formula and liver formula ( Exsula), so it;s hard to tell what might have caused it. Stomach still not right 3 days later. Slowly getting better. Will attempt to introduce slowly after symptoms subside.
(New Jersey)
How come there are no answers to these questions. I would like to know about optimally organics also. I am taking it.
Hello there Siri NYC,
I was wondering if the Fulvic Acid did you any good when all was said and done. Was that just a detox you were going through? Did you keep or discontinue this supplement?
I have been trying the Fulvic Acid out about a week. I now hope to improve blood circulation. I did one drop once a day for about 3 days, then I moved up to two drops, now I am on 3 drops once a day. I am doing well so far. I do believe I am thinking much clearer. That all I can say for right now.
Let me also add that the fulvic acid, also caused me to remember my dreams even when I took only one drop a day. I hope this is a clue that it is helping my blood circulation.
Fulvic Acid Tips
Fulvic Acid Tips
VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT MIX HUMIC OR FULVIC ACID WITH TAP WATER OR ANYTHING THAT IS OR HAS BEEN CHLORINATED. Humic and fulvic acids are naturally present in soild, water, and air. But they are REMOVED from municipal water. I think this is to prevent the formation of hexane.
(San Francisco, Ca)
Hi Al, Some additional data on why not to mix Chlorine with Humic or Fulvic Acids:
Here is an article which explains why in detail:
FROM: cancer fighting.htm
"Fulvic Acid Minerals Information
Cancer fighting nutrients become deadly when combined with chlorinated tap water
Some of nature's most valuable and essential anti-cancer and anti-disease phytochemical nutrients which are commonly found in food have been discovered to form deadly cancer causing substances when consumed or combined with chlorinated tap water. This discovery includes familiar foods including soy, fruits, vegetables, tea, many health products, and even some vitamins. Research has proven that these essential nutrients are the exact same families of compounds, that even in infinitesimal amounts have been tormenting the water treatment and chlorine industries for years.
Recently, a joint study was undertaken in Japan by research scientists at the National Institute of Health Sciences and Shizuoka Prefectural University. They determined that natural organic substances originating from foods, including fruits, soy, and green or black tea, react when tap water is chlorinated, forming dangerous cancer causing compounds. These deadly compounds have been named MX, which stands for "unknown mutagen", and are similar to the already well-known and more easily detected cancer causing THMs (trihalomethanes).
The Japanese scientists specifically mentioned that their studies showed that MX is created by the reaction of chlorine with natural organic plant phytochemicals such as catechins, which are contained in tea, and flavonoids which are found in fruit. Since Japan has an extremely high consumption of tea, fruits, and soy products, it is easy to see how high amounts of residues from these foods would end up in their wastewater treatment and water recycling systems.
Earlier studies by scientists in Finland in 1997 determined that MX is 170 times more deadly than other known toxic byproducts of chlorination, and was shown in laboratory studies to damage the thyroid gland as well as cause cancerous tumors.
THMs are known to be created by the reaction of chlorine with humic and fulvic acids, which are the final breakdown products of vegetation, including decayed leaves and organic matter. Humic substances are the same as soil humus, of which the fulvic fraction is water soluble and readily transported into streams and waterways, as well as utilized nutritionally by plants.
Very recent scientific discoveries have identified and clarified the composition of fulvic and humic acids as containing a significant amount of nutritional phytochemical groups including hormones, sterols, fatty acids, polyphenols, and ketones, which subgroups include but are not limited to: flavins, flavonoids, flavones, tannins, catechins, quinones, isoflavones, tocopherols, etc.
These compounds are some of the most valuable and promising anti-cancer nutrients found in our foods and health supplements. Coenzyme Q10 is a quinone, vitamin B-2 is a flavin, vitamin E is a tocopherol, citrus bioflavonoids including hesperidin, quercetin, and rutin are all flavonoids, green tea contains catechins, phenols, tannins, and isoflavones. Potentially all of these substances, and many more, are implicated by chlorination.
Amazingly, is has been discovered that these phytochemicals remain intact, concentrated, and intricately combined within humic substances; which are valuable remnants of nature's protective substances contained within fruits, flowers, pollen, nuts and seeds, as well as vegetative parts including roots, stems, bark, and leaves. Even the plant nucleic acids, RNA and DNA remain intact.
To comply with EPA rulings, water treatment plants have had to develop special techniques to scrub the seemingly dubious organic residues from water prior to treatment with chlorine. There is nothing wrong with the organic substances themselves, it is chlorine that is at fault for turning them into the deadly THM and MX cancer cocktail. Reality is that the organic substances have been shown to be highly beneficial combined with pure drinking water in trace amounts.
The bottom line is this: when water treatment facilities remove these substances, they are throwing the precious baby out with the bath water, and the remnants that remain are turned into cancer causing agents by chlorination. To make things worse, it is certain that the fresh plant foods we eat similarly react with the chlorinated tap water we drink with our meals, creating toxins. This means that fresh fruits and vegetables, green salads, green tea, black tea, herb teas, soy products, vitamin pills and various health supplements, and even some pharmaceutical drugs, all can be implicated in combination with chlorinated water.
The deadly cancer causing agents which are produced are extremely toxic in infinitesimal amounts, so small and obscure that they are extremely difficult to detect. Very little chlorine is required. When the concentrations of phytochemicals are high, such as in concentrated health supplements, or even fruits and vegetables coming from more fertile soils, the deadly combination with chlorination intensifies.
It has been known by the water treatment and chemical industries for many years that chlorine reacts negatively with natural organic compounds. These industries call these compounds DBPs (disinfection by-products) which are known to cause cancer in populations whose drinking water contains them. THM, the most commonly known DBP, is known to cause a high incidence of bladder cancer and also to cause spontaneous abortion of fetuses.
The Environmental Protection Agency has continually tightened their restrictions on THMs in drinking water, and even tighter restrictions are just around the bend. Yet it is interesting to note that the many government agencies and chlorine industries have conveniently neglected to take a serious look at food, health supplement, and pharmaceutical drug consumption, preparation, and production relating to use of chlorinated tap water.
There is good reason for the public to seriously examine and question this entire issue. Many years ago laws were passed making chlorination of water mandatory. Now, the chlorine industry and government agencies must continue their existing policies, because if sudden or drastic changes are made, the legal liabilities would be staggering. Certainly some government or industry personnel have known or theorized about these problems and have been covering them up for many years. However, if anyone were to admit to it, the consequences could be disastrous. This predicament could make the tobacco industry scandal seem insignificant in comparison.
Another area needing thorough scrutiny relates to pharmaceutical drug safety studies normally performed on animals in the laboratory. It would be reasonable to surmise that good laboratory practices and procedures would require that such studies be performed using highly purified drinking water for animals. It would be reasonable to believe that drug companies would not take the chance of jeopardizing clinical studies using chlorinated tap water. Of course chlorinated tap water is a common denominator within the human environment. Educating people to the dangers of chlorine would be admitting to knowledge of the problem, which could invalidate past studies and certainly raise serious legal problems.
This whole chlorine issue should come as no real surprise to any biochemist. During the last century, chlorine has been combined with many other normally safe organic substances to form some of the most powerful deadly toxins known, such as dioxin, DDT, PCBs, etc. The bottom line is that the real culprit is chlorine, not the substances with which it reacts.
Although chlorine has essentially eliminated the risks of waterborne diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera and dysentery, there are many pathogens that are not controlled by chlorine. Other and better methods of water treatment exist. Many alternatives are already used throughout the world. Ever tightening EPA regulations have forced the water supply industry in the USA to look into alternative methods for disinfecting water.
For years, environmentalists have battled the water treatment industry and large chemical companies in an effort to ban the use of chlorine in drinking water. This ongoing battle has been a big source of revenue for both sides. As word of the problem spreads to the general public, something might actually be done about it.
As this message spreads, it will no doubt shake the very foundations of the chlorine and water treatment industries, let alone the government agencies that are implicated along with them. There certainly should be cause for serious alarm within the nutritional supplement and food industries, as well as those segments of the medical industry that might awaken to the dilemma.
This message is of utmost importance to the general public, because chlorine will one day, in the near future, be exposed as a major cause and contributor to cancer and degenerative disease. Chlorine will also be found to be responsible for damaging the body's immune and hormonal systems by mutating the food-based plant estrogens and phytochemicals that support those systems. A healthy immune system should be your first and best line of defense against waterborne disease.
Recer, P; Water chlorine byproduct may be cancer risk; June 18, 1997; Associated Press
Christman, RF; Kronberg, K; Singh, R; Ball, LM; Johnson, DJ; Report 259: Identification of Mutagenic By-products from Aquatic Humic Chlorination; North Carolina State University
Rhomberg, L Ph. D. ; Risk In Perspective: Are Chemicals In the Environment Disrupting Hormonal Control Of Growth and Development? April 1, 1996; Harvard Center for Risk Analysis
Japanese data related to MX and the Shizuoka Prefectural University has been extracted from various abstracts published by the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the National Institute of Health (NIH).
Plant phytochemicals and nutrient groups can be determined from information within the Organic Chemical Tables; Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society."
Fulvic Acid Tips
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General Feedback
(Pen Argyl, Pa)
Never use fulvic acid in anything but glass or metal containers. Don't even drink it out of a plastic cup. It is a powerful chelator and will start to break down anything but glass or metal which upon drinking you will take into your body. Do not take with chlorinated water because of chemical reactions creating harmful by products. Do not take in dairy such as milk because it's an acid and it will curdle the milk.
(El Monte)
Can fulvic acids be mixed with lemon juice?
I would like to hear where this information that fulvic acid should not be in contact with plastic originate? Have you read it from other vendors site or is there some proof for that claim? I am asking this because have read a controversial statement from here. I don't know which is correct so would like to know if you have some evidence that plastic is not a good option.