Fulvic Acid Benefits: Boost Health Naturally

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/14/2013

Hi Lauren... I use humic/fulvic acid on a weekly basis. I also just buy it from the garden center as granules or powder because its way cheaper than buying the organic or edible "standardized" forms.

To make the drink I just add a small amount of Humic Acid to water so that the water has a light brown see-through appearance(not black). I also always add a small amount of sodium bicarbonate to make the water alkaline. Then I just add a few drops of lugols iodine or a few drops of 10% sodium thiosulphate to remove any heavy metals and bad halogens and then just drink it like that.

Humic acid is just 75 million year old plant humus that has been broken down by enzymes and has also had high thermodynamic pressure applied to it because it is found compacted in rock strata.

Humic Acid makes body metabolism much more efficient, it is a wonderful detoxer of poisons and also has strong anti-viral action.

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/14/2013

Hi Loren... Humic acid is acid soluble whereas fulvic acid is not. It is really the fulvic acid that is most useful for the body. Humic acid is also useful for plants because the HA component can absorb many times its own weight in water -- and this is useful for plants needing water. Not so essential in humans because we have our own water regulation mechanisms. Fulvic acid is the one that has all the beneficial properties.

So, to just get only the fulvic acid component, Ted also recommends adding a tspn or two of ACV or ordinary vinegar to the HA/FA mixture, thus acidifying the mixture, which will therefore act to precipitate out and remove the Humic acid component, leaving just the more useful and beneficial Fulvic acid in solution.

General Feedback
Posted by Dave (Friend, Ne) on 03/22/2009

Fulvic acid fertilizer: Contrary to what some believe, I have been using humic/fulvic acids in my fertilizer program since 1994. I balance the soil with the help of these fine products to help Mother Nature build a healthy soil> Then I have a healthy crop, and Bovines eat it and they become healthy etc.