Posted by Tanya (New Delhi, India) on 04/18/2010

did saline wash for 4-5 times and suddenly the pressure in the ear increased. what to do now?
Saline Rinse
Posted by Jason (Fort Lauderdale, FL) on 06/30/2009

Hi, I tried using coconut oil in my nasal rinse by mixing a 1/8 of a tsp of coconut oil into 16 oz of water mixed with one of those salt & baking soda mixes. I was hoping this would help my with my chronic sinusitis. I do not recommend doing this because now my nasal passages have been even more blocked then before and I am losing sleep over it. Please let me know if there are any suggestions how to counter this unexpected development from the coconut oil? Thanks! Again, do not try mixing coconut oil with your nasal rinse solution. Coconut oil works well on the outside of your body and with food but not in your nose.