Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt for Sinus Infections

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Lecialee (Kingston, Jamaica) on 05/23/2012

This remedy is awesome...... I was tired of my sinuses been blocked and causing my stomach to undergo pressure when breathing so I went on the internet seeking home remedy for this situation and I saw this one which was stunning so I tried it and in a few seconds I was relief of my stuffiness.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Katie (Westport, Ct) on 12/24/2011

Editor's Choice Hydrogen peroxide and sea salt in a neti pot - A big YEA for me!!

This remedy is fantastic and gave me immediate relief! Thank you to all who posted their sinus infection remedies. After trying out a bunch of remedies without much luck, this one cured my sinus infection very quickly. I also took grapefruit seed extract as well and I think that helped as well.

A neti pot (or the plastic kind you find in the pharmacy, which is what I used) filled with:
1 teaspoon of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide (3%)
and warm water

cured my sinus infection in a few hours. I did this twice a day and continue to do it at least once a day for my remaining sinus congestion.

I am grateful I didn't have to resort to antibiotics!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Decolia (Oklahoma City, Ok, USA) on 07/25/2011

I'm currently pregnant so I'm really limited in what I can take medication wise for any colds, allergies or infections. I recently tried the Peroxide, Salt, and saline wash method. So far it's the only thing that's really done much at all to help with my sinus pressure and pain. I am also drinking Apple Cider Vinegar at each meal. I feel that between the two it is really helping and there's nothing in either of these things that will adversely affect my baby. I love home remedies!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Nicole (Dallas, Texas) on 05/23/2011

I have been miserable with a sinus infection for about 8 days and found relief when I tried the Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt steam. I hadn't been able to breathe through my nostrils and I had enough so I google home rememdies for sinus infections and came across this amazing website! I boiled a small pot of water and poured the water into a nice size bowl. I added 2 tbs of sea salt and hydrogen peroxide. I used a towel to cover my head to make sure none of the steam escaped. The first minute of holding my head in the steam I felt movement. My nose started dripping and my left nostril opened. I could breathe! I couldn't handle the steam for more than 10 minutes. I tried the steam again later in the day and my right nostril opened. I was able to breathe! Love love love love love this website!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Sarah (Hill Afb, Utah) on 02/08/2011

Editor's Choice Hi all,
I have had a cold, now sinus infection, for 3 weeks now(mainly in my left sinus passages). I NEVER write comments on sites where I find random remedies for myself/animals/husband/etc. but this site is amazing! I had tried the Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water(yuck! )and didnt really see/feel any immediate results but felt a little difference in my right nostril, I then put my head over a mix of 3 TBS peroxide and 3 TBS salt mixed with enough hot hot hot water to fill the bowl and put a towel over my head and inhaled for 15 mins, my right sinus was completely cleared but my left was still being stubborn. I had been using the AYR saline solution my doc had given and wasnt seeing any results (felt worse actually) so I tried the hydrogen peroxide and sea salt with water mix.... AMAZING!!! My left nostril cleared up almost completely for about 10 mins and then I went back an hour later and did it again, feeling so much better! I went straight to my laptop to write this! I cannot thank you enough, I have to go to work and school full time during the week and do not have time to be sick and get headaches every time I move my head :(.... Let alone do it all with a horrible sinus infection that put me right back into bed every morning for about 3 days. Yes, it does burn a bit, I am a huge sissy so I also teared up a little too, but it is totally worth it. I will be doing this once more in the morning and again tomorrow night and repeat until its gone.

I do have two notes though:

1. I have been on Amoxicillin for 2 days now (no results, felt worse) and I am not discontinuing the antibiotic bcz I do feel as though it will help keep my infection AWAY, but for immediate results, I felt this saline remedy is best.

2. DO NOT BLOW YOUR NOSE TOO HARD!!!! I have witnessed a friend do this and blow out her ear drum and then get an infection in her ear from blowing the infection into it(she was blowing VERY HARD haha). If you have too much sinus pressure/it hurts to blow your nose, only blow it VERY gently and dont put ur finger over the other nostril to just get the boogies out of one side, leave both nostrils completely open.

Thank you again so much for all your responses/advice and for providing such a wonderful site!! I will be back again when the next sickness comes my way!

PS I also am planning on trying the Tomato Spice Tea tomorrow, no tomato juice/V8 at the moment and I will update you as I (hopefully!! ) get better!!

:) Sarah

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Matt (Edison, Nj) on 01/11/2011

I've been using the Sinus Rinse for a while now on the recommendation of a friend who is a pharmacist. I'm a sufferer of chronic sinus infections, and I found that while the rinse itself does a good job of relieving the discomfort of a sinus infection once one set in I almost always had to go to the doctor and get on antibiotics to knock it out.

I found this site and tried the Hydrogen peroxide mixture and it worked wonders! All I did was add 2 capfuls of H2O2 to the regular NeilMed mix of warm water and the saline packet. A little stinging but nothing I couldn't handle. Thanks!!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Ben (Los Angeles, California) on 08/02/2010

All you need is:
It took three days doing this 2-3 times daily to get rid of the sinus infection. I mixed the following in 1 cup of water microwaved at 30 sec (use reverse Osmosis or purified water or boil the water), if boiling the water you must let the water cool to touch. I use RO water and microwave for 30 seconds:

2ml Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 tsp kosher sea salt
1/2 tsp of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Mix well, use low pressure sinus rinse bottle. Start with the nasal passage that you feel has the most sinus pressure (empty 1/3 of the bottle into this passage) then use the rest of the fluid to flush the other nasal passage.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Cheryl (Lynnwood, Wa) on 05/18/2010

I tried this and it worked great. I had a sinus infection for 4 weeks and even was taking antibiotics. Then I saw this post, I have done it twice in one day and feel great! Thanks!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Kellie (Frisco, Tx, Usa) on 03/10/2010

I wanted to give an update. I am now totally sinus infection free! As of 10 days ago I have not had any sign of an infection. I'm working to use less of each of the remedies, but so far, I find I do take everything in the morning with 2 more doses of vinegar throughout the day. I've also found that instead of 2TB ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) 3x's a day, if I mix 3TB in a large glass and sip it all day long I get much better results. I feel great! If I skip a day of ACV, I do notice I start to sniffle and my nose runs a bit. I think the ACV is a great solution and I'll keep using it! Thanks to everyone for the great advice!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Cindy (Cochrane, Wi) on 12/09/2009

i wanted to respond to this posting from several years ago. i just tried it as EVERY other remedy seemed to make congestion of a cold worse. as i write this i have relief and can breath much better.i plan to continue with this remedy. i did also add acv to the mixture. as a side note of my own i accidentally found i got short term relief from having my hands in hot water, would open sinuses.after looking at a reflexology book there are sinus points on each finger, maybe that's why. thank you earth clinic.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Marie (Clawson, Michigan) on 05/21/2009

WOW!!!! Yes it clears your sinus cavities right up. I tried it without the baking soda, not recommended. The burning was strong, I beleive the baking soda stabilizes the vinigar. BUT IT DID WORK RIGHT AWAY!! .... ;o)

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by MBW (Boston, MA) on 04/19/2009

I Just tried this about two hours ago, and immediately the pressure in my face and head got extremely better. My nasal passages, ears and everything else effected became around 80% better. I did it once again about 20 minutes after that and plan to do it before bed, but so far i can breath so much more easily and i'm far more comfortable than i was before i tried it. I suffer from sinus infections far too often for up to two to three weeks. I did this remedy a day or two in and it worked! It does sting/burn but only for up to 10 seconds.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Cathy (Pittsburgh, PA) on 01/26/2008

The H20 Peroxide rinse cleared my sinuses! I can't believe it! Hang your head back, let it drip in..IT BURNS!!!!!! But it is well worth it, believe me! You blow your nose like crazy, sneeze like crazy, then you can breathe, and pressure and pain is SO much better! Thank you so much for this website!!!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Bob (Miami, Florida) on 05/03/2007

I've been flooding my sinuses with Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda and Kosher Salt for over five years. It has totally healed my nasal membranes and I no longer get sinus infections, and I very seldom have to do any type of sinus flooding anymore. My sinuses feel great!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Richie (Newport, NC) on 02/21/2007

Editor's Choice I have been taking pain killers for four(4) months now, have noticed mucus was becoming very thick and amber in color. being a person who pays attention to what comes out of my body, I became alarmed. I do not not like the idea of taking prescriptions, but at the time this was my option. Anyway, long story short; found your site, agree with most of your cures, but I also know that one size does not fit all. I tried most of your sinus remedies, paid attention to what ingredients were working, and found a simple technique to drain sinuses early morning w/little prep work. Turn on hot water, grab coffee cup, put 1 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp H202, small amount of hot water( enough to make paste out of sea salt) take q-tip, dip in solution until saturated, put in nostril , tilt head back and inhale deep. This will make you cry, but your sinuses will drain immediately. I suppose, just based on my own exp. that when taking meds, the binders in the meds that can't or don't get broke down find something else to bind to in your body. For me, it has been my mucus. Which also lends me to believe that the cure is worst then the disease, because we don't know how long these things can stay in our system or what else they are attaching them selves to that can become problematic over the course of your life.

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