Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Sinus Infections Naturally

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 10/20/2008

How ACV helped my sinus infection

I searched the web to find out more about mucus color and how to determine if you have a cold or flu. Then found this site that explained the symptoms of a sinus infection which was what I had. Then read up on a home ready that included ACV. At first I was skeptical then I thought what can I lose, ACV is very inexpensive compared to going to the doctor's office, waiting forever and then only to be told to let it clear up naturally! I chose to drink 8oz of water mixed with 2 TBSP of ACV and immediately I can feel it working. You can feel the congestion breaking free from you head and your ears this is great stuff. The first day I drank 3 cups of the mixture and already my voice sounds clearer and I feel less stuffed up. I will continue to drink the mixture to see how long it takes to completely clear. I would and already have recommeded the ACV mixture to co-workers! It's aweseome!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Avery (Great Falls, Montana) on 08/19/2008

First off, I'm a HUGE skeptic with natural remedies. After two rounds of expensive antibiotics I was still having yellow/green drainage and my entire face was so painful, I couldn't lay my cheek against the pillow. I broke down and cried trying to figure out how I was going to come up with more money for another antibiotic.

Instead I decided to do a search and found all of the comments about ACV. I sent my husband to pick up a bottle of it for me because I was so sick I couldn't move. I really didn't have faith that it was going to do anything but with the pain I was in, I was desperate to try. Once he got home, I immediately took in 2 tablespoons in pure water. Within an hour I began draining more little stuff out, and as the hours pass, I kid you not that really bad pain I was in started to decrease in my forehead and cheeks. Even that pain and grinding ache above my teeth was dissipating. Another thing that surprised me was, I felt a little better all over my body. Those aches in my neck and every where had lessoned.
Four hours later, I intuitively poured out 1/4 cup to 12 oz of pure water and drank that down. About 5 hours later, the pain had really significantly decreased. I could talk and smile. I can see that the mucous is changing into a more whitish pale yellow instead of the bright yellow green. It's drying up a little.

I'm reporting this about 14 hours after the first dose. I'm not sure how I'll be in a few days but I can definitely say my pain is surprisingly ..almost gone and I feel much more like my old self.

This is definitely worth a try if you're out there and suffering like I was. Good luck and Good health to you all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jean (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 08/14/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar has cured my chronic sinus infection.

About 4 years ago a root-canal on an upper back tooth developed an abcess that drained into my sinus. For two years I had a chronic sinus infection on that side and it seemed as though I would never be able to breath through my nose again! Anti-histamines, antibiotics, nasal sprays & saline rinses would knock down the pain and swelling temporarily, but nothing worked permanently until I found this site and started using ACV & baking soda. I used 2 TBS ACV and 1/4 tsp baking soda morning and night in small glasses of fruit juice. Put the ACV in the glass first, then the Baking soda (it will foam up and then subside) then fill with fruit juice.

Almost immediately the sinus started to drain and I can't describe the yucky blod filled mucous that came out at first. Gradually, the discharge became clear and now I feel "normal" for the first time in years. I can even smell the roses again!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by H.T. (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 07/30/2008

I am truly amazed at how effective acv really is. I have been a sufferer of sinus problems for nearly 10 years now. I feel like I have tried everything. Recently, I was down and depressed because I was dealing with another episode for 4 days straight. I could barely make it through the day. And suddenly the light bulb went off...why not search the internet for a home remedy. Well, thank the lord. I am a former caterer so I always have apple cider vineger in my pantry. After reading this site I went down to the kitchen and did a 2 ounce shot. I figured if I could do tequila this would be a cakewalk. In less than an hour I felt relief. I actually slept like a baby without the use of a sleep aid. I did another shot in the a.m. and I felt even better as the day went on. Best day I have had in a very long time. I cant wait to share this with friends and family who also suffer. Oh, it always curbed my appetitie all day. I am trying to shed 15 lbs I picked up this past year. And I am sure acv will be a huge help. I'll keep you posted on the progress. Yippee!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindi (Anchorage, United States) on 07/13/2008

I have suffered from sinus infections for more than 20 years. About 1 1/2 years ago, after battling a 2 year infection, I had surgery. The surgery helped for about 4 months, then the pressure and congestion came back. Since the surgery, I use a saline rinse daily to flush out my sinuses and also installed air purifiers in the house. I was doing everything right and I was still having problems. I had constant pain and pressure under my eyes that sinus rinses were not helping. I had a sinus infection last fall and my doc said if I continued to have problems, it was time for another cat scan and more meds (noooooo!!!)

For the past couple of weeks, I could feel an infection starting up. Because of all of infections I have had, my body is now immune to three antibiotics. Not wanting to start down that road again, I searched the internet for natural cures and found this website. I have to admit I was skeptical that ACV could cure my infection, but I was desperate. I figured if it didn't work, I could use it to make salad dressing. Yesterday, I took 3 tablespoons ACV in an 8 oz. glass of warm water at noon. It wasn't the most pleasant tasting stuff, but I chugged it down. Around 8 pm, I put 1/2 teaspoon ACV into 8 oz water and used it as a sinus rinse. Owwww! The right side of my face where the infection is, burned so bad! After I recovered from the rinse, I drank a second dose (and added a little honey for taste) around 8 pm. About an hour later, I was shocked. The pain under my eyes was gone and I could breathe thru my nose!

This morning I drank another dose, and didn't notice any change in the pain in my cheekbones. As a matter of fact, it got worse as the day went on (probably the infection from under my eyes was pooling in my cheekbone area). At 5 pm, I repeated the sinus rinse only using 1/4 teaspoon ACV to 8 oz water. Much more tolerable and it seemed to only burn in the areas I could feel the infection. I pinched my nose and held the solution in as long as I could stand it. I then drank another dose. It is now 2 hours later and I can only feel a slight tenderness in my cheekbones. I am absolutely stunned how fast the ACV worked. At this rate, I should have this infection kicked in another day or two. I haven't felt this good in years. I plan on continuing using the ACV every day as a preventative measure. I can't thank you enough. Everyone's experiences here with ACV is what convinced me to try it. Thanks again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deeva (Atlanta, GA) on 06/19/2008

I have bad allergies and it got to the point where it was causing me to have an ongoing sinus infection. I would wake up every morning with a dry throat and mucus backed up in my throat, having to cough it up every morning. I read on the internet about ACV curing sinus infections so I started taking a tablespoon every night and gradually my sinus infection got better and better and is now gone. I still take, some nights I forget but the nights I do forget I don't wake up the next morning with an infection. Needless to say its effects are long lasting and not just temporary based on usage!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jaimi (Orlando, FL) on 06/06/2008

WOW! I have come to love the wonderful product of ACV. I have had severe allergies and sinus problems since I could walk. Chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsilitis (they have lonce since been removed), rhinitis, etc... I have always taken prescription medication. However I am 8 mos pregnant and have not been able to take anything but over the counter Tylenol products. For the past 3 days I have been down and out with a severe sinus migraine, congestion and pressure. Nothing worked and I am sleep deprived! Adding these symptoms to 8mos of pregnancy spells MISERY for sure. I was desperate so I hopped online and what do you know? I found the same product that cured my husband of his pesky wart will also clear my sinuses. I only wished I found this info sooner! I took 1 tbsp of ACV with 8oz of water and downed. Then I made a mixture and put it in my veggie steamer (ACV is also a great residue cleaner) and sat over it for about 5mins. Everything started to clear up within the hour. I then rinsed with saline solution and I can breathe out of both nostrils! My headache is almost gone and the pressure almost nil! Oh and by the way the ACV steam bath is great for oily skin. I noticed a difference immediately after the face bath. I was then curious to see if this was a known rememdy for acne/skin problems and sure enough it is!!! In fact, Earth Clinic was the first hit.
I am amazed that such a simple, inexpensive product can do so much. Thank you dearly for this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Biloxi, Mississippi) on 05/26/2008

Went to the doctor for a sinus problem and ears beginning to stop up. Of course, he prescribed 10 days of Augmentin, Allegra, Singuliar, etc. Had enough sense not to take the Singuliar and Allegra just makes blood pressure go up. Any antibiotic usually also gives me a yeast thing. That's another story to deal with now. Yesterday mucas started again and ears began to stop up, mucas draining down the throat also makes it sore. After reading this site I started 2 Tbs. of ACV with The Mother yesterday, was all ready taking garlic caps. This morning I awoke and my mucas problem is totally better and ears are popping. I can actually breathe a lot better. I'm really happy and will continue ACV. I also mix 1 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp. baking soda with 2 cups warm water and wash out my nasal passages. Natural is the way to go!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by George (Jamaica, NY) on 05/15/2008

I have had sinus infections for the last 2 years; my ears were always clogged. The sinus infection would come and go. I began taking 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar at night and in the mornings, it appears my sinuses have cleared up.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gaylene (Denver, CO, USA) on 05/11/2008

Thanks for the ACV suggestion - my sinus infection was held at bay and feel great compared to the typical 3 week bout.

A suggestion for those who found ACV didn't work - my wise Chinese acupuncturist gave me 2 bags of a dried compostion that I couldn't imagine describing other than bizarre. It was amazing -great night sleep and minimized the symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (san Pedro, ca) on 05/07/2008

Recently, from something my dr told me & from ur site, which by the way is fantastic, i mixed up a 10% solution of apple cider vinegar & put it in a nasal sprayer bottle & use it like nasal works real nutritionist told me that candida can colonize mucus membranes........what i do is, spray 1 full spray in each nostril, NOT SNIFFING IN...... immediately pinch my nose closed.....hold it for about a minute.......then let go and for about 10 to 15min, sniff the drip very lightly, cause if ur sinus' r inflamed, it can hurt, but u do want to get some of it to the deeper sinus tissue & the back of the throat..........after about 15min u can start clears up the clogged nose, deep mucus and i'm pretty sure it kills the candida, which i am now sure is the cause of mine & my husband' sinus problems.......this solution also works on anyone who has itchy skin........._____s' vinegar seems to me to be less harsh........don't know yet if it works the same or not........i'm thinking it should...i was amazed at how simple & effective this is.......hope this helps those out there who want to find the cause of things & cure them naturally...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Houston, Texas) on 05/05/2008

Here I was plagued with yet another sinus infection. The last one I had settled in my chest and I was sick for two weeks! This one started the same way...I swear this is true. I called my husband he bought lemons, organic ACV and the rest was up to me. I boiled water and steamed over it for 15 minutes in a bowl with 2 table spoons. Then I drank the water, lemon honey mixture and 45 minutes later I can taste, breath and smell 50% better and my ears finaly popped within an hour! I feel so much Better!! WHOOOOOOOOOOHOOO..This is not mind over matter...this worked!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Faedah (Cape Town, South Africa) on 05/04/2008

Hi there, After 8 weeks of sinusitis; 2 episodes of antibiotics, my sinus infection had not cleared. By the 9th week, I contracted an eye infection, had severe upper jaw ache and toothache, had severe nasal congestion which kept me awake at night combined with persistent headaches and lots of green mucus, sore body and I was very listless. I was on various allopathic medication - but nothing helped - and did not even provide relief to my symptoms!! I then came across this website. It was either surgery OR apple cider vinegar.

I then followed the following strict routine because ACV on its own did not work effectively:-
1. 2tbsp ACD in one glass of water - followed by another glass of water. I drank this on average 4 - 5 times per day for the 1st 4 days
2. Used luke warm saline water with a normal syringe to clear my nasal passages. At least 2 - 3 times per day.
3. Inhaled steam in a bowl - couple of eucalyptus oil drops in boiling water and covered my head with a towel. At least 2 - 3 times per day
4. Followed a strict diet of apples, fresh fruit, meat and chicken - no dairy, wheat and sugar
5. Drank lots and lots of water
6. To dry the mucous, I used I used homeopathic meds and took this every 3 - 4 hours
7. Took Panados (pain killers) every 4 - 5 hours to relieve the pain

After 5 days of following the above sinus infection cleared!!!

It has been 5 weeks since I last accessed this website and I can happily report back - that ACV works. When I feel a bit sick, I take the ACV and it really works!! I haven't taken any medicaton since then - which is amazing - given that I was constantly taking nasal drops and medicines etc.

Thank you for this website. It has really proven to be invaluable.

Kind Regards, Faedah

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katie (Chatham, Canada) on 04/15/2008

Amazing, I am not even done sipping a glass of 1tps ACV with water and honey and my sinuses are opening up. The pain is starting to decipate and my nosal cavity doesn't feel like acid is being poured in there. I still have a fever (I'm heading for the aspiren), but I feel soooo much better than I was when I read these articles only 1/2 hour ago. Thanks for the heads up.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Great Falls, Montana) on 03/23/2008

My husband had a sinus infection and took some super strong antibiotics and cold medication, but his sinus infection just came back. He was sick for a month or so when I read about the apple cider vinegar. He tried it and not five minutes later the pressure was completely gone!!