Bromine Link to Cherry Angioma

| Modified on Aug 22, 2020
Remove Excess Bromine
Posted by David (British Columbia, Canada) on 09/10/2013

Cherry Angiomas are caused by BROMINE poisoning.

Bromine is found in:

  • Soft drinks (including Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Sun Drop, Squirt, Fresca and other citrus-flavored sodas), in the form of brominated vegetable oils (BVOs)
  • Bakery goods and some flours often contain a “dough conditioner" called potassium bromate
  • Pesticides (specifically methyl bromide, used mainly on strawberries, predominantly in California)
  • Medications such as Atrovent Inhaler, Atrovent Nasal Spray, Pro-Banthine (for ulcers), and anaesthesia agents
  • Bromine-based hot tub and swimming pool treatments
  • Fire retardants (common one is polybromo diphenyl ethers or PBDEs) used in fabrics, carpets, upholstery, and mattresses
  • Plastics, like those used to make computers

When you ingest or absorb bromine, it displaces iodine, and this iodine deficiency leads to an increased risk for cancer of the breast, thyroid gland, ovary and prostate — cancers that we see at alarmingly high rates today. This phenomenon is significant enough to have been given its own name — the Bromide Dominance Theory.

Aside from its effects on your endocrine glands, bromine is toxic in and of itself. Bromide builds up in your central nervous system and results in many problems. It is a central nervous system depressant and can trigger a number of psychological symptoms such as acute paranoia and other psychotic symptoms.

Please read up on Bromine Poisoning, it can save your life.

Remove Excess Bromine
Posted by Sandy (Silicon Valley, California, Usa) on 06/26/2013

Consider that estrogen-mimicking and endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been implicated in the formation of angiomas. A good detox and some lymphatic-cleanse tea, combined with avoiding soy and other estrogen-mimicking compounds, and BPA and other endocrine disruptors, and you may never have to worry about angiomas again (not to mention a host of other maladies).

Remove Excess Bromine
Posted by Resilience (Cottonwood, Ca) on 08/25/2012

According to Dr Brownstein, Bromine is found in many food items such as bakery products, some sodas, some sports drinks, many prescription items, fire-retardant chemicals added to furniture, carpets, etc. And sprayed on crops as a fumigant.

Remove Excess Bromine
Posted by Dorch (New Braunfels, Tx Comal ) on 08/16/2012

I have had angiomas for over 40 years, and have been watching to see what was making them increase, by what I ate or drank. For me, it was wine, red or white. I think the sodium nitrates in deli meats also encourage them to surface. My angiomas are mostly tiny or small and well spaced on torso and lower legs. I also see they will pop out with the enhancements (vitamins)on cereal boxes. I only eat hot oatmeal now.

I haven't tried any treatments yet, but I believe the ACV may be a good start.

Remove Excess Bromine
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 10/17/2011

I have been searching for solutions for cherry angiomas. Quite awhile ago I posted a suggestion here of treating them with cryotherapy which I had bought to treat warts. It did work but only on very small ones, bigger ones are still there after the frozen skin falls off no it is not really a great remedy. Once in awhile I go to the dermatologist and he lasers them. Although this method makes them disappear it doesn't cure the problem.

In the meanwhile I am in contact with a natural practician in England who called my attention to cherry angiomas and bromine poison. Could this the real cause of cherry angiomas? It sounds plausible.... In any case I do suffer from dry mouth with a metal taste, I had sinuses problems for quite a while (which now are gone), my eyelids occasionally twitch, I have aching hips, etc.

Maybe this helps us find some simple cure while at the same time helping our health because toxicity of any kind is never good! In the meanwhile I am going to the dermatologist one more time because we are moving to Switzerland soon and I prefer to have it done here. Still I will go on trying whatever I can, right now it will probably be Vitamin C and Iodine. I do use Nigari in my bath occasionally but it is too expensive to use too often. Still, maybe I could make a bit of Magensium oil using Nigari and water in order to apply to one or two angiomas and see what happens!

Remove Excess Bromine
Posted by Gene (Seattle, Wa) on 10/06/2010

CHERRY ANGIOMAS are from too much bromine in your system. Bromine overtakes Iodine in your system. Try stop eating breads and see the difference. Use celtic salt in warm water to move the Cherry's. Check your body temp when you wake up... It will be low. Gene