Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Posted by Geegee (Chattanooga ) on 07/23/2018

I also did the four-day turpentine Castrol oil regimen. I was tired, tummy cramps, but by day four I no longer had fuzzy poop, a sign of Candida. I identified seven different kinds of parasites that I expel, yuck!

Posted by Eve (Nv) on 05/01/2018 22 posts

Hi, thanks for your post on Turpentine and the coffee enemas; I'm having pretty good luck with 1/4 tsp of Turp for my parasites and hope I can increase that amount higher soon. I have a blocked Sigmoid colon and the blockage is fairly close to my rectum so the enemas don't work, although when I first started them some parasites were in the near end of my colon and saw those but I have used several rounds of Balck Walnut and its partner and have pretty much cleaned my intestines; I have read that you should not use Black Walnut, etc more than 3 times a year. I was full of the worms that I have gone over that recommended time. When You speak of the worms you feel in your butt I have been awakening many times at night and could hardly close my mouth due to the swelling inside my cheeks of those blasted things and also in the area, your tonsils are located. I would take Oregano oil, diluted and put 1 drop in a Dollar Tree nasal spray bottle and fill it with water to the top of the bottle and irrigate my nasal passages, got quick relief and I also use 3% HP, undiluted and rinse my mouth and gargle with it, that also seems to kill them off if in my throat. What I have noticed in using the Turp first thing in the AM that I am able to cough up a bunch of stuff. I seem to have more problems now with my lungs and sinus/head but hope that the Turp will kill them off. I also use Cloves Bud oil and take 10 drops., undiluted with 3 drops of undiluted Neem oil, that also, I'm told and read, will kill the eggs. I have to be careful of the Cloves because of a Stint I had when suffered a heart attack back in Dec 2014. Hope you have wonderful success with your protocol and appreciate your suggestions.

Posted by Kelly (Ohio) on 04/27/2018

Hi, When I took the turpentine I passed a large roundworm in my stool a couple days later, which was great. started doing coffee enemas, which were recommended by Drn years ago. The black coffee enemas are to clean the buildup from the colon, and are great to help restore health, but when I took the enema, I felt a sudden almost electric shock in my stomach, and a few minutes later I felt a parasite (s) quickly moving around in the flesh of my right butt cheek! I smashed them physically, and have found others in other body locations since then. So I believe the coffee turpentine combo chased these from my intestinal tract and into my body to escape. Your knee and hip pain could be the same. The pain could be caused by parasites that were living in your colon, and they've now moved to a new location to escape the turpentine. If I were you, I'd continue taking the turpentine, and hopefully it will eventually get them.

Posted by Bluebell (France) on 01/16/2018

Am on my second week of turpentine treatment. 4 days on then 2 consecutive days for a few weeks. Am tired, have stomach cramping and acid reflux. But have expelled some pin worms and various others. Still expelling.

Posted by John C. (Charlestown, Indiana) on 11/13/2016

Editor's Choice After many years of pleading with doctors about ongoing dysentery, I looked on youtube for intestinal parasite remedies. The first video referenced turpentine. In my research for a cure, I ask many old timers and immigrants what they used to cure parasites. Coal tar was the response from the Old Folks. I thought they actually meant "coal" tar or oil. I did not know they were referring to turpentine.

I reviewed the video and then proceeded to research further. I headed off to Walmart and bought a can in the paint department, came home, poured 1 teaspoon in some honey and drank it. Not bad tasting. Like a cough drop. The next day massive amount of parasites came out with nasty looking pus sacks around them. The second dose brought out very few and the third dose was clean. This was after 8 weeks of 1 dose of pyrantel pamoate and 1 dose of ivermectin daily. I suffered for years and all I needed was good old fashion turpentine.

I have a colorectal doctors appointment tomorrow, I am taking the can with me along with a water bottle full of the parasites. This will be my 11 visit to this doctor for dysentery.

Posted by Gigi815 (Edison) on 03/09/2015

Editor's Choice I've been taking the gum spirits (1 teaspoon) every other day for four dosages, took 4 days off. Took it again for two dosages, ended up expelling a tapeworm, swiveled and rolled up the size of a golf ball. I just stared at it..not what I expected. My energy level is so much better, lungs feel cleaner. Can't tell me this stuff doesn't work. Sixteen years - 6 doctors told me it was my thyroid, yet none of the thyroid meds did anything for me. They made me feel worse. All the women out there complaining about pain and low energy levels, wonder how many have some sort of parasite?

Posted by Kimberlea H (Cold Country Usa) on 11/16/2014

I heard if you have a very high level of toxicity from parasites or such and you neglect to make sure your bowels are clear to allow the parasites to exit you could temporarily get a black spot from the turpentine cleansing effect. just make sure you are able to expel the parasites and toxins through your bowels. warm water enemas work well for this. Parasites exist with Lyme, Candida, Malaria, Giardia, and many more conditions.

Posted by Patricia (Las Vegas, NV) on 06/25/2014

OMIGOSH. What a miracle this is. Just the fact that this turpentine treatment found me is pretty mind-blowing. I've been struggling with a intense parasite infestation since I lived in Honduras more than 25 years ago. Done and done and done everything I could find.

Appreciate all the instructions and suggestions I found here…as usual, a very informed group.

Day Five: I slept soundly for 8 uninterrupted hours! Woke refreshed. Have had clean energy without caffeine all day. No post lunch nap attack.

Day 3 I got a little over confident since I was doing so well…took a full tsp of turpentine with oj in the morning. Oops. Massive herx.

The next morning I came out of it by taking sodium ascorbate and some IP-6. Have felt great since.

Used molasses and coconut oil for a carrier.

I'll report my progress next week. Amazing turn around in only 5 days. Who knew a 7 buck can of turpentine could restore your health? My Diamond G just arrived in today's mail. Switching to that for internal.

Thanks all very much.