Turmeric Benefits: Health Uses & Anti-Inflammatory Properties

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Annie (California) on 12/05/2015

I do this too and love it! I also add ginger and greens (nice way to get more greens in...you can't taste them with all the spices). If I'm craving something sweet, I'll add frozen mango too.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Deedee (Skowhegan, Maine) on 11/17/2014

We're already using coconut oil in our coffee. So I went one step further-and added a good sprinkle of turmeric, which was barely noticeable. We'll also add it to our scrambled eggs-which I also use coconut oil and black pepper anyways. It can also be added into smoothies/frappes type drinks. There are many ways to get it into the diet all day long without it being distasteful, the other night I added it to our rice. I also have some capsules, but it seems even easier to add it to food than trying to remember to take a pill...

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Man (Sojournor In America) on 01/05/2014

I have been using turmeric in water (pure/distilled with activated carbon post filtration) for a while because I read about the benefits of Turmeric. And today as was cooking up breakfast I considered making a new blend of Turmeric in water, and this time I added one teaspoon of 99.996 DMSO to see what would happen. I took a swig of it and the flavor is different. It seems easier to drink now. The DMSO seems to have countered the pungent-ness, (for a lack of a better word) of the regular drink. And knowing that DMSO is a transport substance, perhaps this Turmeric will benefit me.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 02/21/2012

Another handy way to ingest Turmeric is to put the powder in your mustard or honey-mustard bottle; great on sandwiches and chicken-wings maranade. You can put a huge amount in your mustard without noticing much of a change in the taste. Add black pepper to enhance the healing benefits of Tumeric!

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Sarah (Barcelona, Spain) on 08/03/2011

Tumeric has been used for years and years in India. It is one of the main spicies in cooking. It does, however, have a bitter strange taste when taken on it's own. To treat an inflamation that I have, I am now using tumeric (half teaspoon) in a half a glass of grape juice. So far it's working wonders :) And the taste is disguised completely.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Tina (Sylvania, Ohio, Usa) on 03/25/2011

I have recently been putting powdered turmeric on the front part of my tongue w/ black pepper then washing it down. I couldn't stand it as a drink. Almost no taste doing it this way!

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Sue (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 10/26/2010

Turmeric is amazing. It is very anticancer, antifungal, antibacterial, antivirial, plain and simple it's one of the best things you can add to your diet to improve your health. The best way to take turmeric is to put 1 tsp of turmeric in a glass of water about 1 cup. Add the juice of one lemon, freshly squeezed so that you get the anions from the lemon (very important) as this alkalizes you rapidly. Then add 1 tlbspn of unsulphered Blackstrap molasses which is full of minerals. I sweeten this with the Now brand of stevia extract. This stevia is non imflamatory and is the only one I recommend for this drink as it is safe and non toxic, plus it makes the drink taste much better. One more thing that you should add on the side is kelp. Laminaria digitata is the best kelp to use. This is an amazing drink that will change your life. It will energize you and it will heal you. You can and should drink it for once or twice a day for the rest of your life. Their turmeric is high quality and easy on the budget. Good luck and once you feel the energy from this drink, I hope you recommend it to your family and friends to help their health as well.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Francesca (Hayward, Ca) on 07/28/2010

Briana, Thank you for your recipe! ! I just started taking BSM a couple of days ago and did not know how I was going to continue with it because the taste is so strong it makes me gag. All I could think of when I consumed it was burnt rubber. . . Yuck! I tried your recipe and it was actually pretty good and quite enjoyable. . . Much, much more tolerable than taking it straight. Peace, Love and Health to you!

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Janet (Poynette, Wi, Usa) on 07/21/2010

I have been suffering with pain in my right hip for a few years. It started out being on and off and gradually got be constant. It hurt to get up from a chair, going up and down stairs and just walking. I was developing a limp. Funny though, it actually bothered me less if I was extremely active. I found that turmeric and ginger work like magic. Every morning I have a hot cup of organic green tea to which I add 1 tsp. Virgin coconut oil, 2 tsp. Honey, 1/2 tsp. Turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp. Powdered ginger, a dash of black pepper and about 1/8 tsp. Of cayenne pepper. I read on EARTH CLINIC that those peppers help the efficacy of the spices. It's amazing, I have no pain in my hip. By the way, my daughter cured herself of classic fibromyalgia symptoms by following advice from EARTH CLINIC. This website is invaluable.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Robert (Martinez, Ca) on 02/01/2010

Turmeric needs a good fat to be absorbed in the body.That being said, as a daily preventive protocol I take the following: 2-tsps. turmeric powder with 1/2-1 tsp. of cayenne pepper & mix into 1/2 glass of coconut milk,(not the water). If you cannot tolerate the heat add apple juice or eat an apple after drinking.The cayenne potentizes the turmerics' effect by 400 times.There is an abundance of research data on these items on the net.The coconut milk that I use is 100% & no preservatives, full fat content, purchased from asian markets. There is a new product out in some health food stores that is coconut kefir which is a good idea, however it contains carageenan which is used to stimulate the growth of cancer cells in lab experiments! It is used in many food items as a thickener.This data from a noted neurosurgeon turned nutritionist. By the way, the standard white mushrooms which include the brown crimini & portobello, contain a substance which cannot be removed by cooking, that is used to grow tumors in lab research. This data from a renowned mycologist whose book on fungi is used in some colleges as a textbook, although the cancer reference in not mentioned in the book, the author mentioned this at a seminar & he consequently was threatened for divulging this info.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Nirinjan (Traverse City, Michigan) on 12/30/2009

Golden Milk is great and cheap way to get the turmeric into the body vs. buying pills. You can make the first part, the turmeric paste, in a larger amount and store it in the refrigerator for a weeks supply. Then just add to the milk and oil. We would drink this after doing yoga for 8 hours a day and no joint pain in the morning.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Briana (Chicago, Il) on 11/10/2009

I created the following recipe because I was trying to take several superfoods listed on this site every day and I couldn't stand the taste of the Blackstrap Molasses or the Turmeric. So I drink two cups of Molasses Chai a day:

Start with 8 oz of hot water. Then add one chai tea bag (a tea blend including chai spices). While the tea steeps mix in 1 Tbsp of blackstrap molasses, 1 Tbsp of honey (raw is better), 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 2 dashes of turmeric. At this point stop to stir in the turmeric to dissolve the water soluble portion. Then add some milk (about 1/4 cup). U can substitute soy/rice milk etc. Mix in the milk and remove the tea bag. Add 1 Tbsp of coconut oil (virgin is better) and mix to dissolve turmeric in CO.

Other than looking kind of funny because it will have a yellow tinted layer of oil on the top it will taste fine. Don't forget the vanilla it masks the flavor of the molasses. If it still tastes bad to you then put in less BSM, turmeric, and/or VCO until you get used to the flavor.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Directorabcri (B.g. Nagara, Karrnataka India) on 06/25/2009

You can take turmeric powder Quarter spoon in water on an empty stomach for good absorbtion. it will definitely prevent cancer, cataract, artheritis. malaria any inflanmmation & even snake bite lethality I as a scientist working on turmeric for last25 years can vouch for its excellent biological properties good luck

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Rick (Montreal, Quebec) on 02/11/2009

A friend of mine who was a cancer patient told me his favorite cancer preventative is green tea with tumeric and a pinch of black pepper. He takes one cup a day..I also take this not too tasty concoction. Over time I have gotten used to the taste and somehow, I kind of like the flavor of it now. My body seems to cherish it: when I am travelling I get the urge to make some. Apparently, the combination of the 3 ingredients creates a very powerful synergy.

hope this helps

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Heather (DFS) on 02/15/2007

Ailment: Woke up one morning, my arm was almost limp, it hurt to pick it up, no strength, could not hardly pick up anything, felt like it was swollen inside. Went to doc, he put me on Vioxx, started taking them then heard of all the bad side affects, called a Naturopathic Doc. He told me about several ingredients, including Turmeric, so I went to the health food store and bought REMEDY: Turmeric Special Formula because it had several of the items he mentioned I needed in it. I then made a tea of it, and put local tupelo honey in it drank it every day and in several days my symptoms were totally gone and has never came back, The only thing about taking a capsule and making in into a tea is there are granules left, you can either drink them or strain them, I drank them for a while, then I started straining them (do not boil the turmeric in the water, or you will lose some of it medicinal effects) boil or heat the water first then put the turmeric special formula in it like you would if you were making a cup of tea, add honey to taste, then drink it while it is warm.