Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

General Feedback
Posted by Rev T (Calgary, Canada) on 03/22/2009

Ok, love the sound of this OP, but had a double massive heart attack at 40 and just want to make sure that this is not going to cause artery clogging problems. Does anyone have any medical #'s to be sure that it doesn't cause high colesterol?? Thanks! Looking forward to starting, just don't want to drop dead doing it.

General Feedback
Posted by Ian (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) on 03/23/2009

It doesn't cause an increase in cholesterol because you don't swallow it you only swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes and then spit it out.

General Feedback
Posted by Linda (York County, Maine) on 06/08/2009

Dear Rev T, the oil isn't ingested....once you've "pulled", spit it out into the toilet...take a gulp of water to RINSE with - do it a couple of times, at least, then continue with your morning routine (since I've read OP should be performed first thing in the a.m. on an empty stomach).

Hemp Oil
Posted by Penawan (London, UK) on 03/20/2009


Hi People,

I am a natural remedy freak and am willing to try anything short of urine therapy ;)

I tried pulling with hemp oil the last two days. I had a slight pain in the left throat area, always a sign of oncoming infection, but today it has disappeared. I gargled for 3 - 5 minutes, but the hemp oil still retained its yellow colour when I spat it out, though in increased volume because of the stimulation of saliva. I don't know if I should gargle for a bit more.

I read in your report that microscopic examination of the foamy oil after gargling showed parasite eggs, etc. As the test is apprently done only on the oil by-product, I am not sure if this is scientific. Perhaps a comparison should also be done with gargled out plain water. This is not doubting the potential benefits of oil pulling, but tests must be rigorously done to be doubly sure.

Keep up the good work!

Hemp Oil
Posted by Casey (Chicago, Il) on 01/25/2012


Hemp Oil
Posted by Jones (Miami, Florida) on 01/26/2012

Penawan.... I really hope you aren't gargling any oil you're using because I have read the instructions in the oil pulling section and they clearly say NO gargling! You should be swishing the oil and it must be done for at least 20 minutes. Gargling isn't suggested cause tilting your head back to gargle might cause some of the oil to be swallowed and you REALLY don't want to do that!!

Casey... How do you use the hemp oil for insomnia, pain and anxiety? And what else can it be used for? I haven't read much about hemp oil being used for ailments.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by David (Brooklyn, NY) on 03/18/2009

We can hardly praise your efforts enough. Came to EarthClinic for natural approaches to abcess, and have come away with so much useful information.

Again and again, you are applaused for promoting natural answers in the manner you have.

Used a generous tablespoon of raw virgin coconut oil the first time, then an hour later used extra-virgin olive oil. Four OPs so far since last night, with at least eighty percent reduction in pain, fifty to sixty percent reduction in swelling. I confess I've slipped a few drops of clove oil onto the gum area, which virtually erases the pain, but only for a half-hour or so. The oil-pulling is so surprising. Fast, simple, inexpensive.

Bless every one of you a million times. Looking forwarding to incorporating links to your site into my many sites. So MANY great stories. Thanks to you all.

Castor Oil
Posted by Dianna (Austin, TX) on 03/18/2009

it seems like i read somewhere about someone using castor oil for oil pulling. i don't think it would hurt you. if it did anything 'bad' i think it might just make you have to have a bowel movement. i might try it myself in the morning. usually i use VCO. if you try it please post your results.

General Feedback
Posted by Mira (Toronto, Canada) on 03/15/2009


I have been oil pulling for over 3 weeks now. But I also started another detox program that is well known for metal detox. I have been doing my oil pulling religiously 20 minutes everyday but have less consistent with the other detox. I also took wheatgrass frozen shots a few times...they are in very small portions.

I had some good results already: my facial pores are smaller and I can use my wisedom tooth that used to be painful. It is much less painful and I can bite with it.

Now, I caught the flu and I am sick for the 4th day. I have to say I was able to work and go out but all my body hurts even closing my eyes hurts. Since the flu, I take a mix of oregano oil and black cumin oil and put it into my nostrils. I also take a teaspoon of black cumin oil that I drink. I keep using one shot of wheatgrass juice and I stopped oil pulling only for a day. I think different remedies are helping as I really don't feel the horrible sinus pain I usually feel when I have a good or a flu but I feel soo tired.

My question is: do you think I absorbed some of the bacteria I was pulling out of my body without knowing? Or is it a second effect before gaining a better energy and seeing the benefits of oil pulling?

Also, should I not do my detox for heavy metal (I bought it before I heard about oil pulling) with the oil pulling? These detox products are going to expire if I stop them and I don't like stopping oil pulling because I love it!

General Feedback
Posted by Gladys (Golden, BC Canada) on 03/14/2009

I would reccomend to spit in the garbage instead of the sink or toilet. Oil will plug up your plumbing or septic. I haven't tried the oil pulling yet I just found out about it today, I will start as soon as I have an empty stomach! It sounds amazing!

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Amy (Austin, TX) on 03/07/2009

Fantastic Oil Pulling Results in Just One Week!

I have been oil pulling with both organic cold pressed sesame oil and organic cold pressed coconut oil.

First thing I noticed was how white my teeth became after about the 3rd or 4th pull. Yesterday I became extremely tired and took a 3 hour nap. I slept extremely hard and woke up very refreshed. I felt like I could breath better. Like there was more room in my chest to breathe. I also noticed last night that my nasal passages shrunk. They opened up, like they had been swollen all along and I hadn't noticed.

But what is really weird is what happened when I went running today. I sweat profusely. I mean I sweat like I did when I was a kid. I was dripping. Even my legs where sweating. Another thing I noticed was that my hair was greasy by the end of the day yesterday and my skin is softer. When I was a kid (am 36 now) my hair would be kind of greasy by the end of the day. But as an adult I have had very dry hair and skin. Also my heels have been cracked and nasty for a long time. Today I noticed that there is a completely different texture to my heels. They are getting soft! It's incredible! I feel like oil pulling unlocked something. Maybe some glands or lymph nodes have been blocked or something. Who knows, but I feel great! Am going to keep doing this!

Oh, and I notice that the coconut oil makes me salivate much more than the sesame. Can't imagine why though. For some reason I am drawn to the coconut more.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Akemp (Fayetteville, Nc) on 03/15/2010

I have been op for two days and have notice an increase in saliva. I used EVOO. I notice the increase on the first day. Im going to try coconut oil tonight. I also drink avc with water and it causes headaches for me

General Feedback
Posted by Hike (Northridge, Ca) on 02/24/2009

What is the reason to do the pull with an empty stomach?

General Feedback
Posted by Sandy (Bangalore, India) on 02/21/2009

Hi Jimmy, the first few times I did oil-pulling, I also felt a strong urge to swallow. But after doing oil pulling a few times, over a period of days, the mouth learns how to manage this urge. Basically, I learnt to do the swallowing motion using my throat, without actually swallowing. So this relieves the swallowing urge, and one can continue oil pulling. Its a question of practice...after a few days of oil pulling, u will know how to manage the swallowing urge.

General Feedback
Posted by Antares (Tamuning, GU) on 02/23/2009

When I have an irresistable swallowing reflex while oil pulling, it's because of mucous that has been drawn out. I have to spit it out and then I can start with new oil to finish.

General Feedback
Posted by Sheri (Akron, USA) on 02/21/2009

Will Argan oil work for oil pulling? Also is it safe to do oil pulling when you are in the middle of a cold or severe sinus issue?

General Feedback
Posted by Jan (Cleveland, Ohio) on 02/21/2009

I just began oil-pulling a few days ago and have been reading the posts, but I haven't seen anything about migraines. Has anyone had any relief from migraines?

General Feedback
Posted by Franklin (San Francisco, CA) on 02/10/2009

I just found out about oil pulling and want to give it a try. I am 26 male, in pretty good shape, but always have sinus issues (stuffy nose, allergies, etc). I also have pretty bad teeth due to genetics. I don't really have cavities, it's more problems that you can't see with my teeth, not aesthetic. In the past 4 years I have had 3 root canals, 2 chipped teeth, 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out, 2 fillings, and I just had alodermic gum grafts done on the 2 upper 'k9' teeth. i brush and floss regularly, my family just has a bad rap when it comes to teeth, so I am hoping this helps. My question is that since I have just had this surgery for my receeding gums, which is still healing (there are still stitches in), will oil pulling mess with the surgery? What the surgery is, is gum tissue from a cadaver, fused with blood tissue of my own and then stitched to me and my existing gums pulled over. Will the OP make my body reject this tissue? Should I wait til it is completely healed before OP? Should I OP at all? Sorry for the long confusing post, hope somebody can help me out...Thanks

General Feedback
Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 02/11/2009

This message is for Franklin from San Francisco, CA: I had "Guided Tissue Regeneration" surgery done in December 2004 above 2 teeth. The dentist told me it was a more advanced procedure than using gum tissue; however it is basically the same thing. I came across Earth Clinic in January 2008 and decided to gargle/pull with Hydrogen Peroxide a couple of times before I learned about Oil Pulling. I am not sure how long I was Oil Pulling before I discovered the area that had the surgery done was completely clean.not a good thing for me in this case as the procedure costs just over $2,000. I imagine the Hydrogen Peroxide cleaned my gum but the Oil Pulling might have done the same thing. The dentist was after me today to consider having an "Osseous, Allograft" done which is now a type of bone graft. I was given as estimate of $2,200 which has been submitted to my insurance company for their review. I do not want to get it done because I want to continue Oil Pulling and believe it will wipe the gum clean again. My dentist said I need this job done. Also, a partial plate that I have had for over 12 years fell out last year and had to be re-cemented in. So I believe that was from the Hydrogen Peroxide and Oil Pulling as well. I am not sure what I will do about the new procedure yet.

General Feedback
Posted by M (St Louis, MO) on 02/09/2009

EC, Could you include with the basic instructions on oil pulling Ted's suggestion to detox for two weeks before beginning the oil pulling process? I think he recommended using 1 tablespoon ACV with 1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, stir well, add 1/2 to 1 cup of water and drink one or two times a day for two weeks; OR, take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken two times a day. The alkalization tends to remove toxins if done for at least two weeks. Then on the second or third week they can start oil pulling. This regimen is supposed to greatly reduce the Herksheimer effect of getting worse before you get better. It seems like many people are just starting out with the oil pulling first and wanting to quit because they didn't prepare properly and are suffering from the Herksheimer effect.

EC: Added to the Instructions section, thank you for the suggestion!

General Feedback
Posted by John (Commerde, Texas) on 02/12/2009

I guess I'm just a big dummy, but what is ACV?

EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar

General Feedback
Posted by Deb (Libby, MT, USA) on 02/08/2009

My mom has suffered for years from chronic sinus infections that I suspect is also the cause of her headaches and back molar pain. I've been reading the posts on oil pulling and think I might suggest this treatment to her, but it doesn't really explain how to do it, for how long?, should she ease into it, etc. She also has some arthritis so I want to tell her that pain from that may flare up after starting into a regimen. Is that correct?

EC: If you haven't seen it yet, this section may help: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/oil_pulling.html#INSTRUCTIONS

General Feedback
Posted by Cindy (Ch,WI. USA) on 02/07/2009

i have started oil pulling every morning for 2 weeks now. i just came across information from ted on the oral detox remedies he suggested, now i am concerned about "enamel degredation" can you tell me what he is referring to and if i should be concerned?thank you cindy

EC: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/oral_detoxification.html

If oil pulling was causing enamel erosion, we would have heard about it by now! None of the people who have been oil pulling for years have reported this side effect.

General Feedback
Posted by Sonia (Charlotte, NC) on 02/05/2009

Hi, I have been oil pulling for 10 days now since my dentist told me some of pockets are 6. I do see it removed some plaque in just few days from 1 tooth. My teeth are little bit whiter too. I do see benefits and will continue this. But i have a question...can i start it after my deep cleaning next day? I don't feel like stopping oil pulling even for a day. :-)

General Feedback
Posted by Deborah (Denison, TX) on 01/25/2009

I have been oil pulling for several years and I have noticed the longer I pull the oil and even do it multiple times has great results. If I feel congested in my chest or head when I pull longer say 15-20 minutes then I can feel toxins and mucus being pulled from my nose and chest. It literally tickles my throat and nose when it pulls the junk out of me. I have spit up some awful looking green globs that are very thick and dense. So while one minute you might see some results when you pull for longer you will pull deep into your body for toxins and disease. i can really tell when I miss my daily oil pulling sessions. My nose becomes stuffy and my chest feels congested. When I first started it only took one pull to get results but as I kept doing it I would not feel as if it was working so I then started doing it 2 to 3 times before breakfast and I feel 100 percent better. I also change my oil type every month so that I don't build a resistance to it. I prefer sunflower oil that I purchased at Krogers and Virgin coconut oil that I purchased in the Wal-Mart pharmacy. I have SL, RA and a multiple of health diagnoses. But I feel as if I am cured because of the oil pulling and ACV tonics.