Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

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Posted by Mira (Oshawa, On) on 12/11/2009

Oil pulling and Celiac/IBS

Hi there,

I am glad I have found this site last spring. I started oil pulling in February March this year and I stopped doing it when I became gluten intolerant in late spring. I was overwhelmed with all my symptoms and what to do about them. Anyway, I am now back to oil pulling for the last 5-6 days. I do it in the morning for 20 minutes sometimes more and sometimes twice a day. I love how my mouth feels after oil pulling.

But I am a little worried because I started having soft stools and diarrhea for the last 2 days. I wonder if my oil pulling wasn't what triggered my IBS this spring too. I don't know if that's because the oil is pushing my system to get rid of the last bits of gluten too. Anyway, after going gluten free in the summer, I was getting back to normal and having between 2-3 bowel movements but this morning by 12am, I already had 3 and around 1:00pm it was about 4 BM! I don't know if it is because of the cosmetics I use too.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone and specially those with gluten intolerance.

EC: Hi Mira, would you kindly tell us what oil you are using? Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Mira (Oshawa, On) on 12/11/2009

Hi EC,

I use sesame oil and it says unrefined, organic and traditionally pressed and filtered. When I was researching on oil pulling and found this site, sesame was the oil that most people recommended.

EC: Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Slim (Tacoma, Washington) on 01/09/2010

Hi OP'S.. I haven't had taste or smell since last May. I use bronchio inhalers and drink too much whiskey and seemingly have developed thrush mouth. Yuk.. I'd pee on a spark plug right about now to fix this taste problem, so if OP work's, WOW. Going to try the Oil of wild Oregano and Sesame Oil.. I'll post later if it works :-)

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Posted by Roxanne (Youngstown, Oh) on 12/01/2009

I am interested in trying the oil pulling, I was just wondering if I could incorporate it into my current routine (before I brush of course) of brush, floss, then mouthwash, or if the mouth wash would somehow interact or counteract with the oil pulling effects???? I was also curious if it would be at all beneficial to alternate oils ie. one in the am and one in the pm, since different oils have different benefits?

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Posted by Simon (Guildford, Surrey) on 11/27/2009

I have been OP for 11 MONTHS now hoping for some relief from severe coeliac disease problems. I am at present crippled over with stomach pain and feeling as though I need the toilet all the time but it brings no relief. My hope is that OP will clear my system and maybe let my body start to heal itself, as I have been suffering severely with coeliac disease for years now.

I am 20 years old, and this is blighting my life and I am desperate for help.

Could this be OP? Im a bit frightened.


EC: Can you please tell us what oil you are using?

General Feedback
Posted by Mira (Oshawa, On, Ca) on 12/11/2009

@Simon from Guildford

Simon, I don't think oil pulling can give us relief from going back and forth to the washroom! I am pretty sure it has the opposite effect but I think maybe that's how it cleanses the system. Read my post from today. I am back to oil pulling after I stopped during the peak of my gluten intolerance problems. I remember when I started having IBS in the spring it was just after (maybe one month maybe less) starting oil pulling. I was very diligent with oil pulling as I find that it is a very easy technique to incorporate into my schedule. And now after a few days of oil pulling, I am having some symptoms back like itchy skin and I am having difficulty to fall asleep.

My guess is that oil pulling precipitates the process of cleansing gluten from our system. In the spring, maybe it was the trigger to something that was already there but that I had no symptoms for. Let's not forget 50% of celiac people have 0 symptoms, others have less than the typical celiac.

I am no doctor but maybe you should interrupt oil pulling until you at least get rid of all gluten in your food and get back to oil pulling 2-3 months later. I am back after 5 months. It is just a suggestion.

General Feedback
Posted by Kitkat (Macon, Georgia, Usa) on 12/21/2009

Simon, try deleting all breads/sugar and milk from your diet, all refined foods, basically for a while stick with vegetables, fruits and meats. give it a few weeks to see if it gives you some relief. Kathy

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Renate (South, Florida) on 11/19/2009

Dear Stephen,

I have been oil pulling for about 9 months. I had a weird thing happen with Sunflower oil - my wedding ring became very HOT and I had to remove it for a few days while the burn on my finger healed. (I have had that ring on my finger for 37 years w/o taking it off). I only used that oil for 2 days. Previously, I used organic, cold pressed or expeller pressed sesame oil (unrefined). While using the sesame oil, I would spit up mucus after oil pulling. I was a smoker, but not a heavy one. I take the mucus as a very good sign.

I would recommend that you change your oil to Sesame. I no longer do it every day. Perhaps your body is telling you to slow down on the oil pulling. Do it every other day and see what happens. I am not sure about the swelling - but again, I would recommend switching your oil.

Good luck!

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, USA) on 11/19/2009

Dear Renate from So. Fla: Your post made me think about an experience that I had about a month ago. My wedding ring started bothering me one day. In the evening when I get home I take all my jewelery off to do my chores. On this day I couldn't take my wedding ring off. I tried oil, soap and still wouldn't come off. Meanwhile I felt my finger was swelling up. I went to bed with that "funny" feeling on my finger and then my whole arm started getting weird too. So I finally got up, woke up my husband and made him cut the ring off my finger. I have been oil pulling for a little while now (maybe like a month and a half). I started with coconut oil and then changed to Sesame oil, but never conected it until I read your post. I am still not sure that is the cause, but your comment about the burning sensation on your finger caught my eye. I just wanted to share this to see if anybody has any input. Thanks!

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Aliii (Kingston, Jamaica) on 01/19/2011

After o/ping for about three weeks I had a crazy burning sensation on my shin. My skin also itched. Then my shin had a bright red spot that literally healed like a burn!!!! I stopped o/ping (sunflower) but recently started with no side effect.

General Feedback
Posted by Tonytz123 (Granite City, Il Usa) on 11/05/2009

I tried doing the oil pulling but it made my gums on my front lower teeth hurt and got real sore, its been over 10 days and my gums still hurt, I have never had gum problems before, what could have went wrong.. Tony

EC: Please tell us what type of oil you used. Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Herb Bob (Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico) on 11/01/2009

Why does oil pulling work? It acts like a lubricant in your body's hydraulic systems. Sucking like a vacuum, the greasy fluid seals off access to your body's water and air availability. It pushes lymph with poisons, air and nutrients in it through any exit it can (lungs, pores, eyes, hair,etc) along with any water it needs to transport the gunk. That is why, you have to drink three glasses of fluid afterwards. Analogizing with frying oil, it does not work until your cells' water is added to the mix. Then with your cell water the oil becomes hydrogenated, less viscous and less effective after 10 or 15 minutes. The oil solution is forced into your system through the opening below your tongue, your tongue's taste cells, your gums, nasal passage, hairs, and etc. Depending who you want to be, mouthwash with Caesar's, French, Russian, Italian, Basil or Pennzoil. Paging Dr.Gupta, Paging Dr.Gupta

General Feedback
Posted by Elvira (Cairns, Qld, Australia) on 10/28/2009

hi, i have been doing OP for about three months now. And when i have a one or two day break i've noticed that i get blind pimples on my face. why is this?

General Feedback
Posted by Vishwapurna (Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu, India) on 10/25/2009

I was doing oil pulling from May, 2009 and I did not have any problem till the midnight of September, 26th. I felt my bed room is whirling. Since then I have been diognised the following problem : Left maxillary sinusities, cervical spondylosis and hypothyroid (TSH:6.25). As soon as I get up there will be palpitations.Once I take coffee, it will increase. While walking there will be an unbalance and I feel I am about to fall. There is a terrific mental depression. While lying on the bed on the left side there will be whirling feeling. My left knee joint developed a pain. My doctor advised me to stop oil pulling. After oil pulling for five months, I have stopped oil pulling from October 1st. Now I am taking medicines for hypothyroid and sinuousities. Can anyone tell me the symptoms are the side effect of oil pulling (after five months). Any body got the same symptoms after five months of pulling?

Anybody's hyphothyroid, sinusities and cervical spondylosis with the same symptoms got cured after oil pulling?

EC: Hi Vishwapurna, can you tell us what type of oil you were using to oil pull with? Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Charles (Jacksonville, Fl) on 10/25/2009

I got the same symptoms from an inner ear infection, called otitus media. I laid on my back and hung my head over the side of the bed, and filled up my sinuses with 50% H2O2 and Distilled Water. When sinuses are filled the rest will go to the inner ear. was cured in two days...

General Feedback
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/01/2009 391 posts

Side effects of oil pulling... I don't believe in regular oil pulling. I believe in a balance between oil pulling and pulling oil. The pulling oil is the taking of granulated lecithin to reduce excessive oil buildup in the body. The other thing is some people with hypothyroid may have low iodine levels, in which case 1-2 drops of lugols solution and 1-2 drops of SSKI (potassium iodide), in a cup of warm water or even a liter of water should resolve some hypothyroid in about month. It helps to take 1000 mg of vitamin C for the body to better utilize the iodine, and vice versa.

General Feedback
Posted by Tashimoto (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 12/11/2009

I don't know if this is mentioned in any of the many oil pulling entries here, but it just might be very important. The site: http://www.curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=110881 states: Dr. Karach has recommended only refined oil. This has been used by millions of people with wonderful cures and accepted in practice. Regarding unrefined oil there may be ingredients injurious to the body and its taste, color and smell may not be agreeable. It may cause or induce vomiting sensation in some people. Since pesticides and insecticides are used in crops, it is possible that trace elements of such poisonous chemicals are not only harmful to health but also carcinogenic. Since refined oil is colorless, odorless and tasteless, such a situation would not arise. I therefore suggest do not use unrefined oils for OP.

General Feedback
Posted by Lavender (Seattle, Usa) on 01/05/2010


using organic unrefined oils should eliminate the concern of pesticides and insecticides.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Josh (Mccleary, Wa) on 10/19/2009

I've been oil pulling for about 2 weeks now and I can't really tell if I'm getting any results. I've been using extra virgin coconut oil , sesame oil and extra virgin olive oil. Can't decide which to use so I'm going to start using all 3-at once. A little of each totaling 1 1/2 tablespoons. 3 times a day. Maybe through in a 4th oil, like walnut, for the omega 3's. Anybody tried this before...maybe the benefits of all 3 oils at once??

General Feedback
Posted by Mi (Solana Beach, Ca) on 10/17/2009




EC: Mi is referring to the instructions on OP found here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/oil_pulling.html#INSTRUCTIONS

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, usa) on 10/18/2009

Hi Mi,

I read the instructions but don't really see where it says not to do anything else. I know you aren't supposed to eat before you do it. I have been oil pulling successfully now for almost 3 months on a daily basis. I can't do it without some other activity to keep my mind off it. I find if I focus on the oil it makes me want to gag and sometimes I have to run to spit it out! I know that's a little crazy but, if I distract myself with reading earth clinic while doing it or reading email or gardening, etc. I'm absolutely fine and even find myself at 1/2 hour when I'm really concentrated on something. I have not had any negative side effects from this only positive. Also, I noticed in the beginning my oil didn't thin out that much but now it does. Perhaps, it's part of the process. Not sure, just a thought. Give it a try again if you can and let us know if you see a change. You sound like you have it very together outside of the kidney issue. Good luck...

General Feedback
Posted by Summerhaunt (Licking, Mo, United States) on 10/15/2010

When you first start oil pulling the oil may start out a little thin, then it will get thick as you swish it around (it varies each time as to how thick... Sometimes not much, sometimes alarmingly thick), then it may thin out. When it starts to thin out is when you want to spit it out. Many people believe that when it's getting thick is when it's "pulling" the bad stuff out, and when the thick oil then goes thin is when it's full of the bad stuff so it's time to stop swishing. I have noticed the days when I do have it get thicker is when I'm feeling more yucky and toxic, and I feel much better after my swishing and spitting it out.

General Feedback
Posted by Mike (Ftl, Florida) on 09/26/2009

This site is like "treatment overload" I love it! I am sort of confused on a few things though as it pertains to oil pulling. I think I may be doing it wrong (simply because its too easy) and I havent experienced any of the difficulties that others have written about (I'm not referring to the "healing" reaction but the general difficulties in pulling for 10-15 mins that people are having) Dont you just move it around in your mouth for 10-15 mins? I dont understand...seems easy (no taste/ no fuss)

Next, can oil pulling be done while taking supplements and other remedies (specifically H2O2 Therapy & Urine Therapy) or will they have negative/harmful effects?

PS- Is Ted still around? I've sent several inquries w/ no response.

EC: Ted has only answered a handful of questions the past few months. He emailed that he is busy figuring out cures for tricky conditions that are "epidemic" in Thailand. Please send us your question and we'll forward it to him. Sometimes that helps, but not always!

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca) on 09/26/2009

Yes, oil pulling is that easy- just swish it all around for the time you wish. I actually do it for about 30 minutes. I have had amazing results as I have posted before. From all that I have read about it, it should not have any conflicts with the other things you've mentioned. I myself have tried both of the therapies you have mentioned for over a month and definitely had amazing results with H2O2 but not urine therapy. I was hoping for the miraculous results that I have read here and other places when googled but no such luck. Hope this helps.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Rose (Boston, Ma, usa) on 04/23/2012

Try organic virgin coconut oil for oil pulling. I started with that, and have had no negative effects. I actually just a tooth that couldn't be saved extracted on Friday, no pain, no swelling, nothing. I can't say for sure, but I definitely think the coconut oil had a lot to do with it! Definitely kept it from becoming infected, amazing antibacterial properties.

General Feedback
Posted by Angjoy (Jackson, Michigan, USA) on 08/21/2009

Oil Pulling and Brain Aneurysm:

Dear Ted, I have a question that may sound rather stupid to some but decided I needed to lay this to rest rather than worry about it any further. I started oil pulling about 3 weeks ago to re-mineralize my teeth and to pull toxins from my system. I do feel that I am realizing some positive effects already in just a short time. Here is my possibly stupid concern, but hopefully you will understand that it is a valid one for me; as I was happily swishing away yesterday, and thinking about how this procedure eliminates heavy metals from one's body to the point that some folks may lose a filling from time to time, horror struck me. I had a ruptured brain aneurysm in 2005 requiring platinum coiling and a titanium stent, (you probably see where I'm heading with this one). Would oil pulling cause this 'erector set' that I have in my head to shift in anyway? I have sat here and tried to reason with myself that it would not, and yet there is this nagging little fear that finally told me to just ask and settle it once and for all. I know there is an herb that I should not take due to possibly shifting of this metal mess (though for the life of me, I don't remember what it was). I would very much like to continue with the oil pulling. Aside from the other benefits, I was hoping it would help with the nerve damage in my eye from 3rd cranial nerve palsy as a result of the aneurysm as well. I appreciate your patience with my question and thank you most kindly for all the help you have been to all of us here. Have a pleasant day ;)

EC: Ted has only answered a handful of questions in the past month, so hopefully one of our wise readers will be able to answer!

General Feedback
Posted by Beth (Bensalem, Pa) on 04/16/2010

I have a similar concern about a titanium plate on my c-spine. Any feedback about possible side effects of OP with regard to this situation would be greatly appreciated. I am using sunflower oil once a day.

General Feedback
Posted by Gail (Toronto, Nsw Australia) on 09/04/2010

I think the 'herb' you are concerned about is actually homeopathic silica (not a herb) it is great for helping expel foreign objects from your body. I stood on a sea urchin and the spines broke off in my foot - they were very deeply imbedded - but after taking the silica pillules for a few weeks all the spines miraculously came out. I would be very wary about using it if I had any type of clips etc in my body. Can't make any comment about the effect of OP though, which I have tried for the first time a couple of hours ago (1tsp VCO). I was thinking though that some of these really bad side effects might come about if you were to inadvertently swallow a bit of the oil you are swishing about in your mouth - I don't think that would be too good for you after 10 mins of swishing!

General Feedback
Posted by Aziz (Istanbul, Turkey) on 08/18/2009

I have two porcelain veneer. can anyone tell me if oil pulling is safe. I might be lost two my porcelain veneer. I want to make oil pulling. But I don t want to lost my porcelain veneer. What can I do?

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Sophienam (Geneva, Switzerland) on 08/16/2009

Hello, I started oil pulling some weeks ago now but after two weeks I got a crippling pain in my hip. I switched oils from sunflower to olive but this made no difference. I stopped the oil pulling for two weeks and the pain stopped. I restarted the oil pulling again yesterday and immediately the pain came back. I've never had this pain before and it's so bad I've started to walk with a limp. Has anyone else experienced this pain? Should I stop? Continue? I was doing so much good for the pain. Help..

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Csweeten (Reston, Va Usa) on 08/17/2009

I came across your post and thought it was interesting. I started oil pulling about 2 months ago. At the same time I started a bottle of gold coin grass to help out my gallbladder situation. I was painfully limping for ~3 days and sore for a few weeks. I had attributed the pain to the gold coin-gallbladder meridians pass through hip areas. But now I wonder which caused the pain. I continued on through. Healing crisises are common and at least signify to me I'm heading in the right direction. My hip pain has never been as bad as that first month. Hope this helps:o)

General Feedback
Posted by Mindy (London, England) on 08/13/2009


I have just started OP and have found that on each occasion (first thing in the morning for 3 mornings now) I couldn't get past the 5 to 6 minute mark of 'swishing' before I would start gagging and have to spit out. What I have noticed is that the oil I'm swishing seems to change - we all know that it needs to thin out and goes white but it's as though the toxins are infusing the oil, taste absolutely vile and thereby make me want to puke. I'm guessing that as I continue with the OP, this will lessen. Has anyone else experienced anything similar.

I should also add that I have horrid allergies which seem to have significantly reduced even from day 1. I also feel alot more engergised in the morning after OP. So I'm definately feeling benefits which is why I'm keen to continue and indeed make this a part of my daily ablutions.

Thank U. Mx

EC: Thanks for the feedback. Can you tell us what oil you are using?

General Feedback
Posted by Villageofone (Euless, Tx, USA) on 11/05/2009

I had the same result after using sesame seed oil by Dynasty - it was an amber color - tasted like liquid peanut butter - very heavy. I have switched to Sesame Oil - (without the word seed) - it is a light - see thru yellow color and it has worked better.

General Feedback
Posted by Beautyqueen (New Haven, Ct) on 12/29/2009

Exactly what type of oil did you use? I have a problem with ingrown hairs (keratosis pilaris), and I'd like to use what you used for optimal results.


General Feedback
Posted by Summerhaunt (Licking, Mo, United States) on 10/15/2010

Keratosis pilaris isn't ingrown hairs, but a buildup of proteins or keratin and looks like tiny hard white pimples (but aren't pimples). I've used several different oils, but coconut oil has worked best for me. Only 2 or 3 sessions of oil pulling smoothes out the bumps from the keratosis pilaris. It will take a bit longer for the red spots where the bumps were to heal up and fade away though. And I have noticed that if I don't oil pull the bumps will come back.

General Feedback
Posted by Jericho (Baltimore, Md) on 08/06/2009

I just finished reading the thread for Oil Pulling and there is new info there which I appreciate. The break down of the effects the different oils has is amazing. But I remember reading a while ago about it on this site and there was also salt water used to clean the mouth and the sinus cavity. I didn't see any mention of it on the site this time, is that not necessary to do now or is that still part of OP?

EC: That sounds like something Ted would write about! Did you check the Q&A section? https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/oil_pulling_questions.html