Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

General Feedback
Posted by Holly V (Greenville, Sc) on 04/05/2010

Question: Can you mix oils to pull and/or should you alternate, and how often?

I am using Teds recommended detox before oil pulling (ACV & baking soda). I was wondering: Can you mix oils that you plan to try? If not, should you give one oil a specific duration time before changing oils? I am thinking of beginning with either Sunflower or EVOO, and after reading some of the benefits of say...Sesame or Coconut, I may like to try many oils? Is there a proper way or time frame to do this?

Grape Seed Oil
Posted by Fiona (Pendleton, Or) on 04/02/2010

Oil Pulling Oil Type

I recommend grapeseed oil for beginners. It is thinner, very light in flavor and easier to "work" when you are first getting started. I have used sesame and olive in the past. It seems like just about everything from the olive tree is good for us, so why not? Grapeseeds have health building properties too, so it seemed a good thing to try.

General Feedback
Posted by Brit24 (Okc, Ok, United States) on 03/31/2010

Does anyone know the effects of OP on a smoker? Will it possibly reverse damage done if I combine quitting smoking and OP?? Would the detox be worse if I chose to do it that way? And what type of oil would be best for something like that? Coconut Oil sounds rather rough at the beginning, but I am going to introduce Apple Cider Vinegar into my diet 2 weeks beforehand, so as to lessen the detoxing effects on my body. Also, if it helps to know, I'm anemic. I'm ready to take care of myself the right way and this site has been so HELPFUL! Thanks in advance.

General Feedback
Posted by Newtoallthis (La, Ca) on 03/28/2010

I'm afraid to try oil pulling because several people have reported negative results in the presence of amalgam fillings and crowns. Is there a way to do it safely, for instance, using a particular oil? I saw that Ted has recommended doing it for 1-5 minutes rather than 20. Would that make it safer in this case?

Would swishing with water for 20 minutes have any effect?

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 03/29/2010

Hi newtoallthis,

I just wanted to say that I oil-pulled for several months and found it relaxing and effective. I have many fillings in my mouth and a gold cap at the very back molar on top, all from my childhood which was a long time ago now ;) I also have one from only about 2 years ago on the very back lower molar that cracked apart. That one is porcelain. It did not have any negative effect on any of them. Hope this helps. Lisa

General Feedback
Posted by Newtoallthis (La, Ca) on 03/31/2010

Thanks, Lee and Lisa. What oil do you use?

Lisa, did you stop for a particular reason? Do you notice any difference in your health since you stopped?

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 04/01/2010

Hi newtoallthis,

Yes I have since stopped after doing it for several months. That was in Oct '09. It was effective I have to say and I believe in OP but when I discovered the mini beet protocol here on EC, I decided to really go for it after reading the claims of what that could do for you. That led me to juicing and raw food and boy oh boy! Was that ever life-changing. It was everything MBP claimed and then some! Quite honestly, I think almost everything I read here on EC could be addressed with juicing and adding in lots of raw veggies- at least, 70% in addition to what you eat. That would lead you to realizing how much can be changed through this process and lead you away from the typical Standard American Diet (SAD). Once that happens you easily embrace these change because you see such amazing changes take place.

I can't say I see any changes since stopping the OP but I went on to even more amazing protocols that have only improved my health.

To you, on a quest for health, Lisa

General Feedback
Posted by Jen (New York City, Ny) on 03/27/2010


I have been oil pulling for about three weeks now, 1 tablespoon daily, alternating between expeller pressed organic sesame oil and coconut oil. I have had some significant improvements (dark circles under eyes fading, gums stopped bleeding), but am greatly dismayed by the fact that my skin (especially my face and hands) have become wildly oily.

I had normal skin before starting, and now I cannot go more than half an hour after cleansing without oil sliding down my face. I wear makeup to work and it becomes blotchy after a few minutes. Halfway through the day the hair around my face has been saturated with oil (my scalp itself doesn't seem particularly oily - yet). I have to constantly wipe my hands as it is coming out from my fingertips. I also notice that my feet seem to be coated in oil, creating a film on my skin and causing foot odor that has ruined a pair of shoes.

I understand that the oil getting into the skin should be beneficial, but is there anything I can do to prevent this horrible side effect? I cannot go out socially after work, or unless I have recently showered because I am so greasy from this. I am worried the excess oil is going to cause acne/blackheads.

I've tried taking a few days off and that seems to help a little, but the second I go back to it the oil fountain kicks up again. Does anyone have any suggestions?

General Feedback
Posted by Gus (Missoula, Montana) on 03/28/2010

I would not pull with coconut oil.....the other one should not be a problem.

General Feedback
Posted by Mama (London, Ontario) on 03/11/2010

Hello oil pullers! Does anyone know why we need an empty tummy for pulling? I have terrible dark circles under my eyes and people are always asking me if I feel okay - because I look so sick. They really bother me, and I'm sure the lack of sleep I suffer from isn't helping. I would like to do it 3 times a day but have trouble finding my tummy empty that often. There's usually some sort of something in there (raw honey, molasses, or green drinks of some sort, not necessarily food per say but something.

Any tips are welcome,


General Feedback
Posted by Shirley (Singapore) on 03/12/2010

Hi, I OP on an empty stomach / I used to have black patch under my eyes. They are gone.

General Feedback
Posted by Bellaw (Basking Ridge, Nj, Usa) on 02/28/2010

I have been OP for awhile now and I feel great. I was talking to a friend about it. He mentioned that it might not be a good idea to OP if you have mercury fillings in your mouth. Can the Metal get in your body if you OP? I had these 2 fillings since a little girl. I am 42 and I was thinking about taking them out, but not sure. Can you help?

General Feedback
Posted by Cheryl (Yakima, Wa Usa) on 02/22/2010

I tried oil pulling for the first time with two teaspoons of olive oil and lasted only 4 to 5 minutes before the thought of swishing oil and spit around in my mouth made me gag and puke. I there anything that can be done about this?

General Feedback
Posted by Lee (New York, New York) on 02/22/2010

I usually add another oil to the olive oil (clove, peppermint, just a couple of drops). Also, I much prefer the taste of coconut oil.

General Feedback
Posted by Diane (Rochester, Mn, Usa) on 02/22/2010

Hi Cheryl, I use coconut oil. It has a much lighter consistency and flavor. Not nearly as objectionable!

General Feedback
Posted by Tahiti (Monroeville, Pa, United States Of America) on 02/15/2010

Has anyone ever tried oil-pulling all day? Can it be harmful for you? I would like to try it to see what happens, but don't want to put myself in any danger. Any feedback will be appreciated. Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Summerhaunt (Licking, Mo, United States) on 10/15/2010

To Tahiti: Once I did it all day while doing a 6 hour car drive. I kept a BIG cup with a lid next to me for spitting into. I had no problems at all oil pulling that long. I have also done several back to back, with no problems. I know of several people who also have done 5 or 6 back to back who reported a feeling of euphoria after perhaps the third or fourth. I have never gotten the euphoria, but it has helped clear brain fog, pain, keratosis pilaris, softened skin, and given energy boosts.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Joyce (Joelton,, Tn) on 02/14/2010 495 posts

Hello Eveline, from Toronto:

Didn't see any mention of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) in what you are using and this is good for keeping down inflammation and those joint pains. If you have a farmers co-op store there, check the animal section for it in crystal form and you will probably get it much cheaper than buying capsule form.

Now for that gum infection, having seen hot epsom salts compresses used 4 times a day pull infection out after a red streak was running up the arm, we know that it will heal infection. Since we also know that your body needs magnesium, it is not likely to harm you by using it in your mouth. Hot compresses might prove a little difficult to manage in your mouth but fortunately you can make like oil pulling, only using a supersaturated solution of epsom salts instead of oil. The only downside likely to occur from this is a bad taste in your mouth, but rinsing with water should remove that immediately. Another thing you might want to add to this solution is a small amount of ground cayenne pepper as it also has some anti-inflammatory as well as pain relieving actions.

To make a supersaturated solution of epsom salts, bring 4 ounces of water to a boil. Add epsom salts until no more will dissolve. If you can take the heat, add 1/8th teaspoon of cayenne pepper. As soon as your solution cools enough to hold in your mouth, use it swishing it around in your mouth. You might want to keep it in a jar sitting in a pan of hot water to keep it warm until finished using it. Doing this 3 to 4 times a day should get rid of that gum infection.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Laurie (Belleville, Ont) on 02/14/2010

Hello Eveline

I don't know if this will help or not...but its worth a try. Its been helping me to reduce a severe infection in 2 teeth (it could only be from 1 tooth, but the nerves sending pain on to the other tooth)

I put 1/2 - 1 tsp Sea salt (I tried table salt..& it made it worse) dissolved in 1/2 a glass of warm water (never hot).
I very gently swish and hold water around the infected area 2-4 times, 3times or more a day. Make sure to spit it all out, I believe to swallow this would only introduce the infection into the body (although I could be wrong)

Don't forget to do the areas on either side too. It may just stop the infection from spreading.

From what I've read in the past... the sea salt helps to draw the infection out. Make sure to rinse with plain warm water afterward too. I'm not so sure leaving any kind of salt in the mouth is a good thing.

Anywhere from a 10 mins to an hour later I can really feel the difference. Either the pain is gone or significantly reduced.

I really hope this does help you.
Good luck to you ..sincerely

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Rob (Toronto, Ontario) on 02/14/2010

it may help to add a few drops of Oil of Oregano into the oil of choice. Not to knock oil pulling too much but I feel many of the claims are placebo effect. Also, flossing would be my 1st choice for oral/gum health. You could even rub a little diluted oregano oil on the floss.

Also use a gum stimulator to get blood flowing into the area. re: pulling...I doubt the notion that it "pulls" toxins from the body. (has anyone ever measured this in a lab. etc) That is not to say it may have health effects beyond placebo.. perhaps it stimulates one of the many glands in the face, neck area..perhaps it provides fatty acids sublingually or ?? but to speak in absolutes without proof is just...sorry to say...religion.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Eveline (Toronto, Canada) on 02/15/2010

Thanks everyone for your feedback on the tooth infection. I am pretty sure I can get rid of that localized problem. I like to use Neem tincture and will definitely get back to that and work with some of the other remedies mentioned as well. I have no pain or any symptoms of this infection so it was a surprise when the hygienist mentioned it. What I am more concerned with is that there infection at all. It has to mean there is something going on IN my body. Along with the knee pain and stagnant blood diagnosis, I am just flummoxed about what is going on. I oil pull, I take good cleaning supplements, I dry brush massage, I use a rebounder, I do a lot of things that seem right, eat a pretty healthy diet, don't drink coffee, eat dairy products, work at staying off wheat etc. and then I still feel like I'm not winning at having a really healthy body. The knee pain makes me feel like I'm very old and I'm not.

However, I will get to the bottom of this and I thank all those who replied and will definitely get that gum infection gone. Many happy days in this Chinese New Year to all.


Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Eveline (Toronto, Canada) on 02/18/2010

To The Phoenix from Townsville

Hello and thanks for your input on my issue with the joint pain and tooth infection. I have also been quite dismayed that my healthy lifestyle has not protected me from this incapacitating problem with my knees. Mind you, in 2000 I was in an accident and think that perhaps some of this stems from that situation.

I also have been concerned about the bioavailability of supplementation so will definitely check out your suggestion on borax/boron.

I take it you are referring to F--e's Detox book? I have done so many detoxes in my day, but I am also always still open to learning more and more. Thanks again. Eveline

EC: Yes, he was referring to that book. Sorry, this particular author's name has been edited out of most posts on this site (for reasons that a few of you know about).

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Eveline (Toronto, Canada) on 02/19/2010

Dear Phoenix

Thanks again for a very informed response. I see that you completely understand my feelings of somehow failing with regard to being healthy and appreciate your sharing your experiences. I'm with you. I don't want to do any extreme measures, fasting or denying myself. My metabolism is too sluggish to do any fasting. That slows it down even more. With my Naturopath I am exploring the low body temperature, the blood stagnation with Chinese Medicine and I do hope to be feeling pain free again before too long.

This morning I used VCO for oil pulling and I must say it was a very different experience than using other oils. Not sure that it was as satisfactory. I wonder if you would recommend using VCO for the topical application to joints as you would the PO? I know I did about 10 days with castor oil packs on both knees, which is also very hard to remove and gets on everything, but that seemed to do nothing. I'd be willing to work with the PO however.

You certainly seem to have a font of knowledge and I do appreciate your input on this forum. Thanks again.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Eveline (Toronto, Canada) on 03/04/2010

Good Morning The Phoenix, how are things in Townsville? Have been offline for a couple of weeks (traveling) and was pleased to get your response and further encouragement.

I have been considering the toxic overloads most of us are living with and while I have had all my amalgams removed (which I 'm sure was helpful) we still live in a polluted world. So I'm thinking to somehow get rid of those toxins, without that drastic fasting or detox protocols that are often prescribed. I found a volcanic rock powder called zeolite and have started taking it in the last week. It's easy to take, doesn't have a taste really, has some logical sounding explanations about why it will work and of course, the requisite testimonials. Also it's not expensive. However, I've not seen any info on EC about it and since you are admittedly the health researcher I wonder if you have a view on zeolite? I did search for it here on EC and while there are google pages that show it referenced, I've yet to actually find anything about it here. (it feels like looking for a needle in a haystack.) I would think it belongs on the Remedy page if it's as good as reported.

I appreciated your views on the acid/alkaline balance, giving a thoughtful response to the desire for the perfect pH. It's letting me feel less errant about what I eat. I know I eat better than the average person and so can relax about eating that banana or mango instead of limiting myself to only grapefruits or lemons.

Always great to read your responses and again thanks for your continued encouragement. I am off to give myself a Moxabustion treatment and then I'm going to massage with CO! I haven't continued oil pulling with it as I bought a nice bottle of sesame oil and am working with that this month. I will switch to CO next month and then liquify it first!! LOL that was a weird experience letting it melt in my mouth.

Have a great day.

p.s. would love to hear from anyone else who has had experience taking this volcanic powder with it's unique molecular framework.

General Feedback
Posted by Kwinans (Tulsa, Oklahoma, Usa) on 01/31/2010

Do you do this rinsing procedure before or after the OP? Sounds good, I just don't know when to do it :)

General Feedback
Posted by Lynn (Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia) on 01/29/2010

I haven't tried the OP yet, but I did read your website, then clicked on the link you provided, http://www.oilpulling.org/

Your website says to do the first OP of the day BEFORE brushing your teeth, but the link says to do the first OP of the day AFTER brushing your teeth, tongue scraping and washing the mouth. Does it matter then whether it's before or after brushing your teeth? Thank you. I just want to get it right.

Kind regards from Australia, Lynn

General Feedback
Posted by Rani (Port Townsend, Washington) on 01/23/2010

Hello...Rani here, yes I was reading on the borax remedy for pulling fluoride from the body and organs. In the process I jusmed over to oil pulling...but i remember reading one of the post that mentioned a remedy, oil, herb, ? that is the most potent natural antibiotic. I was on the oil pulling post and the one on borax and fluoride removal if that helps. If you know what I am talking about please let me know, I would so appreciate it. Thanks, Rani

EC: Can't find it, but we're guessing it's either oregano oil or garlic.

Here is a page which may be helpful: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/natural_antibiotics.html

General Feedback
Posted by Sandy (sandhya) (Bangalore, India) on 01/24/2010

I think sea-salt was refered to as the most potent natural antibiotic.

General Feedback
Posted by Judy (High Point, Nc) on 01/24/2010

Besides the EC suggestions, please add if she might be referring to grapefruit seed extract GSE or colloidal silver. I used the silver after long bout of stomach gastritis with Pylori, used Prilosec then Nexium & antibiotics but would always return until I used the silver, never a problem since. Hopes this helps someone.

General Feedback
Posted by Emily Page (Maysville, Ky, USA) on 01/01/2010

On Oil Pulling, Do you do it with or without dentures?

General Feedback
Posted by Sharon (Peoria, Arizona) on 12/31/2009

Today was my first day of oil pulling. I just found out about this today from a book on loosing weight. I am using sesame oil. I would like to know if thickening of a lung would be helped by oil pulling. Would it also help with the prostate? Can teeth become healthier if they are not? I didn't see anyone post these types of conditions.

General Feedback
Posted by Arlene (Meredosia,, Il) on 12/23/2009

I tried the oil pulling, am only on the third day. My schedule is erratic, so it's hard to arrange to do this if I have to wait four hours between each time. Is there a reason for this? I haven't seen any results that I can swear are from this yet, since I have also started the acv treatment, and have had excellent results with it. I can breathe again, the first night, first time in months, my husband also tried it and had the same results. We are sold on the acv, hope to have good results from the OP. If anyone can tell me why we have to wait 4 hours in between OP, I'd greatly appreciate it.

General Feedback
Posted by Summerhaunt (Licking, Mo, United States) on 10/15/2010

I think one of the reasons they say to oil pull away from meals is because the swishing and chomping when you oil pull stimulates the gall bladder (chewing motions signal to the gall bladder that food is coming so release some bile). Waiting allows the oil pulling to stimulate the liver and gall bladder and get a mini-liver cleanse. If you do it too close to a meal, then you're not getting the added benefit of the liver/gall bladder stimulation.

Also, perhaps too close to a meal has the oil absorbing some of the nutrients your body is trying to absorb from the food. But it's good either way... Still lots of benefits to get from the oil pulling whether you do around food or not. Better to do the oil pulling whenever you can make the time than not do it at all.