Comments and Requests

Website Comments
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 12/25/2012 2063 posts

I would like to extend everyone here thanks and gratitude for all your input and concern for the mutual benefit of alleviating our general maladies, sufferings, and hardships. 2012 has been a healing crisis yr (one step forward - one step back) for me, and I must say one of the worst yrs of my life. Earth Clinic members posts have been a valuable asset in my recovery attempts. As my life was seemingly miraculously spared in 1997 with Acute Myleophistic Leukemia by what could be properly defined as The Power Of Prayer from Family, Loved Ones, and Church Family. E.C. has also been a lifeline of virtual small miracles. I can testify with some degree of certainty that supernatural powers by E. C. members (consciously or unconsciously) have been channeled for my healing. To simplify this event I suppose it all comes down to intent. People who genuinely care and make concerted efforts for OTHERS evoke the supernatural power of God/Source/Infinity.

In a spirit of Christmas gratitude I thank The Holy Trinity, Angels of Heaven, Natural Substances & Remedies, Earth Clinic staff and members for the physical, psychological, and spiritual power of healing. In the closing of 2012 and in the coming of a new yr may we all share in what grace is given or created on earth; and in the words of the Apostle Paul "and in all things give thanks".

Website Comments
Posted by Moi (Seattle, Wa) on 12/19/2012

Yes, thank Deirdre for this site. Merry 2013.

Website Comments
Posted by Lynn (Reno, Nv) on 12/18/2012

No question today -- just want to say thank you for all your hard work, keeping the site honest and spam-free, probably the very best site of its kind.

Happy holidays to you all and have a wonderful 2013.

Website Comments
Posted by Bri (Roseburg, Oregon, Us) on 11/23/2012

I would like to express my gratitude to your website and Ted of course;-) I have become slightly obsessed with reading about health and holistic modalities;-) I have read may books and I still think Ted needs to write one! I know he helped with one on here, however I wish I had a paperback form to reference. I absolutely love this websitemand I hope it is around for a long time! I wish I had time to read more of Teds posts, unfortunately I have to work too much:-) I wanted to express how greatful I am to this website!

Health Alerts
Posted by Paul (Boston, Ma) on 11/06/2012

I also read the article about rice in the Globe. It was written professionally enough to stop me from eating it. If it's even a little of poison--- it's still poison. I don't see what this Dr's interest would be other than to educate you... You had to have read the article. It was convincing enough for me.

Health Alerts
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 11/06/2012

True Scare Tactic, I eat min 2 big bowl of rice daily which is obtained by cooking 200gms of raw rice. Rice is my staple food. The rice what I use is imported from India. I can't live without rice. Rice is God.

Almost all the south and south east asians eat rice daily. Nothing to worry about rice, other than the GMO wheat and soy products. You can't get any product without a bad element.

Health Alerts
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 11/06/2012 2063 posts

Avoidance is already become an increasing problem, what with sooo many toxins from our modern world. Incorporating Cilantro and Chlorella in the diet is one's best defense (imho) against the heavy metals. My Arsenic is high and I don't know from what, I just hope my detox methods will lower.

Health Alerts
Posted by Diane (Framingham, Ma) on 11/05/2012

In todays (11/5/12) Boston Globe newspaper there was an substantial article by a Dr. who said all rice has arsenic in it. It varies from brand to brand. The soil has it in it. I like rice and was wondering if anyone has any feedback on this? Until I do I will not be putting rice into my system. Thank you

Newsletter Archives
Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 10/23/2012

Earth Clinic's latest newsletter! "Gin Up A Remedy: Juniper Berries" Even if you're not a subscriber, come check out what the newsletter uncovers, including a few secrets about this potent diuretic remedy. The newsletter also highlights important posts from Ted and Bill, plus a successful parvo remedy from an EC Community Member!

Website Comments
Posted by Wayitis (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 10/22/2012

It both saddens me, and brightens my heart, to find such healing agents so readily available. Why did we not know before now? Why did the medical establishment, our learned ones, choose profits over being prophets of healing? How did we lose track of the healing methods of the ancients, only recently recognizing their great stores of knowledge about plants and their value?

Thousands upon thousands have suffered and died, through forgetting what really matters. May we live to help one another to be transformed and renewed. I am grateful to Earth Clinic for this forum. It has helped my family more than I can possibly say, and through everyone involved here.

Welcome to the awakening, the remembering, the revealing..... --T.

Website Comments
Posted by Cindy (Beverly Hills, Fl) on 10/21/2012

I have to add my 2 cents after reading some of these comments. Regarding the use of Natural Supplements in our animals (or ourselves), An Example being the use of Garlic. Its annoying when someone asks advise (what worked for YOU??) and uninformed people want to give it. If I tell you I have a 50 lb. Dog and I want to know how much of a particular supplement (EXAMP. Garlic) to give it please do not respond with the comments that you have heard from 3rd party hearsay. I am expecting a reply of "Hello I give my 50lb dog a garlic clove everyday during the summer/flea season and he is very healthy". Please do not give me a response of how your friend gave his dog ONIONS and he died. I am assuming good hearted people that are looking for advise or can give advise of what did work is the reason they came to the Earthclinic site. We do not need to create a panic when one animal had a reaction to something. Use common sense, If I take 1 antibiotic it is helping me, If I take the whole bottle at once its going to kill me. If I drink a few beers im good, If I drink a whole case I might get alcohol poisoning and die. Are we going to stop selling some things because 1 person had a reaction? Should I no longer eat peanuts because Johnnie ate 1 and died?? Please say I gave my animal this amount or type of med and it worked or ? and it fell ill. Please use common sense and do some research on a subject if you do not have a Dr.s orders to try something yourself. My thought about this debate of natural versus a pharmeceutical med, is in 1 treatment or the other too much or for too long of a dosage is going to create an imbalance in the body. I prefer to try something natural 2 or 3 months of the yr, than to have my animal taking chemicals on his skin everyday of his life to prevent fleas. Do the research on the harm of these chems. Yes all kinds of organ illness. Now do the research on natural cures intermittently, maybe some organ damage but with the ability for your body to reheal itself? (These are my thoughts on this versus that). If you are here to give advise please be knowledgeable about the info you are offering. I am looking for advise on what YOU did, NOT a friend of a friend and I dont know how much he gave him but he died type response. Please use common sense and get opinions from several people before you make a choice.

Earth Clinic Books
Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 10/17/2012

Wow, delivery trucks are faster than we thought! Ted and Bill's new book has already arrived and been stocked away in the Clinic cabinets, ready for delivery upon your order. Pre-orders have already been shipped out, and new orders are welcome any time at the Earth Clinic store and booksellers near you! Check out Ted's distinct, distilled thoughts that have matured within his decades of research on the easiest way to alkalize and correct your digestive and/or dietary weak spots—as edited by our own Bill Thompson!

Earth Clinic Books
Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 10/15/2012

In answer to requests from many in the Earth Clinic Community, Ted and Bill's recently published eBook, pH Balanced for Life! The Easiest Way to Alkalize is soon to be available for order from the Earth Clinic store and booksellers near you! We expect our first shipment of books to arrive on EC store shelves by Monday, October 22nd. Pre-orders now being accepted!

Website Comments
Posted by Bill (Philly, Pa) on 10/11/2012

I know I've asked this before, but I never heard back. There's no MSM under the "M" section, yet if I put it in the search a whole lot comes up. It's the same thing for Hyaluronic Acid. These are two great things that I'm afraid people are missing out on. Thanks-Bill

EC: You'll find both of those under "Supplements"

Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 10/05/2012

Dear Earth Clinic Community: On Saturday, October 6th the website will be down for scheduled maintenance for several hours. This outage will begin at 3am CDT [GMT-5] and the site should be unavailable for about four (4) hours. Thanks for your patience and all of your contributions!

Health Alerts
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/27/2012

Hi Gean, I just received my newsletter yesterday which keeps me informed regarding GMOs, Monsanto, etc. It had a link to watch this movie which I plan to do. Also, it had a link to an article which could be of interest to those who are unsure of what exactly Monsanto is doing and why people are upset about GMOs. Here's the link:

Staying informed is important in this matter. Prop. 37 here in CA is being voted on which would mandate the labeling of GMOs. Big Corps. is working hard to fund against it.

Best of health to all, Lisa

Health Alerts
Posted by Gean (Salina, Ks) on 09/27/2012

Please watch "Genetic Roulette Full Movie" on youtube. It tells the dangers of GMO food. Watch it and you be the judge.

Health Alerts
Posted by Happy (Up The Creek In, Wv, USA) on 09/23/2012

in reply to :09/22/2012: Bill from San Fernando, Philippines ............


Health Alerts
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 09/22/2012

The message in the campaign should be if GMO crops are not bad at all, then these people should have no problem with putting a GMO label on their products. If they are so resistent, that means they know they are not so harmless and consumers should be told if they are in a product.

Health Alerts
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/22/2012

Hi Bill, I know of this fact regarding the labeling of organic from, believe it or not, two people who make skin products who were dedicated to offering the very best available. When they were going about trying to start their companies to do this, this is, in fact exactly what they learned and were quite dismayed about it. Learning this about skin products, I use their products because I know of their caliber and the founder's integrity. They also really gave me an education regarding organic.

And the truth is what you are saying, these big corps. are almost unstoppable (especially Monsanto) So, the best we can do is stay educated and abreast of what is going on and work to make the best choices possible. Thanks for all your very educational posts, Lisa

Health Alerts
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/22/2012

I completely agree with what Lisa and others are saying about the FDA. But my vast disappointment stretches a bit wider and also includes agencies like the USDA whose actual definition of "ORGANIC" is as follows:

* 100% Organic- means that every ingredient in the product was raised and harvested in an organic environment as approved and certified by the USDA.

Read more:

* "Organic"- means that 70 to 95 percent of all the ingredients have been raised in a USDA approved manner

* Any product containing ingredients with less than a 70 percent organic content can separately list each ingredient that falls into the USDA organic category, but the product may not display a label claiming the product as organic.


So when a food has just been labelled "ORGANIC" in America, this effectively means that 70% of the food thus labelled must contain completely organic, while the other 30% can be any dangerous additive you like -- GMO, pesticides, fungicides, NPK fertilizers, heavy metals, bad halogens, take your pick -- so the differences between processed food and food lavelled as "organic" is very subtly becoming blurredc and eradicated by verbal sleight of hand via bought and steered law. The only way you can assure that you are eating whole organic foods now is if it is labelled as "100% Organic" -- and this becomes even more expensive.

So, with such low-aiming, dubious and corrupt laws and standards like these in America now, is there little wonder that a recent well publicized experiment on the health benefits of "organic food" failed to show much benefit?

With laws and standards like these, why should there be any surprise at all that Pepsi, Coke, MacDonald's, KFC etc are all jumping on the very profitable Organic bandwagon now?

Whenever there is a high profit motive through demand, people will make money the easiest way that they can. It all began in earnest at the dawn of the 1900s, and reached it's magnificent peak after the 1950s when processed food really came into its own and became The Cheap King of Foods. In this way, we were told(brainwashed?) through certain steered research and the faithful media, that refined and chemically processed foods were indeed good for us and, what's more, we have an overpopulated world and so we need modern ways and methods to feed more people with more junk processed food, refined salt, refined sugars, additives and nutrient-dead vegetable oils, meat shot full of steroids and anti-biotics, pesticides, fungicides and GMOs(all for our own protection?). The tended excuse has always been because we need to feed more people in an overpopulated world, but their real agenda is massively increasing their profit any way they can get it. This is why organic foods, in my own opinion, are now travelling in exactly the same historic trajectory as the natural food industry did after 1900 when natural healthy food eventually became the heavily processed nutritional carcasses that they are today.

For exactly the same reasons, the herbal and supplement industry and standards are now owned and run by the drugs industry via the influence Codex Alimentarius and the same applies to the USDA. This is why people are now being arrested for growing their own organic food in their gardens in America. This is also why, in a famous court case, where a family refused chemo for their young son who had cancer, lost their case and were forced into using chemo for their son. This is why a certain Governor of Texas, who also ran unsuccessfully for the presidential nomination, has mandated(dictated?) that ALL teenage girls in Texas be forced to take the highly dangerous Gardasil HPV vaccine. And doesn't that mandate directly offend freedom of choice for US citizens just a teensy bit? And how dumb and weird is it that only the teenage girls are forced to take this vaccine? Just girls? Don't boys and men also get and spread HPV too? You'll have to forgive me here because I am indeed guilty of perhaps only using the simplest form of common sense and logic imaginable to prove a point. I know that the most convincing, impressive and acceptable medical and research evidence by far must always arise from double-blind, placebo evidence costing millions, whose conclusions are written in some verbal and unintelligible code that only medical researchers and aliens can understand.

All these serious and negative developments mean that the big pharmaceutical companies and large agri-cartels are unquestionably moving into a new and unstoppable phase. When you can influence governments to this extent so easily, then it is true enough to say these vast corporations now own and direct the law as they see fit for the benefit of their business models and not for the benefit of the people. Like I said, when you capture and own the law -- you are unstoppable. It would also appear that -- and particularly so for these numerous corporate dictator elites -- there is a new and invisible ammendment to the US Constitution - The Freedom to Corrupt. And no US government representative, Republican or Democrat, will ever attempt or dare to stop it because they are all on the payroll too. This must eventually and logically lead to the worst form of complete government dictatorship upon its own people.

Health Alerts
Posted by Dr. Aleathea (Florida, Usa) on 09/21/2012

GMO foods are definitely damaging our health. The best way to fight this problem is to stop purchasing these products and others that contain toxic ingredients. Looks like we have two options: buy organic foods and start growing vegetable gardens at home. It is so sad that the American food supply is the reason that so many people are suffering poor health.

Health Alerts
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 09/21/2012

Hi Lisa, The scary thing I recently learned is that Obama nominated a Monsanto dude Michael Taylor as head of the FDA, so technically speaking we are fighting a lost cause.

It's very disheartening to see the US caught up in this battle, when other countries like UK, France, Belgium, India and several others fight and throw Monsanto out of their territories. We somehow are caught in this trap! I think people need to be made aware of this!

Health Alerts
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/21/2012

Hi Tina, I have put up posts regarding this very serious issue as well. I know Bill of Luzon, Philippines is very aware of this as well and has made comments too. Here in CA, we are voting on Labeling GMOs this upcoming election. I have been working on getting the word out on this. We as the consumers need full disclosure! Here is the link I had put up charting how the big corps. are buying out the organic companies and then funding large money to beat Prop. 37. They don't want to be held accountable for what is actually in "organic"!

Thanks for helping build awareness! Lisa

Health Alerts
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 09/21/2012

Please keep abreast of how bad/harmful GMO foods are for you and your loved ones. Monsanto is being banned in most parts of the world, but very much present in the USA.

Newsletter Archives
Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 09/18/2012

Your latest EC newsletter is now in digital print! Did you know there may be beetles decorating your cupcakes? And that possibly this is of absolutely zero concern? Find out all about this and other info on food additives via the web addition of our health newsletter right here (even if you're not yet a newsletter subscriber)!

Website Comments
Posted by Jeanne (Palmerston North, New Zealand) on 09/13/2012

Can't thank everyone enough for your contributions to this site. This is my favorite site because the remedies are tried and true from those who have actually walked the talk. Very very helpful.

Posted by Cindybugk (Dover, Tn) on 09/12/2012

I just wanted to say "thanks to Earth Clinic and all the people that write in with their remedies". I had a horrible place break out on my leg. It itched horribly and I thought that it was poison ivy...... Turns out it was infantigo. When I realized what it actually was..... I turned to Earth Clinic for a remedy and found that GSE topically and tablets by mouth work great. I immediately went to my vitamin cabinet, mixed up some diluted GSE, took 3 tablets and sprayed my entire body. That was last night and I can't begin to tell you just how much I have improved. I took 3 more GSE pills this morning, will take 2 at lunch and 3 more tonight. The skin irritation is on its way to being gone. Thanks again Earth Clinic!