Cayenne Pepper
Health Benefits

Cayenne Pepper Health: Immune Boost, Pain Relief, and More

Nephrotic Syndrome

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Posted by Cheryl (Bakersfield, California) on 12/01/2009

Editor's Choice Kidney help

Years ago, in 1998 my son was sent home from the hospital, on a friday, after one week, with a very swollen abdomen and swelling in his ankles. He has had a disease called Nephrotic Syndrome since he was fifteen, and he was then twenty-four. At that time he had been hospitalized over forty times for this awful disease. This hospital that had had him for a patient for nearly ten years, lost his medical file!

So my son told this new doctor that when he is in a swollen state that Lasix in pill form will not make him urinate. He told him that the only treatment that would get the fluid off of him at that point was lasix given intraveinously. Well, the doctor refused and kept on trying to give him pills.

When I told the patient advocate about the problem the doctor sent my son home the next day with about two gallons of excess water still inside him. He was unable to urinate more than an inch of urine that contained blood and pus. Well, I made him a bed on my couch and tried to make him as comfortable as I could. I knew that it would be nearly impossible to find a kidney specialist on the week-end. So I went in my bedroom and closed the door and laid across my bed and cried and cried. And then I remembered something I had read in a little book titled: '10 Top Herbs to cure big diseases'

It said that cayenne pepper unblocks any blockage! So I thought to myself it is worth a try. I looked in my kitchen cabinet and I had it in my spices. I thought I would put some in soup, and then I told myself 'No' because that is just more liquid in him he doesn't need right now. So I dumped out some big capsules and filled up four or five of them. I gave them to my son and within a four hour period he urinated three long times! After that his pills kicked in and began working!

He remained in remission for about eight years but it always flares up when he gets a cold or flu, or under to much stress.

I hope this helps.


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Posted by Mak (Perth, Australia) on 01/11/2009

Dear All,

Most of us only believe something if it's happened to us or we 'saw' it with our own eyes. Cayenne Pepper helps me with my neutropenia condition (low white cell count) in that, it doesn't raise the count but keeps bacteria away and stops food bacteria from making me sick. I got those empty gel capsules from most health shops and shake a small amount in a dish and then fill about 1/2 the capsule with it and then close capsule and swallow with juice. Always after eating a meal, and it never burns and stops your food bacteria in it's tracks if you have been out for a meal and come home and your tummy is churning and you know whats going to happen!! Take a capsule as above and it won't get to the vomit stage if you take within 1/2 hour of feeling unwell. Only make as you need not storing them. Keep cayenne in it's packet till you need to make up a capsule.(Caps size vary, get small ones).

Also my husband cut himself deep on his hand and was bleeding bad, I said "at last we can see if that cayenne works"!

Wow we covered it and it was all red and like a crust, left it on for about 1/2 hour then cleaned and re-applied then covered with bandaid and within a few weeks he just has a thin line like a faint scratch. I swear by cayenne but even that amazed me, he said it didn't hurt but just felt warm.

Famous saying: Above many graves grow the herbs that could have cured those that lay below them.

How true.

Replied by Barbara
(Manchester, Uk)

I have neutropenia (low neutrophils), I have read on this forum that shark liver oil and lithium help, has anyone experienced and positive inreases.... PLEASE any advice would be helpful.....

Replied by George
(Melbourne, Vic)

I was taking shark liver oil for about 7 months but have stopped as I believe it caused me watery eyes, but I do believe it helped me with low neutrophils. I also take AHCC which I believe has helped me tremendously. I also have a glass of honey with garlic every morning and I believe that has helped me as well for low neutrophils...

Nose Bleeds

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Posted by Matt (Millbrook, Ny) on 10/30/2009

Every winter for several years now, I would get awful nosebleeds, and they were very difficult to stop. Sometimes they would stop only to start again within a few minutes. After reading about cayenne on this site, I began to take it in a capsule, maybe three times a day. After the very first capsule, the nosebleeds never returned. These days I use 1/2 tsp of cayenne in warm water to make a tea. It's easier on my stomach and I feel its effects faster.

Numb Finger

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Posted by Ly (Penticton, Canada) on 01/12/2024

Cayenne pills fix numb finger

Many years ago, I was bitten on my baby finger. It went numb for several days so I took 1-2 cayenne gel caps and the finger was normal by the second day. Likely the pills I took were from Now, but I don't think it matters about the company. I have tried to take a tsp of the cayenne. That is a terrible way to take it. Best to take it with food. Also great to treat any cold or flu.


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Posted by Sybilg (Sainte Eugene De Ladriere, Prov. Quebec Canada) on 01/18/2010

Editor's Choice I had pain for years in my bones a month ago before I started to take cayenne pepper capsules and I now am pain free. I continue to take 1 capsule per day. It's nice to be pain free.

I started off with 2 daily then I increased the dose 1 per day until I reached 5 i stayed at 5 a day for a week. Then I decreased then to 1. This works well on the heart, diabetes, and diverticolosis which I have. A big improvement.

Oh, 400 gram capsules they were.

Painful Feet

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Posted by Richard (Winston Salem, North Carolina) on 06/23/2008

cayenne pepper rememdies: cayenne pepper foot baths will completely cure painful feet, although if you continue to work on hard floors the cure might need to be repeated every so often.

Also, cayenne pepper does wonders on hemorrhoids when mixed with an otc ointment (not vaseline). go very light on this one and be ready to wash it off yourself if you cant stand the burning. i've also tried cayenne pepper in a vaseline salve that i made on the cookstove that completely cured the bursitis in my shoulder.

Prevents Colds and Flu

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Posted by Barbara (Baltimore, MD) on 12/26/2007

Editor's Choice From infancy through childhood, teenage years, young and middle adulthood I have always been blessed with excellent health -- with one exception: I suffered from one cold and sore throat after another.

While none ever progressed to pneumonia, I would recover from one and then two weeks later feel the start of the next cold. Yet I have never smoked and have had excellent health habits.

For whatever reason, about 15 years ago I started to take 2-4 cayenne pepper capsules a day. A miracle occurred. Since then, I rarely contract a cold -- maybe one a year and not as severe as the ones I used to experience.

I can't laud the properties of cayenne enough. Be sure to swallow the capsule with enough liquid and you'll have no uncomfortable effect.


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Posted by Nick (Johannesburg, South Africa, Gauteng South Africa) on 02/19/2009

Editor's Choice One week before I turned 40 I became very ill- flue like symptoms. Docter told me I had prostrate problems. Since then, urinating wasn't what it use to be! 2 years ago I met this friend who only took natural medicines, and she recommended Cayenne Pepper. I've been taking it in powder form -3x per day with luke warm water- and I can honestly say i pee like a 30 year old!

Puffy Eyes

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Posted by Elizabeth (USA) on 10/08/2006

I have been on a regimen of 2 tbls of ACV and 1 tbls of blackstrap molasses 2x's a day for about 4 months now. I've just recently in the last month added 1/2 tsp of cayenne (1 tsp/day total) to my ACV and chase it with a glass of water. I read on your site that cayenne helps circulation and that was the primary reason I started adding it to my ACV. Before that I would cook with it and added it to my food everyday as I really like hot food. Well, I was pleasantly surprised with what happen next... The puffiness around my eyes (due to some kind of allergies food or airborne I'm guessing) and face is COMPLETELY gone! No kidding! I have a healthy glow to me now and the puffiness around my eyes that would make me look tired all the time, has vanished. The next thing I noticed is that my sinus' are clear, the dull sinus headache that I lived with for so long is gone and I can breath through my nose at night. As a result I think I'm getting more oxygen to my brain and body now and I definitely feel much more clear headed. I had no idea how much congestion was in my sinus' that I had just learned to live with. After ingesting a teaspoon a day for about a month, although results came within a couple of days, I look and feel so much better. The only thing I can attribute to the changes to is the cayenne. Thank you so much for posting this remedy. Makes me want to kiss you guys right on the lips! SMACK!

Recommended Cayenne Books

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Posted by Phil (Las Vegas, NV) on 06/22/2022

Dr. Richard Schulze was perhaps the #1 student of Dr. Christopher; Schulze was born with bad heart valves and not expected to live. He cured himself using cayenne, to such an extent he was called by fellow students of Christopher "Dr. Cayenne."

Schulze has cured thousands with "incurable" conditions. See his site He generally adds cayenne to any herb tincture he makes to amplify its effectiveness. Cayenne opens the capillaries and allows whatever herb or supplement you take better ingress to your cells.

Here is a link to a book he did "Curing with Cayenne:"

Help yourself to the other texts also.

Sinus Congestion

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Dan (Austin, Texas, Usa) on 11/06/2010

First of all, I love the site. Browsing through here has definitely helped my overall health and wellness and definitely cured a few ailments over the past few years. Next I would like to say that the most unpleasant feeling in the world for me is nasal congestion. I absolutely hate it when my nose is plugged.

One day, I awoke and couldn't breathe through my nose at all. Unfortunately it stayed like this all day. I headed to Earth Clinic where I found the suggestion to snort some cayenne. I could hear my mother's voice in my head questioning whether this was really such a good idea. I didn't listen to mother, and used the "it sounds the most extreme and must therefore work the best" logic. I started off by taking about 1/4tbs of cayenne and split it into two separate piles on my right and left index fingers, prayed to every religious figure I could think of, and snorted as hard as I could, one index finger into each nostril. At first it burned. I told myself to man up and deal with it and it will be fine. Then, it blazed. My eyes were watering attempting to put out the fire that was now in my nasal passages. Being the genius that I am, I attempted to wipe the tears with my hands. Turns out there was still cayenne the fingers I used to wipe my eyes. I've been poked in the eye, punched in the eye, spit in the eye, kicked in the eye, scratched in the eye--none of which compared to what I was experiencing. Frantically trying to rinse my eyes out to ease the pain and gulping down milk as the blaze had gone down the back of my throat I had nearly given up hope. I was convinced my eyes were ready to fall out and I had destroyed what was left of my sinuses. Ready to end it all I headed to get my rifle (or possibly some whiskey) when I took a deep breath through my nose. Sweet clarity. Sweet, sweet nasal clarity.

Sinus Congestion
Posted by Ray (VA)

Any time I am stuffed up, I add a little cayenne powder to my food and instantly my sinuses clear up! I also add cayenne to apple cider vinegar and water... that too is another good remedy for sinus congestion.

Sinus Infections

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Posted by Vania (Clarksville, Tn) on 08/29/2010

I live in Middle Tennessee, so I suffer from chronic sinusitis and sinus infections, which trigger asthma attacks and Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis. This spring (2010), I was desperate for relief (I never want to get Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis again! ), so I tried a nasal spray which contains Capsaicin pepper. It is found in the Nasal Spray section in drugstores. The label warns that you will feel a "strong sensation" on initial use. This is true. I have put off using it at times, for fear of the strong burning sensation in my sinus cavities. So then I will get a mild infection. But when I use it, it is amazing. Sweet relief! The price is off-putting, at nearly $15.00, but it lasts me several months. And I have not had a severe sinus infection since I started using it.

Sluggish Digestion

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Posted by Vee (Sheridan, Wy, Usa) on 09/22/2014

Cayenne Pepper helps my sluggish digestion. I have episodes that last for weeks sometimes where it seems as if my digestive system just stops. It causes tremendous stomach discomfort in the middle of the night, no matter how many hours it has been since I last ate (the problem is exacerbated by laying down). So, needless to say, I have many sleepless nights being awakened by a burning, bloated stomach. Lately I have been taking 1 capsule of 100,000 Heat Units Cayenne pepper after my last meal. From things that I have read, I decided to open the capsule and put half in a small glass of warm water with honey, then swallow the half-filled capsule. It has done wonders for my stomach discomfort and has allowed me to have very restful sleep. I believe it is helping the digestion process. I really don't know what my digestive problem is, but the cayenne pepper makes my stomach feel great and actually normal for a change.

ADVICE WHEN DRINKING CAYENNE PEPPER POWDER IN WATER: do not inhale as your bring the glass to your mouth unless you want to really clean out your sinuses! Cheers to all who are taking charge of their own, and their loved ones, health.

Sore Throat

7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Fey (Hilo, Hawaii) on 09/16/2010

Hi I am a nobody college student. I have had a sore throat for two days and it has been hurting like none other. Web Md suggests warm salt water and that will last you some 5 minuets. Google pointed me here. CAYENNE pepper mixed with warm water and gargled appears to be the top pick and it is for a reason. 2 minuets after the taste of pepper left my mouth I was so much better. Try it, it works so well.