Posted by Vania (Clarksville, Tn) on 08/29/2010
I live in Middle Tennessee, so I suffer from chronic sinusitis and sinus infections, which trigger asthma attacks and Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis. This spring (2010), I was desperate for relief (I never want to get Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis again! ), so I tried a nasal spray which contains Capsaicin pepper. It is found in the Nasal Spray section in drugstores. The label warns that you will feel a "strong sensation" on initial use. This is true. I have put off using it at times, for fear of the strong burning sensation in my sinus cavities. So then I will get a mild infection. But when I use it, it is amazing. Sweet relief! The price is off-putting, at nearly $15.00, but it lasts me several months. And I have not had a severe sinus infection since I started using it.