Cayenne Pepper
Health Benefits

Cayenne Pepper Health: Immune Boost, Pain Relief, and More

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29 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Nightfire (Danville, Illinois, United States) on 03/10/2012

Editor's Choice I have grown accustomed to taking cayenne so decided to try the lemon, cayenne drink 'before' eating anything this morning and

WOW not only did it ENERGIZE me, when I went to eat breakfast I only ate a third about what I would usually eat AND an hour later still NOT hungry and still energized.

ALSO *ha ha* I found out yesterday when I took my lemon cayenne drink in warm water religiously through the day and got on my stay ball (actually on this site for a long period... Can't help it I'm aging backwards and 'hooked') that my shoulder which usually aches horribly (had torn the muscles in both left and right some years ago and never felt right since)

HAD NOT GIVEN ME ANY PROBLEMS, I had only sat in a normal chair to eat dinner... Curbs appetite, pain reliever, energizer (also a never ending list haha, glad I'm half Mexican and love HOT spices)... No downfalls I'm aware of, better and cheaper then any 'Energy drink' out there (but don't keep me up at night : )


Broad Benefits
Posted by Ray (Blairsville, Ga.) on 01/30/2012

Editor's Choice I did a good bit of research on the Cayenne treatments before getting it for myself and told my wife about it and she trusted me enough to say she would give it a try also.

Listen up folks, she is 73 on blood pressure medicine and arthritis pain pills for lower back pain which got so bad she would sit on the couch to watch tv and use a heating pad. The pain was so bad sometimes after being on her feet for awhile she would go to tears and it seemed to take hours for the pain pills to work.

I told her not to take the blood pressure medicine while trying cayenne because it may be unsafe. Within 24 hours the pain was gone with no pills, her blood pressure which was causing her bad headaches every afternoon is still as good as it was with the medicine and no headaches. She has lost 11 pounds in just over a week her energy level us up also.

She has had stomach problems all her life and hasn't needed any antacids since she started on the treatment just a little burning in her throat which was expect from it and she takes another drink of water and it goes away. She sleeps great and gets plenty of exercise going to the bathroom from all the water she drinks.

Folks, she has motion sickness and yesterday she forgot to take her pills before we took a trip from Ga. to Kentucky to visit relatives on winding mountains roads part way and didn't have a single problem even though she normally throws up and gets sick to the point sometimes of throwing up foam when her stomach gets empty.

We are on well water where we live but I have read how bad fluoride is for you since it's toxic, look on the back of your tooth paste it says if swallowed go to the emergency room so if it's in your water what do you think.

Use room temperature spring water at least, I can't tell you how much better she has gotten in just a week.


Broad Benefits
Posted by Sunita (Santa Cruz, California) on 10/09/2011

Editor's Choice My dad used to mix 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper in home-made buttermilk, drink it after meals everyday as long as I can remember. He said he was cured of peptic ulcer, ringing in ears, indigestion, gas problems and something else I forgot. He died a healthy 67 yr old from an auto accident. I have been sprinkling it on my food every day for about a year now and have had no colds. When I stopped for a few weeks while traveling I had terrible problem with swollen feet so I noticed as soon as I began taking the CP swelling was gone. An 86 yr old friend of mine swears by it for candida, circulation, eczema and her good vision. She has taken capsules for past 20 yrs. I have taken turmeric with warm milk for acid reflux and it has worked wonders.

Replied by Nan

Your post was so encouraging. I've had eczema in my ears for over 20 years - constant awful itching and scaling. You mentioned cayenne for eczema. Is that helped by ingesting it? Surely not applying it topically (ouch). Would appreciate knowing, if possible. Thank you.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Helpyourself (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 08/09/2011

This stuff is amazing, Cayenne pepper. I have recommended this recipe to people with sinus, headaches, depression, empysema, sore throat, nausea, bacteria, coughing, toothache, and more... Try 20 drops of cayenne pepper (only use the Original Tabasco brand) in 4 oz. of water a couple times per week. Taper off, then take as needed.

Also, have a friend that took this for asbestosis and he swears by it.

Another friend takes this to sleep and quit taking his meds, say he doesn't need them. Cayenne is also an anti-inflammatory agent and is also an expectorant, good for the lungs and the blood.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Cayenne pepper drops? Where do you buy that? Here we only have it in powder!

Replied by Kelly
(Cambridge, Ma)

They don't sell Tabasco sauce in France?? They must. It's been around forever and ever.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Thanks, I thought you meant some kind of Cayenne drops from the pharmacy or something.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Just one more question, sorry but what do you mean by Taper Off? Not an expression we use over here so I am not sure of the meaning. I looked online and it seems to mean "decrease" so do you mean that with the time one add less Tabasco drops?

Replied by Blanche
(Iberia Parish, La. Usa)

Not trying to be picky, but cayenne pepper is different than tabasco pepper they make the famous sauce with. (just down the road from me. ) It may or may not matter though.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Blanche, you got me all mixed up now! What we need is the answer from the person who came up with the idea of using Cayenne pepper drops for health purposes. It is a pity this site still hasn't the possibility to contact the people concerned and get the answers we need. Also a pity that people aren't more precise about the treatments they purpose because this way one doesn't know what to do or can even do the wrong thing. Let's hope the person comes back and answers our questions!

(Spring, TX)
32 posts

I believe the man who started the Nature's Sunshine herbal company way back in early 70's is the one who gave his wife capsulated cayenne pepper because she was dying of some heart disease that the doctors told her she had no time left. You might Google that story.

Replied by Courtney
(Granite Bay, Ca)

Blanche - The original poster cited Tabasco sauce as what they used for their results.

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Francisca - I was wondering about that too. I used to be able to get cayenne tincture at the health food store but since moving to Calgary, I haven't found any. I know Dr. Schulze is a famous brand (there are Web sites that tell you how to make it using his methods which is a bit different from other, more simple, methods such as I would prefer to buy it already made - just my preference. Good luck in finding what works for you. Cheers, Bess

Replied by Helpyourself
(Houston, Texas, Usa)

I will try to clear up the confusion about Tabasco or cayenne pepper drops. Tabasco only has three ingredients: distilled vinegar, red pepper and salt. Other brands have many things added, don't like preservatives etc. Tabasco website lists cayenne pepper as the red pepper. I have tried others and the effect is not the same.

Again, the recipe is 20 drops of Tabasco in 4 oz. of water, a couple times a week, taper off and use as needed. Benefits are numerous.

Replied by Helpyourself
(Houston, Texas, Usa)

About Tabasco recipe...
By taper off I mean follow the recipe for a few weeks, cut back to once per week and then stop and take as needed. Everything in moderation. That's how I do it. Don't want to burn my intestines or anything else and when I need it my body reacts to it in a positive way.

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Thank you Helpyourself from Houston for clearing up the confusion regarding tabasco sauce and the cayenne pepper drops. I'll have to pick up that tiny bottle of tabasco next time I go shopping and try your recipe. I'm so glad it has only three ingredients and no preservatives. Cheers! Bess

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cayenne619 (San Diego, Ca) on 09/14/2010

Editor's Choice The power of cayenne powder:

The reason it suggested to take it with warm water is it works faster because the warm opens up the cell structure--makes it expand and accept the cayenne that much faster, and it goes directly to the heart, through the artery system, and feeds it in powerful food.

I am a recovering alcoholic in my 26th year and have bit longer without drugs. Before finding cayenne powder, the only holistic products was Epsom salt and ice for my pains.

September of 2009, I did the master cleanse for 7 days and 2 weeks of milk thistle with bentonite clay. During this cleanse noticed the odd annoying pain in my left leg had vanished.

Upon more investigation came to the conclusion that caffeine had restricted my circulation and capsaicin (cayenne powder) had opened it.. I used to lie in bed and my leg would hurt or be sitting in a recovery meeting drinking coffee rubbing my ankle in pain. I am pain free.

Every night on an empty stomach before bed without food, I take 1 fresh squeezed orange, half a teaspoon of cayenne powder and a drop of safflower oil.

Also in the morning I do the same but have food immediately or else there is the possibility with moving around that it will cause a horrible stomach problems from my movement.

What I have read is cayenne powder works as a blood thinner. It is suggested don't use it if you have high blood pressure, on other blood thinners.

It does lower ldl and raise hdl. It works also like Midol (pain inhibitor) for women with cramps.

It stops the production of "Substance P" in the spinal cord that sends synapses to neurons to the brain to let us know that there is pain.

I have found personally it has help me get a better night sleep and to feel restful and energized in the morning. I swear by it and use it for all my ailment names.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Arlene (Jekyll Island, Ga) on 03/05/2010

Cayenne is a life-saver.....I take it everyday and will continue to take it for energy and detox purposes. There is no better blood purifier than cayenne. It cleans your arteries, lowers cholesterol and improves overall health of anyone who takes it. Combined with a vegan diet you can virtually eliminate disease.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Alice (Wiesbaden, Germany) on 12/10/2009

Hello All,

I just would like to share with you an information I recently found on the internet. I am frequently suffering from inflamed and receding gums. I have started to use plain powdered cayenne for toothbrushing about two weeks ago. For me it works wonders as the gums are getting firmer each day and they look now healthy pink instead of dark red. Yes it will burn for a couple of minutes but the results are really convincing. Just do the oilpulling after brushing your teeth and the burning will subside very fast as the oil seems to take it away. Furthermore you will experience no more bad breath in the morning. I hope, this will help somebody else too.

Thank you earthclinic for the great website!

Kind Regards,

Replied by John

Myrrh is also good for the gums.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Marlo (Hattiesburg, Ms) on 12/02/2009

I tried so many things to overcome my candida infection but the single most effective thing I tried was drinking a few dashes of cayenne pepper powder in a beverage. Vitamin and probiotic supplementation also helped some. It also relieved my depression/fog, fatigue, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, yeasty body odor, itching, allergies, anxiety, high blood pressure, "blurred" vision, generalized muscle pain and spasms.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Betty (Shaker Hts, Ohio) on 05/28/2009

cayenne pepper has been wonderful for me l have lost weight and kept it off i take 2 to 3 caps daily. it has also helped my blood pressure tremendously i am starting my hubby on it asap due to his blood pressure this stuff really works so dont be afraid to use it folks. it has also helped my immune system, thyroid problem etc i also use it for blood thinng effect along with hawthorn

Broad Benefits
Posted by Nancy (Shreveport, LA) on 04/28/2009


Cayenne Pepper Information Needed: I have been drinking a tonic of 2 tsp raw acv and 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper in 16oz of water and sipping throughout the day. It is fabulous. I am 65 (almost 66) and it really revs up gives my metabolism and mental focus. The only problem I have is that it slightly burns my throat after about 8 oz. I always swish with plain water after sipping to protect my tooth enamel and then swallow. This cools my throat somewhat. Is there a problem with it burning? I don't really mind it as I love the increase in the body and mind. But, is there a potential problem? Am I doing damage to my throat?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Chris (Kodiak, Alaska, USA) on 02/15/2009

I bought Cayenne Pepper because I read in a health magizene that peppers when heating up the body, will help the body to burn fat. So I thought i'd try it. I took 3 capsules of it.

Now, I was tired because I didn't get any sleep that day, but after the pepper started to digest, I noticed my energy levels went up. I felt clean inside, like I washed myself out with a hose. On the drive to work tonight, I noticed my night vision was clearer, my brain was more alert, though I was tired and my sight, to brain, to react responces were more alert and quick I actually suprised myself.

I can only contribute this to the pepper as it never happened before, and the day I take the pepper, BAM! I feel clean, full of energy, life, I feel good, my mental mood is good, as if the pepper blocks bad emotions.

When flossing my teeth, I noticed my body was numb, as if I had taken pain killers. I didn't take any medications, just the pepper, and some zinc. And it felt like I was on some serious asprin or something. I've only been using on it for less then 12 hours now and I can see a serious difference in my body for the better. I can't wait to see what this wonder plant has in store for me.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Katherine Lobendahn (Honolulu, HI) on 11/21/2008

Aloha! It doesn't seem to matter what ailment my body is going through (arthritic pain, 'acid reflux,' idegestion, stomach ache, back ache, fatigue, etc.), a shot of Cayenne Pepper in some water never ceases to relieve me of the pain, discomfort, etc. You name it, Cayenne does the work. When I was consistent earlier this year, my blood sugar and blood pressure were normalized. I am now purposed to take my daily dosage of Cayenne tea more consistently now to keep the annoying and hindering sypmtoms of sickness & disease away. It also got rid of psoriasis I had in my scalp and thigh.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jessica Collins (Barnegat, NJ, USA) on 10/31/2008

I have had a sore throat every two months for the last year, I have a thyroid condition and am sick all the time. I am getting a sore throat again and decided to try cayenne. It works for a lot of things like constipation and it helps your body get rid of all foreign germs in your body. I believe in earth friendly products to cure your colds.
Antibiotics can help when really needed so don't rule out it fully and do what you thinks is right for you. If colds last more then a week then see your Doc because your body may not be able to fight it off on it's own. Good luck

P.S. You can take a pill form of cayenne pepper so you don't to deal with the burning and bad taste it leaves behind. It still works the same and it's just easier. Good luck

Broad Benefits
Posted by Alice (New Fairfield, Connecticut) on 09/11/2008

Cayenne pepper really does work for sore throats! I have been using this remedy for quite a few months now and it works everytime. It does require doses throughout the day but stick with it. My suggestion is to put 1/8 teaspoon of it into a shot glass (2tbsp) of water and down the is not going to taste great so get it down as quickly as possible and be done with it is my motto. My 8 year old daughter can down it like a pro and after a few times could even gargle a little in the throat. Have a glass of something (gingerale takes the heat right off for us) to chase it with and be amazed. Cayenne is also a miracle for cuts that won't stop bleeding. It had worked several times for us. Just wash the cut out in water and put a thick paste of it over the wound and cover with a bandage. It does not burn the cut!!! In fact the first time I tried it the wound hurt after I washed it off too soon. Back to sore throats...Apple Cider vinegar works also but my daughter can't tolerate that so we stick to this one...I do both for good meaasure.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dr. Blake HMD (Lake Elsinore, Ca) on 03/24/2008

Editor's Choice I have been reading your readers' emails and I wanted to make some comments about Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne is one of my favorate herbs for myself and my clients. I had prostate cancer 18 years ago and I cured it naturally using herbs, cleansing and diet only.

For the cancer I used the John Ray Christopher method of cayenne tea with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in warm water 3 times daily. Today I still use one or more teaspoons daily in my food at every meal.

Just recently I received a call from a Doctor of Chinese medicine who was throwing up blood from ulcers. As I alway do I suggested cayenne capsuls using 100,000 heat units plus. He could not believe that this would work but he took my advice and within a few days his problem was over. Of course I also gave him some advice on changing diet and lifestyle.

In my 18 years as a naturopahtic healer, I have used cayenne many times for bleeding ulcers. Cayenne also works great for emphysema sufferors, I have seen patients get off oxygen bottles and out of wheelchairs. But the person with the disease must go beyond the herb for the disease and look at the way they eat and their lifestyle. If they do not change their life the disease will appear somewhere else in another form.

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