Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review

Posted by Luce (Irvine, Ca) on 06/05/2017

I used baking soda as deodorant and had a scary looking purple rash, no itching or pain, I had breast cancer so you can imagine how I felt when I saw this, stopped using it and after a few days I was back to normal.

Depletes Calcium

1 User Review

Posted by Lorica (New Albany, Indiana) on 03/15/2011

I have had lots of problems with acididty and after research and a blood test discovered it was probably very much related to being gluten sensitive. I did not find that limes helped me a bit to be alkaline and even wheatgrass only helped somewhat. Baking soda has helped a lot... But I started having terrible cravings for milk products, even though I drank lots of milk. Guess what? Baking soda increases the need for calcium, it turns out. Whatever you use BS for, please be sure you get plenty of calcium!

Replied by Mariah
(Whangarei, New Zealand)

There is a widely spread mis-conception that Milk provides calcium to our bodies. This is pure marketing hype since the 40ties. The slogan "milk is good for your bones" is purely deisnged to sell more milk.

But isn't interesting that today there are more people with osteoporosis than there have ever been?

Often we crave what is bad for us. It's typical for an addiction-like situation. Most humans (about 77%) are lactose intolerant for a reason. Milk (especially cow's milk) is made for cow babies, not for human babies.

But the milk industry needs to sell more of this stuff because they produce incredible amounts of it... so they put it into everything.

When I went diary-free I discovered how milk solids or other things like whey are added to so many products these days it makes everyone sick - slowly!

Same goes with excess animal protein intake (meat) especially preserved ones.

People, it's time to question those false beliefs.

Replied by Elly
(Topeka, Kansas)

I realize this now and in the US both milk and meat are both subsidized by the government and to keep up the demands of a growing population the animals are kept are kept in what financial forecaster Gerald Celente has called on his youtube videos 'Auschwitz conditions' People sure are getting sicker and a select few millionaires, billionaires, trillionaires are certainly getting richer on pharmaceutical and pharming stocks of this growing sick culture. Since when is it normal for so many people at so young to be on som many meds? or for kids so youngs to already have so many diagnosis? We're suppsoed to be moving forward with technology not getting sicker and dying younger than our elders. Something's just not adding up here. I was surprised to read online people in sunny Florida have vitamin D deficiencies. They listened to the government subsidized ads that the sun is bad. Now in Missouri the tornado victims have a deadly aggressive fungus 'Zygomycosis' It's spread by breathing spores in or by physical contact. Great!

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Mariah, I do believe that milk can be a source of calcium. The calcium in milk may not be as absorbable due to the lack of magnesium. Even cows sometimes suffer from lack of magnesium to the point of death unless the farmer gives them an emergency treatment of magnesium.
Note: There is a huge difference between processed milk and RAW milk from a healthy cow. I have noticed that older folk who only have raw milk rarely have osteoporosis (I know of people in this bracket, older dairy farmers). Many of the women who have had bone density scans done have been told that they have the bones of a 30 - 50 yr old, these ladies are generally in their 60's. (This may change with the next generation or two due to the changes in farming practices. ) I have also noticed that when some of these same people stop their farming they develop allergies mild or severe including lactose intolerance. These people had no problems with raw milk in their diets but when they switched to processed milk that all changed.
Your so right about the additives, some (dare I say most) even add an ingredient that makes the milk thicker and it does not show up on the ingredients label. My friends mother-in-law has not been able to drink milk since she developed allergies 6 months after they stopped milking. That was about 10 years ago. Two weeks ago she started to have a milk that does not have this thickener added and guess what - no allergies to it. She is so happy to have milk in her tea again.

I wonder if silica is more important for our bones?

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Have realized that I did not add that I was talking about pasture fed cows. I tend to think all dairy herds are pasture fed but that is not the case. Thankfully it is mostly here on Oz.

Replied by Brian
(Wichita, Is)

Milk is ninety percent water, there are studies on milk beating out water and Gatorade in athletes after three hour competitions, ( ) I myself was donating plasma for two years and could not afford to eat food before I donated plasma which would cause me to test LOW on protien levels ( this happened five times) every time this happened I'd scramble up some change and drink a milk, and go get screened again and my protien would go up, there are studies ( independent studies) showing milk to hydrate the body.


Posted by Strat64 (San Bernardino, CA) on 09/30/2009

I have never tried baking soda for bathing or to wash my face but it sounds good. I have been using 1/2 teaspoon with 1/4 cup of water for upset stomach lately. I have been taking this for about one week whether or not I have an upset stomach. My question is---will it hurt the stomach lining of my stomach??? I have never taken this solution before for upset stomach but it sure works for me. I know baking soda has other helpful uses---thanks.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/21/2010

I have a very slow digestion, is it a good idea to take the bicarbonate of soda in water after the meals?

Replied by Jody
(Fort Worth, Texas)

I think you are supposed to take BS on a empty stomach. Some people have had gas and bloating after taking BS after meals.


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Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/20/2010

An Old Baking Soda Flu Cure

Hi Everyone...I found an old letter, written by a prominent physician in 1924 -- a Dr Volney S. Cheney -- to Church and Dwight concerning the use of a certain well-known brand of Baking Soda that we all know. Here is his letter which is shown for historic interest only:

"In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the 'Flu' with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely any one who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks. I have since that time treated all cases of 'Cold,' Influenza and LaGripe by first giving generous doses of Bicarbonate of Soda, and in many, many instances within 36 hours the symptoms would have entirely abated. Further, within my own household, before Woman's Clubs and Parent-Teachers' Associations, I have advocated the use of Bicarbonate of Soda as a preventive for "Colds," with the result that now many reports are coming in stating that those who took "Soda" were not affected, while nearly every one around them had the "Flu."

Recommended dosages from the A & H Company for colds and influenza back in 1925 were:

During the first day take six doses of half teaspoonful of A & H Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water, at about two hour intervals.

During the second day take four doses of half teaspoonful of A and H Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water, at the same intervals.

During the third day take two doses of half teaspoonful of A and H Bicarbonate of Soda in glass of cool water morning and evening, and thereafter half teaspoonful in glass of cool water each morning until cold is cured."

That's the way they alkalized in the old days...!!

The letter is taken from the WellSphere(discussion forum) website here:


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Posted by April (Southeast, GA) on 09/05/2008

I tried a couple teaspoons of baking soda mixed in about one-half to three-quarters cup of water to relieve debilitating gas pains. Within about five minutes, the relief was setting in. After about 15 minutes, the gas pains were gone. It did cause me to expel some gas, too, which I was unable to do beforehand.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Cassidyok (Fresno, Ca ) on 02/11/2011

My daughter just called me to confirm that in 12 hours, 1 tsp. of baking soda to a 1/4 cup of water REMOVED (completely) horrible gout pain... So bad they "wanted to cut their foot off" last night. She said she probably put too little of water in the mix, but it worked for them. Shocked, they said there was NO PAIN this morning. Not sure if it took away the pain last night but I think so! I just sent her the link on gout remedies and ACV! That's the one that is really supposed to work. Thank you for this website.

Posted by Lorraine (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/27/2007

After suffering with acute pain in my right big toe for one year i heard about this site and what baking soda can do. I took half teaspoon in a glass of water and the pain disappeared in minutes! Previously i couldnt even stand the weight of the sheet on my toe. I am yet to try acv and b.soda. but will do so and report back. have also been suffering from a lot of joint pain and that is subsiding also. I am very grateful for the info on this site. I received no help from doctors who only prescribe dangerous drugs! L.Wilson NZ.

Gout, Fibromyalgia Pain

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Posted by WindingDown (CA) on 01/16/2022

I had gout in 2005 lasted 6 weeks before I went to the Dr. he said it was gout. Wrote me a script. NOT MUCH was on the internet back then about home remedies. On a DEEP DIVE I saw someone charging for a cure. I kept searching and found it FREE!

Backing soda and water. YES!! FOR ME in 3 days of twice a day, 1 level teaspoon in water morning and late afternoon fixed 6 weeks of horrible pain in 3 days!!

Another time few years ago pre KETO way of life I was suffering from horrible Fibro pain, worse EVER! Finally went to the Dr she said its my new normal. I said NO WAY, I will surely die!! SO going home defeated, I remembered the gout pain years before. I realize after searching you can get gout everywhere. SO I tried my home remedy. THIS TIME it took a little over a week of 2 a day baking soda and water. IT WORKED THANK GOD!!

I then started Keto way of life, I don't care what anyone says, for me gout is from lots of carbs, like starches and sugars and grains. Since being KETO I do fall off the wagon sometimes but over all my body fibro and CFS issues are WAY BETTER FOR ME! GODSPEED everyone.

Gum Disease

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Posted by Iris (London, Canada) on 11/06/2007

I have braces which means food gets trapped really easily but it is difficult to floss. As a result I have inflammed gums, which often bleed, despite brushing after every meal. Now I use a HUGE scoop of baking soda in a sip of water (so its like a runny paste) and swished it around in my mouth for a couple of minutes. My swollen gums went back to normal imediatly after and have stopped bleeding. It leaves a salty taste in my mouth but I avoid rinsing after the baking soda.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Kerry (Launceston, Tasmania ....Australia) on 03/03/2008

Baking soda or Bicarb which it is called fantastic to wash hair with I use 1/4 cup of bicarb mixed with a cup of warm water in the shower and just tip onto my hair and rub for just a couple of seconds...then rinse...its amazing when it dries its like ive used shampoo... soft and bouncy if hair is a tad dry at times...iI just add a very small amount of organic conditioner to the ends ..and yes I use organic cold pressed coconut oil for a monthly deep condition...

Replied by Mike
(Sofa, Bulgaria)

You don't need to use so much baking soda. A teaspoon in a quarter cup of water is all you need. Perhaps the reason you are dry is you are using too much baking soda?

Replied by Alib
(Swansea, Wales, Uk)

I use bicarbonate (baking) of soda to wash my hair - just about a level teaspoonful in a little warm water and stirred well. I pour it over and then give it a good rub before rinsing off. I then pour over half a cup of warm water with a dribble of ACV in it, make sure it has covered my hair and been rubbed in and re-rinse to finish. Some people just pour over the ACV but I prefer to give it an extra rinse because I am not that keen on smelling like a chip shop!!! The bicarb cleans my hair and the ACV makes it beautifully soft.


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Posted by Rebecca (Annaheim, VA) on 03/16/2008

Every time I get heartburn I always put a teaspoon of baking soda in about 3 ounces of warm water and chug it down. Gets rid of it every time. My grandmother taught me this.

High Blood Pressure

1 User Review

Posted by Lori (Dela, Co) on 07/16/2013

I recently stopped taking baking soda (1/4 tsp) daily and a tblsp of black strap molasses and I feel great!! In the last 2 years that I had taken both faithfully my blood pressure rose with each Dr. visit and I hadn't done anything different. I recently had blood work done and my iron level (i'm assuming came from the bsm) was very high. I took every word on the baking soda as being so good for you but I tend to think differently now. Not all bodies are the same and I really think it caused my bp to go up. i'm not a salt eater so it wasn't the sodium I took in other wise. be careful with all natural remedies. every now and then I will drink 1/4 tsp of bs. I do drink a squeezed lemon daily and have not had any problems.

Replied by antoine

Hi all,

It is ok to take sodium bicarbonate when one got high BP?

We know that the root cause of high BP is acidosis (just like all the so called dis-eases are also a symptom of various degrees of acidosis)... so it would be rational to take an alkaline substance like sodium bicarbonate to reduce acidity in order to reduce high BP.

Does anybody with high BP have any experience with sodium bicarbonate?

Thank you


there are many causes of high BP. You need to try and see how BS affects you. It won't increase your BP as far as I know.

(New York)

Greetings Antoine,

It seems that the answer to whether Baking Soda raises Blood Pressure or not depends on if we have fatty deposits built up in our arteries called atherosclerosis. I do now, but I have those numb times I did not have when I was younger.

I remember always having a low blood pressure as a young woman. I loved turning up the saltshaker. And it never raised my blood pressure until life situations got serious: weight gain, stress, menopause and other mess.

As a matter of fact I have done the Baking Soda Molasses remedy for UTIs and Back or Side pains successfully on many occasions, and my blood pressure was not affected. Then one-day things changed along with negative life changes.

So what I do now while I try to clean up my arteries with better cooking choices, just take a pinch of baking soda. It brings up my pressure about 5 or 10 points. But, I at least I am in charge. Make sure you have a blood pressure machine available to keep up with results.

The interesting thing is depending on what I take it with it, it may regulate my blood pressure. Sometimes I take potassium with it.


2392 posts


Everyone can react differently to the salt added by taking baking soda, so the easiest thing is to try the baking soda at the dose you want to use and frequently monitor your blood pressure during the testing process. If it raises your blood pressure, your question is answered and you may not be able to take baking soda. If it doesn't raise your blood pressure readings, then you should be able to use it.


(New York)

Greetings EC and Antoine,

I need to make a correction in the first paragraph. I typed:

It seems that the answer to whether Baking Soda raises Blood Pressure or not depends on if we have fatty deposits built up in our arteries called atherosclerosis. I do now, but I have those numb times I did not have when I was younger.

I meant to type:

"I do Not know". What I do not know is whether I have atherosclerosis or not; I have never been diagnosed with that.

Now I add:

What I do know is that my leg goes numb sometimes and sometimes I have awakened with my legs and arms numb. I had to do the, "shake it off baby dance,

"(I had to work it on out! I had to shake off the numbness and get the circulation going). Now I know what that song was about.

In conclusion, as the note on medicine instructions and side effects would say, I too would like to say that since the benefits of baking soda out weights the side effects, for now I continue to go low dose it.

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Angie (Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico) on 01/31/2010

Baking soda and high blood pressure

Hi I too am a fan of EC and find everything so very interesting,I would like to ask whether someone who has high blood pressure due to (apparently) Chronic kidney disease should take the baking soda remedy as baking soda has salt in it (Am I right?) I have read much about baking soda being so good for people with kidney problems, but the blood pressure worries me, would appreciate some good and sound advice and dosage.

Thanks very much

Replied by Nevadasmith
(Smithfield, Pa)

Caution is advised. It is recommended to check with your personal physician.

Some [if not most] folks with hypertension are not salt sensitive and may not experience any ill effects. I have also read that even those who are salt sensitive only experience a mild degree of difference in blood pressure readings if they don't restrict salt.

My wife has systolic hypertension and salt seems to make very little difference to her so she does salt her food but we eat no refined or processed foods like chips so get very little salt otherwise in our diets.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

Nevadasmith from PA: That is a great observation. I truly believe that salt is not a culprit with the widespread hypertension there is everywhere. My take on it is it is something else in the salted foods, such as MSG or something else resulting in excessive glutamate. For salt, just be sure you are using "Iodized" salt, so you get the benefit of the iodine when you do use it. If we all insisted on and only bought iodized salt, that is all that would be in stores! Reclaim our iodine (and pineal function) that was taken away when mfr's swapped iodine for bromine in the 70's. Ted/EC has several threads on iodine.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Only recently I had my first case of hypertension crises and "sodium" was definitely a major culprit. Suffering from chronic toxicity of various sources for many yrs and very much disabled I reached a healing crises and required additional buffering w/ sea salt and baking soda (orally) and eventually mineral baths were necessary as my body was depleted in minerals. My BP continued to escalate thru March 2012. I had only slightly reduce dietary sodium to this point and had switched from commercial iodized salt to sea salt as well as Himalayan pink salt autumn 2011. As my crisis worsened I took a DGL/Allantoin dose before rising one day w/ noticeable improvement through the day. The following night I had a batch of air-popped corn w/ the usual butter seasoning and for supper half can of Salmon and WHAM I went down. I suffered thru the weekend and wound up in ER Monday morning w/ reading of 210/135 and feeling very ill. Fortunately 10mg Lisonopril worked wonders (accept for the kidneys of which D-Mannose helped significantly).

So, for me, dietary sodium was definitely a culprit and the Kidneys seem the most affected organ. As for Iodine, there is now on the shelf's of grocers "Iodized" Sea Salt so we don't neglect our precious thyroid. As for natural Iodine supplemental Kelp is as inexpensive as any herb on the market so it only makes sense to take Kelp. Also for everyone suffering from Hypertension it is also recommended to provide natural support for the Kidneys as they are a major factor in determining blood pressure.

High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure

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Posted by Miles (Canada) on 12/24/2014

All Baking Powder now is aluminum free. Baking soda is also a remedy for high blood pressure and cholesterol. Cholesterol is caused by inflammation which causes all our problems like arthritis, Gout, fibromyalgia, Cancer and on and on. The inflammation gets into the wall of the artery and starts to wear it thin so the Cholesterol does as it is supposed to by rushing in to repair it by building it up again. If the inflammation stays in there, then the cholesterol over compensates and then can become a blockage but it is all about inflammation.

High blood pressure is the same, raised by having too much inflammation in the body. No B.S. will not raise the blood pressure because it says sodium on it. Your body (kidneys) already makes the (sodium bicarbonate) Baking Soda but as we age or some bodies in general quit making enough of it to keep us healthy with a good PH level in our blood. I used to be on all the meds. and after taking this and apple Cider vinegar (organic) I went back to my Doctor and he could not believe I was the same person. He took me off high blood pressue and the Cholesterol pills. I have never felt better. These products are amazing God given. Your body was meant to heal itself if you give it the right things. As you start this check your blood pressure daily and see your Doctor before quiting your medication as I am NOT a Doctor but this has worked wonders for me.

Replied by Carmel

Thank you for your useful email. Can you tell me how much baking soda you used daily and how often to lower high cholesterol?

Replied by Connie

Thank you Miles from (Canada) I have very high Cholesterol, so how much Apple Cider Vineger and how much Baking Soda per day?

This information would be greatly appreciated.

Replied by Miggy

For those with hypertension, you must only take potassium chloride, or pot ash, found or ordered in by some pharmacies. That will not give you hypertension, and will be safer to take if you do have HBP.

Replied by Mary

How would one take potash for HBP?

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