Weight Loss Reader Feedback
I found this site just over a couple of weeks ago while searching for a natural remedy for high blood pressure. I am extremely overweight but was having trouble exercising because of the effects of the medicines my doctor put me on. I did not want to go back to that doctor, nor do I want to stay on these medicines any longer. I can tell that these medicines are poisoning my system.
I had found several remedies that would cost more than my prescriptions, and was about to order one of them when something told me to keep looking.
That was when I found this site. I read through all of the comments and decided that it wouldn't hurt to try the apple cider vinegar. If it didn't work, I could always try one of those expensive remedies.
I have been taking the apple cider vinegar for just about two weeks now and I have noticed an incredible change in my energy levels. Before I started taking the apple cider vinegar, I was always feeling sluggish and had no energy. I was constantly falling asleep at church and at home in front of my computer. Now the sluggish feeling is gone, I have more energy, and I do not have the problem of falling asleep all the time. I am also exercising now.
Yesterday, I forgot to take my afternoon dose of medicine. I wasn't feeling right (I feel 'off' when I don't take my blood pressure medicine) so I took my blood pressure. The average reading was 145/96. Normally when I forget my medicine, the average reading is 165/101. Today, with my medicine, the average was 123/77 (this is after drinking a couple of glasses of cola!) - normally it is 130/85 or 140/90 if I have had any kind of caffeine.
Not only is my blood pressure beginning to come down, but I have also lost 10 pounds in two weeks! Hopefully, I will be able to come off of the medicines soon so I can finally get healthy again. Thank you so much for this website!
(Dublin, Ireland)
Hi I have been taking Apple Cider Vinegar for two weeks now and have had no results so far I am taking the unfiltered with the mother and if anything I feel my cravings have gone up and I am always tired even after a 9 hour sleep I am in the menopause after surgery for uterine cancer in 2010, but lately just cant seem to get motivated to do anything (except eat), I am 46 years old and dont want to feel this way, I am a great believer in homeopathy as well as home remedies.
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
I just had a thought about acv, and weight loss especially around the middle , A thought is that acv can be a great help with thrush and irritated bowel syndrome..so bloated feeling is gone and hence losing a few inches quickly, oh and acv is great for weight loss as it balances out all the sugar in the blood, caused by sweet stuff and white breads etc.
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Yea, I have been dealing with my weight and drinking ACV I'm feeling good and my weight is dropping. I drink a quarter of ACV and 24fl ounces of water in the morning I add it to the water and take my time in drinking it. Thank god for parents, my mother gave this to me many years ago.age 50 now.
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
I have been taking ACV to lose weight for almost 2 weeks now, and I am not seeing much of a difference. I don't mix it with Honey because I still just can't get past the taste. I have started mixing it with V8 juice and it tastes much better. I don't know if maybe this is the reason I am not seeing any results or maybe I am just not very patient. I use the Low Sodium kind so there is not that much salt. For the lady who is using Heinz, that is not a good idea. You need to use the Organic ACV. I use _____. It will specifically say that it contains the mother.
(Pasadena, CA)
Patience is a virtue. I wouldn't dismiss the beneficial things that ACV can bring with just a short period of time. Each individual will have different results. I mean I started taking ACV along with Conconut oil during March of this year in hopes of loosing weight. I made it a vow not to weigh myself all this time, because you only set yourself up for disappointment. Next thing you know, I am getting compliments of how much weight I've lost. So, do give it some time and you will see a difference. It might not today, but it will come.
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
After two months of ACV twice a day with honey, I had no loss of any weight but with new blood work my glucose went up, maybe because of honey? However, my bloodpressure went down from 130/75 to 122/72. I have stopped taking ACV with honey because of elevated glucose 119. I am 65. Bye and good luck to the rest.
EC: We are not big fans of adding honey to ACV for that very reason (i.e., elevated glucose levels).
(Modesto, California, USA)
This is specifically to Anil of Hammond, Louisiana, where should I begin??!! Both your blood pressure & glucose readings change constantly throughout your day, your blood pressure changes with EVERY BEAT OF YOUR HEART!!! I'm sincerely hoping you took MANY readings to come up with an average if you are making ANY decisions concerning your health regimen. Two reading in two months is staggeringly inadequate. Plus, 119 is not "elevated" depending on when you took it. (your blood glucose goes as high or higher than 150mg/Dl after meals throughout your day) some people high than that. Serial readings are in order before you make any changes or decisions regarding the same.
Good luck.
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
The ACV is awesome. This has been a poor diet and excercise week for me because I've had to work 7 days straight with little sleep. I decided to see if ACV could keep my wait at least stabilized. I added 2 (Organic) tablespoons to .09 FL Oz bottle of spring water and drink daily. I have maintained a lean mid-section this week- even without working out. It's helped me out of this jam. I will resume my fitness regime and diet next week but I am grateful that I have stayed bulge free with ACV!!!
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
I gained lots of weight during my 2 pregnancies, but I lost it all but these awful 8-10 lbs. It's been 2 years since I had my 2nd child. I exercise, watch what I eat, avoid pop/soda, processed foods, etc. But I cannot get rid of these 10 lbs!!! When I found this website and read the reviews and I was so ecstatic thinking that I had finally found a natural remedy to boost my weight loss. I've been taking organic ACV with 'mother' for 3 weeks now. (2Tbs in 1C of water before bed). I regret to say that I have NOT noticed much difference in any aspect of my life - energy level is the same, no changes in skin condition, as many posters witness.. And most importantly, I have noticed that since I've started taking ACV my appetite has doubled. Maybe it's only my peculiar reaction but still wanted to share my observation.
(Albertville, AL)
To the lady who is taking acv before bed--to lose the weight you mix a tbs with water and mabey a little honey and sip it DURING your meal. Everyday- the weight will come off but slowly. If you want to lose fast try leaving off bread, potatos, rice, sugar,butter, and drink lots of water. I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks using the low carb diet.
(Toronto, ON)
(Toronto, ON)
I came back with more feedback about ACV. I've been taking it for over a month now, maybe 6-8 weeks. I had already posted that I noticed no impact on my weight loss. On the contrary, I had increased appetite. After reading a comment I started drinking ACV in the morning, but with no effect. This weekend after I took ACV I had a horrendous stabbing pain in liver. Next day - the same story. Drinking ACV caused pain in my liver. I've never suffered any liver problems before. So I've stopped taking ACV.
(Vancouver, BC)
This reply is for Ashley of Toronto re 'side effect' of using Apple Cider Vinegar. You are very likely experiencing the beginnings of gallbladder attacks because of gallstones. Often after people lose weight they may get attacks. The ACV might also instigate these attacks because it is trying to get rid of the stones. My advice is whatever you do, don't have surgery. An ultra-sound is ok to see if you have stones. I would bet money you have stones. Email me and I will share how you can get rid of the stones on your own without surgery. I have gotten rid of stones using my remedy. Once you pass the stones, the weight you wish to lose might go as well.
(Chicago, IL)
I came to this site for relief of gallbladder attacks and possibly gallbladder flush. I saw my doctor and he told me i had about 100 small stones. Apple cider vinegar helps to soften stones and aids in expulsion. Maybe your liver is being cleansed. You may need to see a doctor. you don't want to expell stones that are too big for the biliary duct. If my stones are small and still cause so much pain then larger stones must be excruciating.
Now I see that ACV is also good for weight loss. This explains my suppressed appetite.
Thank you so much Earth Clinic!
(Toronto, ON)
Hi BIMMI, i have been taking ACV for about 3 weeks, i didn't notice and weight loss, but i feel less tired, i feel no appetite, (i used to love coffee or tea)i can't drink it now. pain in keens is disappearing. i but i see blood in my urine. I am getting pain on my sides. do you think i might have gallstones, what is your remedy to get rid of them. help will be appreciated.
(Goodlettsville, TN)
In response to Manjit from Toronto, sounds more like kidney stones, the blood in urine is good that means you are passing them. It sounds like the ACV is detoxing your system, all the bad stuff in your body will end up in your kidneys are your body tries to expell it, this turns into to kidney stones sometimes. They are not really stones but calcium and mineral build up. When you pass them, it's like a small round gellied ball that comes out, if they are small you won't even notice them. I'd recommend adding a little more water into your diet, this should help keep your kidneys cleaned out a little better. I've been drinking 2 tspns of ACV for years, per I heard it helped give you a better skin complexion, people tell me all the time I don't look my age and that I haven't aged at all since high school. I'm 30 now. Also, works great as skin toner.
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
when i was 18 i became pregnant, i weighed about 105lbs. right before my first check up.
i weighed 147 the day i left the hospital and have had such a battle with my weight ever since...i have been as heavy as 160, but normally my weight fluctuates between 150 and 155 and i just stay there...i've tried weight watchers and it worked but i only lost about 1lb a week, it was too slow for me and i lost my interest. i've tried running, biking, exercise vidoes, diet pills from tv, everything..i can't seem to lose weight and it's so frustrating. I don't want to go out anywhere becuase i'm so uncomfortable and embarrased. I am getting married next summer to my son's father :) and I am so ready to be healthy and look healthy for our big day!
I have been using the ACV and honey remedy for a week and a 1/2. I use Organic Apple cidar vinegar with the "mother" they call it (very impportant to use orangic so it is not pastuerized, processed, filtered, or heated, you want all the enzymes and everything!)
and then i use raw organic honey fresh from my fiance's grandfather's hive. also very important that no ingredients are added, it is not boiled or heated.. so that you get all of the enzymes and good stuff that would normally be cooked and killed off during the processing.
i mix 1 tablespoon of each and dilute with about 4oz. room temp. water,-just enough so i can down it quick! it's also ok to use chilled water i've done the research.
i do this 3 times a day.
i have not lost any weight yet, but my skin is clearer and it does help to suppress my appetite so i'm going to stick with it for a while and see what happens. I also have more energy and the taste is getting better.
If anyone has any advice or other tips please feel free to fill me in!! i am a person that can't seem to commit to one weigthloss fad and i am so tired of it! i really want this to work!
thanks and good luck to everyone!
To Cassie from Adamstown, Pa: Hi Cassie, Don't feel like the "Lone Stranger" for you have lots of comrades in "The Battle of the Bulge". Also, if we can believe the media there is an epidemic of obesity, diabetes over the last few years. My first suggestion is to get rid of all those diet foods and diet drinks, because they are a big part of what is making you keep that weight. My second suggestion is for you to search on line for excitotoxins, what they are and what they cause. Two names you are going to find in this search is monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame (Nutrisweet). I find that most people are not aware of how much MSG they are ingesting, thinking that the only time they get much of it is when they eat stir-fried or Asian foods. To really get an idea of how much you are getting, print out that list of names they hide MSG under and go into the kitchen and start reading ingredients on everything in there to eat or drink, including your raw meats. After you get an honest idea of how much of the food you eat is loaded with MSG, go back on line and see if you can pull up some pictures of those MSG fed mice & rats? These are both pitiful and disgusting. Know that they also make us two-legged animals fat also.
Ok, now we know where the problem is. Go to the library and borrow a copy of "The Carbohydrate Addict's Healthy Heart Program". This book answers the question I asked and the one I didn't ask, after being told in a physioloogy lecture at VUSN (1978) that all fat people had 8 times the normal amount of insulin circulating in their blood streams. Knowing that insulin will "bottom-ut your glucose and make you hungry, I asked which came first, the excess insulin or the overweight? and got the answer of "We don't know"! Figuring that if they didn't know that, I didn't bother to ask my second question, which was "What makes us kick out excess insulin"? The book I mentioned above by Rachel & Richard Heller and Dr. Vagnini, answers both of my questions. Again MSG and aspartame pop up as the 2 major culprits. Rachel Heller probably weighed more than l05 lbs. by the age of 7 or 8 years old. She battled the bulge for much longer than you have - and she won. She has maintained her size 8 dress figure since lucking up and finding how to really win that battle. In this book, she tells you how to do it and I can vouch for the fact that it works - the weight comes off and without you feeling like you are starving. I don't think I need to point out that not only will you be losing weight without feeling starved, but you will also be avoiding developing diabetes type 2 along with all those other medical problems that the excitotoxins cause. Also hopefully, you be eating correctly and teaching your little one to eat right to stay healthy.
(Irvington, NJ)
Yes, it's true. I am NOT lying because I too am desperate in losing weight.I just had a baby and it looks like i'm still pregnant. I measured myself before and it was 44inches, i remember. Than next morning it was 37 inches. Next day i did some billy blanks 15 min video, and measured myself next day, i was 33 inches. But me, I'm a person that wants to see results REAL fast, so I had lost interest and stopped taking it. It may have been water i lost. But now I decided to go back. when I was taking it, I didn't feel any boost of energy like everyone else said. My appetite was not controlled, but my skin was looking good. So I will start this again before I go to bed. But i'm desperate like no other.
(Brownsville, Texas)
I am sorry for all of you who are desperate to lose weight because I was like that. I wanted to see results and fast. I had to learned the hard way that to lose weight patience is the main factor. No patience no weightloss. I don't weigh myself anymore, it sabotages my good intentions. I am starting with ACV and practice patience. You can not hide slimness or fatness. So I will stay on ACV and whatever will be, will be. I have use it as a toner for a dermatitis condition and it worked beautifully. Along with etilic alcohol and aloe vera. I will post with outcomes when I see results.
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
I can't believe this at all. After reading the weight loss section using apple cider vinegar, I decided to purchase one myself. I took three tablespoons in a filled up bottled water luke warm, not too cold. I took it three times in one day. I had measured myself before on my waist and it was 44 inches. I woke up the next day and it was 37-38 inches!!! I lost about 7-8 inches on my waist in one night!! I can't believe this. I will continue to do this for the rest of the weekend and see any more difference. This is the begening of July, my current weight now is 175. At the very last day of July, I will post my current weight and waist measurements.
(Rochester, NY)
since reading what Jennifer said happened to her, I'm very interested in what the apple cider vinegar did i would really like to try it but i dont know what you did did you just put the ACV in some water? is that all? youdidnt work out or anything im really interested because i just gained a little over 20 pounds in a month im going to new york next month so i would love to try this method i never even heard of this please explain to me what you did.
(Detroit, USA)
(Sparta, MO)
(Boston, USA)
(Boston, MA)
(York, Pennsylavania)
(Detroit, MI)
ACV helps to regulate the bowels and also helps to rid the body of gas, especially if taken before a meal. Therefore, it is quite possible she lost that many inches in one night. I myself have witnessed how someone's stomach can look much smaller after taking ACV for a short amount of time. Please don't call her a liar, especially when you haven't tried it for yourself.
(Oslo, Norway)
Honestly. Has no one here heard of bloating? Gas accumulating in the stomach, due to indigestion. Look it up on this very webpage. You'll find a popular cure for it - ACV vinegar. She doesn't sound like a liar to me.
(Chicago, IL)
(West Park, Florida)
I know many find it hard to believe but it is possible to lose many inches overnight. Under normal circumstances of course, this is not possible. However, if a person has a great deal of fermentation in their stomach and intestinal tract this will expand the stomach and waistline. The cider vinegar helps dispel the fermentation and it moves trapped matter out of the bowels.
When I ran one of the first colonics clinic in the UK, I had clients that came in with huge stomachs. They had lose pants after their first colonics session.
There was of course, much 'wastes of digestion' that came out of the intestinal tract along with fermentation which caused bloating and expansion.
If the person concerned took too much ACV it could have caused diarrhea and the expulsion of fermentation, which caused a reduction in the cherished waistline.
Cider vinegar is nature's tool. If used wisely and correctly, it really will help. But one has to keep at it.
I speak as someone with many years of authority on the digestive system and other modalities. Please read our latest book "Flood Your Body with Oxygen." Thank you for reading.
(Fresno, CA)
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
I have been taking acv for about a week now. I do feel better and have lost 3 pounds and seem to have more energy. But I also have taken a b12 shot and started taking vitamin b-100, which has b6, b12 and b1. And I take a vittamin c daily. I take 2 tablespoons of acv with one 16oz bottle water 2 two times a day. I was wondering why some people are taking in warm. It tatse better cold and that's the way i take it. but is there a benefit to taking it warm that I have missed? any replies would be great. thank you. Tammy
(Boca Raton, Fl)
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
In 1972 my father was in his late 40's. Being from Wisconsin his diet included quite a bit of fatty food. Most of his weight was in his belly. Not uncommon in Wisconsin. At that time, I don't know where he found it, but he came home one day and announced that he was going to cut out 25% of the fat in his diet and drink 8 oz of luke warm water every night with 1 Tbsp of Cider Vinegar and 1 Tbsp of Honey.
I was still very young, and had a problem with bed wetting. He gave me his mixture one night before bed and told me that I would never wet the bed again, I didn't.
I now suggest organic for both and Raw Honey.
In a matter of two months, all of his belly weight had disappeared.
To add to that what I have learned over the years...
I am not Jewish, but NOT mixing milk products with meat is also very helpful since it it easier to digest out food.
What Western medical doctors won't tell us also is that when we combine our protein and carbs they turn into fat in our bodies immediately. We do need carbs, but complex carbs rather than all of the processed white flour and white sugar. Processed food is poison more than anything. We really can't trust the FDA. They allow chemicals to be put in our food. I believe that so many health problems are caused by chemicals that our bodies just don't agree with. Western doctors will just keep treating the symptoms.
Try Oatmeal and sprouted grain breads and pastas, you'll be surprised at how quickly you get use to them.
Lean protein and vegetables together.
Don't get on the scale every day, you'll just frustrate yourselves.
When I got pregnant with my son I weighed 125 pounds. I ate like a foodball player during my pregnancy. I gained over 100 pounds! He was a big beautiful 10 lb baby, lol
After nursing for a year and continuing to eat well I lost it all.
Look at the size of your bone structure and don't pressure yourself. Not all of us are meant to be skinny, just healthy and in proportion. Consider your genetic background.
I believe that Cider Vinegar is an amazing remedy for just naturally cleansing out our bodies, not just breaking down fat. Bath in it too. Try a full cup in a bath and massage cellulite. You will need to increase your water intake. I weigh 140 pounds now and I drink almost a gallon of water a day.
I just started Oil Pulling for my overall health and dental since I don't have a fortune to spend on my teeth.
Bless all of you and your health. You can do it!
(Memphis, TN)
(Bordeaux, France)
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
After reading so many positive feedbacks on this site I decided to try ACV. I have been using it 3x/day for about a month. Within the first week I noticed it killed my sugar/chocolate cravings & I was eating about 30% less @ each meal. I lost 17lbs this month. However.. I did start at 365lbs & have a LONG way to go. Now I feel there is some hope. Thank you.
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
WEIGHT LOSS: 9 yrs ago when I got pregnant- I was 28yrs old (5'2 tall/small boned) and weighed 104 lbs. Just prior to delivery I weighed 178 lbs. After having my son I just could not lose the weight. I walked on a treadmill- over 8 miles a day, as well as rollerblading- 3-5 x's a week. I even went on the heart surgery patient diet. When I did eat "normal foods" I cut my portion sizes in half. No alcohol. No sodas. I was absolutely starving to death, grumpy and had no energy. I started looking for an alternative to my extreme diet plan. I heard about the ACV remedy from a friend and started taking 1 tablespoon 2 x's a day (not diluted.) I kept a journal on my inches. You know, bust, ribs, waist, butt and thighs (even my calves.) Within a month I had noted a 2 - inch lose in my waist and additional signs elsewhere. I had overall fitness and wellbeing. In 7 months was back to 108 lbs and stopped using the remedy.
Over my lifetime- I have not been one to watch what I eat and never 'exercise. ((Bad habit when you cross the 35yr old mark)) My weight stayed really good until 2 years ago.
I am now (37yo) at 138 lbs. So in less than 2 years I have gained 35 lbs. Not only have I went up 4 dress sizes, I feel like crap w/ backaches, bloating and low energy... Take vitamins daily (Zinc, prenatal vitamin, E and a one a day. Eat "healthy" (lots of fruit and veggies) with low sodium and low fat content.
I started looking online for homeopathic remedy for weightloss. I came across this site and decided to start the ACV regimen again (2 tablespoons daily.) I have lost 2 inches in my waist and 8 lbs in a week. I have more energy and the bloated feeling is gone. Hoping an additional weightloss will help my aching back.
I will keep you posted.
(Gainesville, FL)
I received an email from someone about how much and when and thought I would pass the email along...
Good morning. I have lost 3 inches and 12 pounds so far. I really feel better and hope you are seeing signs of a slimmer waist and back as I am. Seems legs and butt are the last to ever go. LOL The fat is melting off. From my rib cage down.!!!! No joke.
I take a Tbsp around 8am and have a granola bar around 10am. PS I am back to drinking coffee -not holding the cream. (Trying to lose weigh on a regular diet I had stopped drinking it...) At around 12:30pm I have a regular lunch. Sandwich, apple, etc ( If I start feeling bloated after lunch I take a Tbsp) and then take a Tbsp when I get home (6ish) and have a regular dinner around 7-8pm. (again taking a Tbsp of ACV if I start feeling bloated after dinner.) You should be feeling a lot more energy and have a slimmer waist.... losing the bloated feeling and losing some water weigh has really started slimming me down. After a few weeks I can feel my muscles again... not just the fat when I feel my waist from rib cage down. What a difference. Please let me know how you are doing. Very well worth the taste... Please rinse your mouth repeatedly after drinking- The ACV is not good for the enamel on your teeth. PS I also had a better menstrual- After getting my tubes tied I had a problem w/ severe clotting- It is getting better. Really noticable- The cramping is all but gone- which is a side-effect of clotting.
ACV is great for weight lose- It is natural and healthy. It cuts sugar cravings, you eat less- smaller dinner plate helps as well-, you feel better. Your metabilizm really kicks into gear. The ACV is an acid. You have less gas and bloating when you take ACV. Stimulates your stomache to work 'right.'
Best regards,
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Weigh 175Ibs and want to be 165Ibs. Read the website and just started with 2tbs of ACV 1tesp of honey and 8oz of warm water. I will be back after two weeks to let you know the result. 5/20/2008, 2.36pm CST
Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Yesterday a friend informed me about a weight loss recipe from a friend of - vinegar, green onions, garlic and cerena peppers? Put in a bottle and let sit for a few days and then put 2-3 T. in a 32 oz. bottle of pure water and drink throughout day. Have u heard of this? Thanks, Vanessa.