Apple Cider Vinegar for Fat Burning and Weight Loss

| Modified on Jan 23, 2023
Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Wendy (Usa) on 02/22/2016

So while this may be true for some, not all others.

I tried low carb many times, but my BS drops too much, I need high protein with a tiny bit of carb mixed, as far as the avc, its working for me, not dieting at all, in fact I go over board on the carbs at times, but in MY case, it turned out I was making too my Aldosterone, the water retention hormone during peri menopause, my adrenals were stressed out and so my cortisol went through the roof.

The excess cortisol was raising my aldosterone, I was taking the Apple Cider Vinegar for acid reflux (works great by the way)

And so for 6 years I suffered from water retention, I tried EVEY THING! But till recently, only the Apple Cider Vinegar worked, I could NOT figure out WHY, so me, being the Google queen, set out to FIND OUT WHY! it turns out the Acetic Acid (in acv) LOWERS Aldosterone.

If I stop taking it, the water weight creeps back, I must continue to take until menopause finally occurs and things balance out. ( I hope it does)

And for the record, I did see and Endocrinologist and had things tested. The Aldo was high, but not from a Tumor anywhere, and the Cortisol was high but not from a diseased Adrenal Gland issue, the Insulin was high, but not from a Pancreas problem....all this is from Peri-Menopause!!

Who freeeaking knew???? I went into "The Change" very stressed out and that is not good for the Adrenals, they have their own job, and when it is time to help out during menopause it would be nice if they were stronger.

I had gained 30 pounds in 6 months from the High Cortisol/Aldo/Insulin.

Since the acv, it is going down, down down, almost 10 pounds already in less than a month. I do not diet, I do not exercise, I only keep busy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Margaret (Kentucky, US) on 09/04/2014

how much apple cider vinegar are you taking a day?

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Alex (Salt Lake City, Ut) on 11/22/2010

Hello! I ran across ACV for weight loss last year when I was desperately trying to lose weight before my trip overseas. I read tons of testimonials and went right out the next day and bought the ACV. A little about my weight: I'm female, 23, and in decent shape. I am 5'7'' and at the time weighed in at about 160. I have never been obese but am VERY curvy and had a spare tire I wasn't proud of. I was pretty active, but a total slouch at an exercise routine (usually I just walk places, or bike)

Either way, I was a teacher, and I showed my friend at work this site. We went on the ACV together. We first tried the 2 teaspoons in 16 oz cold water (I drink NOTHING but water!!! ) but found it to be a little too gross. Since we're both fans of tea, we tried around 2 teaspoons in 8oz, with a bit of honey, served warm. Delicious! Tastes a bit like warm apple cider. The pounds started dropping off. It wasn't that I tried, but I was subconsciously eating less, of healthier foods. I found more energy as well! I lost eleven pounds the first month!!! One of my favorite stories is the "candy" story I like to tell skeptics of ACV. I am a HUGE fan of candy and eat it waaaay too much. During my "slim down for Sweden" I used to eat my favorite candy (won't mention the name but it's our favorite peanut butter mixed with chocolate cup! ) all the time. I had a teacher friend who would give me this treat in exchange for watching her class--I could never turn them down. Well, one morning I hadn't eaten breakfast yet (while on the ACV breakfast was always something healthy; fruit or an egg, etc) this morning I didn't eat anything but was sipping my usual cup of ACV. When the friend brought me my chocolate and peanut butter cup, I gobbled it down. And immediately felt barf. I couldn't believe it. After the "flushing" effect of the ACV, the sugars, the fats, the oils... Everything in that candy suddenly had a whole new taste.

ACV is amazing for awakening your senses to what you put in your body. I usually ate both "cups" in less than a second, but I found myself unable to finish the first one, and gave the second one to one of the kids in class. By the time Sweden hit, I had lost 20 pounds and looked SEXY!!! I wrote this testimonial to re-motivate myself (slacked off this year on ACV) and to hopefully motivate others. This stuff really does work! And you don't even have to be patient to see results, just give it like a week and you'll feel clothes fitting better. Oh, and I am an extremist and overdo EVERYTHING, so I've since doubled the amount of ACV I use. Sometimes I pour a nice tall glass of OJ and put about 2 tablespoons in that. The acid of the OJ completely obliterates the taste of ACV. And boy, the combo REALLY gives you an energy jolt in the morning. Try it as an alternative to coffee or an energy drink! And good luck in everyone's efforts. :)

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by David (Riverside, Ca) on 06/20/2017

Apple Cider Vinegar - In two months I have lost 31 pounds ...At 345...I am a big guy...I get it from both sides of my family because my Uncles were this big...I am no John Riggins...too old for that but slowly lowering the weight by one to two tablspoons a day...Thank You for this site...Sparky

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Jen (Canton, Ny) on 03/21/2013

I have been faithfully drinking 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a small glass of water about 20 minutes before eating lunch and dinner since Feb 1st, 2013. I have lost 12 pounds and my skin looks great. No breakouts on my chin like I typically get. I have tried to eat less carbs too, so that is helping but the apple cider vinegar is: a) helping me digest my food better and b) helping my metabolism. Yea!!

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Linda (St Amans De Pellagal, France, France) on 03/05/2014

Some while ago I started taking organic ACV for its health benefits. Some six months later I had lost 28 lbs, and it was only much later that I made the connection. I was not even thinking about losing weight - I have an underactive thyroid and understood that you have to live with extra weight - but it just steadily fell off.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Rae (Alaska, Usa) on 05/18/2014

I disagree about the weightloss benefits as well Jayne. I have been working with a personal trainer 2X per week for strength training and I also do a full cardio workout 3X per week, plus I'm on a strict caloric intake diet for about a year. I dropped about 20 lbs on the diet with no exercise. The diet does include carbs, with are important as well as fats that are good. Since the exercise began, I've not lost any weight nor inches. It has been 2 months. I still do it because I want to tone up. I do not overeat, I do not eat junk food and I drink at least 10 cups of water per day. I'm very healthy. I started taking Garcina Cambogia as I thought this would help me lose that last 20 lbs. I took it for 3 months and absolutely nothing. Not one inch nor 1 lb difference. To boost my metabolism, I started taking cayenne pepper pills. Not sure if that has any effect as it's only been a couple of weeks. I started taking AVC about 4 months ago and my food cravings went down, my weight is shed more easily, about 8 lbs so far. I've lost 3 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my glutes so far. I drink an organic brand that has the "mother" and put 2 teaspoons in 16 oz warm water, sipping it throughout the day thru a straw. So carbs may be an important factor about losing weight, but your body needs carbs too. ACV is the ONLY thing that has helped my weight loss in the last several months. I've been told it may my hormones that are blocking everything else, including all the exercise. Here's to your health and may you see the benefits of ACV soon, regardless of weight loss, it has lots of other health benefits.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Paul (Nj) on 11/22/2017

I have lost lost 8 pounds in 2 months (173 to 165). I am not taking apple cider vinegar for weight loss, but because my doctor believes I have low stomach acid. My GERD symptoms have all but stopped also. I take about a table spoon (sometimes two for larger meals or if they have meat) before each meal. I sometimes take pills with 600mg ACV if the bottle isn't handy. I may need to stop the ACV if the weight loss continues, which is a shame because the GERD is the real issue.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mrsg (Fl , Usa ) on 11/22/2013

I have tried the ACV before for weight loss with no noticeable change. I decided to try again and really stuck with it. Within two weeks my friends starts to notice I lost some weight. I'm not one to believe much in using a weight scale, but my clothes are starting to feel a lot better. I drink the ACV and water before each meal. So far I have not changed my eating habits. But I am encouraged enough to eat better and start exercising for better results.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Michelle S (Jacksonville, Fl) on 06/27/2012

I had been feeling unattractive and tried every diet pill you can think of. I started to google around for natural methods of losing weight and stumbled on this site. That was back in March 2012 and it is now June 27 2012. Anyhow I started at 219 and I am now 192 which is a 27 lb drop with NO EXERCISE!!!

What I decided to do was 2 tsp of vinegar with 20 oz of water when I wake up and right before I eat dinner as well. I didnt change the way I eat, I dont exercise at all, and as a matter of fact ive been eating more fatty foods because the weight has been dropping like a miracle so I feel like I can pig out more. I wonder if I really eat right what will happen. I will report back when I decide to eat right but I am enjoying my mcdonalds, pizza hut, cinnabuns and all that stuff as the weight falls. I want to thank you for this miracle!! I use the apple cider vinegar from whole foods but you can use whatever u want... Also it was giving me a funny odor out of my skin so I bought some Perineal Cleanser Spray from walmart for 1.98 and ur supposed to spray it on but I just poured it in my body wash and shook it up and if some of you are getting a funny skin odor from using this stuff try that spray, im serious it works. Ok thank you im outta here!

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Dee (California) on 02/02/2017

Apple cider vinegar really helps when it comes to those days when you feel bloated. Except I add some cayenne, and black pepper to mine. It's also curbed my huge appetite (which also probably deflated my waistline).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carolyn (Georgia) on 12/16/2013

Well, I have been taking apple cider vinegar. For a little over a week and I have lost 5 inches off my hips and 6 in off my waist. Not so much weight but inches yes. And my pants that was too small for me are now too big. So maybe you are losing inches instead of weight.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Coregon (Medford, Or) on 01/27/2012


I never thought I could get used to the flavor of apple cider vinegar (GAG!! ). So I got a small juice glass and put 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and fill it to the top with organic apple juice or apple cider. Funny thing happened. After a week I noticed the flavor not bothering me so much. I use a shot glass instead of a juice glass now and the flavor doesn't bother me at all.. In fact I kind of like it (and my daughter used to laugh at me gagging over it). You DO become accustomed to the flavor. In fact it just tastes like apple juice with a "bite" now.

I also have noticed another funny thing. I had a really bad night the other night during a thunder lightening storm and only got an hour's sleep. I woke up expecting to be exhausted all day. At midnight that night I realized had a super high energy day, got tons of stuff done and I STILL wasn't tired! I attribute my high energy (even with no sleep) to the ACV. It gives amazing energy!

And for weight loss: I was losing weight with it when I took it at LEAST 20 minutes BEFORE meals. When I started taking it AFTER meals, my weight loss stopped, I even gained a pound. So whoever wrote that if you take it BEFORE you LOSE, AFTER you GAIN.. Was absolutely right. I take my first shot with juice before I take my shower. Then by the time breakfast is ready, it's been 30 minutes or longer that it has had to go to work on the fat stores. And watch how your clothes fit, not the scale! I lost a full size, but only 4 pounds in the first week. If you watch the scale, you'll be disappointed... Fat doesn't weigh much, and you burn it off with vinegar.

My last benefit I noticed was my joints don't ache! I have rheumatoid and this stuff is just amazing. Flexibility and pain reduction. This is truly a miracle when you consider it is less than $5 a bottle and it lasts a long time. _____'s is the only vinegar I buy. Be sure to shake well before drinking and DO NOT refrigerate. It will keep for YEARS in the cupboard.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Randy (Albuquerque, Nm) on 06/24/2013

That is simply not true. It does work for weight loss and I have used it long enough and stopped using it and got the weight back up and had the same eating and workout routine... And that time could not lose the weight. You are doing something wrong to counter the effects of the acv, but to say it doesn't do anything for weight loss is just naive.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Kelly (Baltimore Md) on 03/14/2017

You're wrong about it not helping to lose weight. I started ACV 7 days ago and my eating habits have not changed, and I haven't worked out. I've already lost 3lbs. I'm a personal trainer as well as a nutritionist and I'm taking ACV for health reasons but it HAS made me lose weight thus far. I take 2 Tablespoons of ACV with 2 tablespoons of lemon in a glass of water 2x each day.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Gner (California) on 09/08/2017

"ACV has no effect on weight loss whatsoever". Completely untrue. ACV will blunt your insulin response by 20-30%. This means that the energy from the food you eat will be absorbed at a more gradual rate, instead of all at once. Google "ACV and insulin sensitivity". ACV lowers your blood glucose and insulin if you take it before/after a meal, which means you store less energy, which means (assuming you maintain the same caloric intake) you will lose weight.

Weight Loss Reader Feedback
Posted by Janet (Madison, Ct. USA) on 01/29/2012

First let me say that all apple cider vinegars are not equal!! The only one that "heals" is: ORGANIC RAW-UNFILTERED APPLE CIDER VINEGAR WITH "THE MOTHER"

This might sound rather strange.... But this is the real stuff... Trust me! You can buy it at a natural food store or at hip supermarket. I have found it at chain stores as well.

Having grown up in Woodstock N.Y. in the 1960's, I was part of the pack that used this to cure everything from sour stomach to losing weight to getting rid of yeast over growth as well as healing your gums and as a healthy hair rinse. It is also great for dog and cat hot spots and other pet skin problems. Plus... it will actually benefit them if they lick it!

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Ron (Eaton Rapids, Mi) on 07/07/2010

Weight loss, I have lost 15 pounds in 10 days, eating only fruits and raw veggies, and drinking ACV, 3 time a day.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Isabelle (Tampa, Fl) on 05/04/2009

Hey EC! I'm back with an update(if anyone cares). My last update was on March 27, 2009. I was 228.8 lbs. I have continued low carb eating habits, and still have yet to exercise ( Fulltime Work/Grad School).My current weight is 219.2 lbs. My initial goal is 200lbs, then I want to get to 185Lb. Im still consuming 2 Teaspoons of AVC in 16 ounces(2 cups) of water everyday. No more, no less. I sip this throughout the day in a water bottle and try to finish the bottle right before I go to bed.I take a gulp before and after every meal. May will be my 5th consecutive month taking that ACV.I don't know what else to say, but ITS WORKING FOR ME!!Good Luck all!

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Neida (Naugatuck, CT) on 10/12/2008

I have been trying to loss weight for so long that I have tryed almose anything. About 2 months ago I found Earth clinic in the web looking for a remedy for my father. Found the articul on ACV and the weight loss. I have been drinking 2 Tablespoons ACV 1/4 tsp baking soda 16 oz. water a day for 5 day a week. For the las 2 months and I have lossed 22 lbs. and I do no diet or exercise. Let me tell you it works.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Linda (Minnesota) on 10/23/2017

Hey Everyone, Apple Cider Vinegar Works!! Don't Let negative comments Sway You!! Notice there more positive comments than negative! Good Luck! BY THE WAY MY THYROID Doc HOOKED ME UP WITH THIS AND IT WORKS!!

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 09/26/2012

Put baking soda on your toothbrush, and brush with it to neutralize acids in your mouth. Baking soda is the great neutralizer. Also, rinsing with H20 and baking soda will neutralize acid in your mouth. There is a "baking soda" brand of toothpaste out there, but even that has negligible baking soda content. Much more effective to put it loose onto your toothbrush.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Paulachilders (US) on 07/17/2015

I have type 2 diabetes and I do not take any medication. I've been taking coconut oil three time a day and apple cider vinegar raw twice a day. On July 7,2015 to July 13. I have lost 5, I am still losing but I won't know how much until I weigh again on Monday. I take care about what I eat and exercise. But I will not take the medicine. I do care about my metter reading is to high. I weigh at that time 225 now 220. You see I never took doctor drug like this before and I am not going to start GOD help me.

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Isabelle (Tampa, FL) on 03/14/2009

Hey All,

I'm back! My last post was on Feb 4. I was 246lbs on Feb. 5. Today I weigh 235 lbs. I feel great. I'm the last month I haven't done anything different besides I did Tae Bo 3 times.I consume between 1500 and 1800 calories per day. I got a few emails from people asking what they were doing wrong because it wasn't working for them. Honestly, I only know what I've actually done myself so if you are using another brand or taking more or less then that may be why you are having a problem. I recommend _____s. I'm still very satisfied with ACV. I even splurge every now and then and have pizza or donouts, but I have 1 slice or 1 donut and THATS IT!! In moderation.I'll check back soon. Oh yeah My waist used to mesaure 49 inches and now its 43inches.


Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Kurt (Seffner, Florida. USA) on 11/15/2008

Hello I was diagnosed with RA when I was about 35 years old. Over the last 11 years I've gone from walking and running to barely walking. A little over a month ago I found this site and decided to try the ACV. Now not being able to exercise I gained about 50 some pounds in 11 years. Since I've started taking ACV I have noticed that the RA has lightened up A little, But to be honest I missed a couple days of taking it, while in the hospital. Now normally, I eat pretty well and have had no problem with that. But when they weighed me at the hospital, I found that in the last month I have lost over 30 pounds without even trying. Now I have tried to loss this weight before on diets with no success. Now I'm just starting to notice that I am losing my appetite. So I'm not eating as much now. What a nice side effect to losing the pain of RA. My doctor has been after to lose weight over the last couple of years. Can't wait to see his face and tell him what I've been doing. I think he's gonna be shocked, I know that I was. Thanks Kurt

Significant Weight Loss
Posted by Betty (Plant City, Florida) on 10/11/2008

Raw organic apple cider vinegar has helped me so much, I feel like a vinegar evangelist!! I tell everyone about it. I heard about it in 2003 after having been in the hospital for chronic broncitis three times that year and had develped asthma, was on a nebulizer and inhalers. I have always had allergies.

After I started the raw vinegar mixed with raw honey - I have been drinking 1/4 cup mixed with a glass of water at night.- I have lost 55 pounds, which I learned was due to the vinegar daily - have not had bronchitis or asthma and have quit taking acid reflex meds, lung meds, singular for asthma, don't need the nebulizer or inhalers. I also quit taking nexium and just learned it is also good for leg cramps. I am a much healther person. I take mine at night, but think I will try taking smaller doses three times a day. Even my lung doctor agreed ACV was good for your lungs. He said his Mother raised them on it for sore throats and colds. Too bad the drug companies don't agree. Thanks for your site

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Billy (Colombus, Ohio) on 11/16/2014

Reading the posts of the members encourage me to try ACV for weight loss. I really need to lose weight to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol. I'll start drinking ACV 3x a day with juice through a straw.

Thanks for the info!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jjonas (Wahiawa, Hi) on 01/07/2015

Just some generic notes, but if you are gaining weight and the only thing that is changing is the number on the scale, perhaps you are changing your dimensions. It's possible that any exercise you're able to do, is building the muscles in those areas (legs and buttocks are most widely used and largest muscle groups) 5 lb is easy to gain in someone starting anew. Bear in mind that gaining a little weight isn't always a bad thing. Conversely, if you are trying to lose weight in the thighs, buns, and mid-section, consider the 5 lb, it is going to make the measurements go up initially, because fat is consumed at a different (and more difficult to lose) rate than muscle is. So before you lose the fat, the muscle will make it appear that it's not at all working. Best advice is STICK WITH IT!

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Kim (Baltimore, Maryland) on 02/17/2011

Hey Taaz, As a dental professional, drinking the apple cider mix is best ingested through a straw. However, while sipping understand that when sugar or acid is introduce into the body, it will continue to show it self through saliva that washes over your teeth throughout the day. You must brush no less than twice a day especially before you go to bed, thats when damage will occur due to (0) liquid flow in the mouth and always increase water intake throughout the day. This will decrease acid or sugar damage to the oral cavity