Side Effects of Pet Vaccines: A Closer Look

Distemper (Cats)
Posted by Therese (Wadsworth, Ohio ) on 11/14/2013

I took two of my cats (siblings) for their distemper shots about two weeks ago. One of them is currently at the vet for what I beleive is a reaction to the shot (high fever, no appetite, lethargy, nausea). Prior to this shot he was perfectly healthy. Just got off the phone with the vet and shes testing for kidney infection/failure because of his labwork. This is now my second cat that had the EXACT SAME THING happen. Three years ago I took my cat Buddy for his distemper shot and exactly two weeks later he was rushed to the vet with high fever, lethargy, no appetite. After a couple days on fluids he was fine and has been 100% healthy to this day. My vet is in Medina also. After Buddy's incident I spoke with the vet several times explaining that I beleived it to be a reaction the the distemper shot. She refused to believe it!! She finally said that if I felt so strongly we would not vaccinate Buddy again. Now I just called back and left a message for her that this appears to be another shot reaction just like Buddy's. We shall see what she says THIS time!! I'm wondering if these shots are worth the risk at this point since my cats are indoors.

Distemper (Cats)
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 10/16/2013

Hey Oleander!

I am sorry for your experience. Was this experience with a vet with whom you were familiar, or a newer partner? I certainly would have a frank talk with the owner if a partner treated you in this manner, or seek a new vet if this was the owner. Veterinarians are *generalists* and wise vets understand that breeders and rescuers are *specialists*, often with far more experience in a particular niche than their own. Of course they poked the lil' kiki in the leg and NOT the upper back - you are not mis-remembering this; that is the new protocol as a leg is easier to amputate should cancer develop at the site of vaccination [sad but true].

It may help to give this baby some homeopathic Thuja, along with probiotics and additional cleaners such as activated charcoal or milkthistle. Poor lil baby ki. Kudos for rescuing and fostering!

Distemper (Cats)
Posted by Oleander (South Carolina) on 10/15/2013

We are fostering a mother cat and her 2 kittens. We have had this little family since they were less than a week old. The 2 kittens; one girl and one boy, have been totally healthy and fine. They are now 8 weeks old. We were told to get them their first "Distemper" vaccine at 4 weeks old, but since they had a mother and were not orphans, they could wait til 6 weeks. We had their shots done at 6.5 weeks, 11 days ago. Well. Within 3-4 days the little girl started limping on her front leg. I thought this was weird so I planned to call the vet in the morning. The next morning she was limping on her BACK leg. So I talk to the vet and they said this was a vaccine reaction and should clear up pretty fast, and that I could give her a few drops of baby benydryl. So I did that, and continued to watch her. She was eating fine, drinking normally, peeing and pooping normal with no signs of any other issues except her back, left leg.

So, last night, on day 10, I was doing the daily check of her leg to make sure it wasn't getting worse, and I notice it was really swollen at the upper joint, nearly the size of a golf ball!! So today I called the vet and they said to bring her in. I did, and when the vet saw her they said it looked like her back leg and front leg were broken! I said NO WAY and they did X-rays and of course, NOTHING was broken or fractured or injured at all. They said there was a lot of swelling in her back leg joint and a little in her front leg (right) lower joint. They said she had a slight temp. They first said maybe it was DISTEMPER?? I said NO, she has been only with her mother and brother, no where NEAR any other cats and none of them are sick. Plus she has been vaccinated. They do not believe me that it is a vaccination reaction. I said, but don't you give the vaccine in the rear left leg?? and they said No, it's given in the upper back. Which is NOT true. So now my little baby girl is being hospitalized at the vet on multiple antibiotics when I believe all she needs is something to counteract the reaction to the vaccine. What a mess. I have had many foster kittens, have done tons and tons of kitten vaccines and have never seen this happen. I also am pretty positive the shot was given in the left rear leg, not the upper back as they now are stating.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 10/06/2013

Erika, I am so very sorry for your loss of Peanut.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Erika (Plano, Tx) on 10/06/2013

I took my healthy vibrant loving five-year-old Chihuahua named peanut in for his vaccinations yesterday morning and nine hours later he was dead I am devastated and I never want anyone else to go through the pain that I'm going through right now.

I am so angry that he was healthy and fine and after he got his shots he died all I was doing was trying to care for my animal.

Posted by Goldencat (Akron, Oh) on 10/02/2013

One correction/clarification: nosodes are homeopathic remedies. Like all such remedies, there is no pathogen present, the principle being used is "energetic medicine", not chemical pharmacy medicine. The energy signature of the item/substance is used as the therapeutic agent. The dilution of the source substance is infinitesimal, beyond pharmacologically active levels. The titration, or shaking of the dilution activated the energetic principle. This is why there is no possibility of drug interaction. If you take a pellet of Lachesis 100x, for example, you did not put Bushmaster venom in your mouth - you took the energy into your own energy field. The body says "hey! I'm already cranky and lethargic, with bad circulation! " (effects of said venom) And the body sort of cancels out those symptoms.

Hope that helps understand homeopathy.

There simply are no germs in the nosodes. Oscillococcinum is a duck virus based flu remedy sold OTC. Nobody gets flu from it. Ok?

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Julie (Asheville Nc) on 09/06/2013

The "good stuff" is unpasturized apple cider vinegar. You can find it at organic grocery stores or a health food stores. Or search in the internet to have some shipped to you!

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/05/2013

Hey Lisa!

The symptoms you describe do NOT sound like a vaccine reaction to the DA2PP or Lepto.

Acute immediate vaccine reactions include shock and skin reactions - you would have seen these reactions within the hour and they would have warranted an immediate return to the vet, while reactions such as lethargy are seen later, within 24 hours. *Some* of what you describe [lethargy] sounds like a reaction to the vaccine, and dosing with homeopathic thuja occidentalis may help to negate the adverse vaccine reactions along with probiotic therapy to combat any tendency towards yeast overgrowth in the GI tract as a secondary reaction to the vaccine - BUT the limping and the obvious back pain appear to be the main issue and they sound like something else.

What you describe sounds like an injury; is it possible your puppy jumped off the couch and landed hard or twisted and pinched his spine? Cavalier King Charles spaniels are reportedly prone to a form of IVDD known as Hansen Type I intervertebral disk disease. Its important to see your vet to rule this condition out - or to begin supportive therapy immediately if in the clinical findings.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Lisa (New Jersey) on 09/05/2013

I just took my 17 week old King Charles Cavalier to the vet and he had the DA2PP vaccination and Leptospirosis vaccination. He came home and within an hour showed great distress, and wouldn't let us touch him. He was yelping and obviously had back pain when we touched him. He was lethargic and tried to sleep most of the day and 10 hours that night. He has a fever that has lasted into day 2 and is still limping and is very lethargic. I am really concerned. I tried calling the vet but they are not answering the phone. I will try again later today.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Debbiefudge (Brighton Uk) on 08/18/2013

Change diet to raw feeding. Give DE (Food grade only) in probiotic yogurt. Give a tiny amount of raw garlic daily. Bath in baby shampoo. After last rinse. Mix half white vinegar/half water. Soak every area and leave to dry. Once a week. Put same mixture in a spray bottle and spray on hot spots twice daily.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Debi (Irvine, Ca) on 08/10/2013

I have the same problem with my little t cup yorkie. He received vacines because we travel between the US and Canada. After receiving his rabies vacine both my yorkies develped big time allergies. I have tried everything. The only thing that will work is Atopica (Drug) of course. I'm so bummed that everything I ever tried never worked on the itching. The doctor freaked out on me telling me I was mean to let him get so red and itchy. Well I was trying to not use Big Pharma and destroy his liver. Does anyone out there have an answer to detox the vaccine out of his body? I will never vaccinate a dog ever again and I bet I will never have another skin problem again.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Bowie (Beaufort, S.C.) on 06/18/2013

My dog received all shots and dewormer and heart worm test and heart worm and flea preventitive medicines yesterday and I found him panting heavily and eyes dilated ? What should I do? can I wait till morning to contact his vet?

Distemper (Dogs)
Posted by Dianne (La Crosse, Wi) on 06/02/2013

Okay, I have to tell our story of our beloved lab named Mo. We took him for his distemper shot and he got so sick from it. He could not walk or eat. He was vomiting and jerking. We called the vet and he said he must be allergic to the shot. So we said please make sure that it is on his record for future shots. It took almost 2 weeks before he was better, but he was still acting a little strange. He would take off on us (we live in the country) which he NEVER did before. There is a campground about a quarter of a mile away and he ended up there and they called the Humane society to pick him up. We called over there and they said they had him and they were getting his vet record. We said he was current on all shots which the record would show and we would be over to pick him up. They said we had to pick him up before a half an hour or it was an "extra" charge after noon. We got there before noon and they had given him ANOTHER distemper shot EVEN though they had his record and it showed he was allergic and current and that would be $90 please! What? you have his record and it says he's allergic and you gave it to him anyway? He was so sick, he went blind. We took him for emergency vet visit and they said he had brain cancer. Well if he did it was from the freaking shot! Some "humane" society!! They killed our dog-period and I will never forgive them. He was a happy vibrant just fine dog before those two shots! There is nothing "humane" about giving a dog a shot he didn't need and already had when it clearly showed on the vet report he was allergic to it for a stinking $90!

Distemper (Cats)
Posted by Benji5781 (Freehold, Nj) on 04/16/2013

My chihuahua had a reaction to distemper vaccination. Her face became swollen and she became lethargic. Pretty scary.

Posted by Tiffany (Memphis, Tn, Usa) on 04/13/2013

We have a 10 week old male Labrador/Mastiff puppy. He started puppy class and we were told he had to have the Bordetella vaccine to continue. Our vet gave him the nasal spray vaccine. Within a few hours he was snippy and agressive - he had not previously been. As soon as we got home, he made a bee-line for our 5 year old son who was sitting on the floor and bit him. He ran a fever the rest of the day and through the night. We gave him some benedryl. He is eating and pooping fine today, and without fever. But he is still showing much more agression that he ever did before his shot. But there is still the agression. We are very sad indeed. This morning, he bit our 5 year old's pants and began to growl at him. He hasn't growled at any of us the whole week he has been home before yesterday's vaccine. I feel as if we have ruined our sweet puppy.

Posted by Walter (Newport, Gwent) on 04/09/2013

Yes, our shih tzu puppy had Bordetella shot last friday and we have noticed it being quiet and wretching for a few days, but was frightened tonight because she seemed to be convulsing fit like and then stopped.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Cheryl (Vancouver, Wa) on 12/27/2012

My 11 yr old shih tzu received the following vaccines on a tuesday - rabies, dhpp, and bordatella, along with a dex/depo shot for his itchiness due to allergies. this same vet diagnosed my baby with a heart murmur, and had him on lasix and elanapril, and was giving my dog a dex/depo shot app every 6 weeks.

2 days after getting all those shots at the same visit, my beloved dog died of congestive heart failure. since then, i have learned that the dex/depo shots were steroids, and that steroids should not be given to a dog with heart problems. i would like to know if the dex/depo shots caused him to die so suddenly or from receiving too many combo vaccines at the same visit. (i got my baby when he was 8 yrs old; the previous owner could not find his vaccination records, thats why my vet kept after me to get these shots. and also because i was planning on boarding him at this vets office over xmas, thats the reason the vet gave for giving him the bordatella along with the others. )

i am almost ready to get another dog; i have never been so heartbroken or so sad as i have been since losing my baby. we were inseperable, and i need another companion soon. i need to know if holistic practice is what i should seek for my new pup and if things would of turned out differently if i'd of done this with my pet that died. thank you for reading this; any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Betterinthesouth (Longs, Sc) on 11/16/2012

19 month old mini Schnauzer almost died from 3 yr rabies and 3 yr distemper/hep/parvo vaccines approx. 36 hrs after administered. Airway was being restricted, constant vomiting and diarreha. Dog had to be rushed to an ER clinic and then again 6 days later is still barely eating.

Posted by George (New Braunfels, Texas) on 10/27/2012

I learned of the availability of a rattlensake vaccination, so I had my three-year-old labrador retriever vaccinated, with the recommended booster. It's been a couple of months now, and the dog's tear glands have ceased to produce tears, and he now salivates excessively. We now have to administer eye drops several times a day. He has always been a very healthy dog with regular vet checks, up to date rabies, heart worm, etc. Has anyone heard of any connection between these symptoms and this vaccination. We can't come up with any other idea what might have caused this.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Daveyo (Nakhon Sawan, Thailand) on 08/30/2012

The Vets diagnosis is all wrong. Your dog has Distemper now in the CNS. It is called vaccine induced distemper.

You need to have the dog taken to Dr. Mueller in Atlanta Georgia (Briarcliff Clinic) to have the NDV-CSF tap done ASAP. If you don't the dog will DIE!!! This cures the disease in 24 hours in the CNS and your dog will recover from the paralysis. The cost for this is just 500 dollars. It covers one overnight stay plus the CSF tap and followup treatments of which you can take home if your dog has pneumonia which always accompanies Distemper.

I am an expert on this disease and have 3 dogs as proof of the cure. One was completely paralyzed and today is jumping and running around etc. The other had seizures and today none.

There is also a book out pertaining to this disease of which me and Dr. Sears made to inform people that this disease is treatable and fully cures in 24 hours.

As of that VET who gave the shot and did a horrible misdiagnosis, give him your bill from Atlanta and make him/her pay for it, and after that find another VET.

Take care Daveyo

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Linda (Kerhonkson, Ny) on 08/09/2012

My 8 year old golden retriever went from a seemingly vibrant & healthy to gravely ill in the 2 weeks following an annual visit to the vet where she was administered a lyme booster and a distemper booster. The day before the appointment she seemed under the weather, not wanting to eat or go for a walk, which was very unusual & out of character. But that evening & on the morning of her vet appt. she seemed fine and back to normal. I reported these symptoms to the vet, who could find nothing wrong with her and said she seemed perfectly healthy and that, "everyone is entitled to an off day". With that, I agreed to let them go ahead with her booster shots.

The day after the shots she was very lethargic and when things hadn't improved by the day after, we were back at the vet, who said her leg was swollen at the injection site and was probably having a reaction to the vaccine. I was told to bring her back in a few days if she didn't improve. During the days that followed we had some signs of improvement followed by signs that the condition was persisting. I made another appointment to bring her back to the vet and the morning of the appointment (6 days after her initial visit) she was unable to get up, experiencing partial paralyzation of her hind legs. She was admitted and put through a battery of tests and treatments. Following an MRI and spinal tap, 13 days after her initial vet visit, she was diagnoses with an abnormality in her lower spinal column with the presence of cancerous cells. Her rear legs remain partially paralyzed and she has lost control of her bodily functions.

The vet does not want to acknowledge any possibility of a correlation between the illness and the vaccines, and I am not convinced. Ironically, I had a friend who told me of someone he knew who had a similar experience with his dog following a lyme booster. Just wondering how many more cases may be out there, and wondering if this & other cases are being swept under the rug by vets and pharmasutical companies. What do you think?

Lepto Vaccine
Posted by Sheila (Toronto, Ontario) on 08/03/2012

End of May 2012 I brought my then 15 month old dog to the vet for the revolution. At that time she was just over 22lbs and was given a higher dose of revolution for dogs over 22lbs to 40lbs. Unfortunately, we didnt notice anything until 3 weeks later when there was blood at the back of her neck. I thought it was the water from the lake or her diet that she started having a skin allergy. After verifying on internet I applied vitamin E oil 3 times everyday. On the 5th day, while cleaning the spot to apply more vit E oil I felt more bumps and her skin was very hard and purplish and it seemed that the affected area was bigger than what I thought. I immediately brought her to a vet nearby who said that she has seen bad reactions to revolution a couple of days after the application. I was in awe when my dog was shaven at that spot. There were more than 2 dozens bumps all scabbed. The next day when I brought my dog to her regular vet, the latter denied vehemently stating that this is the first case she has ever encountered in her practice but took pictures and said she will investigate with the manufacturer.

Today, my dog has totally recovered but I am very skeptical vis a vis any vaccination or drops that the vets recommend. I am educating myself to natural alternatives. I thank "earth clinic" which is very educative.

However, I would like to know if there is any alternative to leptospirosis prevention.

Posted by Sjanczak (Windsor, Ct) on 07/22/2012

I volunteer in cat rescue and have seen a few reactions to vaccines. I learned (from a homeopathic vet) that the homeopathic remedy thuja can counteract a distemper vaccine reaction in kittens. I do not know if it will work for other vaccine reactions or if a different remedy is better for dogs. I have seen kittens with rapid breathing, lethargy, and shakes return to normal behavior almost immediately or within 24 hours of taking thuja. If you are going to vaccinate your pet, it may be worthwhile to research this and have on hand the most appropriate remedy.

Parvo Vaccine
Posted by Jalove28 (Cleveland, Ohio Usa) on 07/15/2012

I took my 5 1/2 month old pup to the vet this past Wednesday to get vaccinated, I called the day before and told them there was parvo in my neighborhood and asked for advice, the vet told me to get him a vaccine. I had his first vaccine purchased from a feed supply store and had it administered at home, the first vaccine was a combo of the dead and live virus, so it was effective. When I took him to the vet my understanding was they were going to make sure everything was okay before giving him the vaccine, either there was a sick dog at the vet, or because the vaccine the vet gave my dog differs from that of the vaccine that I got from the feed store, but the vet gave him a live vaccine.

In other words, they gave him the virus, they did not counteract it with a combo of the dead vaccine as well, only the live one, leaving my poor Jakiva's immune system open and weak for anything. My dog had diarrhea by the end of the night, I at first thought it was just a reaction to the vaccine, but within the same 2 hours that I made that assumption, he started urinating very frequently until it wasn't even urine anymore, but was clear like water. From experience with kids this was an obvious early symptom of dehydration, I went to the pharmacy and bought pedialite, and started to maintain his fluids, the second day he was hydrated but had lost some of his body weight, and had watery ranking stool.

I went to google, and typed in the words what can I give my puppy with parvo to keep him hydrated, I found and discovered alot of frustrating information related to the hardyness of parvo, the vaccine information the vet does not tell you about, and that even if you get your dog vaccinated, it can still catch parvo, and the startling statistics of dogs that have survived parvo without their vaccine vs those that have had it. My baby with his vaccine was on the higher fatality list than that of a dog that has not had a vaccine against it. I learned that dogs, like humans get better nutrition from herbs and natural supplements than the chemicals that the medical industry prescribes and recommends. Unfortunately for both humans and animals, the pharmaceutical companies pay large cash incentives for prescribing drugs with side effects as opposed to natural cures. The issue with the drugs with side effects is that they only supress the problem, they do not assist in expelling it from the body. Unlike natural substances that have been around longer than the medical industry.

I started my dog on Echinacea for his immune system on his second day, I crushed it up and put it in his pedialite, and dosed him with it when I gave him the pedialite to keep him hydrated. The major CRITICAL issue is keeping them hydrated. Luckily for us, my Ja was keeping his fluids down orally, but there are a few ways to ensure they get hydrated. If you can keep fluids down them, there is nothing different the vet will do, but keep your dog hydrated, and feed them supplements through an IV. They will also give them pain medication, that would result in fatality, as your dog is already struggling to stay alive, a pain medication could shut his body down. There is no cure for parvo, only supportive care.

While on the second day, my boy did not drink his own water. He ate briefly, then he didn't hold his food down, and I followed the advice that instructed not to force them to take food, because they will throw it right back up, if they are not able to consume food, which only results in more fluid loss, and a greater chance of your pet becoming dehydrated. I continued giving him pedialite and water, along with his immune support supplements. I upped his dosage on the first night he was on support supplements, then I never skipped a beat, and I have a stubborn dog. He was running from me through the house, and I was consistently behind him with an oral syringe with an open end for medication not a needle. You can get these from the pharmacies. I also cross referenced what vitamins and nutrients are essential for dogs. I came up with Vitamin B 12, Acidophilus which is great for a dog with parvo, it promotes good bacteria in the intestinal tract, assisting your dog in pushing out the bad bacteria that parvo creates. The B 12 promotes regular metabolic pathways, which gives them back their natural energy. It also gives them an appetite, their body produces its own, thats what compells an appetite. I tried giving him pepto, but this is not recommended for a dog running a fever, so I only gave him a diluted dose, and after the second dose I eliminated this from his at home treatment regimen. I did however discover that there was some sort of an antibiotic needed, and I will not recommend a laboratory produced antibiotic, I researched the parvo virus, and was given the recommendation for collodial silver. This is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, and I believe highly effective.

My boyfriend picked up the collodial silver when he went to work on my pups day number 2, and we started giving him this that night. I gave him a superdosage of it, as the recommendation instructed to give as much as he could take. I gave him about 6 2 teaspoon full syringes, and started giving it to him regularly on day 3 every hour on the hour about a half a teaspoon for each dosage, you can administer the dosage according to your set regimen schedule, but do not skip a dose of this, and do not pass this recommendation. On days 1 and 2 he consistently needed the eye gook removed, on day 3 he only needed it removed in the morning. Day 3 was collodial silver, every hour on the hour, with part pedialite part collodial silver, and he was still on his nutriment supplements. I attempted a recommendation of raw liquified eggs, I tried this 3 times, and each time he yacked it back up, so to avoid this, I started giving him instant oatmeal. Like eggs oatmeal has protein, but it also has carbohydrates, and it sticks to the rib cage. I gave this to him in small bites 3 to 4 bites at a time. Testing the whole time if he was going to keep it down or not. When he did not throw this back up, I stayed with the oatmeal all day on day 3. Late on day 3 he perked up, he started following me around the house, and drinking his own water. At this point, I was curious as to whether he was going to keep drinking on his own, so I started taking him outside. They do NOT recommend this. They highly recommend not allowing your pet to go outside, at least not on walks, but also, most of these recommendations came from someone that had treated a fairly young pup, my Ja is almost 6 months old, and was potty trained before he was 2 months old, so I had to make a decision whether it was better for Ja to be in the house and refusing to go to the bathroom in the house, thus keeping his system toxic, or to take the chance of taking him for his walks. I chose to walk him so he could get rid of this nasty virus.

I immediately filled a spray bottle with part bleach part hot water. The recommendation is around a hefty splash of bleach so that you know even tho it is dilluted, the bleach still has its effectiveness, as bleach is the ONLY household cleaner that will kill this evil virus for your dog. If you want to keep your dog alive do NOT forget to disinfect and sanitize your whole house with bleach and hot water. You can use bleach water on your grass, or you can use another product that I do not know the name of, as it is only accessible online, or in a feed supply store, or the virus will thrive in your yard, and when your dog or another dog comes in your yard will either become reinfected, or get infected. I disinfected my house on both day 3 and day 4 I used bleach and dishsoap for his food and water dishes, and I threw out his chew toys, like tug of war ropes, and other material chew toys. I bleached the entire house down, and gave Ja a nird bath with a very dilluted content of bleach water and his regular earth bath natural puppy shampoo. I washed all laundry and linens with 2 capfuls of clorox bleach, after the washer was filled with water, as again bleach kills the virus. When I took Ja outside, I wiped his paws with a rag that had been soaked in dilluted bleach water and dishsoap to prevent him from tracking it back in.

This is day 4 and Ja is eating on his own, and drinking plenty of water. I am still giving him the collodial silver as antibiotic, although I am only giving it to him every 2 to 3 hours now, as it is taking effect on him. I would recommend continuing the vitamins and supplements as well as the collodial silver as an antibiotic until it is gone, and even recommend getting more to enhance the dogs immune system, as they will need immune support, and a continued antibiotic to expel this virus from the system. There are so many great resources online that you can find out about home parvo remedies. There is also a natural home remedy that can be bought as a single supplement, as opposed to gathering individual vitamin supplements, and has the same content plus that will help your dog recover from this dreadful disease, as well as maintain prevention of future occurances. I was unable to order this supplement, so I used what little money I had and resources available to me to pick some of the better and crucial ingredients on the list to decide which supplements I could get to assist my pup in staying alive til he kicked this virus, I calculated the symptoms, and what was the most dire, and chose the B12 for his appetite, and drinking desire, I chose the Echinacea for immune support, I chose the Acidophilus for his intestinal tract health, as this is what the parvo virus attacks, that causes your dog to eventually die if left untreated or unnoticed, Chamomile tea for his tummy to soothe it, I kept a supply of Maple syrup to rub across his gums when he was lethargic and completely listless to keep his glucose levels up, this also gave him the energy he needed like a person suffering from sugar diabetes that has a low blood sugar, it works the same way with your pet. Just dont get crazy with it, put maple syrup or honey or even kaero syrup on 2 fingers and rub it across the gums when they are seemingly lifeless, it will give them the energy needed to maintain breathing status. This is also highly recommended, but organic syrup or honey is even better. I made use of what I had available, and Ja is on day 4 getting back to normal.

Do not be alarmed once they start recovering, there will almost surely be no waste in their system for the dog to get rid of, so when the dog starts eating depending on the amount of weight he has lossed, and the speed of his appetite increasing, he may not pass a bowel movement for the entire day. This is only something to be alarmed about if they are showing symptoms of pain, if they are not in pain, their body is most likely absorbing this food as fast as it goes in their system, as with the human body, it absorbs and stores what it needs, and gets rid of the rest.

My gut instinct told me he had parvo without a vet diagnosis, and my motherly instincts took over. My gut instinct was right, before he showed some of the more severe signs of parvo. If caught early, your dog or puppy can survive, keep the pet full of clear fluids. Pedialite is a miracle. It is used for dehydrated children, and you cant give too much for your pet. It is loaded with electrolytes. It will eventually stretch their stomach out so that they have a desire for food and water again, its a matter of your dedication to your pet, and your pet.

I am now proud to say that my Ja will only ever get hollistic or homeopathic healthcare, as I already only seek natural remedies for myself and my daughter. Until my Ja got parvo from the vet, I had confidence in the pet medicine. My confidence firmly lies with the natural remedies now, and its because of sites like wolf creek ranch that have made me believe in my previous thoughts.

Ja is now laying on his back waiting for his belly rubs and stretched out like normal. I am so happy my Ja is getting better, I couldn't ask for a better birthday present as it will be in 10 minutes. I know that there are some that would only recommend a vet treatment for parvo, and this is not to be a substitute to conventional treatment, this is information for those of you that love your pets, but cannot afford an upfront vet bill, as that is what I went through. I contacted other clinics, and they all said that they only accepted payment upfront, either rendering Ja completely helpless to die a painful death, or for me as his dedicated loving owner to take matters into my own hands and give it my all. I chose to give it my all, and I am glad I did. I believe that with the constant love and compassion from its owner the pet will thrive and get through this sickness much better with the owners love, rather than being locked in a cage with other animals in the clinic barking, and only being checked on periodically.

The first 48 to 72 hours are touch and go, and you cannot be certain even when they start to show signs of recovery, you must be fully dedicated and attentative, or you could quite simply let this virus eat your pet alive. Parvo does not kill your pet dehydration, shock, and toxic internals kill your pet. Also you must be more stubborn than your pet, because they will not be likely to simply open their mouth and allow you to insert the syringe. Always remind your pet that you love them and be compassionate. If you remain dedicated, and do not underestimate the fatality rate of this virus, your pet can very well survive!

Ja is not in the clear yet, but I will not take no for an answer. If I did, he would have gave up. He was ready to, but I constantly reminded him that it was not his choice. It only becomes their choice if you allow them to be more stubborn than you. If your pet is not eating and drinking there is something wrong, dogs especially love their food, so if they are not eating, and they drink alot of water you should definitely take note of the rest of the symptoms. Do not wait til your pet has expelled all of his fluids through diarrhea and vomit to start treatment. If your dog does not have parvo, you will know when they poop. It is a smell you really wont forget, and you'll know when you smell it. It smells like fermented blood. Very raunchy and nauseating.

Don't forget to keep the living space sanitized, and don't wait around for your dog to die helplessly because you cannot afford a vet. There are great success rates among dogs that are treated at home with the around the clock care mandatory for their full recovery.

Good Luck!

Parvo Vaccine
Posted by Gardengirl (Gallatin, Tn) on 07/15/2012

My puppy (8weeks) got sick from her shots also... So sad. She didn't want to eat , so I started her on yogurt and probiotics....1/2 cup yogurt and probiotic capsule twice a day. I found she starting eating about 2 days after the shot. I continue feeding her yogurt and probiotics and now she's 7 month and happy. I believe that sometimes shots can mess up a pets system for a long time. Hope this helps your puppy!!!

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