Hello on March 11th my 2, teo yr old chihuahuas, one male and one female, had their annual vaccines. The following mymale whi is usually very excited to come outta his crate in the morning, came out and slowly walked to a corner and layed down, this was very strange for him. He screamed whenever he was touched. I could not find a specific spot that was causing his pain. He didnt eat or drink all day. He was very letharigic. He usually sits on the couch with me and when I get up, he gets up and follow s me. I was very worried about him. By the following day he recovered and has been fine. My female chihuahua was fine after her vacination atleat til yesterday, one day short of a week after her vaccines. She began violently scratching her face,and nawing on her feet and legs. I thought maybe she had picked up a flea or two, I applied her monthy dose of promaris. She contiued itching for hours she couldnt sit still, the scratching was constant. I wiped her with doggie wipes everywhere except where i applied her flea preventitive thinking maybe she got something on her while she was outside that was irritaing her.This didnt help. The worst part of this stared at 11pm, well after the vet was closed.By the time I was tryiong the wipes it was close to 4am, by now she was letting out little whimpers. I didnt know what else to do. It was then that i thought of my male chihuahuas prednisone that he takes for his collapsing trachea. I gave her one of those and this seemed to help with in about a 1/2 hour. Today she itched a bit on and off but ws better over all. I called the vet and explained what had happened and what i did. He told me with the prednisone if she continues itching BUT if i continue with it be sure to wean her off of it. I gave her one more prednisone tonight but she seems to have recovered. I will deffinately have my dogd titer tested before I have them vaccinated again to besure they actually need the vaccines in question.
Combination Vaccines
Hi I seen your website, and you said to let you know if anyone has experienced side effects. I never knew there was any problem with side effects. Last Friday we took our 6mnth old kittens in for a rabie vacination they are siamese mix. The one kitten is fine, but we noticed the next day after the vacination the other kitten started sneezing, then the sneezing is a lot know , he doesn't want to eat, he acts like he has a hard time swallowing, because when he tries to drink its like he can't really do it that good. He has dried stuff on the side of his mouth, and oddly enough he just started 2 days ago giving off this foul smell like chicken poop. (sorry, but that's the only way to describe the smell. He lays around now and he is having a hard time breathing it sounds like he is so congested with like pneumonia or something. He was fine before the shot.I just wanted to let you know so you can use this information.Thank You for bringing this matter attention, God Bless
Combination Vaccines
My 6 yr. old Yorkie-Poo was given the first vaccine on 3/13. This was the first of two; it's a new dental vaccine by Pfizer. Within 2 hours we knew we had made a mistake. Interested to know if there are others out there who have tried this vaccine.
Combination Vaccines
My 5.5 month Maltese puppy went into shock after receiving 3rd vaccinations of Bordatella/intranasal, Rabies, & DA2PPLC
Combination Vaccines
Some one please give me hope. I have a 10 week old Chihuahua Puppy who is failing fast after a puppy booster 5 in 1 with no lepto. I have read through other comments but I just don't see anyone else having gone through this. I have three other pups from a bottle fed litter, this one is a blue female I got to help ease the loss of the blue mother to my bottle fed babies. The bottle fed pups are 9 weeks old and they are all doing fine from there shots. This one is lathargic, aggressive, cries when I pick her up, and tries to get away when I try to pick her up. She runs in circles, wants to eat but drops the food everytime she gets it in her mouth. She is either crying running in circles or sleeping with her eyes open looking half dead. The vet thinks the shot may have caused hydrocephalis- HAS ANYONE EVER HEARD OF A SHOT CAUSING THAT?- I guess she does look a bit more dome like, but i wonder if this is the shots fault or if it is merely coinsidence. I keep thinking if I continue to plung wet food and puppy formula into her, keep her warm... give her whatever meds the vet gives me... maybe she will pull through? But can someone tell me how long a vaccine reaction can last. The vet has already given her prednisone, and a steroid shot that was supposed to counteract the reaction... I just want to know what is wrong with my puppy, she was the happiest most playful one of the bunch before her shot and now I feel like I am loosing her and no one can tell me what to do?
Combination Vaccines
I have several Chihuahuas and a large Cat.Yesterday they received their routine RabVac and today they are all ill with fevers,some vomiting,no diarehea, lethergic and in pain. I only recall this or simular effects in the past two years. My tiny Chi- is extreemly ill. I gave 12 ml and 22 ml to my larger Chi's- benadry but I am afraid they are dehydrating as they are not drinking. They received FortDodge from a Vet.
Combination Vaccines
I just had my short hair tortishell calico/siamese mix spayed female vaccinated for the three main feline vaccinations, ie rabies, lukemia and distemper. My wife and I are hoping to train her as a therapy cat. She is the most friendly happy cat we've ever known. She is also the thinnest cat we've ever had. We call her the skinny kitty. We had her shots given at around 11 in the morning on Saturday. We then spent the day out and about, and didn't get home until after 4. She ate and drank while we were out, but when we got home she became very listless. Our other two cats (indoor only) groomed her constantly. They also assisted her to and from the litter box. On Sunday she refused to eat and drink, and cried if we tried to pick her up. She wouldn't even lift her head, and her eyes wouldn't focus. We noticed a crust around her eyes, and she seemed to have a hard time licking. After much searching, we found a dropper and started to force water in her. We then went and purchased kitten formula, and forced this down her as well. We had to hold her head up so that it would go down her throat. After doing this every four hours, she now sits up and did some minor grooming. Because she is so thin and had no fat reserves, we believe the only thing that saved her was us forcing the fluids. IF you find your cat in a similar cirumstance, please don't hesitate to use a dropper and give them fluids. I feel this may prevent the worst of the liver and kidney failure I've been reading about on this site. It's now Monday, and even though she hasn't left her bed, she did lift her head and purr this morning when I went to say goodbye.
The Rabies Challenge Fund
My name is Kris Christine and my precious 6 year old yellow labrador retriever, Meadow, developed a malignant mast cell tumor directly on the site of his rabies shot 3 months after vaccination. After a long battle, he recently died when the cancer metasticized throughout his body.
In order to prevent dogs from being required by law to be redundantly vaccinated against rabies (1992 French challenge studies demonstrated a 5 year minimum duration of immunity and Dr. Ronald Schultz's serological studies from the University of Wisconsin proved 7 year minimum duration of immunity), I founded The Rabies Challenge Fund along with Dr. W. Jean Dodds.
Concurrent 5 and 7 year challenge studies, being conducted according to USDA vaccine licensing standards by Dr. Ronald Schultz, began at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine in November 2007. Veterinary vaccine manufacturers are not required by law to provide long-term duration of immunity studies in order to license their product, only studies that demonstrate that they confer immunity for the length of time indicated on the label. Thus, rabies vaccine manufacturers are allowed to license 3 year rabies vaccines as 1 year vaccines despite studies proving that the rabies vaccines confer a MINIMUM duration of immunity of 5 to 7 years.
For further information on the rabies vaccine and adverse reactions associated with it, please visit THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND website at www.RabiesChallengeFund.org.