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Posted by Tina (Miami) on 11/27/2023
Have had success every time me or my family have a cough. Warm up raw honey with a bit of butter. It soothes and cleans the throat; works so well!!
Posted by Bodulica (Barrie, Canada) on 10/19/2018
Honey is great for coughs, but every beekeeper with some knowledge will tell you that honey loses almost all healing abilities if heated to the temperature higher than 104 F (40 C). So, never put honey in hot water, because you're left with sugar only.
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 06/07/2017
My 15 year old daughter had a cough and it was keeping her from falling asleep. She asked me what she could take. I suggested a spoonful of honey. She was skeptical but tried it anyway. The next morning she reported that she didn't cough again after taking the honey! It was not a severe cough; usually honey isn't enough to stop that, but for a mild but irritating cough it was perfect.
Posted by Ladyblade (Milwaukee, Wi) on 07/26/2016
For over three years I suffered from a back-breaking, here-comes-my-lung cough. Doctors couldn't give me any relief or even find a cause. After reading the results of a double-blind study, I started putting a spoonful honey in my regular morning coffee. It's been about a month and today I realized I have been sleeping through the night without the cough waking me. Given the duration and intensity of my cough, I feel like I have a new lease on life!
Posted by Angel (Salisbury, Md) on 01/23/2009
I used about 3 or 4 tablespoons of honey as a remedy for a cough and it worked amazing!!! No cough,no side-effects no nothing!!!
Posted by Ani (Ontario, Canada) on 11/26/2008
This remedy is especially good for kids but works for adults as well. It is mainly for coughs due to colds (not pneumonia or bronchitis - those require antibiotics). The honey is to be gently warmed so it's easier to spread on the chest, rub on chest like you would Vicks, and cover with cloth or towel. Best done at bed time so that you are laying down and not moving too much. Remove in morning. The honey causes the cough to ripen much quicker and releases all the mucous built up in the chest so you can expel it. It will not make you cough LESS, it will just allow your body to release the mucous quicker and hence get over the cough much faster. You can repeat the honey procedure every night until cured. My family has used this remedy for many years. Reminder, this is not like a cough syrup which simply suppresses your urge to cough. This is a method that allows enables your body to heal faster by expediting the process.
EC: Thanks for more great remedies, Ani!
Note to readers - Ani is the author of the popular egg whites for fever remedy!
Posted by Michael (Coatesville, PA) on 05/15/2006
I had terrible chest congestion; nagging dry cough, wheezing, ran short of breath just talking, laughing hurt! A friend at work suggested a tablespoon of honey sprinkled with black pepper. I was amazed! I could feel the improvement within minutes! Within a day and a half my problem, which I was living with for a week was completely gone!
Posted by Larry (Rancho Cordova, CA) on 03/12/2006
I used raw uncooked unfiltered honey on a watered down cotton swab as far back as possible in each nostril. alleluya!!i am a 51 year old male and get a yearly cough during the winter months that can last 1 to 3 weeks. sometimes it is bacterial with greenies at the start but most of the duration after that is just the clear sinus dranage that goes on for days after and some may be due to allergies of spring. this cough is the kind that is most severe in the nightime hours. the logic i used is that the cough was more of a gag reflex from the nasal drip and i thought if i good change the chemistry of the nasal drip closer to the source befor it reached my throat it may work plus the aromatic qualities being as close to the source may help. i also wanted something that would last . i figured it is almost as thick as vick's vapo rub so vhala miraculous discovery. the night i used a small amount it lasted about 2-3 hours so i got up and put more on the second dose. the 2nd-3rd night i used a healthy size swab dose at 10-30pm and slept till 6am by the fourth day i stopped and the cough was gone. unreal!!!!!!! at first appox 5-10 minutes it feels slightly irratible but no more than water from a swimming pool going up your nose. it worked for me but i am not recomending it to anyone, but please please if you try it let me know how it worked best of health to all
Posted by Ginger (Missouri) on 10/22/2005
For a cough:
- one cup of hot water
- one tablespoon of pure honey
- mix them both together makes one cup
Drink with a slice of toast with apple butter. This really works, sounds weird but it helps.
Posted by Danka (Boston, Ma) on 03/15/2008
This always get rid of my cough: 1 tsp of honey 1/2 tsp of ground coffee mix it and eat it, best would be espresso or some other dark fine ground coffee.I hope it helps.