My wife Martha had been diagnosed with a severe gallbladder attack and was hospitalized. Many tests were done all day at the ER and Hospital. She was there for three days! They finally found a large stone inside her gallbladder duct and they had to remove it. They did by going down through her throat. Next step was to remove her gallbladder, but we said no. WE wanted to try our own natural method for removing the rest of the stones. We went home and began the protocol using epsom salt capsules, Chanco Piedra, and apple juice. We basically followed the protocol by Hilda Clark. Took 15 capsules of epsom salt the 1st day, 30 the second day and finally 60 capsules in three divided doses the third day. On the third day you fast and drink only water or some apple juice.
That night before going to bed you drink 3/4 of a juice glass of a good olive oil and 1/4 of the glass with lemon juice. You go to bed immediately and hopefully sleep. You can take "Orthinine" before bedtime to help you sleep. The next morning my wife passed a ton of stones, some large most the size of a pea. All day she passed stones and the next day passed more for a total of 261 stones!! After that they stopped. Wow! We couldn't believe it. For each of the products we took, follow the directions on the bottle or take them according to Hildah Clark's website.
We will try it again in a couple of months. You could try the Chanco Piedra capsules three times per day for four days and then just take the lemon juice and olive oil and see what happens. it most likely will work. I am going to try this method myself in a week or so. Ronald
Gallbladder Flush
Hi, I was wondering how many flushes one needs to do to get rid of all the gallstones? I did 15 flushes so far and every time lots of stones coming out still. It seems impossible for the gallbladder to fit so many stones in it. Not sure where they are coming from but I still have pain in the gallbladder/liver area. I guess I will keep doing flushes until they're all gone.
Gallbladder Flush
I started doing gallbladder flushes in 2000. I usually do one every 3 months. One thing I noticed is that to be really successful I needed to do a parasite cleanse first. I like black walnut hull, cloves, and wormwood seem to be the most effective. Amazingly parasites will clog the bile duct and prevent stones from passing, even when dilated by Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom salts). I like the Hulda Clark flush, a tablespoon of Epsom salt at 6 pm, 8 pm then at 10pm take olive oil in grapefruit juice, though others on here have other juices they like. I have found that taking Chanca Piedra helps remove more stones.
Dark green stones are the older ones, light green to tan are newer. Cholesterol, the main component of stones, is light and floats. You are always making new stones, I noticed when I need more sleep it is time for a cleanse. Cholesterol will bond with calcium making them really difficult to dissolve (these stones show up on x-ray, newer stones will not), so the Flush is the effective way for people new to liver maintenance to proceed. Epsom salts are rather hard to swallow after several flushes, so I found that a swallow of pop after downing each dose helps reduce the aftertaste.
Also, this may sound silly, keep your tongue on the floor of your mouth, taste buds on the bottom of your tongue strongly taste Epsom salt.
Gallbladder Flush
I just did my first gallbladder flush, and to my surprise I passed 3 fairly large green stones (1 - 2 cm), about 5 medium stones (.5 - 1 cm), and some smaller ones! Also, I passed a LOT of small white pieces of "chaff".
Instead of stopping the flush in the morning according to the protocol, I extended it the rest of the day because I did not start passing the green stones until the end. I thought I should keep it going to see if more would come out - and they did!
I added Grapefruit Seed Extract to the Epsom Salt drink on day 2 because I am pretty sure GSE is good for killing parasites.
In the weeks prior to the flush, I did 6 weeks of coffee enemas, drank ACV, drank beet juice, and ate lots and lots of spinach. Also, I purchased a mini-trampoline, jumping about 3 times a week, which is excellent for the digestive system and probably helped stimulate the stones to pass.
I am grateful to the good Lord for giving me wisdom to heal my liver. Thanks to Earth Clinic for this helpful site! It's great to know I can easily do this again in the future. And ya know - the process really was not all that unpleasant!!
Gallbladder Flush
Hi! I have done gallstone flushes two times now this last 3 months. The first one did not work, the second one worked *even though I am still not sure if I should lay on may right side or left side.
But I did an ultrasound check and it shows still a 15 mm gallstone! So my question is, is there a way to dissolve this big gallstone with chanca piedra (have already been taking it for a month)
And how much time would it take me. Have you had any succesfull experience dissolving big gallstones?
I do not eat meat anymore, nor milk or cheese. Only fish and eggs. I do not eat sugar anymore nor bread. My liver exams shows my liver is in perfect condition now, also my pancreas.
What more can I do?
Thanks in advance!
Gallbladder Flush
For gallstones, here is your answer, and I have done it personally. Works unless you have a serious infection or if your gallstones are too big and calcified to pass.
1) plan an evening and the next day when you can take it easy and not have responsibilities.
2) on day of cleanse EAT ABSOLUTELY NO FAT WHATSOEVER! It's only one day and yes this includes creamer in your coffee!
3) fast and limit water intake after noon on day of cleanse.
4) have the following on hand: 60 capsules of Epsom salts (Hulda Clark store online has them, maybe your health food store) two fresh grapefruits, organic olive oil.
5) at 5pm take 15 capsules and enough water to swallow.
6) prep your bedtime, do hygiene, arrange bed so you can sleep on back.
7) prep 3/4 C squeezed grapefruit juice and 1/2C olive oil.
8) at 9:00 take 15 more capsules
9) At 10:00 sharp, drink ALL OF THE MIXTURE AND LAY DOWN ON YOUR BACK. Don't get up until am.
10)when you wake take 15 more caps. You are going to have diarrhea! Look for little plugs floating in the toilet, these are the stones (google pic search “gallstones” to see what you're looking for).
10) four hours later take your fourth and last dose of 15 caps. You can re introduce food slowly, start with some fruit or rice, something mild.
Not eating fat causes bile to build up; (if you cheat and don't fast you will get nauseous) epson salts dilate sphincter of gall bladder; drinking oil stimulates GB to contract expelling stones; the stones float because they are made of cholesterol. This is VERY safe to do, and is best done before a bad attack, but if you are in an attack, taking epson salts will ease the pain (because it dilates the sphincter and eases pressure). I have done both during an attack and when I wasn't having an attack to prevent one. The first time I did it one of my stones was calcified! You can also get just a bunch of cholesterol “chaff” that is clogging up your GB but hasn't formed stones yet.
Good luck! 😉
Gallbladder Flush
I did several gall bladder/liver cleanses for their health benefits prior to ever having a gall bladder issue. About 6 years ago, after going several years without doing a cleanse, I had a severe attack that had me writhing in agony before I finally went to the local ER. They gave me bad advice, pumped me full of pain killers, and advised me to have my gall bladder removed. I thanked them for their advice then ignored it.
I did a cleanse the next day and another one a few days after that. I drank about a gallon of unsweetened apple juice, some distilled water, and a tbs or so of apple cider vinegar, and ate nothing but a can of beets mixed with flax seed oil. At night I drank a bottle of Magnesium Citrate (epsom salts might be a bit better, but tastes terrible) followed an hour later by a half and half mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, then went straight to bed. In the morning I drank a second bottle of Magnesium Citrate and another a few hours later. I passed a large number of stones, a few hundred, and still have my gall bladder.
I did another one a few days later (although, some naturopaths advise against one so soon) and another a few weeks later. It is better to fast on the juices for 3 days before doing the olive oil and lemon juice, but after my serious attack I wasn't going to put it off that long.
Preventative measures that I've used include drinking a tbs or more of flax seed oil a half hour before meals, and mixing the oil with beets when I feel discomfort. I've been warned against coffee, but I read a study that states that those who drink 4 or more cups of coffee per day are far less likely to have a gall bladder attack. I can't verify that study, but I do not restrict my coffee drinking.
I started having some pains again while climbing Mt. Aconcagua in Argentina, but they were only enough to make me nervous. I was on the highest mountain in the world outside of Asia, and having a full blown attack was something to fear. For this reason, I'm going through a cleanse right now as a preventive measure before my wife and I go on a Mekong River cruise in Vietnam and Cambodia. The temporary discomfort and trouble involved with cleanses is nothing compared with the pain and danger of a serious gall bladder attack.
Gallbladder Flush
I have completed four gallbladder flushes in the last three months and am excited to report that they work! I have been hesitant. I have been skeptical. But when desperation came along, I had to give it a go and I am so glad I did!
At least 12 years ago I started to have pain in the gallbladder area. A sonogram of the area concluded that I did NOT have stones, but I have since learned from Timh that the scans can miss the stones. The gallbladder pain and trouble came and went through the years. It tended to be worse in pregnancy. Somewhere along the line I found Earth Clinic and started using Apple Cider Vinegar for gallbladder attacks and other things and it helped me for years.
In the last year, it seems that things were getting worse and worse. More and more foods were on my "that doesn't agree with me list, " and I mean healthy foods. The supplement Betaine Hcl helped for a while and then it stopped helping. I was afraid to eat pretty much anything. I did finally see a doctor who sent me for an ultrasound. The report was that I had one large stone (1.5 cm) and that my gallbladder was "full of stones." Meanwhile, I started taking digestive enzymes and at least I could eat if I was careful and didn't eat too late in the day. Bloodwork indicated that my liver function was fine. So, after hearing about gallbladder flushes for a dozen years, I finally got up the courage to try it. I figured, the worst thing that could happen would be that I would get a stone stuck and need surgery. I was headed there anyway, so I had little to lose and a lot to gain.
I followed the protocol outlined on the gallbladder cleanse page. I was careful to follow it closely at that seemed important. In brief here is what I did:
No fat breakfast and lunch. No food after 2pm.
7 pm - 1 T. epsom salt in 3/4 cup water. NOT delicious, but tolerable with a straw.
9 pm - 1 T. epsom salt in 3/4 cup water. (Still NOT delicious! )
The epsom salt was doing its job of purging my system, but I didn't feel too awful and was able to play card games with my kids until their bedtime.
11pm - 1/2 cup organic olive oil, 1/2 cup fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. I added 1/4 t. salt and 20 drops black walnut tincture and 6 digestive enzyme capsules. (I put it all in the blender, except for the enzymes.) I drank my drink, which was actually pretty tasty. It was like salad dressing. I lay down on my right side with my right leg bend and up. I was afraid it might make me sick but it did not. I was afraid I would need to get up and have more purging from the epsom salt, but I did not.
7 am - 1 T. epsom salt in 3/4 cup water. (STILL NOT delicious! )
9 am - 1 T. epsom salt in 3/4 cup water. (Okay, I really don't like this.)
11 am - I resumed juice and later light soup etc. But dinnertime I felt pretty good though ate lightly.
I probably passed around a dozen "stones" during the day. Small pea sized and colored. Not too exciting. Obviously NOT the large stone seen on the sonogram. But I had read that you may need to do several to get all of the stones out. A little discouraging, but at least the first flush was behind me and it wasn't awful at all. Just kind of inconvenient. You basically can't do much and need to be near a rest room for close to 24 hours.
A few weeks later I repeated the flush (2nd flush). I used 1 T. epsom salt in 2/3 cup water (instead of 3/4 cup), which is recommended if you don't get many stones the first time. I also added 1/2 teaspoon citric acid to my olive oil drink. I kept every thing else the same.
I did pass more stones - the green kind. Probably 100 or so. Plus "chaff."
A few weeks later I repeated the flush (3rd). The only change was that I think I layed on my back and not my right side. I had almost no stones and just some chaff. I was getting discouraged, but at least after each flush I did feel better for a week or two.
Somewhere around the time of the second flush I started to take dandelion/burdock root/alfalfa tincture (home made) because these are good herbs for stones and for liver/gall health.
After the third flush I started using castor oil packs several nights a week over the liver area. So before my fourth flush, I had been doing castor oil packs and herbs.
Fourth flush. I repeated the protocol with the tweaks from before (2/3 cup water with the epsom salt, citric acid.) I also laid on my left side instead of right. (That is what Timh says he does. It makes more sense to me to do that, too.)
I had dozens of green stones and some chaff around the time of the morning epsom salt drinks. And the day after that, lo and behold, I passed two rocks, each about 2 cm in length. I was so excited!!! These were light in color, irregularly shaped and hard. Wow, wow, wow! I couldn't quite believe it. Aside from paying for another ultrasound, I had worried that I would not know if the stones were out. What if they came out and I missed them? What if the herbs dissolved them?
Why did the fourth flush work the best?
Maybe it took that long to get things moving.
Maybe the herbs and castor oil helped.
Maybe laying on the left side is better.
Interestingly, I felt bad for a couple of days after the flush. Usually I am back to normal quickly but I took a longer time to recover. It makes me wonder if the whole thing caused some detox type reaction.
Another thing to note is that I have consumed apple cider vinegar regularly for years. As in - I have bought and used gallons over the years. I love it for many things. For some, apple cider vinegar seems to dissolve stones. But maybe my type of stone doesn't dissolve with acv.
I did try taking Malic acid for days up to the flushes and it didn't seem to make a difference for me.
After the first flush I read that you could have a taste of honey at the end of the epsom salt drinks to get rid of the bitter taste, so I did this and found it helpful.
There are many "nay sayers" to the gall bladder flush. Certainly it does not behoove certain people if people can do this at home and avoid surgery....there has been the assertion that the small pea green soft stones are a result of saponification and that they are just the olive oil and I can't recall what else and not real stones. If this assertion were true, it would not make sense that each time I have done a flush I get a dramatically different amount of those green stones. One time I had almost none. Another time at least one hundred. I would expect if this were saponification and I always followed the same recipe, the amount of green stones would be about the same.
I will probably do a few more flushes. I am a little bit addicted now. :) I am pretty amazed that for under $10 I have cleaned out my gallbladder, been spared surgery, and get to keep this little organ that has caused me a good bit of trouble, though I am sure I am better off with it than without it!
I hope this will be helpful to others. I have found reading the stories of others' experiences very helpful to me in this whole process, so I decided to write out the details.
~Mama to Many~
Gallbladder Flush
After having a few, random but severe pains in my stomach, I thought that maybe I just had an issue with milk. I stopped drinking it entirely (which was very hard to do) in hopes that these pains would stop. They didn't. I knew something was going on & didn't even think anything of my gall bladder. A few months went by & it was becoming worse. I was getting attacks 2-3 times a week, when it used to be maybe 1 a week. After the last one, the most severe of it all, I decided to Google.
Every single symptom I was suffering from was in conjunction with gall bladder issues & stones. It made sense, the pains where right where it suggested. I initially went through my health insurance's website to find someone to go get a check up. But when I used the cost estimation tool, it was going to cost me at the very, very least $7,000. That was just for the procedure to remove my gall bladder, let alone recovery & anything else. My brother had his removed a few months ago & ended up paying $28k. No way, not for me.
So I found a lot of sites listing the natural approach. I was a bit skeptical, but after reading so many positive reviews, I decided for less than $20, I'd give it a try. What's one more week if it doesn't work..then I will contact a doctor. I am so happy to say that it won't be necessary.
I followed the cleansing instructions very closely. I knew I had two days off in a row coming up so I decided to start the process the night of my last attack. It was really late at night & I first ended up running to the store to get some Apple Cider Vinegar...what a lifesaver. It cut the pain out within 20 minutes for me. While I still felt some pressure, I was actually able to sleep thanks to this stuff.
Then, for the next 4 days, I ate 2-3 apples a day and drank as much 100% apple juice as I could. I ate pretty clean during that time, too. I also normally drink a gallon of water a day, so I stuck with that so I kept myself well hydrated. On the day of the flush, I was a bit excited to see if it was going to work for me. I drank apple juice with the epsom salt, because the water route was just not working for me. It was horrible, I won't lie. I cringed knowing I'd have to repeat the drink but in the end, it is so worth it.
For the final step, I drank a 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil, with a 1/4 cup sugarfree grapefruit juice. I would have preferred to freshly squeeze the juice but I just simply did not have that option. I laid on my right hand side for 2 hours straight. Then I got some water (big mistake) and ended up throwing up a bit of the evoo. Not fun, it was the weirdest feeling to throw up oil. I had read after the fact to not do anything else after the last drink, but I was a bit thirsty & kind of a night owl.
The next morning, I drank another serving of the salt. No movement. Then it was time for the final serving & thank god for that. I ended up chasing it down with some honey because I was afraid I was going to throw up again. Luckily, it stayed down & just about an hour later...well, out came the stones. I was basically on & off the toilet for a few hours & was amazed at what was coming out. It makes you feel kinda weird to get up & look at what has come out, but it was also kind of fascinating.
This has saved me thousands of dollars & those little devils are just right there. I ended up eating some low-sodium soup two hours after the last salt drink...I was starving. But I eased myself back into it & didn't have the mentality of "Oh, well they're out now so I can go back to eating like crap." I feel like after this cleanse, I need to stick to a cleaner diet to prevent this from happening again. While the flush was very successful for me, no side effects at all, it's not something I would want to do again. You definitely need two consecutive days, because you will basically live in your bathroom for a while. But I would recommend this to anyone & everyone. It is much better than paying way too much money to get your organs removed.
Gallbladder Flush
7 Day GALLSTONE Flush.
I forgot where I got this from, my family has used it for years with success. My daughter was told she needed gallstone surgery some years back but used this flush instead. She passed the stones, and didn't need the gallstone surgery.
I don't know about you, but I believe my gallbladder has a purpose for being there and I'd like to keep it. -------------------------------------
. Apple juice
. Grapefruit juice (canned is OK).
. lemon juice, fresh squeezed is better
. Epsom salts
. Extra virgin olive oil (The green colored oil)
Monday through Saturday drink all the apple juice you can with your regular diet.
On Saturday, 3 hours after lunch, dissolve 2 teaspoons Epsom salts in a small glass of hot water and drink it, followed by a glass of grapefruit juice.
Repeat the Epsom salt, hot water procedure in 2 hours.
Eat nothing for dinner except a half a grapefruit and a glass of grapefruit juice.
Just before going to bed, mix 1/2 cup of warm olive oil with 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice and drink it.
Follow that with 1/2 cup olive oil mixed with 1/2 cup of lemon juice.
Then go straight to bed lying on your right side with your right knee pulled up as close to your chest as possible for a half hour.
On Sunday morning take 2 more teaspoons of Epsom salts in a small amount of hot water, at least an hour before eating breakfast.
That mornings bowel movement will contains small green irregular shaped cholesterol stones, some just smaller than the size of cherries.
I know this is tough but it has worked really well for my family. hope it works well for you.
Gallbladder Flush
I would like you to take an old family recipe that seems to work for my family and friends. The follow is natural and reasonable:
1. Squeeze two grapefruits and add juice to glass
2. Immediately after drinking the grapefruit juice, take a tablespoon of olive oil (or coconut oil) and you should get some relief in the restroom
Caveat: Sometimes stones have increased over a long period of time and you might have to repeat the process. God Bless Andy
Gallbladder Flush
Story: my mom's (74) Dr told her there was a strange sound in her abdomen. She had an ultrasound. Nothing wrong, but they saw "shadowing consistent with gall stones, but no thickening of the gall bladder walls". Dr told her to change her diet and if she was ever in pain from the stones they would remove her gall bladder. So, since I love Earth Clinic we started to do research. We found lots of testimonies from people who had success removing their gall stones.
Remedy: We found Hulda Clark's paper on how to cleanse. Wanting to do it correctly my mom started with the parasite cleanse for 16 days. Cost was about $20-$30. (I'm doing it too and my stores here in Texas are cheaper than my moms in Oregon). Neither of us saw any evidence of parasites, but feel like this is a good thing to do first, after all the reading on the Internet. Hulda Clark recommends doing a kidney cleanse next but my mom skipped that one. ( I'm a few weeks behind her and have not done the next one. But will do my own story as an update. Reason I'm doing it is I read Gall stones can be hereditary. I'm 43 and have no symptoms)
Results: the liver cleanse is easy and cheap. About $10. My mom couldn't find Ornithine so didn't use it. It takes 24 hrs and you need to rest for that time. Obviously my moms case is very mild, no thickening of the gall bladder walls and no pain. She said the whole cleanse was easy and painless. She started at 2 pm and followed the directions exactly. The next morning she passed about 50 bright green stones. This may be too much info, but you should know this: most of them float in the toilet. Your system is empty from the fast you do, so there isn't much else that comes out. She did see lots of bright yellow flakes she believes are unformed ones. She collected a few and fouls the stones to be soft like clay. That's probably how they are able to exit the gall bladder, because they are soft. Once they dry they become hard again. She is going to take them to her Dr for verification. But if you google gall stones and look at the images they are very unique looking and we can't believe how what she passed could be anything but gall stones. She kept passing them from 6 am- 2pm. She estimates there were over 100. They were about the size of a grain of rice up to the size of the eraser on a pencil. She is so grateful to Earth Clinic! This was so easy and much better than the thought of surgery. She plans to do the whole cleanse again in 6 months. I will do an update as we go along.
I hope this story helps others wanting info.
Gallbladder Flush
Vandana; I worried about the same issue- that the green would be the olive oil. So I found someone who had taken just the Apple Cider Vinegar, and I took a quart in 3 days. I had an ultrasound and the smug tech was sure I would have stones (evidently EVERYBODY has stones). But he shut up because the results came out negative. They were gone.
Before that, I had gone on the Atkins cholesterol protocol since I reasoned stones were majorly cholesterol. Part of that I remember was Vitamin E, PABA, Vit B6, inositol, lecithin, taurine, Vit C, niacin 1500 mg, dimethylglycinate (the precursor to Vitamin B15), and a few other things. That protocol alone had me passing hundreds of the small ones first, a beautiful emerald green. As I got those out, they gradually got more painful to pass and larger, and I could pop those out 70% of the time with coffee (I am not a natural coffee drinker, but this was for medicine), sometimes peppermint and sometimes I had to resort to the vinegar. Finally, I just had large ones left and I wanted to be rid of them all and be done with it, so bypassing the oil, and epsom salts, I just held my nose and drank the vinegar in fairly large doses. That got the rest of them out. That was when I had the ultrasound and was negative.
By the way, apple juice never helped me. I think I have a fructose sensitivity and the high fructose in the apples, just kept my liver making stones.
Nobody has said this, but look up fructose rats and you will find there are dozens of studies showing fructose cause triglyceride abnormalities, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, enlarged heart and congestive heart failure, and fatty liver disease, and finally gall stones. Fructose is very bad for your liver.
Gallbladder Flush
I have had a gallbladder problem for about 4 years. I was diagnosed with gallstones and sludge in the bottom of my gallbladder. This is what I did the first time to cleanse it. I ate normally for I think it was 3 or 4 days and drank lots of apple juice. On the last day I drank only apple juice. That night I took shots of pure lemon juice (fresh from lemons) mixed with extra virgin olive oil every half hour until bed time. I went to bed and to sleep and in the morning the gallstones came out in my bowel movement. For the best effect in doing this after the olive oil lemon juice mixture go to bed and lie on your right side with your right hip propped up by a pillow. Also make sure that it is not processed apple juice. It has to be 100% pure apple juice for the gall stones to soften.
Gallbladder Flush
Learned about the gall bladder cleanse of apples, Epsom salt, and oil/juice procedure. Tried it and had good success passing about 20 plus little soft pebbles about the size of papaya seeds. Feel great!
Want to thank you for your site particularly the organization of it so that on can see yea, nay experiences in terms of numbers and real life experiences.
Yea, yea, yea for this method for me and am telling others. Family members now trying. And, looking forward to checking out other mass successful remedies.
Proof is in the pudding :)