The Egg White Remedy for Burns

Egg Whites
Posted by Karin (Vina del Mar, Chile) on 03/28/2009

Egg whites for burns works like a miracle ointment. I've tried it myself, over my son and over a friend who is a Chef. But do not forget the first thing you have to do cool it down under cold running water for 5 minutes or so. Otherwise the skin will keep burning even after being removed from the heat source. You have to cool it down before applying the egg whites.

Egg Whites
Posted by Laura (honolulu, HI) on 03/19/2009

Egg Whites for Burns:

I burned myself badly all across the back of my hand and immediately turned to to see what might help the pain. I used the eggs whites! I cracked one egg, put it in a bowl, used a paper towel and soaked up some egg white with it. I then put that paper towel on the back of my hand and let it sit. I did this.. maybe 5 times. It really helps a lot! It didn't blister and the burning pain went away after a little. The burn ended up drying a lot and peeled away leaving somewhat pinky skin. Nothing horrendous. I consider myself lucky.. Thanks to everyone who share all these awesome rememdies!

Egg Whites
Posted by Kellly (Howard Beach, New York) on 12/05/2008

My husband just spilled boiling water on his hand. The pain was bad! I put egg whites and gauze on the burn and wrapped it with saran, to keep it moist. The Pain is practically gone, we will see tomorrow about the blistering. Thank everyone so much for this great site.

Egg Whites
Posted by Jens (North Vancouver, B.C. Canada) on 07/14/2007

Fortunately I have not had a fever in a long time. Another use of egg whites is the treatment of burns to prevent blistering and scarring. When my sister was 4 she pulled a boiling pot of water off the stove all down her face. Mother quickly coated her face with egg white. This prevented the expected scarring to all but a spot under her chin, which was missed by the egg white. She still has that scar today. A few years later I foolishly pulled an over boiling pot of coffee off the stove. The sudden movement sent even more boiling coffee spilling out over my hand. Mom immediately covered my hand in egg white. No scarring. If you are in a hurry use the whole egg then in a few moments rinse this off and recoat with egg white. It is because of this that we NEVER use the last egg at our house. The egg yolks have another use, but you must remove all of the egg white (paper towel works great). Taken raw they contain three important amino acids which help boost the immune system (which the whites neutralize). These should be taken on an empty stomach.

Egg Whites
Posted by Chelsea (Chatsworth, GA) on 07/08/2007

I was cooking just mintues ago and burnt my whole index finger on a BURNING HOT pan.I put ice on it(which helped barley none at all)then raced to the computer to see what might help the burning pain go away.This site came up and i soon found the egg white remedy.I out egg white on my whole finger for about 10mins. All pain went away within 5 mins. IT WORKS!! problem-(burnt skin) remedy-(egg whites)

Egg Whites
Posted by Shirley (Toronto, Canada) on 06/18/2007

I spilled an entire coffee filter, filled with water that had come to a rolling boil, all over my right hand. Firstly, I'm no baby, and I'm well versed in both Scottish and Afro/Cuban cures. Tea made with appr. 20 bags, pot half full, add water, dip cloth & put cloth in freezer. Alternate with the egg white cure. Unfortunately, the burn was so bad that the egg whites were cooking on my skin. Although I'm great in a crisis, that completely grossed me out. Burn covered palm, fingers, halfway up arms, but with help of friend was reduced to top half of hand. Didn't prick blisters, I kept it dry. Was in some schock, which I believe was reduced by friends' company. A local nurse agreed we did a great job. Here's the rub. I've been keeping it clean & dry - someone bought me a chlorhexidine dressing - i thought use for 2 hours, but unfortunately with the trauma of the week, fell asleep with it on. I'm resourceful, and could find NO product monograph on the web for this. Now wound was completely wet. My behaviour yesterday indicated trauma...3 days later...any thoughts???

Egg Whites
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

Generally aloe vera oil and vaseline with some peppermint oil will handle well in burn situation, Vaseline gauze keeps the wound from being caught with airborne bacteria and aloe vera helps accelerate the tissue repairs for the burn well. The Ancient Egyptians applied honey to the burns and they have been doing right up to the ancient Greek.

Egg Whites
Posted by sudy (Bronx, new york) on 05/25/2007

After burning my 2 fingers on a baking pan while making frozen pizza.. I applied cold water,ice,and ice pack...neither i had my "male friend" go online and look up a way to heal dis site came up and i used egg whites ..then baking soda paste cured my burn..which hurt like I'm typin well and fine! (Yay)

Egg Whites
Posted by Vicky (Kissimmee, FL) on 04/12/2007

I tried the egg whites in desparation! I have VERY severe rope burns on my hands from holding onto a horse that took off on a lunge line - with a 17 year old on top! I wasn't going to let go of that rope, but ended up with VERY bad burns...I was very skeptical but just now tried the egg whites ....and yep - I am now typing this message!! I stuck my whole hand in there! and hardly have any pain now!! THANK YOU! I am sure it will take a while for this mess to heal, but at least now I don't have to suffer :)

Egg Whites
Posted by Julie (Traverse City, MI) on 04/10/2007

About a month ago someone at the gym mentioned a remedy for burns. I'm sure she meant mild burns. Anyway, this past Sunday I went and touched a dish that I had just taken out of the oven. DUMB!! I immediately ran it under cold water then racked a egg and soaked my fingers in the egg whites.WOW!! The next evening I was like wow my fingers don't even hurt and they didn't even blister. Maybe I didn't burn them as bad as I thought but, think I did, and the egg white thing might actually work.

Egg Whites
Posted by Ginger (Seattle, WA) on 04/04/2007

Egg Whites (remedy) on Small Burn (ailment): I acquired a small burn to a finger through a cooking mishap. I specifically googled for ways to stop the pain of a (not-third degree) burn, and found this website. I folded up a paper towel, dipped it in the albumen (white) of one egg, and then rested the paper towel directly on the burn. Every five minutes, I resoaked the towel with the egg white and reapplied it to the burn, keeping it moist. I did this for 25 minutes, carefully washing my hand afterward. There was a small sting for another 15 minutes, but it was nowhere near as ferocious as initially experienced. I don't suggest applying ice afterward, for the sting returned when the burn was moistened. Let it dry and air freely.

Egg Whites
Posted by Annita (Myrtle Beach, SC) on 02/28/2007

My mother has told this story many times in the last 30 years. When I was about 4 years old I got a severe burn on the inside of my forearm. Apparently, it was a 2nd degree burn as it was evident to her that 2 layers of skin had been burned. My mother immediately applied egg whites mixed with alum to the burn and covered it with gauze. (Alum is usually found on the spice aisle at the grocery store and is used as an ingredient in baking powder, as a crisping agent for pickles and to harden gelatin.) She says that the following day I was outside playing with other children and fell - forearm down on the ground. She was amazed that I immediately got up and began playing again with no indication of any pain from the burn. I'm not sure of the significance of the alum but I'm now 35 years old and, within my memory, there has never been any sign of a scar on my arm.

Egg Whites
Posted by Erin (Kalispell, MT) on 08/18/2006

I burned my hand baking cookies and was in some really bad pain. I put ice on it, but nothing would get rid of the sting. Finally, I found this site and tried the egg white thing. I just lay my hand in a bowl of egg whites for about 20 minutes. When I washed my hand off, the sting was gone and it didn't come back! I would recommend this cure to anyone.

EC: Egg whites happen to also be one of the best cures to lower a fever. Read more about it here:

Egg Whites
Posted by Jake (Omaha, NE) on 08/02/2006

I recently burnt my hand on a torch and it was pretty severe. I just wrapped it w/ some cloth and ignored it. About an hour went by and I could't take the pain anymore.So I went on this site and told me to use egg whites. By far this is the best remedy for burns. Ive tried crest and colgate tooth paste but nothing works quite like egg whites. THANKS FOR THE HELP!

Egg Whites
Posted by Darrin (Kennesaw, Ga) on 06/20/2006

I burned one of my fingers while cooking and put it on ice immediately. After an hour and a half of uncomfortable chilling and almost out of ice, I googled "heal" and "burns" and hit this site. I read about the egg white technique and gave it a try. I soaked some egg white in a folded-up paper towel and wrapped it around my finger. After 20 minutes I took the paper towel off and I don't feel any pain any more. Egg white really works! Thanks guys!

Egg Whites
Posted by AM (SC) on 06/06/2006

I had scalded my hand while making homemade jam and fortunately my father-in-law was present and had me soak it in egg white and then drenched a paper towel and placed it on my hand and wrapped my hand in a small towel for 30 minutes. The pain was immediately gone and did not return. I have no marks from the burn either. MIRACULOUS!

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