Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia

General Feedback
Posted by Robert (Manchester, NH USA) on 07/25/2007

I have found that Jacob Teitelbaum's clinic for Fibromyalgia to be helpful. They are thorough in blood work, found a mycoplasma I was taking a prescribed drug for to be rid of, and also have recommended D-ribose, a long chain polylsaccharide that seems to help with fatigue and energy levels.

ACV and Baking Soda
Posted by Edna (Cobb CA ) on 07/31/2005

Just started the Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking soda yesterday. Feeling 50% better today from fatigue & pain. Also did the clove oil rub last night. (I am Already taking Vit D, Multi Vitamin, Sea Weed, & Calcium). will let you know how I progress. July 31, 2005 Thank You!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tina (Manchester, UK) on 07/05/2008

hi, just wanted to say thank you so much for a this wonderful site. i suffered very badly with cfs and fibromyalgia, basically stopped having a life and suffering with pain that was unbearable. i started using acv/borax/bs/cayen p/ [apple cider vinegar/borax/baking soda/cayenne pepper] and drank a glass every day. after 3 months the pains stopped, if i was in a lot of pain i would take 2 tbs of acv straight and within half an hour the pain would go. please do not drink tap water,check the internet for what is in water from taps, no wonder people are ill. the most important thing for me was, when the drs said their is no cure and it will get worse. thats the biggest lie i have heard.i decided not to believe them and KNEW I COULD GET BETTER. i do not suffer from cfs/fibro anymore, and it happened so quikly after suffering with it for 8 yrs. all i can say is stay positive and seek and you shall find. xxx

ps. i took all the advise on earthclinc, cutting out all the things they have mentioned and taking all the stuff they have mentioned.

Linseed Oil, Tyrosine, Echinacea
Posted by Kristy (Lansing, Michigan) on 05/08/2008

My family used to see a physician's assictant rather than a 'regular' doctor. She was very much into herbs and vitamins, and would tell us how to make things like our own echinacea tincture. She also told us that if we took echinacea on a daily basis, it would stop working for us after awhile. She said ten days on, ten days off was a good way to go.

General Feedback
Posted by Jason Uttley (USA) on 01/01/2008

I appreciate Joyce's suggestions and feedback, even if I don't agree with them. First of all, I don't think there's much evidence to support a conclusion that mercury is a cause of fibromyalgia. I've read theories on that subject, including how it might be able to explain gulf war syndrome, but (at least in my opinion) it is a very weak theory and one usually tossed about either by those that don't know a lot about fibromyalgia, or those that don't really care much about the statistics of fibromyalgia. After all, how does mercury fit with a condition that exploded out of nowhere in the early 1980's? How does it relate to a condition that effects 95% women to only 5% men? And, perhaps mostly notably, why is it almost unheard of for children and newborns (who are known to be particularly sensitive to mercury and other toxins) to develop fibromyalgia? Children would be developing FMS en masse if mercury were really a cause of FMS (assuming mercury based vaccines were a major source of exposure, as has been discussed in the autism debate). Mercury maybe a plausible theory on autism (although not necessarily one I believe in anymore), but not for fibromyalgia.

Besides that, to anyone that says that the symptoms of mercury exposure are the same as fibormyalgia, I say....prove it!! Show me what the leading authorities in the world wrote of the symptoms of chronic mercury toxicity prior to the emergence of fibromyalgia. Show me that....explain how the statistics fit the primary source of mercury exposure.....explain what changed in the early 1980's with respect to mercury exposure....explain why children almost never develop FMS....and then, I'll be more than happy to listen. By the way, I believe MSG & aspartame have been linked to Lupus and MS, but not to fibromyalgia. Many of those with FMS, including myself, are very sensitive to those kinds of excitotoxins, but the symptoms are not the same. The symptoms are very much more in-line with MS. I don't think there's any question in my mind that excitotoxins are linked to MS, the only question really is can excitotoxins cause MS without fluoride exposure? I believe Russell Blaylock joined the fluoride community, in part, to answer that very question. A question I don't think we really know the answer to yet. As for adding a question regarding medications taken to the FMS Questionnaire.....I would just ask, what is the point of such a question? We already know based on what we know of fluoride toxicity that there is often a delay between when exposure occurs and when major symptoms begin (as is the case regarding the chronic toxicity of many major toxins). We also know that fluoride is cumulative in nature, so for many people, there may be more than one major source of exposure that triggered the related symptoms. This means that a lot of people won't be able to recognize the point of exposure that caused fibromyalgia. Adding such a specific question only serves to highlight that fact. From what we've seen, respondents to the questionnaire already use the Theories question to give us their thoughts on potential causes, be it, medications or otherwise. I tend to think that's the way to go, but that's just my opinion.

Finally, I think most of those suffering with fibromyalgia would probably find the following statement of Joyce's a little offensive..."I wonder if the tremors & brain fog they complain of might be helped by taking a good stress tab with meal time and bedtime." The problem isn't that it's wrong, is just that it sounds like what someone who doesn't really understand fibromyalgia might say. The brain fog associated with FMS is often described in it's most severe forms as if the person is developing dementia, or Alzheimer's. Can you imagine telling someone with dementia that they should just take a stress tab? And what of all the other symptoms?

General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 12/27/2007 495 posts

Just finished reading case history questionaires tonight and I have a suggestion for whoever is doing this. I suggest he/she include another question re medications taken - now and before getting sick, as many people don't think of medicine as being chemicals or toxins - They might even want to read the article on fluoride toxicity by the person who developed fibromyalgia after two months of ciprofloxacin following a possible exposure to anthrax powder and inquire about specific medications such as ciprofoxacin and the antidepressants that contain fluoride (Fen-phen) in them -especially if he/she notes a more rapid decline in health in those taking antidepressants - I wonder if the tremors & brain fog they complain of might be helped by taking a good stress tab with meal time and bedtime. I usually tell people this timing because lots of people skip one or more meals - so I always tell them to take them when normal people eat their 3 meals a day whether they eat then or not

- Another question that might be useful in trying to pinpoint causes, any vaccines they were given prior to onset/or prior to overseas travel (I noticed that on fellow said his started after a trip to Korea -no military- This could indicate trouble starting from vaccines given prior to the trip. I especially suspect this since I recall reading an article by a female doctor with the VA system who made a darned good case for blaming the lupus-like symptoms of the Gulf Storm veterans on the mercury preservative in the injections they were given before leaving the states. Her theory was based on a study of blood work from many of those veterans after they developed the problem during the time that the VA system was denying that there was a syndrome with a cause.

A funny thing about that I was talking to a coworker at the VA where I worked one night who was one of those Gulf Storm vets about this doctors theory. He also expressed doubt that such a syndrome existed and told me that he was over there in the midst and didn't develop the syndrome. He later told me that he had refused to take the injections and took oral medications instead. I couldn't help laughing when I told him that he was the exception that proved her theory to be plausible.

I also noticed that many symptoms in lupus, fibromyalgia, fluoride/MSG/aspartame toxicity are the same, so I think they are going to all be involved. I remember being told in Family Nurse Practitioner pharmacology course that all antibiotics are toxic- the idea being to give enough poison to kill the causative organism without killing its host (patient).

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lynn (Holland, OH) on 03/16/2006

I am taking Spectro 3 vitamin/mineral supplement, magnesium taurate for the depression, extra calcium, B-50 complex for all the vitamins the candida depletes your body of, digestive enzymes to eat up all the waste material you are killing - with each meal and in between, a good probiotic to replenish the good bacteria an hour after each meal and at bedtime (read "You're Nuts Because of Your Guts" at Cure, 70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract, 90% of Seratonin is made in your gastrointestinal tract), coconut oil (Spectrum organic unrefined - has yeast defeating properties and is a medium chain fatty acid which is very good for you and is supposed to help you lose weight, read The Coconut Diet by Cherie Calbom), MSM (500 mg per 30 lbs. of body weight),I take 1000 mg(pure, no fillers) twice a day to help strip the mucous membranes where yeast live in and restore PH in your GI tract, liquid molybdenum (a mineral) to help break down the acetaldehyde toxin the yeast produces and Oxymune oxygen drops to help build the immune system even stronger, and gently bounce (do not take feet off) on a mini-trampoline to help clear toxins from my lymphatic system.

So far, my CFS and Fibromyalgia are much improved, the thrush in my mouth is losing its hold. Pink skin is starting to appear at bottom of a totally white coated tongue. Totally yeast infected ears are almost totally cleared up (intense itching and yucky yeast residue are gone) I am making slow but progressive progress.

My understanding is that this overgrowth of systemic candida is due to a suppressed immune system, however you got it; overuse of antibiotics, birth control pills, use of steroids (prednisone),etc., all the bad things doctors give us to help us get well have made millions of us terribly ill. I am doing everything I can to build up my immune system. Read Ed McCabe's book, "Flood Your Body with Oxygen", in which he explains over and over again how YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM RUNS ON OXYGEN. This disease is a parasite and you are the host, it thrives in an anerobic environment (no oxygen), and the more oxygen you force into your body, the weaker this parasite becomes, but you must keep at it every day and never give up. I once recovered from this terrible disease doing yoga morning and night for a half an hour at a time. I felt great for about 3 months -- I looked wonderful, I felt wonderful, I couldn't get sick no matter how many sick people I was exposed to, my immune system was that strong and then I quit the yoga thinking it was the MSM that had done the healing, so it's back to gentle exercising to build up the immune system. Excessive exercise will just depress your immune system even more. Read up on how yoga builds up the immune system and detoxifies the body through urination, elimination and sweating. I believe due to the constant deep intake of oxygen with the deep breathing involved in the yoga poses and the constant twisting and bending involved that detoxified my liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc. my immune system became so strong nothing could exist in my body but great health.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vindita (Monmouth Junction, NJ)

These are good tips on this page. Fibromyalgia seems to have a better response when alternative (more holistic) therapies are used and it takes time to "undo" the damage that has accumulated. My experience shows that by avoiding drugs, you can recover faster (and reverse fibromyalgia). Here's what I did:

I turned to yoga (very low impact, what seniors and bedridden people might do). With that circulation in the muscles improves and toxicity is also expelled. Diet is very important (avoid milk, sugars and refined products). I believe the candida diet helps to give your whole immune system a break so that it can heal naturally. Detoxification with herbs is also important to get rid of the toxins that have accumulated in the body (no side effects with these). If there is depression, add B vitamins to combat it and also read positive materials and keep in the company of positive and supportive people. Remember that thoughts are temporary and can change (do not give them importance as they will change eventually!) Be strong can reverse this condition. Do not underestimate the healing power of REST. The body lets you know when you need it (just listen!) High energy vitamins and supplementation of magnesium helped me as well. Acupuncture helps to get rid of pain and restore energy flow to help it get balanced (pick someone good!) Deal with your emotions and let go of whatever you are holding on to. Be good to yourself. Forgive yourself and others around you and see the power of healing (be receptive) change your condition. I was diagnosed almost two years ago, came off all medication within two months after beginning yoga. Turning to natural alternatives has improved/practically reversed this condition. I can now think about going back to work. Find a good naturopathic doctor who has worked with fibromyalgia.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (UK)

I have fibromyalgia, and had just started using cider vinegar on raw salad just to flavour it without knowing the benefits. Last week I i did not use it and the fatigue and pain were quite chronic. Twice this week I used it again and my energy levels rose. I am unsure if this is the cider vinegar as I am also taking supplements, but the coincidence is there already. Only more time will tell but I would recommend other sufferers try.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sherrine (Valrico, Florida)

I started taking two teaspoons of ACV three times a day only six days ago. I am taking it to ease the pain of fibromyalgia and my pain is getting less and less! I plan on continuing it but am having a hard time drinking it.

Posted by Terri (San Jose, CA) on 11/11/2006

5HTP is greatly helping myself and my daughter with our symptoms of fibromyalgia. I have tried low doses of antidepressants in the past but nothing worked as well to improve my sleep as 5-HTP has. I take 200mg per night. My type comes with several essential cofactors to assist in proper seratonin production. No side effects for me, unlike with the other drugs. I'm considering it for more members of my family. We have a genetic sleep and pain disorder. Hopefully we can find the right dose for all of us. I advise everyone to see a qualified ND or sympathetic MD before self dosing to be extra safe but side effects are rare thankfully.

Posted by Laura (Natchitoches, LA) on 12/24/2006

I am taking Sam-E for Fibromyalgia. I have experienced amazing results for reducing flare-ups and increasing length of time between flare-ups. Amazing. Also tried your cayenne pepper for sore throat today with superb results.

Linseed Oil, Tyrosine, Echinacea
Posted by Anonymous (Australia)

Linseed oil (refrigerated), Tyrosine and Echinacea cures wrinkles, arthritis, varicose vein pain, Parkinson's Disease, fibromyalgia. 5 tablespoons Linseed oil and 2 echinacea tablets 3 times a day. Don't take calcium, evening primrose and glucosamine if you have any of the above conditions. Just try to eat less meat and plenty of fruit and vegetables. Fresh vege juice is very good also try 1 clove of fresh garlic a day. Tyrosine stops the shakes of Parkinson's very quickly. You will feel so much better.

Posted by Cristina (Bucharest, Romania) on 01/31/2007

I had muscle cramps leading to pain and headaches for years. Recently my doctor prescribed tyroxine. Ever since my muscle cramps are 98% gone. I had some cramps every 30-40 days only. They were less severe and went away easily with advil.

EC: Thyroxine is a medication used for the treatment of hypothyroidism (under active thyroid gland). It is used as replacement therapy in people having a lower thyroid function than normal.

Posted by Jason Uttley (USA)

Much like Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), the herb Rhodiola, appears to have the ability to enhance cellular energy production. Given that a decline in ATP production is known to be associated with fibromyalgia and fluoride poisoning, Rhodiola might be worth trying. Dr. St. Amand, the champion of the guaifenesin protocol, advocates CoQ10. Since CoQ10 is found within the body naturally that's certainly the safest choice. However, it may be that Rhodiola is also of some help as well.

5HTP, the precursor to serotonin, claims to help elevate mood, promote deep sleep, increase mental function, and normalize digestion. Such claims may well be true, but I would still highly encourage people to eliminate fluoride from their diet first instead, since that will go a long way toward doing the same thing.

Posted by Margie (Upper Marlboro, Maryland) on 04/03/2007

While visiting earthclinic's site to see what I could fine to help my anxiety, I saw information about 5HTP as another source to use for anxiety. So I wanted to find out more information about this little pill, because it was a toss up between the two (Rhodiola) I decided to use the Rhodiola which worked out perfect. I then did some more research on 5HTP to see what other benefits it was good for, and I found out that it was recommeded for Fibromyalgia. Such as sleepless nights, waking up 4-5 times in the night, the headaches, the pain in the joints, stiffness upon waking up in morning, I felt like the tin man on the wizard of oz. I also had other related problesm. I have been taking it now for five months and I am a happier person, more energetic, not as moody as before, mine is more clear and well the list goes on, and I don't wake up stiff like before; so getting more rest has made me more alert.

In addition, I have a question for anyone out there to answer if possible. Since I take Rhodiola and 5HTP together I wanted to know if this harmful since both are a mood relaxing vitamin. I take the one for anxiety the other for the Fibroymyalgia. In addition, after reading more information about 5HTP and some side affects I was wondering if I should stop using it for awhile. If anyone has an answer please respond. I want to say though that since I have been using it I have had no side affects that were bad only good ones.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Tara (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/28/2007

I began oil pulling 7 months ago and I suffered with chronic fatigue for 14 years. It cleared up that issue within a matter of days. I was confined to bed rest and had limited mobility but the oil pulling dramatically shifted things for me so much so I am now more fit and active and don't need to rest. I had been livimg this way for years and oil pulling gave me my life back. It also cleared up a skin problem I had when nothing else seemed to work. Recently, I came down with fibromyalgia and my doctor would not be prepared to treat me as it is not a "recognised illness". I was in chronic pain and was suicidal. I could barely move my tongue inside my mouth and could not walk. I was so ill, I had never experienced anything like the severity of this before. I kept oil pulling and changes occured incrementally every day until after a couple of weeks my health was back to normal. Oil pulling has changed my life and I would recommend it to anyone. It is a POWERFUL remedy.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Willia (Detroit, MI) on 03/25/2008

oil pulling sesame oil. after reading on your site about oil pulling March 2008; I tried it and it worked wonders for my fibromyalgia pain. I used the recommened amount 2 tblsp; swissed it around in my mouth for 15 minutes, spit it out, brushed my teeth and drank two glasses of water. I have tmj--i did not think i would be able to do this for 15 minutes due to jaw pain but after 2 1/2 minutes my jaw pain left. The stiffness, pain and soreness in my body was gone before the 15 minutes was up. I have been suffering from fibromyalgia since 1991 and this is the only thing I have tried that gave me immediately relief. Today I sent my sister-in-law who lives in Louisiana a large bottle of sesame oil. Bless you and I thank you and your readers so much.

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