10 Natural Remedies for Spider Bites

Posted by Kevin Coombs (Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin) on 10/11/2008

Bread cured my daughters spider bite. Went to doctor who put her on anti-biotics. It did nothing for her. My wifes grandma told her to put a piece of bread on it. She did and it drew all of the puss out and cured it in one night.

Posted by Scott (Hanston, Kansas) on 09/07/2010

Look for Bread Poultice on the following link for directions. Works best with warm water.


Posted by Thankful Mom! (Atlanta, Ga) on 10/17/2011

I tried this for my daughter who was bitten and I found out about it a day later when the site was swollen, huge and warm to the touch. I applied the bread, wrapped to her in an ace bandage and this morning when I removed the bandage/bread all had come to the head and drained out. She said it no longer hurt or irratated her.

Posted by Lynn (Windsor, Canada) on 06/28/2008

Got 4 brown recluse spider bites on my arm while cleaning our shed. After 3 days went to Dr. and was given antibiotics to combat any other infection that might happen (I'm diabetic)...but Dr. said nothing can be done about the venom. 2 wounds were size of 1/2 dollar, 2 size of dime. Blistering and oozing and scabs (2 were black)occured and new blisters formed (no infection just clear fluid oozing) Did have 3 new sites of blister form possibly from the oozed fluid spreading the toxin. These new sites are not bites. Am now covering wounds with large bandaids.By day 5 tried topical creams, baking soda paste (not at the same time). While they kept the wounds from getting bigger they did not make it smaller or look any different. Found your website and am now doing potato poltice. Did break blisters and got as much scab off as possible before putting potato slices on. It is working, hooray!! And in only a few hours. Been a week looking for something that works. Right now the wounds have lost the redness, puffiness and don't feel warmer than the rest of me. Will let you know how I am in a few days. Was really worried as these bites were not healing and slowly getting worse. Will try salt tomorrow (maybe salt the potato slices, eh!).

Posted by Jason (Atkins, AR) on 06/09/2008

I got a spider bite on the back of my arm and in just a few days my arm was swelled and I had a big knot with a big white, yellow, greenish, center. I got on the earth clinic site and seen to scrap the top cut a potato and put on it. I did and was amazed at how fast it pulled all of the junk out of my arm. The potato is the only way to go in my opinion. Thanks yall are a life saver.

EC: Glad to hear the remedy worked.  However, we still have to warn folks to be careful that a spider bite isn't, in fact, Staph or MRSA.  We know two people here in Atlanta in the past month who misdiagnosed staph infections for spider bites!!

Posted by Mary (WEst Alli, Wisconsin) on 08/19/2007

My husband and I went camping this weekend, and I ended up with multiple spider bites. I tried everything and nothing helped. I wanted to scratch the skin off my legs. I went on the computer to see about any natural remedies and found this website. I washed my legs with hot water, and then put salt on all the bites. I let the slat on for 10 minutes and the itchy feeling went away. I will continue this until they are all gone. Thank you!

Posted by Shirley (USA) on 08/20/2007

I just read the post from Mary, about getting spider bites while camping. A few years ago my son's family went camping and he ended up with a lot of bites that looked like spider bites. The doctors treated it as such, but they did not heal. My daughter-in-law went to the next doctor visit and insisted on them doing a culture of the sores. It came back that he had contacted staph infection at the river or the campsite. They had waited so long to find it that it had gotten into the bone on one toe. He had to have two things applied that would pump some sort of medicine into the veins everyday for a length of time, I don't remember how long. A nurse had to come to their house to set them up. He did get okay, but I wanted to tell you this so that you know, if those places do not heal, you should insist on them doing a culture. Nobody should have to go through that. But hopefully yours are just spider bites. Good luck and I hope the bites have cleared up.

Posted by Scott (US) on 02/25/2016

Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I'm in the middle of it right now, I've been applying the salt over the past few days and I'm already noticing a difference. The center part is opening up and I'm starting to see the outer layer of skin open up to reveal the black spot. I see that you applied for us garlic. So I just cut a piece of garlic and taped it to the bite. It is extremely burning! I am able and willing to tolerate it. Out of curiosity though… How long did you leave the garlic on the bite? And also how long did you leave the banana peel? Thank you so much.

Posted by Susan (South, Texas) on 07/06/2007

Just yesterday for the 4th of July we were at a family gathering. My niece had noticed a red bump develop 3 days prior on her wrist. By yesterday it had gotten bigger, a little over 1/4 inch. You could see 2 fang marks, half of the scab was crusty black and red streaks were developing. It was slightly painful, not unbearable. I check this website our regularly, so it was natural for me to look up a cure for spider bites. Of course we don't know what kind of spider bit her. The salt cure seemed to be the fastest acting and it wasn't too far out from the time of the bite. We wet it and poured salt on it and placed a bandaide over it. She ended up leaving it on for about an hour. Took of the bandaide and ran water over it. About 2 hours later you could tell that the size had decreased and the black scab was gone. We did the treatment one more time before she went to bed. It stung pretty good and she left the bandage on for 10 minutes. We left and called her today and the site is all but dried up. No more pain or itching. For good measure she is going to continue to put the salt on for another night or 2. Amazing!! is all I can say.

Posted by Bradley (Bon Wier, Tx) on 06/19/2007

i was in Lufkin Tx emergency room a couple of weeks back and I talked to a man who had been bitten by a spider. The doctor that treated him said that he knew people that had been bit by spiders that went to the ocean on Friday and came back on Monday and the bite was was gone away. The salt water heals the bite

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Heather (Milton, Pa) on 05/11/2010

i would like to get the recipe for the charcoal paste if u wouldnt mind. thanks

Oregano Oil, Turmeric, Chili Peppers
Posted by Bob (Filer, Idaho) on 12/25/2016

One tablespoon coconut oil, 4 drops of pure oregano essential oil 100 percent, several (2-4 it stains clothing can be left out) drops of turmeric diluted, mix .. brush teeth, apply to interior of nose to fight colds, apply to hands a.m. as infection fighter at public places, after a brown recluse spider bite .. puts brakes on cellular degeneration immediately .. follow up with chili pepper gel caps after any spider bite .. stroke or heart attack in next two days. Stuff E.R. never dreamed could happen - herbs weak and ineffective - you take life flight I'll take herbs.

Baking Soda
Posted by Kissa (Texas) on 03/14/2016

How do I make baking soda poultice?

Baking Soda
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 03/16/2016 2063 posts

Lipospheric Vit-C + MSM may be more effective by itself or taken after DMSO. All these work very well together and maybe enough to safe off the worst in poisoning situations.

Many outdoor enthusiast carry along the MMS precursors in case of spider or snake bite. MMS is effective against most or all poisonous snakes & spiders if given immediately and on ever hrs until no more symptoms.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jackie (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada) on 03/04/2012

I love this website been checking it out for quite awhile I decided I needed to post. I was bitten by a spider called the Brown Recluse several times my arm swelled up like a balloon. I checked the Canadian sites, I was surprised they are listed in southern part of Ontario. I was quite sick, fever we called ambulance they transported me to the ER I was given antibiotics I should went right away I lingered for 2 days it is now oozing out of the fang holes what I did is apply tree oil to keep it clean then I mixed baking soda sea salt and a strong white vinegar I doused my arm with that mixture every couple of hours. It does take the itch away, it is still so painful. On top I had that terrible flu that is going around. The doctor told me that what I was already doing saved me from blood poisoning. We figured he got in from the garage through the back door or from the bananas we bought frm the supermarket. We sprayed the garage and the back entrances , all vents etc it's rare that we have any spiders in the house now on we will keep the back sprayed plus check the grocery bags etc. Thank you for listening Jackie Mac

Sulfur Powder
Posted by Terry (Allen, Ok) on 08/14/2011

I was bitten on the foot by a black widow spider and read where clinics use sulfur based anti-biotics for bites. I had no insurance, so I tried triple anti-biotic cream, hydrocortizone, and sublimed sulfur in equal parts aplied 4 times a day. In 2 weeks the hole where you could see the bones, was nothing more than a rough red spot.

General Feedback
Posted by Alfred (Rangsit, Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/04/2011

Thank for the info about bee.. spider bites.. Chewing Tobacco will pull poison.. But Not Pain..

The way to get rid of the Pain .. Is to press hard in that bite location.. Untill pain stops.. It will stop in a few minutes.. Reason its hurting.. Your Blood proteins are trapped.. By the pressure it releases the blood proteins..

Like when your hitting a nail with a hammer. But you hit your finger.. Just apply pressure on you finger.. Pain will leave soon after. Next day no sign of damage.


General Feedback
Posted by Susan (Cathedral City, California Usa) on 06/11/2011

I agree Alfred, applying direct pressure to the injured area immediately after injuring oneself, is very effective for lessening the pain.

The very best remedy for quickly healing bruises is Arnica salve. If you don't have any, make a salve with 1 part cayenne pepper and 5 parts melted Vaseline, mix and cool, apply once a day.

A homemade ice pack can be made by mixing 2 parts water and 1 part alcohol in a nylon bag and freezing it, the bag will be flexible and can be molded to the body. It will not sweat.

Posted by Jimbo (Talisay, Philippines) on 03/17/2011

I live in philippines and was bitten by spider, next morning woke up with red streaks and swelling of leg, when I got back home I appled a poultice made of tobbaco, charcoal, honey and chopped up garlic, and put on bite coverd with a peice of banana leaf, sitting at computer about 3 hours later and could see trickle running down my leg, at first I thought it was the honey but is just kept oozing out, that evening my swelling diapeared and so did the red streaks, but the bite had opened into a sore about 3/8 of inch across and swelled up like a boil, I did this for 2 days and it had pulled all of the infection or poison out, don t know wat kind of spider it was

Wild Hydrangea
Posted by Robert (Blairsville, Ga, America) on 08/03/2010

Spider Bites - Brown Recluse

My family and I live in the Northeast Georgia mountains where insects thrive indoors and outdoors. A few years ago while I was building our new home in the mountains my wife, my daughter and myself lived in a small cabin around 500 sq. Ft. Within a few days of each other my wife and daughter we both bitten behind one ear by a Brown Recluse spider. My daughters bite wound healed fairly quickly but my wife's turned out to be the size a 50 cent piece and and was very painful. The bit wound looked like it went to the skull and was open and oozing. Her doctor prescribed antibiotics which she took religously for several weeks with no apparent relief or healing. She wen back to our doctor and he said surgery was the only option. To cut out the bite site. My wife and I talked over and her biggest concern was the pain and her inability to sleep and she did not want to have surgery. I called friends and finally spoke wiht one that knew an old man that lived with his wife in North Carolina and was known as the "Spider Man". I can't remember his name but he appeared to be around 80 and showed me his herb garden and described all sorts of natural treatments for ailments. He looked at my wife's bite and said he had the cure. He said it would require at least two trips back to his house. He used sterile tweezers and said he had to get the core out of the wound. It appeared to look like a small whiteish cork. Once the core was out he went to his freezer and pulled out a ziplock baggie that looked like ground up grass. He said it was Wild Hydrangea, from the stem after the thin brown bark covering was removed and it was chopped finely up. He put this cold compress containing the wild Hydrangea in some gauze and wrapped it around my wifes head until the poutice was on the wound. He said to leave it there three days then come back on the third day. When he removed the gauze on the third day the wound had shrunk to 1/5 its original size and was beginning to close up. One more treatment with the Wild Hydrangea for another three day period totally closed the wound. My wife is back to her old self with barely a scar behind her ear. This really worked where modern medicine failed!

Wild Hydrangea
Posted by Chanel (Blairsville, Ga) on 06/01/2011

Robert from Blairsville, you are talking about Mr. Kisselburg, lives over in Culberson, NC.

He also healed my son of 2 Brown Recluse spider bites, when all "professional help" had failed. My son was on 2 of the highest dose, most expensive antibiotics and was begging me to make them cut his leg off.

Mr. Kisselberg's mother was given this "cure" by a Cherokee Indian and they refer to it as 7 Bark. Mr. Kisselberg himself was healed with it, when as a young boy he chopped wood too close to his leg and chopped through his knee. Being poor, they couldn't afford a doctor. His knee was gangrenous and they moved his bed to the front porch outside. A Cherokee Indian came by, communicated with his mother asking what was wrong. She explained and showed him the wound. He came back an hour or so later and gave her the cure to use.

I am a Pagan and a healer and have learned vauable information from Mr. Kisselburg, a truly great man.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carmen (Hiwasse, AR) on 06/24/2009

I was bitten by a brown recluse on Sat. May 30th. It is now June 24th. I went to the Doctor with in 24 hours. They have me Levaquin for the anitbiotic and a pain killer. Then told me to come back the next day for them to lance the blister.

I chose not to go to the same doctor...but went back to a doctor whom had previously treated a bite from the brown recluse years earlier. He said not to lance the blister..and said he would not be giving me the steroid shot he gave me previously. I had been bitten years earlier on the back by a brown recluse which took 5 months to heal.

Well this time I decided to take the matter into my own hands and found this website. I have been using a mixture of antibacterial salve and baking soda... also used activated chacoal. I have switched between the two and mixed the olive leaf extract with the baking soda. I can say I am almost to the point of no longer having dead tissue..and starting the complete healing process. It has still been a painful process however...I truly believe with out the information the wound would've been deeper and taken months longer to heal...and it was in very soft tissue..the belt line.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 06/24/2009

Jim Humble, who developed MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement), says that for brown recluse bites, apply desitin and a band-aid. It de-activates the poison. I have never been bitten by a brown recluse, but I would absolutely love to know if someone has tried this and if it works. I have family who has been bitten (before I knew about the desitin cure) and it's very horrible.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Honey, Witch Hazel
Posted by Jackie (Lawrencevile, GA) on 06/15/2009

Yesterday, I notice my 3yr old son scratching his leg, so I got close to check his leg, I saw a odd insect bite. It didn't look like a mosquito bite, it was about 2 inch, dark red, swollen & firm all around & it was peeling in the center. I show my husband & told me it was a spider bite. He recognizes it because he's had them before. I never seen a spider bite in my life because I lived in FL before moving up here & these things don't come up as often as they do here in GA. So I used hydrogen peroxide to clean the infection, after that I smeared some honey on it & left it to sit. After several hour I notice the swelling going down. I took him a bath before bed time & I dabbed witch hazel on it. Today, I check to see it's progress & I was relieved to see the result. The redness of the bite was fading, it shrunk & he wasn't scratching it anymore. Thank goodness for home remedies!

EC: Everyone should also look at images of MRSA boils to make sure they don't confuse spider bites for these boils!

Here's the google link : http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=MRSA+boils&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&aq=f&oq=

Posted by Stan (San Francisco, CA, USA) on 02/11/2009

Turmeric cured two boils on my left arm before they erupted. After they appeared I went to your site in search of homeopathic spider anti-venom. There I found your reference to the common error of mistaking boils for spider bites. After just one week of following your suggested regimen of one teaspoon of turmeric dissolved in warm water, three times a day, my spider bites turned boils had all but disappeared without ever breaking the surface of the skin. Just as a precaution I kept Neosporin ointment applied to the locations under bandages, which I changed daily.

Kudos to your remedy and for your skeptical readers, I can say that this really works! Thanks...

EC: Read more about turmeric for boils here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/boils.html#TURMERIC

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