Baths, Aloe Vera, Water
I will be 60 this year, and most people do not believe may age and most say that I look in my 40's. First, I have very good genes: one grandfather lived to be 94 and the other 95, when most people were dying at 68. I take a bath normally, as opposed to a shower, usually when you shower your skin does not have time to absorb the water. If I do shower, I plug the tub and allow the water to build up. This greatly aids dry, cracked feet. I also apply aloe vera to my feet, elbows, and face almost daily. I also use aloe vera for my hair, instead of brylcreem type hair products. Also, throughout the day, I put water on my face and allow the skin to absorb it. Furthermore, for the past 10 or 15 years I have never dried my feet. It is amazing, but your feet almost immediately absorbs the water. Most of our bodies, most of our planet, and a lot of outer space they say it made of water, so I give my body plenty to absorb. Lastly, I consume a great deal of Apple Cider Vinegar. It helps me keep my weight down, and has enabled me to quit taking damaging water pills for blood pressure.
Blackstrap Molasses
2 Tbsp black strap molasses daily and up my intake of h2o to ten cups Gorgeous skin all over, no acne outburst before my period and did not have any PMS, the period showed up unannounced. I've only been using the molasses for 3 weeks. Thanks a lot. I found simplicity lasts longer.
Blackstrap Molasses
I've been taking blackstrap molasses for a week now and thank goodness I've been getting 3 bowel movements a day!! I have a hard time getting bowel movements partially cause of the foods that I eat but I am working on it. Also, my father has the same issues. Also, my face is glowing and I've gotten a couple of comments and how good my skin looks! I hope it doesn't stop working for me.
Blackstrap Molasses
Blackstrap molasses can also be applied directly to your skin. A friend told us to do a bsm facial 3x's a week esp. if you live in the city. It tightens the pore, draws out impurities, helps with lines, and leaves a beautiful glow, also left skin very soft. I did notice a difference when I skipped a couple of days. Leave on as long a possible...about an hour...
I thank the God of heaven and earth for all His remedies that He provides right in His nature...fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains, seeds, water, sunshine, exercise oxygen, rest, and of course trust in Him!
Can bloodroot be used to treat for spider naevus skin blemish?
Thank you, john
I decided to try BORAX after reading the posts about BORAX on EC. I have been using BORAX for 3 months to wash my body, scalp and face and love the result. Doesn't dry out my skin, scalp, just a clean feeling. Helps with acne breakouts.
I even clean my house with BORAX. One box cost $3.00 and lasts me a whole month. I love BORAX. Highly recommend to others.
I have been using borax as a facial cleanser, and it's been great - clean soft skin. However, more than a month later, I'm beginning to see some discoloration, dark pigment, appearing on my left cheek and slowly forming on my right also. Does anyone know what this is all about? I would love continue with the borax, but am thinking of going back to my cosmetic cleanser. Thanks for any feedback.
Hey there,
I don't know what is specifically causing these issues but the skin is naturally slightly acidic to protect itself from bacteria and other junk that might try to enter or cause infection. Since borax is alkaline I'd suggest using Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (or even just fresh lemon juice) like a toner to follow up your borax cleaning to restore the skin to its natural acidic state.
20-mule team borax gets rid of old skin and revitalizes. I used to get a lot of dry or dead skin on my head and face, I started putting 20-mule team borax in a wash cloth and rubbing vigorously in the dry areas and scalp it feels like rubbing sand on hr skin and face but it makes a great skin cleaner.
Brown Sugar, Egg White, H2O2 Lift
Have to sing my praises for Anjeanette's Brown Sugar/H2O/Egg White Lift regimen. The softness is almost immediate. After three days, my skin was clearer and brighter. After a weak, the glow seemed permanent. I can't help but touch my face and neck during the day just to feel how ridiculously soft it is. I'm 30, ex-smoker, always sleep deprived, and have never really taken care of my skin; I work with teenagers who say they're envious of my skin now. I'm really bad at sticking to skincare remedies, but I will never go back to just washing my face. Try this for a few days. You will be sold.
Brown Sugar, Egg White, H2O2 Lift
I have combined some of the secrets from Earth Clinic and added my own secret to come up with the ultimate facial!
First, cleanse your skin with a gentle soap like Dove or Palmers. Next, do the brown sugar scrub listed below (1/4 brown sugar, 1 tblsp ACV, 1 tblsp honey). After that, take a cotton ball and apply hydrogen peroxide to your face. This will decrease bacteria on your skin and also lighten dark spots. Take the white of an egg and apply to your whole face. Eggs are full of protein which is what our skin is comprised of. This is called the instant face lift. I learned this from a former drag queen! It tightens and lifts your skin! Leave the egg white on for 30 minutes and watch the magic! Take a wet face towel and gently wipe off the egg white. Follow this with a good moisturizer that contains sunblock as our skin gets a lot of damage from uv rays.
At night before bed, cleanse your skin with soap and apply the hydrogen peroxide again. Sleep on soft, clean pillowcases as they hold a lot of germs and dead skin cells. After about 3 days you will look 10 years younger! My skin has no more pores, my dark patches are gone, and my skin is the softest it has ever been. Now I have 20 yr old guys asking me out and I am 32 now. They think I am the same age as they are. When I tell them my real age, they freak out and say that is impossible. I wind up having to show them my ID. I get carded at clubs and for alcohol now and I love it! Just try it and you will thank God that you did!
(Munich, Germany)
YEA! Have tried this facial and worked beautifully! Face looks clean and has finally a glow. It also looks much thinner. Thanks Anjeanette for the tip and also to make all this information available around the world. Keep up the good work.
(Multan, Pakistan)
i have freckles and i m asian, i just wana know that i can use this remedy at my face to cure the freckles esp hydrogen peroxide is good and not harmful for my freckles. pls must help me abot this, i m really tense so help me our pls. i did not use any remedy till yet, just visit ur site but likes ur remedy so much.
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
OMG! I absolutely LOVE this formula! I'm close to 60- so my skin is definitely in need of repair.... This made it feel like a newborn's behind! I will be doing this on a regular basis and recommend it for anyone who wants fresher skin, tighter skin, and color! Thanks so much for this tip!
(Mocksville, Nc, Usa)
How often do you apply the egg white remedy? And how often do you use the HP? Will the HP fade brown spots (not related to freckles)on your face? Thanks a bunch to all to contribute to this site.
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Brown Sugar, Olive Oil
For dry, chapped hands an effectve remedy: Take few tsps of brown sugar in a bowl. Pour 2-3 tsps of olive oil. Apply it on your hands. Wash it with luke warm water(do not wash with soap, just rinse enough to get rid of the sugar)you will feel your hands really soft. use as often as possible, I keep it beside my kitchen sink, so that I can use it after washing the utensils.
Brown Sugar, Rolled Oats, ACV and Baking Powder Scrub
I made a recipe for the face and body skin. I suppose I could be called a chemist, for I bake and cook. As I concocted up this remedy, I wrote it down as I went. I did not use any measuring spoons. Only one cereal bowl and the use of my clean hands.
Here is the recipe I named it: Natures Bowl of Beauty Gentle Scrub
(its the balm)
Fill the inside of your hands palm with brown sugar and place in bowl.
Sprinkle baking powder lightly over brown sugar in bowl.
Use half a palm full of rolled oats (not the quick type) and place over brown sugar, baking powder.
Add 2 caps of ACV ( It will foam slightly) Then drizzle lightly with extra light olive oil ( I suppose coconut oil would do, I did not have any)
Add 1/2 teaspoon of honey ( I used royal jelly from health food store)
Stir all these ingredients to make a nice paste. That is it, you have just made a nice healthy scrub. Since it is slightly abrasive, do not get it in the eyes.
To use: Lightly dampen skin with warm water, then place the gentle scrub on your face. Using your fingertips only, (no wash cloths) gently massage into facial skin. Do that until you feel a nice tingle and no more. Rinse with warm water, and end with cooler water and let air dry.
It feels so good, and it tastes great if you get it in your mouth, I did a little because if used it to gently scrub my lips. ( but not around my eyes, the skin is too delicate there.
I like this recipe I made because, yes, it tastes great, it is safe, it is not a soap, and they are the ingredients I and others are learning all about on this site for great health. ( well not sure about the oatmeal part, but I chose it instead of salt because of the natural oils in it) ( I also chose the baking powder because it felt softer, and less abrasive.)
My skin feels so soft. I did the nose wrinkle test after my skin air oxidized, and it was not tight at all.
I used it on my arms, elbows, legs and knees for the dry patches, since the weather has cooled down, and my skin needs more moisture.
I did not use moisturizer after. I tested makeup over it ladies, and it went on smooth. Men, this is a sweet concoction, you will love it too. It may be too abrasive for young peoples skin. Common sense will let you know. This is great to do, (if you are not in the bath or shower) while sipping on your acv tea. If you feel that your skin is still too dry in places, just touch the inside of the oil cap with your clean finger, and that is just enough to use. I am going to keep reading and learning. I have never felt this great since I can remember way back even in my childhood when I was nauseated and missed much school.
Ok, now I would like feedback on this recipe that I made, please because I do not want to lead any one wrong with this recipe. Thank you for reading, and thank you always for the builders of this site and all who are helping families grow together in great health and in love. Once we learn how to get out of pain, we must also remember to eat right and learn which things are safe even for brushing teeth, cleansing skin, washing clothes, dishes and cleaning our homes, and planting gardens and finding out which things are best for natural pesticides. I did at one time use pickle juice around the roses to keep them coral, and not get pink. I also used egg shells ( soaked in water) and tuna liquids for plants. Diluted of course, the tuna one outside. This site is a blessing from God, for we are all gathered together here, learning and getting out of pain together, and so lets keep our voices out here so that we can claim back our world and Gods children, free of pain and diseases and conditions. Read, Read, Read and get smart. And, let your mind, soul and body be your guide, amen. I love you all.
(Mission, KS)
(Canal Fulton, OH)
oh my god. that was the most amazing thing i've ever put on my face. i didn't have rolled oats, but i just used regular kind and it's just as good i think. i have about 4 zits on my chin. they're kind of big too. they look HORRIBLE. :| my skin is rrrrrrreally dry around those areas and my nose, so whenever i put my makeup on, it shows the dry skin so well and it looks terrible. i used your scrub, and i swear it already took so much dead/dry skin off my face. i have a date tomorrow, and i really don't want my face looking HORRIBLE. so hopefully this'll make my skin a bit better. thanks a ton=]
(Rocky Ridge, Ohio)
Oatmeal is often used as an exfoliant in scrubs for the face or the body. It is suggested to put rolled oats in a muslin drawstring bag and hang under the faucet of the tub then use the filled bag as a sponge to wash with. The oat "milk" has soothing properties for the skin. Another tip would be to run the uncooked old fashioned oats through a food processor or blender to grind them down to a granular size.
Sometimes I make a similar scrub and add black strap molasses or a whole egg to the mixture.
Also, baking soda is an alkaline substance that dissolves grease and oil; AC Vinegar is an acid which will exfoliate and the skin prefers an acid ph. Combining the two together neutralizes the acid and the alkaline properties of the individual ingredients.
Since I'm a little older and do not have oily skin, I would not use the baking soda and reap the benefits of the vinegar as a hydroxy acid type of facial. Those with oily skin might add the baking soda to dissolve excess oil and leave out the vinegar. Otherwise, there is enough abrasive qualities to the sugar and the oats to help remove dead skin cells. Blessings, Robin
Cacao Butter
I was reading over the whole "beautiful skin remedies" posted here on EC and I had forgotten so many of them. I was looking for a simple combination of natural products to use for cleansing my face. But, I ran across an old post of Lisa's where she was responding to a contributor that had used raw organic cacao butter for a moisturizer. I would love any input or knowledge that anyone might have on the cacao butter. And, what they use naturally for a facial cleanser. Thanks!
For healthier skin try eating cantaloupe. it is said to give your skin a naturally beautiful, sun kissed glow.
(Seattle, Washington)
Actually cantaloupe doesn't cure anything specifically, water does. Even with at least eight glasses a day, you most likely are not getting as much of the vitamins and minerals as you could. Drink truly filtered water, not Brita water. I use water filtered by a gravity filter which is guaranteed to remove all harmful chemicals and bacteria and more. I then water my organic vegetables and fruits with it, and they do wonders! No aftertastes, bigger, healthier plants, and cantaloupe so juicy it may seem to be a cure.
Castor Oil
I had hated castor oil for many years because growing up in South America it was a quarterly cleansing ritual by my mother and many others. This website has helped me to see castor oil in a new way. I have been applying it occasionally to my face at night. Every time I do so, I absolutely love the way I look in the morning. My skin looks toned and fresh. Yesterday I attended a function and saw a woman whom I had not seen for about two years. She kept saying "you have to tell me what you are doing, you look ten years younger. I have also been doing facial exercises. She asked her daughter for my number because she said she is determined to find out what I had done to my face. Many people were in the room and she was quite vocal so I just replied that I had been taking care of myself. I will tell her privately. I think the castor oil definitely helped my skin plus the facial exercises helped tone the muscles under the skin. I used to hate the mirror, now I glance at it ever so often. Thanks for the castor oil tip.
(Hixson, Tn)
(East Coast, United States)
Carole Maggio has a facial exercise program called "Facercise" that I use that made me look amazing. I'm in the entertainment industry, so you have to look your best at all times as people are cruel and merciless LOL! You can buy her book at her website for 10 bucks or so and most libraries have it.
You can also use castor oil as a base for makeup. Even though it is thick, you can apply it thinly on a clean face. Give it a minute or two to absorb, then apply makeup. You can even blot it a bit if it still feels too thick. I think it helps with overall complexion and possibly keeps some of the "questionable" makeup ingredients from absorbing.