Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ann (Austin, Tx) on 12/29/2010

After reading a few things about using apple cider vinigar, I decided to make some changes and use it more directly. I put 2 tablespoons of vinigar and 2 tablespoons of water into a coffee cup, heat the mixture for 40 seconds, after expelling as much mucus as possible, breathe in the steam through nose and mouth, reheat as often as you can. I do it all day. It's stinky, but it seems to really work.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Asheley (Smyrna, Georgia) on 12/27/2010

Well, I was skeptical about this at first. I have used cayenne to gargle with for a sore throat and thought it would be hell to put up your nose, but that crap works wonders! I mixed a cup of filtered water, lukewarm, with a neti pot packet, 5 drops of ACV, and a tiny dash of cayenne (the tail end of the tip of a knife). It made me have to blow my nose for about 5 minutes straight, but an hr and a half later, I am clear as a bell. A sinus infection set in 2 days ago and yesterday I started oil of oregano pills and nasal spray with grapefruit seed extract. I felt better when I got up today, but the cayenne/ACV rinse has really done the trick. Thanks Earth Clinic.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Addie222 (Morgantown, Wv) on 12/14/2010

I love this site and have come here many times to naturally treat several ailments. After reading everything you had on Sinus treatments I made my own. My two children (at the time 2 and 5) had awful sinus stuff... On allergy medicines and nose sprays that made their noses bleed. They had inherited my bad sinuses and were never without a stuffed up nose or ear infection. I tried the ACV drink and it did help, but there was no way I was getting a 1 year old and a 4 year old to drink ACV!

I made my own solution and put it in an old nose spray bottle and I do two squirts per side on the oldest and myself and 1 squirt for the youngest. They do not like to leave it up there too long and prefer to blow it out. It still helps even though they blow it out. When I do it, I try to leave it up there as long as I can. It is good to blow after though, you get out a lot of gunk. I've reduced my sinus infection doctor visits from 1 per month to 1 per season and the boys have visited the doctor only for strep throat, not sinus or ear infections and they are now 4 and 7 years old! They re off all medicines (allergy and sprays). My doctor and my husband think I'm crazy and it's all in my head. But I know better and I think the pediatrician is starting to believe me!

Here's my recipe... (all measurements are approximate. I don't usually measure, just "eye-ball" it, but I tried to make it as close to what I do as possible. Also, I err on the side of more mild than strong as the boys don't like the "sting")
1/2 cup warm water
About a 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of salt
About 1 teaspoon of ACV (organic, with "the mother")
About 50-60 DROPS of GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract)

I mix it up in a measuring cup and pour it into the mist-er nose spray bottle. If it's too strong, I add salt water. If it's not strong enough, I add a bit more ACV and GSE. When you spray it, look down at your feet. That way it won't drain down your throat. I keep the left over in a small bottle and refill the sprayer whenever I need it. I hope this helps someone. Especially those of you who don't think you could stomach the ACV drink!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by The Survival Mama (Herriman, Utah) on 10/11/2010

Apple cider vinegar is such a great remedy! When I use this after a yoga shoulderstand my headache/sinus pain goes away within an hour. To be fair, I like vinegar - a LOT - I could see where this might be challenging to someone who doesn't care for vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by George (Philadelphia, Pa) on 09/25/2010

UNBELIEVABLE......... 4 month sinus infection(only over the counter sudafed used(hate doctors)). Apple Cider Vinegar in 24 hours cures the affliction. What else can I say-fabulous-please keep up the good work!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen W (Charlotte, North Carolina ) on 09/06/2010

I have been using Apple Cider Vinegar for 3 years and it has cured all of my sinus infections. I usually have sinus issues twice each year. I take the apple cider vinegar capsules from the health food store. Also, when I have been exposed to strep throat, I gargle with ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Regina (Albany, Ny) on 07/15/2010

Last evening I couldn't stand it any longer so I made a visit to the local "on call doc in the box. "
I was diagnosed with a sinus infection and given the ________. On my way home from the pharmacy, I stopped to visit a friend. He made me the "miracle tea" which included ACV and honey. This morning I woke up without a sore throat. I was skeptical last night, but now I know it honestly works! ! Thank you for this website.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheila (New York, Ny, Usa) on 06/26/2010

Apple Cider Vinegar & Sinus Infections

I am cured! I've been using the ACV remedy for about 3 or 4 days. Posted initially and didn't realize I was using the wrong ACV. Used organic, unfiltered but didn't know it has to be unpasteurized also until today. I'm going to pick up B----'s to have on hand. Even so, I can't believe how quickly the wrong ACV worked! Over the course of 25 years, I took antibiotics 3-5 times a year. I took OTC anti-inflammatories, sudafed, guaifenesin before and after it went OTC, steroidal nasal sprays, and prescription decongestants. All this time, all I needed was the ACV remedy!

I'd just finished a 10-day course of antibiotics about 6 or 7 weeks ago when I came down with another infection 4 or 5 days ago. I thought I'd have to consider surgery finally, when I came across your site. As I wrote in my prior post, I started drinking 2 tbsp organic, unfiltered ACV in 10 oz water w/1 tsp raw honey. On day two, I made it w/8 oz. water and 2 tsp raw honey. I drank it twice daily. 3 or 4 days later, I feel 100%. I've told all my friends and co-workers about the ACV remedy, so now I'll be sure to tell them to get the right ACV. Thank you EC!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jnd2008 (Central Ny, Ny) on 05/22/2010

Male 41 very good shape. Well that was until Feb, when I picked up a cold. Sinus never really cleared.

Orange juice, on the shelf meds, over the counter meds, ditched any @ all dairy, upped the vitamin intake as well as variety. Throat very slowly but surely got worse. It's now mid May and I'm on my knee's sneezing really thick deep green things that fill a scott towel and thinking of a doctors visit.

Then I found this site. Read a bunch and came a crossed ACV mix's for flushing the sinus. A good friend told me about Apple Cider Vinegar once, and how it helps the body.

Picked up a Neti Pot(under$20) which came with a bunch of pre mixed packets. I just grabbed the Neti Pot and mixed 8oz of warm water with 1 tablespoon of ACV with a big pitch of salt. Poured through nose with no pain until 1/2 hour later. One moller right side went crazy (pain) all the way to the root tip. As well as sneezing while it drained. 2 advil's to reduce pain. Fell asleep for 3 hours.

Made a second batch, 8oz warm water 1 tablespoon of ACV plus another 1/2 tablespoon of ACV for good measure, no salt.

Complete flush with no pain during or later. 1 hour later sneezing is only clear fluid.

Moller has totally subsided to normal and I feel great in a 20 hour span from the first flush to right now.

I'm totally impressed and will be passing this on to all.

God bless everyone

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beverly (Lake Elsinore, California) on 05/03/2010

I was suffering a major sinus infection for 3 days. Feeling congestion , pressure in my head, stuffy nose, itchy throat, head ache, and productive cough. I was taking over the counter nasal spray, antihistamine, and pain relievers. I decided last night to try the a ACV with the mother remedy. 2 tbs in 8 oz of warm water. After the first few sips I felt the pressure in my head go away! I could not believe it. Took another glass this morning and afternoon. I feel much better. Except I cannot smell. I'm hoping my sense of smell returns soon. I am so glad I did not have to go to the doctor and have to take antibiotics! thank you Earth Clinic!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wendie (Phoenix, Az ) on 04/23/2010

I've had a sinus infection for 2 weeks -super painful. I didn't know what to do.I saw on your site about ACV did your suggested measurements of 2 tablespoons acv with 8 oz warm water 3x a day for 24hrs. Almost to the hour I was breathing really clearly and my sence of smell was coming back! I am so excited about this. Thank you so much for posting this suggestion :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Reinventyourhealth (Redding, Ca, Usa) on 04/23/2010

I am a 53 yr old male and I have had sinus problems periodically for 10 years. Lately, they have been getting progressively worse and much more severe. The deciding factor for me to try one of the suggested remedies was when, just a few days ago, I experienced severe sinus blockage on the left side of my face and what I initially thought to be some dental problems as my cheek was swollen from the impacted sinus cavity. Anyway, I scanned the various remedies and tried the 50/50 mixture of ACV and purified water. I mixed up the solution and put it in to an unused nasal mister bottle. The suggestion was to pump 4-5 sprays in to each nostril. I knew it would sting with the 5% acidity of the ACV so I opted for 1 pump in each nostril to start. I was glad I did as it definitely stings for approx. 10 sec. I also chose to sniff my nose to get it further in to the blocked sinuses. If you can tough out the stinging, you should be quite pleased with the results. I actually ended up doing 4 pumps in each nostril just not all at once. Within a half hour my sinuses were starting to open up and the pain was subsiding in the upper jaw. Approximately 3 hours later and I was able to breath through my left nostril that was previously blocked. I can testify to the effectiveness of this treatment as it really cleared me up and saved me tremendous medical costs as this solution cost less than 25 cents to mix. I need to inform you,however, that prior to this treatment I tried the steaming method which consisted using 50/50 parts of ACV and water brought to a boil. It didn't seem to be working as effectively as I had hoped it would so I went to the aforementioned remedy.

After my sinuses were under control I decided to dilute the mixture to a 1 part ACV to 2 part water and will now use as a sinus prevention program. Hope this information is helpful to all of you that suffer from sinuses.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Melanie (Portland, Or) on 04/19/2010

About a week ago, I was suffering from a VERY BAD sinus infection, so bad that my ear was causing me excrutiating(sp?) pain, I lost some of my hearing and my mucous was mixed with blood and would not stop draining. I am also one of the many in this country without health or dental insurance. So when I woke up with my ear bothering me even more, I searched for a natural cure for sinus infection and was directed to earth clinic. The main things I found to treat a sinus infection was steaming my sinuses( shower turned up all the way and sat in a steam filled bathroom for 15 minutes) hot tea with honey, and Apple Cider Vinegar. 2 Table spoons mixed with 8 oz of water 3 times a day. With the severaty(sp?) of my sinus infection, it did take a week to feel nearly 100% better! Since finding your website, I have been in Awe at how many remedies are out there. So thank you. I will be recomending this website to everyone I know. Thank You again for helping those in need with inexpensive natural remadies for those of us who need them.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Knseeker (Chesterfield, Mo, Usa) on 04/12/2010

My wife was suffering from severe cold for 2-3 weeks. Tried anti-biotics and all kinds of mucus thinning tablets without much effect. 2 tablespoons of ACV in 8 OZ of water did wonders. She did that for 3 days and all her sinus infections were gone in no time. It controlled the night time coughs as well. Thanks for posting this amazing remedy

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elvishscorpio (Wilkesboro, Nc) on 03/30/2010

I had a really really bad sinus infection. With no health insurance I could not afford to go to the doctor, and grew really worried because my friend let a sinus infection go once, and the doctor told her that they can be really dangerous if left untreated- can cause brain aneurysms and blindness... I woke up one morning and my whole head hurt and I could not even focus my eyes... after taking a pain killer I looked you guys up and within 3 days of mixing honey, Organic apple cider vinegar, and hot tea 3 times daily I am better! People really need to know this so they are not giving the doctors and pharmaceutical companies even more money... Thank you so much. Works better than prescription antibiotics.
