Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally

Multiple Remedies
Posted by 007 (Jacksonville, Fl) on 12/04/2011

Great info. So after an awful infection for 4 days I woke up with the worst pain and was about to go to Dr. to get antibiotics. Didn't want to take them so I decided to goggle home remedies and I had everything already (candida) so I drank some homemade water kefir, took a dose of OOO (Olive leaf oil/ oregano oil) straight with kefir to wash it down. And made a homemade salad dressing for my salad. I used virgin olive oil, _____ liquid amino, a lot of _____ ACV, one pack of stevia, cayenne pepper, salt, garlic powder, a garlic clove diced up and some dried oregano. I ate my salad with my homemade dressing and drank my kefir and within one hour I felt great. Headache gone, balance back, swollen sinus pressure gone, and it doesn't hurt to breathe. I didn't want to believe it would work so quickly but it did. So ACV, water Kefir, and OOO (Olive of oregano/olive leaf oil) gets three thumbs up. I will continue treatment for several days.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Fuzzysmooth8 (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 11/15/2011

5 days ago I woke up with a sinus infection. No warning. Possible root causes: heating in house being turned on after many months off (build-up of dust/mold/etc), helping boyfriend move (lots of dust/dust-mites stirred up), the dryness of the heating in the house (I now close the vent of the heater before I go to sleep at night.)

ACV has helped me through my current sinus infection. My first few days of being sick I drank 2 T ACV, 1-2 T local honey, sometimes a pinch of cayenne, and hot water. I drank this 3 times a day. 5 days in I'm drinking it once a day. It helps in the moment- clears up my nasal passages, helps me breathe. I don't think it's helped me heal faster- but it makes me feel better when I'm drinking it.

The highly unexpected benefit is that I've lost a couple pounds since drinking it daily! The scale shows a 2 lb drop- which is significant at 5'1, in 5 days, without changing any eating or exercise habits. I have also been starting to use it as a toner on my face- I have bags under my eyes, and I am hoping a routine of ACV followed by VCO will help. My skin is looking pretty good AND the VCO has helped keep my nose from chapping, even with my constant nose blowing. Usually when I get sick, my nose and upper lip area peels from the tissue abuse. Not this time!

Meanwhile for my sinus infection, I've also been taking collodial silver( 1 t 3x daily), vitamin-c (1000mg daily), fresh fruit and veggie juices (8oz 2x daily), stopped eating dairy, lots of herbal teas, green tea, bathing in extra hot water with salt/baking soda daily, taking hot/cold alternating showers (I feel great when doing them, my sinuses clear, and stay clear for a little while), getting extra sleep each night, sunshine therapy (closing my eyes and looking at the sun, soaking it in for 2 min daily), meditation, kundalini yoga, cayenne pepper on my food at meals, gently massaging my lymph nodes while bathing, garlic, soup, and prayer. I also went out and bought a warm moisture humidifier, which has been great! I add a drop of Eucalyptus essential oil and am breathing easy (and blowing the nose easy) in no time.

My family wonders why I don't take Western meds for it- but why would I do that? I know that my body is clearing out toxins it doesn't need- old things and things that aren't mine- taking meds to mask the symptoms would only prolong this clearing process. I would like to be healed by now - but I also respect that my body is doing its thing in its own time. I'll keep supporting myself through hopefully the only illness I'll have this season.

Posted by Joyce (Dallas, Tx) on 09/24/2011

Hi everyone, I SWEAR BY THIS METHOD... Six years ago I came to Earth Clinic looking for a cure for my recurring Sinus infections that constantly left me with a feeling of phlegm being trapped at the back of my throat... I read a posting from someone and this was the remedy he posted on Earth Clinic... It has worked for me for the past 6 years and I do not have that phlegm or recurring sinuses anymore! Here is the remedy:

1. Go to Kroger, buy a nasal spray, empty nasal spray bottle and clean it out with water and soap.

2. Add a little water to nasal spray bottle

3. Add a little pinch of sea salt to water in bottle

4. Add a half capful of Oregano Juice

5. Stick nasal spray in nostril and inhale it, while you spray at the same time. Breathe in hard so that it reaches the Sinus or Nasal Cavity, where all the congestion is. (This is going to burn and your eyes will water, your nose will run instantly so get some tissue to wipe your nose and eyes! )

If it burns too much then it might be too strong. Try putting less Oregano Juice or add more water. You also don't want it to be too weak! The Burning is good, it works and it really burns the infection or bugs, whatever! I have used this for the past 6 years, I have told all my friends about it. I use it on my daughter whenever she comes down with a sinus infection... No more doctors office, no more antibiotics!

Also if it is a serious sinus infection that develops into a Bronchial or chest infection, then chopped up Garlic cloves in a glass of water will help clear up the Bronchial Phlegm or Garlic capsules, which will be less potent. But you will also need to take the oregano spray to take care of the Nasal congestion... In addition, if there is a suspected Ear infection or Drainage as well, you will need to put Hydrogen Peroxide drops in the ear and that will address the ears... All these things, to address the infected and congested Ears, Nose and Throat or Chest! If it gets that far...

Air Conditioners and Sinus Infections
Posted by Arica (Columbus , Usa) on 09/16/2011

I've had 4 sinus infections in my 32 year life and every single one I can tell you was a result from sleeping in a direct air path from an ac unit. EVERY ONE! I told my husband it was the ac's fault I get these infections and he thinks I'm crazy. Well, it's good to read that others have the same experience. I know it's from the ac but I didn't understand fully why until now.

Quercetin, Bromelain
Posted by Lilianne (Corona, California) on 08/14/2011

Just had to let people know about this supplement. I've had a chronic sinus infection for 3 weeks now. First I went to the doctor and got the usual antibiotics and was told to take zyrtec-d. After 10 days I felt no relief. My head, cheeks and jaw were pounding from the pressure. I started doing sinus rinses, acv, and purchased nature's rite sinus relief. After 5 days, I felt some relief but I still had pressure and lots of mucous coming out. I bought quercetin-bromelain from the vitamin shoppe for $25 because the worker said it worked really well so I figured why not? Omg, within the first half hour, I started breathing through my nose, my sense of smell was coming back, no mucous was coming out and absolutely no pressure. I was in heaven. Gonna take this on a daily basis. Did some research and it looks like this stuff is good for a whole bunch of other stuff. I can finally sleep at night!!

Hot Shower
Posted by Patrick (East Storudsburg, Pa) on 08/04/2011

Ok, I'm going to share this in hopes it helps somone, the hot shower for sinus infections is the key:

As hot as u can stand it on your face and forehead, then I suggest not blowing your nose at all, instead imediatly after getting of the shower take some toilet tissue or cotton and plug ur nasil passages. Wait around 10 to 20 min, by then your sinuses should be opened up, gently blow your nose and after replug your nasil passages again , wait an hr then repeat the shower and redo all above, my nasal passages where so inflamed I had blood coming out, after one day of this the sinus passages were now clear. This was the only thing that helped me. It sounds weird but it worked!!!!! I think the reason was that the hot steam got into the passages and by plugging the nasal area up it let the warm vapor open the swollen passages up, letting the mucus to lossen up. Be warned when you get ready to expell your sinuses youll be suprised at what is released, nasty!!!! Good luck

Posted by Angela (Oakland, California Usa) on 07/12/2011

YES! YES! YES! Turmeric tea worked for me! Thank you so much. I just added one teaspoon of turmeric to a cup of hot water and I drink that 2 to 3 times a day and I drink water with apple cider vinegar and I am getting better fast! Thank you guys so much!

Posted by Susan (Charlotte, Nc) on 06/19/2011

Yes, I would agree that climate (and also smog) can affect sinus issues. I had nonstop sinus issues and allergies starting about a year after I moved to Southern California. After years of suffering from this, we moved to the humid South and I haven't had a sinus infection or serious allergy attack since then. Half of my friends who live in dry and polluted environments have terrible sinus issues.

Posted by Grayson ( Colorado Springs, Colorado ) on 06/17/2011

Is it possible that a very dry climate can lead/add to sinusitus? When I travel to humidity I feel 100% better.

Xylitol and Sea Salt Rinse
Posted by Allorganic (Tampa Bay, Fl) on 05/08/2011

I thought I would share some very good information and my experience regarding sinus infections or sinusitis.

I had been diagnosed with severe sinusitis after I had an MRI for something else. I've tried many things over the years and had suffered constant congestion/swelling and loss of taste and smell.

The neti pot was helping with salt, but I discovered some huge results after much research. Using DISTILLED water, not spring water in the neti pot with a half teaspoon of all natural sea salt and a half tablespoon of Xylitol. Both disolved in warm distilled water. Spring water can irritate the sinus membranes. Xylitol has been proven to kill and fight bacteria and really helps flush out mucus!

After flushing my sinuses with this sea salt/Xylitol neti pot mix, I then drink a glass of my favorite juice with my Spirulina Powder that has CHLOROPHYLL. Chlorophyll also is great for killing bacteria in the sinuses. As soon as I drink a glass of this, my sense of taste and smell come back within a half hour at 100%!

The powder I have been using is expensive and I don't feel everyone has to buy this exact brand, only the ingredients are important. The brand I've tried is contains: Spirulina Powder, Beta-Carotene, B-1, B-2, B-12, Calcium, Iron, Gamma Linolenic Acid and Chlorophyll.

If I do those two things as much as possible, I never have infections. There is also a saline/Xylitol spray. Anyone with sinusitis or chronic issues should really try these two things!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Andrew (Seattle, Wa, United States) on 03/29/2011

I want to say thank you to Earth Clinic for supplying with the rememdies to cure my sinus infection. My sinus infection was providing me with one of the worst headaches I have ever experienced and I had an extreme amount of throbbing, sharp pain in my left cheak. I didnt want to go get antibiotics so I turned to google for questions which led me to Earth Clinic.

I used a bombardment of remedies and totally cured my sinus infection in about 5 days. I ate only fruit and vegetables for 3 days, dranks 2tbs of apple cider vinegar dilluted in juice or water 3 times a day, took oregano oil twice a day, took grapefruit seed extract pills, did oil pulling with organic unrefined sesame oil (which I think was one of the most effective of the remedies), ate a lot of lemon, put cayenne pepper on my vegetables, and drank hot lemon and cayenne pepper tea(a half to a whole lemon sqeezed into hot water with a little cayenne pepper sprinkled in). It's a lot but I had an extreme case. If you don't want to go to the doctor these remedies do work and in a less extreme case you could probably take care of your infection with one or two of the remedies.

Posted by B14a3w3 (Stewartstown, Pa) on 03/20/2011

For 2 years I have been using a capful of peroxide, premeasured NeilMed salt, 1 cup of warm water and 3 drops of Betadine once a day to prevent allergy sinus infections. I use a NeilMed squirt bottle to shoot the solution into one nasal passage and it comes out the other... Like a netipot would do. Instead of 2-3 infections a year, I have none. It has also prevented cracked skin over the cartilidge on the inside of my nose from post nasal drip irritation. My doctor said it was safe and to keep doing it since it helps. I have had infections for at least 20 years prior to trying this solution.

Baking Soda and Salt Water
Posted by Enigma_aubrey (Portland, Oregon, United States) on 02/10/2011

I recently had a sinus infection, whhile feeling bloated. I was going to do a bit of a detoxing cleanse, and after I drank up the first glass of warm sea-salt and baking soda water my noses started running and I could breathe through my nose again. The entire infection cleared up soon afterwards. The only downside is that the salty water can give people an upset stomach.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sea Salt
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tenn.) on 01/23/2011

I have been spraying my nostrils for the last 3 years with a concoction of sea salt, baking soda and GSE that I make myself. Take 1/3 glass of warm water, Add 1 tsp of sea salt, 1 tsp of baking soda and 8 drops of GSE. Stir , allow to cool and pour the clear portion into your sprayer. This keeps my nostrils open, but it has not dried up my sinus, which I guess is a good thing. If you look at any animal they all have nasal drainage. It seems that is just natural. What you don't want is for your sinus to dry up with no flow.

Air Conditioners and Sinus Infections
Posted by Marie (Nashville, Tn) on 01/21/2011

I have had sinus surgery and have struggled with these sinus infections for over ten years.

Air conditioners are related to sinus infections, and having any type of heater on is even more related. Sinus infections develop when there are irritants in the sinus cavities that your body normally flushes out, but if there is not enough moisture (or other reasons like a deviated septum) they will not flush out like normal. So even just being dehyrdated can help a SI to flourish, but air conditioning and heating systems remove humidity from the air so if your body is used to having humidity help regulate the nose, and it is removed, it can cause bacterial growth in the form of infection.

Every year when the heat gets turned on in our house, I battle them and throughout the winter. That's why Doctors tell people with chronic sinusities to get to (or move to) the beach where the humidity and salt can help naturally.

Posted by Lisa (Flemington, Nj, Usa) on 12/03/2010

I put goldenseal tea in the neti pot & rinse my sinuses with it. 2 teabags in 12 oz. of warm water. It stings, but it's a natural antibiotic, and the neti pot gets the antibiotics directly to the site of the infection. The best part is that the worse the infection seems, the more immediate & dramatic the cure! This cure was give to me by a homeopath, & I've used it many many times. In fact I'm off to the health food store right now to get another box of tea bags.
