Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Ricardo (Danbury, CT) on 11/28/2008

Candida Cleanse, Cream of Tartar Pro-biotic and organic sea salt.

Hi, I've been suffering with chronic sinus infections for about 4 years. Went to doctors several times, had an operation inside my nose and nothing worked. I am extremely mad a conventional medicine that uses drugs and surgery as treatment. Conventional medicine and drug companies should go down as they do more damage to the population than the diseases itself. After I got the operation, my life became a living hell. I lived my life around the sinus problems I had. I lost so many good things in live that I can't even count. I finally decided to take my health in my own hands and I will never go to a conventional doctor anymore, unless it if is a real emergency, in an ER of a hospital because one can't never say never, now I am my own doctor and I don't take drugs anymore. Why take drugs if they only purpose is to make money, IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY. The antibiotics destroyed my life completely. I gave tons of money to the drug companies on the course of this problem, I bought so many nasal decongestant and over the counter decongestants that if I have my money back I would probably be rich by now.

I had relieved that came when I understood that most chronic sinus infections are fungal and not bacterial or viral. I started with the Threelac therapy, helped but, they don't tell you on the websites that you need to do a Candida diet for at list one month (very hard to do), then they send you a paper inside that tells you that you must do the diet, but I tried anyway, without the diet, it did not help. Then I did the Candida diet for 45 days, I felt fantastic, but all ended few weeks later, then I did colloidal silver maximum strength 10,000 PPM (parts per million) for 45 days, I felt fantastic again, but few weeks later the problem started again; this time I added Pro-biotic, PB8 14 million and used a water pump (the ones used for cleaning teeth) device with an end of rubber for nose use. I bought Organic sea salt and put two table spoons in 30 oz of distilled water, tilt my head about 45 degrees on top the sink and started the machine, all of the sudden there was a strong burning sensation,in my nose started some really loud noises inside and the discharge went on for about three days, I had to breed thorough the mouth for hours and when I got tired I used the decongestant to catch my breath a little, about few hours. My eyes burned too, to control this problem I used lots of cold water on my eyes and blinked. I did the same for several days and now I am nasal decongestant independent for about a week, and that is the first time in about 4 years. The real action was actually happened when I found the testimony of a lady on EARTH CLINIC ABOUT CREAM OF TARTAR. I went to the health store here in town and bought 10 spoons of the product for 9 bucks; the first time I drank one tea spoon of the product in a 4oz glass of water, I felt really strong reactions in my body. I was in and out the bathroom for two days, and was eliminating Candida like crazy. I check my ph the next morning, just before breakfast or brush my teeth, and it was a fantastic 7.5 ph, I am usually 6.0 ph, which is acid.

I credit my cure to these five things together, 1) cream of tartar, 2) nasal pump 3) organic sea salt 4) pro-biotic and 5) Earth clinic, thank you.
Ricardo Aguiar.
