Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

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Buteyku Breathing Exercises
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 12/04/2016 473 posts

I accidentally cleared up a sinus infection. I'd let it go and was looking for something new to try, because I hadn't had a sinus infection for a long time. But I got sidetracked by something very interesting - namely, the Buteyku asthma exercises.

The Buteyku method is based on the Bohr Effect, discovered by Dr. Christian Bohr - way back when. Christian was Neils Bohr's father which is neither here nor there, but interesting.

What Bohr discovered was the role of carbon dioxide in the body which is to break the bond between oxygen and hemoglobin so that the oxygen can be distributed to the cells.

Apparently, many people walk around in a chronic state of hyperventilation which makes sense because many people eat carbs and sugar which triggers adrenaline which causes hyperventilation which interrupts the carbon dioxide mechanism so that the muscles are flooded with hyper-oxygenated blood which the muscles are able to use because muscle cells are "different" than other cells.

The point is, after recently embarking on a zero-carb diet, I realized that I didn't actually feel as good as I thought I did. And Buteyku was of the opinion that his "pause test" could inform regarding the state of one's health and I scored quite low, despite feeling good - or so I thought. With zero carb, I've felt REALLY good so what I thought was good was, apparently, not all that good. LOL!

Anyway, I've been playing with the Buteyku method - which is based on restoring the pause in one's breathing in those who exhibit chronic hyperventilation. Breathing is supposed to go - a light breath in, a light breath out and then a pause. So, with the method, you pause consciously by holding your nose after you exhale.

It turns out, I don't like holding my nose so I've been practicing simply consciously delaying my inhaling for a couple of days, forgetting all about my sinus infection, except I no longer have a sinus infection which makes sense because correct breathing is done through the nose which plays some part in the carbon dioxide cycle so, voila, no more sinus infection BECAUSE

When you hyperventilate - I.e. breathe without pausing - the blood can't let go of the oxygen so the cells don't get oxygen which is what prevents disease and pathogens from taking up residence in them because pathogens and oxygen can't coexist.

So, basically, if you're sick, then you'r chronically hyperventilating. Otherwise, the "germs" can't stick due to the oxygen content in your cells.

So, my sinus infection is gone. The breathing practice was designed for asthma sufferers who are all chronic hyperventilators but a cell is a cell and if it isn't getting oxygen, the pathogens are going to move in which basically covers nearly all disease and symptoms.

One further note - Buteyku correlated the "epidemic" of chronic hyperventilation with man's modern, chronic diseases like diabetes, asthma, obesity etc., which also corresponds with the timeline of ever-increasing sugar consumption which makes sense because sugar/carbs trigger adrenaline production which is fine, if you're out in the wild, weak and starving to death - you eat some vegetation, get some adrenaline flowing, hyperventilate and get a dose of oxygen-loaded blood for the muscles so you can hop up, hunt and run down prey but for everyday living, it is not a good thing.

SO - for infection of any kind, assuming you don't want to quit carbs, appears to be consciously inserting a pause between exhaling and inhaling. If you hold your breath while you walk around the room, you can also deplete the adrenaline that's making you hyperventilate in the first place.

That's it! My discovery of the week! YEAH!
