Multiple Remedies
Used several RX shampoos and pills. I even tried multiple products and remedies over the years. Your site finally solved my scalp issues. I think it must have been more than one type fungus that was causing my head to itch, burn and go bald. I used the white vinegar, aspirin and Epsom salt spray twice a day for 7 days. The area burned and peeled but it was 85% better. Even the lumpiness of my scalp was immediately reduced. After it dried I applied pure coconut to soothe it. Sometimes the coconut oil burned. I occasionally used antibiotic ointment when peeling was too severe. Only the bald spot where fungi were burned and peeled. Then I used Absorbine Jr for a 7 days which burned more and peeled more. But still it was healing and getting better. Applied pure coconut oil to soothe. This also sometimes burned. I occasionally added an antibiotic ointment in place of coconut oil.
Finally I used Listerine as many times a day as I wanted. It tingled and felt refreshing but no burn. My hair is growing back and there is hardly ever any itch. I am continuing the Listerine twice a day until I never feel an itch! Thanks for your site Ted! God led me to this place of healing. I pray others with stubborn scalp issues are so blessed!
Multiple Remedies
Over the Counter
Radiation Sores Remedies
(Norther Calif)
Catherine, In the best seller, “Honest Medicine,” the Julia Shoepick describes how she healed her husband's head wound after repeated surgeries to the same area by using “Silverlon.” After struggling in the hospital for weeks, she was able to get a Silverlon bandage from a doctor friend and the would was healing overnight. Best wishes.
Scalp Fungal Infection Remedies
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Anayo!
This is from the scalp infections remedy page:
... Ted from Bangkok: "Apple Cider Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide are used as a shampoo to cure scalp infections. You can also mix chamomile, tea tree and lavender oils together and apply to the scalp as a shampoo. Do not take these remedies internally!
I have treated successful over 100 people with persistent scalp infections by preparing a shampoo made of just tea tree and lavender oil alone and have been successful... Continued here:
Scalp Infection Remedies
After visiting many skin specialists, some of whom thought it was a genetic problem, two of them finally believe it is a fungal infection. I am currently taking grisofulvin, so far 3 weeks.
Please, if you know of any solution, I will be really greaful. Thanks. Carol.
Hi, I had the same problem from past 6 years. I found this site and gone through several feedback and post of TED and Bill. Doing so helped in my problem. I am not fully recovered but it certainly helped me with my condition. Please follow below procedure and let me know if this helps.
1. Change your diet. Drink plenty of water, no sugar, no yeast food item, no fastfood etc, no fry food. This needs to be followed very strictly.
2. Mix (1/4 tbsp for male or 1/8 tbsp for female) of borax in a water and drink throughout the day.
3. Take 2 tablespoon ACV + (1/2 tablespoon baking soda for male or 1/4 tbsp for female). You will see bubble once you mix this. Let it settle and then mix 1 cup of water and drink it twice in day on empty stomach.
4. Before taking shower add ACV + water in 1:2 ratio in a spray bottle. Apply it on scalp and let it sit for 30 min. Then wash the scalp with mild herbal shampoo.
Hope this help. Also, you need to be patience to see the results.
(Georgetown, Kentucky)
Hi Caroline! I would recommend using "Borax" to wash your hair with especially if it is a fungal infection. I use it in my bath as well as wash every part of my body with it. Including a douche for vaginitis! A cure all it is. There are a great deal of posts on here regarding it's uses. Drinking borax mixed with water and lemon help cleanse your body inside and out.
Selsun Blue
Smelly Scalp Remedies
(Columbus, Oh)
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)
Valentina, Makes me wonder if it is some kind of fungal thing. I would try a shampoo with tea tree oil in it, or just mix tea tree essential oil with extra virgin coconut oil and massage into your scalp and hair. (This would be messier, but a stronger solution. ) Let it sit for 10 minutes or so before washing it out. I would do that every day for 10 days. Charcoal is great for odor and toxins, but so very messy to use in your hair... It wouldn't hurt to take charcoal tablets internally (4 tablets 2-3 times a day for a few weeks. ) Don't take charcoal near the time you take any medications as it will absorb them. A probiotic internally, would be a good supplement to the above.
Hope this helps.
~Mama to Many~
Staphylococcal Folliculitis Scalp Infection Remedies
(Santa Rosa, Ca. Usa)
Danielle~ Ted would tell you to use Borax. I have had great success with this. I heat roughly 1.5 cups of water in the microwave or in a tea kettle until it boils. Add Borax until it is saturated (cloudy) Stir. Add cold water until it is luke warm. Pour into a bottle with a tip (like ketchup at a restaurant). Use in the shower after shampooing. Leave on a few minutes. Repeat daily. This will help tremendously.
(White Plains, Ny, Usa)
Use TCP which you can get from most pharmacies/chemists depending on where you live (I found it in the mouthwash aisle). Cover your scalp in TCP and let it soak under a shower cap for a few hours, then wash it off with normal shampoo.
Side effect - your head will smell like TCP for about a week. This is a strong disinfectant smell but not a horrible smell. So it's better to do this on a weekend or when you will be seeing less people. The smell of TCP will fade with time and the infection on your scalp that causes odor will be gone.
Tea Tree Oil
I came across and discovered It was from an EXTREMELY rare little known condition called Plica Polonica (I suggest anyone suffering from weird hair conditions, like sticky/tacky/dark slimy-like sections of hair, anywhere on the hair, look up this condition). Doctors still know very little about the cause and there is no cure or remedy except to cut the masses of hair off. But I suspected all along this condition is actually due to a fungal or bacterial growth. I tried everything known to man to get the knots out including wearing an entire giant jar of mayo on my head for 18 hours! I tried vinager, listerine, dawn, olive oil, hot oil, everything! I ended up cutting off the hair after a week of failed attempts to even remotely loosen them. But ever since I cut them all off 2 days ago, I have been getting these big pimple like bumps all over my head.
So I tried tea tree oil directly on the bumps, and its working! I don't know what the bumps are, but I know they have something to do with the scalp hair condition Plica Polonica, and the Tea Tree oil is killing it. If you have very knotty sections of hair, or you feel something kinda sticky in your hair, I suggest doing Tea Tree oil all over your scalp. I think if I would have paid more attention to the signs and treated my hair and scalp earlier, it never would have developed into Plica Plonica.
I have the same thing. I used tea tree oil but it does not help. The hair mats into a ball of dry dandruff like mess. Sometimes sticky ooze forms. What brand of tea tree oil do you use? Like you I tried everything. It sometimes gets painful.
Hey I just totally saw this a few minutes after reading your post no it's not what I'm dealing with I just wanted to give you five things up for you are totally on track with your diagnosis and treatment why here it is sorry I feel the need to share but I'm going to :p
Demodex brevis mites feed on the glandular cells of the sebaceous gland that attaches to hair follicles (pilosebaceous glands) and meibomian glands. The sebaceous glands produce an oily substance known as sebum. Meibomian glands produce meibum which prevents tears from rapidly evaporating. It plays an important role in eye moisture.
Tea tree 5% ointment.
Mercury oxide 1% ointment.
Topical insecticides like permethrin and crotamiton creams.
Topical antibiotics like erythromycin and metronidazole.
Oral medication like ivermectin for people with weakened immune systems such as in HIV infection.
(Austin, Texas)
I am not sure if I have the same problem as you, but here is what happened. I have extremely curly hair. I stupidly left it in a bun for about 3 weeks without washing it. Once I took the bun out my hair was two giant matted knots on each side of my head. Same as you, they were very hard. It took SEVERAL sessions over a 2 week period of attempting to brush out. I tried everything I could think of and what I read on the Internet. Jojoba oil, coconut oil, Vaseline, several deep conditioners, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, etc. never found the tangler teaser (name?) and didn't go as far as fabric softener or we-40, but on a daily basis I patiently used a pick, a stick, and my fingers- digging my way through the knots. My hair was pretty long- it took YEARS to grow it- I am biracial, and though my hair is thin I had lots of it. When I finally got the last knot out I was left with very little hair :-(. A couple of pieces of my long hair remain, but otherwise I have areas of very short hair and I have very little left of it. I can fake a hairstyle by moving the longer pieces near the short ones. But what worries me most is my scalp.
During the time I was brushing it out and now, my scalp is EXTREMELY itchy. There are no big splotches or bumps, but I am constantly itching. Feels as if small bugs are crawling on my scalp. Could this be from dry hair? Or does it sound like an infection or fungus of some sort. I fear that my remaining hair is going to fall out. Oh, AND when I was detangling it there were pieces of hair that looked like they were covered in a dark slimy oil substance. It's been about 3 weeks and I'm still constantly itching. Not sure if I should try natural products or if I need to go to the doctor-maybe it's the same condition you have? The difference is my hair knotted because I didn't take care of it and left it tied up.
I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!
(Madera, Ca)
Hi Shanti,
Borax (2O Mule Team) from the laundry aisle is the first thing I would try. It's safe and effective. It's anti-fungal. It's great for your skin. I would get some pure Castile soap (such as Dr Bronners). Get the soap lathered all over your scalp. Then add a handful of borax on top of your head and work it throughout your entire scalp. Massage it in and let it sit for a while. Rinse. If you're going to use conditioner, then only apply it to your hair and not your scalp. This should really help relieve the itch and get your hair nice a clean.
Other great things to try-
- Tea tree essential oil (added to shampoo or to some coconut oil for scalp treatment)
- Scrub wet scalp in shower with baking soda. Wash as usual. Final rinse with water mixed with some apple cider vinegar
- Coconut oil and / or Castor Oil (pure, 100%). If you feel your scalp is dry and irritated, massage with oil and leave on for an hour or overnight. 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil added in can be soothing.
Hope this helps!
Ted's Remedies
Few days ago, I thought to use TED's alkalizing remedy's of mixing 1/4 tb baking soda and 2 tbp of ACV in 1 cup of water. I waited till the bubbles gone off and then spray it on my hair this solution. My itching is reduced 95% and am seeing less oily hair and feel the mixtures has helped. I didn't feel the same when I used ACV.
But, I searched about this mixture I.e. baking soda and ACV over internet and found it's harmful to use. Even first applying baking soda and then rinse with ACV is not good. Could anybody help me whether its safe to use the mixture of ACV and Baking soda on hair? Does it damage the hair over a period of time if used daily? PLEASE HELP
(Rustenburg South Africa)
Hi Hamza, If it is working why not carry on.
Hi Louwrence,
I know this solution is working but my concern is that if I use the combination of ACV + baking soda for prolonged time, then whether it will damage the scalp and hair and cause excessive hairfall further? I am not seeing hairfall as of now but I read over internet that if used this combination then it damage the scalp and one will see the impact of it after a month of so. Because scalp ph is slighlty acidic 4.5 - 6 and ACV + baking soda combination make scalp ph to 7.
(Tennessee, Usa)
Dear Hamza,
I am no expert, but my thought is that baking soda and Apple Cider Vinegar are used by many people for cleaning their hair and many seem to use it long term with only positive results. I have recently begun trying it myself. As I see it, this has got to be safer than anything else I have been using to clean my hair, even most "natural" stuff.
Perhaps someone else with have some more thought that will shed light on why some say it is not good.
~Mama to Many~
(Ausin, Tx)
I thought I'd blend in on this subject: Once a month before bed, I pour 1/2 c baking soda down my bathtub drain, then pour about a cup of ACV or white vinegar (whichever is available) after it. I let it sit overnight. It fizzes and breaks up the hair that has accumulated down there with the end result being the disappearance of hair, oil, and gunk clogging my drain; my drain works smoothly again. I though I would say this because I noticed that when I combined these 2 products and used them to wash my hair, I got lots of hair going down the drain. I thought perhaps this combo was eating my hair as it does the hair in my drain. This does not happen when I use them separately. But, for a while now, I only wash my hair with diluted ACV (1/1), pouring it onto my hair and scrubbing it onto my scalp; I let it sit for about 5 minutes, then I rinse it out thoroughly and do a natural dry. I then spritz with a favorite organic cologne. I use virgin coconut oil as a scalp and hair moisturizer every 2-3 days. I use LouAnn (from Wal) because it does not have a strong coconut smell, yet gets the job done I.e. keeping my scalp from feeling tight and itchy. Once a month, I use Dr. Bonner's rose oil soap (very diluted) to wash my head and hair and strip it of old oil or dandruff. This strategy really works for me and is preserving the hair my thyroid condition has left on my head. (alleviating this condition is a work in progress).
I ONLY use diluted baking soda to wash my body after I have used a clean, rough, white, car cloth to dry-scrub off the coconut oil I slathered on my body beforehand. This has changed my skin for the better soooo much. All other soaps (and I've tried hundreds), including Dr. Bonner's has left my skin dry and cracked and itchy. Peace out, Cat
(Tennessee, Usa)
Hi Cat,
Thanks for taking the time to share your routine and observations! Very helpful.
I should clarify for Hamza that when I use ACV and Baking Soda, I first put 1 T. Baking soda in a container then add a cup or two of water (and a few drops of essential oil.) Then I pour it around on my scalp and gently rub a little. Then I rinse. For the vinegar, I am probably mixing 1 part vinegar with 5 parts water and putting putting my hair into it, but not putting it on my scalp, actually. Then I rinse my hair. I do not do this as often as I was shampooing, either and so far it is working pretty well.
~Mama to Many~
Thanks Cat and Mama to Many for sharing you routine and observations.
As mentioned by Cat, Even I am seeing now more hair in the drain when I am mixing ACV + baking soda from past 2 days. I think I will try to use them separately and will observe results. If that also causes problem and hair loss then I'll go back to only using diluted ACV.
The only issue using diluted ACV on my scalp is that it doesn't clear dead skin on my scalp properly and produce more oil. But it doesn't cause hair fall much.
(Olathe, Ks)
(Hope Bc Canada)
Hamza from Jakarta -- I would use completely different natural remedies:
Virgin Coconut Oil with cayenne pepper as #1, with borax separately
Honey gently dissolved with warm water
Borax for exfoliation and as a scrub together with the undissolved Borax
Amla powder which is the Indian amla fruit high in vit C as a wash
sulphur soap for fungi
Indian navaratna hair oil
or ... Maha Narayan oil after cleansing first.
(Dallas Texas)
(Hope, Bc Canada)
At first I would use a good application with coconut oil with about ten drops of clove essential oil for medical purposes. If there is itching afterwards, it could be parasites. Keep on for a few hours or as is convenient. Keep in mind, as with coconut oil always, it is a cooling oil and in cold weather a cover for the head is necessary. Repeats as often as convenient.
Borax is very good but oiling afterwards is necessary.
For shampoo, Dr. Bronner's pure kastile shampoo with a selection of essential oils is very good. I have used it for many years also for my pets .Available in health stores.
Making a wash from soap berries because it contains anti bacterials and is very mild but effective (see online).
Chamomile infusion. Soak a cloth and keep on for ten minutes. Very healing and soothing.
Internally Diatomaceous Earth with Bentonite clay but also externally. It has a lot of Silica for hair/nail/bones. It draws out toxins. I was surprised that my nails grew stronger and longer after only about four days of one tblsp. daily in a large glass of water.
You can find DE/Bentonite in feed stores or online. These remedies don't break the bank and they do work. Namaste, Om
Ted's Remedies
I had no insurance, I went to a dermatologist. Spent a good $90 for the visit and he spent 5 min with me and said yes, you have psoraisis. I already knew. He told me to get on Humira (never did because of the side effects) and I used the scalp oil he recommended and of course, steriod cream. Nothing helped.
I used OTC shampoos, nothing helped.
I know what the root causes are - food allergy, smoking, alcohol, caffeine, sugars, and stress are major triggers. I know what I can take as supplements to cure this.
However, after reading this remedy by TED.. I realized how common this is to everyone. And it's not just scalp psoraisis - its a fungal infection. My physician and dermatologist didn't even take the time to test my scalp for infection or refer me out to a nutritionist to help my diet. At least, I'm good at research on my own.
So, I've been using your remedy. First few days, just undiluted ACV for 30-1hr and shampoo out. Just tonight, I tried the ACV, Hydrogen Peroxide, Water mix. It works alot better - less inflammation.
I'm going to get some Tea Tree and Lavendar oil. I sell Nature's Sunshine so, I know the products are 100% pure. With the ACV, I use _____'s (with Mother) from Whole Foods Market.
Ted, I have alot of inflammation and redness on the top of my forehead from scratching too much.. Long ago. It's healing. I have lost some hair (where women normally lose hair. ) Will the tea tree and lavendar help reduce the infammation and grow hair back? So far it feels so much better. Thank you.
(Arlington, Tx)
Ted's Remedies

(Toronto, Canada)
Ted's peroxide remedy (1 part ACV, 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide with 10 parts water) states to leave on for 1 minute not overnight. Maybe it shouldn't have been left on that long and that is why your hair is falling out.
(Danbury, CT, US)
(Hernando, Ms)
It actually does state 3% hydrogen peroxide. Read carefully and then read again.
Ted's Remedies