Citronella Oil
(Chicago, Illinois, Usa)
Atang, I have scalp odor, too, and have tried everything. I am going to get the citronella oil today, but can you tell me what your odor smelled like? Mine is yeasty/cheesy (sorry if that's TMI! ). Just thinking that the type of odor might be an indication of the cause. Thank you!
(York, Uk)
Just wash your hair with sodium carbonate (washing soda). It will clear up any odour ASAP!
(Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa)
To Elsie from Chicago, Illinois, Usa. I had different smells- the smell was yeasty and muggy if I hadnt washed my hair in at least 2 days and it was sharp/pungent if I had washed my hair that morning. I was also confused as to whether it was a fungal or bacterial infection. I still don't know. Another thing that helped tremendously was washing the hair LESS, weird I know. I think that because of the odor I was washing my hair too much, this was drying my scalp causing my scalp to overproduce oil. The fungus/bacteria then fed off this excess oil causing more odor so it was all one vicious cycle. I made myself wash my hair every 7 days (as opposed to everyday like before) and I found that on the 2nd and 3rd day I might have some odor but after that nothing. A side note: I have coarse African hair that doesn't need to be washed so often, I'm not sure how this would work on other types of hair.
(Oswego, Il)
Are you sure your using Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and not Organic Coconut Oil? The latter is refined and I had problems with this kind on my scalp.
(Western Cape, South Africa)
I posted this a few years back and would like to add that the citronella oil did help a lot in terms of decreasing the smell but the odor would come back on hot days when I sweated. (Before that, the odor was there all the time, sunny or cold). But the real thing that removed the smell completely is TCP.
EC: Thank you so much for updating us after 6 years!
Coconut Oil

(Faithville, Us)
I was just reading through this and made a copy to highlight... there is alot of info here from Ted.
It seems the coconut oil probably put you into a healing crisis and affected your follicles and scalp broke out. Then you used antibiotics and your system got weaker and hair loss resulted. I've used the coconut oil overnight but nothing like that happened to me. Usually I do a test patch before using a lot of product due to the fact my system has a lot of problems that could be brought out as a skin or brain chemistry crisis. Your skin is your largest organ . Hope you can read through Ted's info and find out what would help you with the least amount of sufferring.
This is pretty old but I thought I would respond just in case someone has a similar issue. I found the item below. It says that there could be a yeast that is a part of the demodex. Supposedly, the yeast thrives on oil of any kind.
QUOTE: I would warn you that the use of oils on the skin may feed this lipophilic (lipid loving) yeast. The craze of using coconut oil liberally on the skin for a variety of skin afflictions may make the feeling of something crawling and itching skin worse for these people. In research labs when they study Malassezia hyphae, they have to give them a lipid source to get the yeast to grow hyphae in the lab. Other things that will generate a proliferation of Malssezia are the use of corticosteroids and or antibiotics.
Coconut Oil
(Jackson, Ms)
I'm going through the same thing due to some meds I'm taking, all but the smelly hair. Try searching salt and water. As a light paste on your scalp, not hard! Leave on ten min.and then wash it out be careful. Not to dig into the scalp to hard. Then shampoo and condition as usual. At first try, it twice a week. That's what I'm doing.
Coconut Oil
I hope this helps others who suffer from this condition.
Colloidal Silver, MSM
Corn Meal
Dietary Changes
Change your diet! No more fats, no more dairy.. Diet is everything! I experienced myself! I did a fast, 5 days only water, and itchiness went completely away, after years! Then continued eating raw vegan, perfect, after a few months I started again with gluten (cookies, bread) and dairy and blooom, instantly dandruff and itchy scalp went back heavily, until I started to loose hair (I'm female 28 years old! ) and then I said stop! Did a 2 days fast to cut straightforward, and went back to eat fruit fruit fruit, and cooked potatoes, pumpkin, veggies, but nothing else. No oils at all, no avocado, no chocolate..
(Edgewater, Md)
OMGoodness...After reading your story I have hope that what has been going on with me and my scalp is something that can possibly be cured or controlled. I started having issues with my scalp and then my hair...which I was proud to say, were the most beautiful locks and I never realized that what has happened to my hair , was possible . I am 49 years old and seems like out of nowhere I started getti g random pus pockets or blisters on my scalp . They didnt so much bother me other than they were very weepy once it popped and then my hair started feeling like I had put glue in it...kinda like the old time rubber cement from back in the day. Then my hair started falling out by the handfulls at my temples and top and crown of my head, but I think the strangest thing of all for me was the amount of gray hair I started to have...literally over a month or so time and it is very weird hair .In the beginning it was thick gray long hairs that were as strong as fish line and then it started to change into spiderweb looking hair as one peice would come out would just keep coming and coming as if I had 3 feet of this silvery white spiderweb mess...and then there were the bald spots from losing it . I am sorry for rambling but I havent felt hopeful in so long thatI had pretty much just accepted that I was going bald and wither away!!!!! Please tell me what if anything has changed and if u found out what it is and what it is called . And thank you so much for posting, Diane
Dietary Changes
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Seed Extract
I tried GSE (grapefruit seed extract) by putting a few drops in my shampoo. I mixed them together in the palm of my hand each time I shampooed, which was every other day.I left the lather in for two minutes or so. The results were immediate, now I just have a slight touch of dandruff, no itch and my hair seems to be getting a little thicker. My hair and scalp definitely look better as well.
Iodine Rinse
Well anyhow, this is what worked for me and it may or may not work for you: In a plastic container add a quarter teaspoon of tincture of iodine (the brown liquid) and about a quarter cup of warm water, mix. Daily during your shower, wash hair with cool water without any shampoo or conditioner, then apply this mixture as a final rinse, whilst ensuring none of it gets in to the eyes. Immediately wrap a clean towel to the hair. Leave hair to dry naturally and before you know the hair feels softer and manageable - the plus factor 'No Itching".... Hurrah! I also use this mixture for my final rinse after my weekly shampoo and conditioner application. Initally I used this mixture for 4 days, had a break for a couple of days, the itching returned with a vengence. Good luck. Kate
(Zug, Switzerland)
(Maidenhead, Berkshire, England)
Hi Francisca, I came up with this remedy myself. Initially I used to pour the iodine in a bowl and apply it to my scalp with my fingertips. As my hair roots were weak due to the fungus or whatever was causing the itching the iodine strength was too strong. I thought of the idea of diluting the iodine which has seemingly worked. I also steam my hair once a day to get rid of the calcium deposits. I wish you the best and hope something will help you with your hair. Good Luck.
Jojoba, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil
I have been very successful with a mixture of jojoba oil/tea tree/clove oil in a spray bottle. I put the nozzle to my scalp and get just the right amount with no mess. I massage my scalp and leave this on overnight. No more itch or follicle pain and my hair is growing back. I also added biotin to help the hair grow.
Lugol's Iodine and Borax Spray
You'll need:
- 2 ounce sprayer bottle
- 1 ounce distilled water
- .75 ounce 70/30 alcohol. Having this amount alcohol will keep this self-preserved!
- 8 drops Lugol's Iodine
- 1/8 tsp borax, this is equivalent of a tiny pinch
Allow solution to sit and dilute the borax or it will clog sprayer.
Note: You can use without borax.
Use several times a day. If you have demodex, spray as soon as you feel a tickle.
This may hurt on affected area, but as they dry up and flake off this will no longer happen. Benefits easy to use, less discoloration than using full strength iodine.
Use on body parts without having iodine stain, knees, feet etc.
Do not add any other oils, or herbs to this - it will make it hard to preserve and you can make the spray bacteria soup.