Pulmonary Fibrosis
Natural Remedies

Managing Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Naturally: Best Remedies to Try

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Oil Pulling

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Posted by Jimmy (Dallas, Texas) on 05/17/2008

I have pulmonary fibrosis a lung disease that HAS no cure.Yet, since I have been on Sunflower Oil (cold pressed & Unrefined) my lungs within 4 days begain to have a healing effect that even the Doctor's don't quite understand?! What this oil is doing for my Lungs is or has brought back my Breathing as I have never expected. I had Cancer in my right lung and this oil has completely healed it completely... Amen! If you are interested in the healing of your lungs... please go to the health store and purchase one (1) bottle of this oil and place it within your mouth and swish it around until it turns white; spit it out and then brush your teeth and wash your mouth with tooth paste... As well look on the Net for: "Oil Pulling Cure" and learn what it will do for you... Jimmy.

Replied by Amarendra
(Bangalore, Karnataka, India)

I have seen three letters from Jimmy of Dallas, Texas who has informed that he has been cured from his pulmonary fibrosis by taking 35% food grade H2O2 in his two letters, at the same time he has written in one of his letter dated 05. 17. 2008 that he has been cured through oil-pulling. Are all these 3 letters written by the same person? In case oil-pulling method, how long Jimmy had been suffering from the disease and how long it took to him for complete healing? Is there any other testimonials on the success of oil pulling method for treating pulmonary fibrosis. Kindly inform. Thanks.

Replied by Alka
(Gurgaon, India)

Any news from Jimmy of Dallas Texas ? How are you? My husband has pulmonary fibrosis. Have you tried serrapeptase too? Has oil pulling helped you? How are you now?

Replied by Hare

Thank u Jimmy for posting info on oil pulling!! It really is a miracle as I have fibrosis too and I can feel the better effects of oil pulling...

Proning (Laying on Stomach)

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Posted by Annie (USA) on 08/30/2021

In reply to Anita from Maryland (2018) in the Oil Pulling Thread, who wrote:

"My husband has Pulmonary Fibrosis and I am looking for remedies to help him. He can no longer sit up for more than a minute. But laying in bed on his back is how he gets the best oxygen. He also suffers from anxiety and depression. He has a lot of back pain from a fall in 3 years ago. On his back his oxygen level is any where from 86 to 91% at level 2-1/2 to 3. When he panics the level goes down and we have to turn the concentrator up to 5. I am looking for any help to keep him safe and alive. Sincerely, Anita"

I was on oxygen recently and the doctors told me about proning. You lay on your stomach and the front of your lungs do not have to work so hard since your body is using the back of your lungs. My oxygen levels would go from 89 to 93 in under a minute (on oxygen ) It might work better since I had pneumonia. However the doctors at the hospital all day to prone for hours in the icu.

Also, check and see if his breathing gets worse after certain medications or food..I get chest pain right after I take some medications for pain and processed food ...I'm serious. I will pray for you all that you find relief.

Quercetin, Ivermectin, Nutritional Yeast

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Posted by Tom (Tucson, AZ) on 01/10/2023 64 posts

Quercetin dihydrate powder to protect and tone the lungs and sinuses. I have taken up to a level measuring teaspoon which is about 2 grams per day. Now I just take a quarter level teaspoon per day, which is about 250 mg.

Quercetin gives good energy. Taking quercetin restored my lungs and sinuses from just average, to good condition in 2016.

Then in 2021, only 1.87% ivermectin horse paste, apple flavored, restored my lungs from the Covid situation. I had to intentionally cough up lung mucous for about 12 days in addition to taking the ivermectin, to finally get my lungs clear.

I tried stopping taking quercetin twice in 2016, but I had so much less energy and less healthy sinuses, that I had to make quercetin a permanent supplement of mine.

For thinning and liquefying lung and sinus mucous, I take 1/2 slightly rounded measuring teaspoon per day of the 14 herb seasoning, Dash Table Blend from Walmart in the spice aisle in the 6.75 oz bottle.

Subtly increasing lung volume and blood oxygen can happen by eating high-RNA supplements like nutritional yeast (1/8 level cup before lunch) or supplements like marine phytoplankton (1/2 slightly rounded measuring teaspoon or more per day). I prefer taking the yeast before lunch because I assume it takes extra oxygen for the body to process lunch.

To me, the lungs can be as difficult to maintain as the digestive tract is to have functioning properly.


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Posted by Maureen (Washington) on 06/03/2018

Serrapeptase for IPF:

Tried the serrapeptase at the 240,000 units twice a day....after ten days developed horrid vomiting. Thinking of trying it at 40,000 units twice a day for about ten days..if tolerated, then keep upping the dose. THOUGHTS?

Replied by Phillip

You can try bromelain 1 or 2 pills of 2400 gdu on an empty stomach then wait an hour to eat. Ted from Bangkok says glycine helps makes it more potent in some way. The reason the serrapeptase made you vomit is because the companies engineer it from bacteria. I tried it years back and got dog sick. Didnt know why, until out of curisosity years later read reviews on amazon for it where people reported the same. However bromelain never has made me sick and I took that for months. Hope this helps someone.


Do you feel that bromelain is as effective as serrapeptase? I read that it breaks down scar tissue too, but everyone only talks about serrapeptase. Odd, since there is a chance of stomach distress with the latter.

Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Wa ) on 04/05/2016

Editor's Choice

To recover from copd / pulmonary fibrosis / ipf, you must attack the mycoplasma infection driving the disease, reduce inflammation in the lungs and all throughout the body, destroy biofilm accumulations in the lungs and throughout the body. And reverse the fibrosis scar tissue that is forming in the lungs reducing the airways.

Many here have tried hydrogen peroxide for this condition. Hydrogen peroxide is wonderful stuff but it is only a part of the solution and not a total cure.

Ignore the tissue fibrosis and you will not recover.

There is a component in the blood called fibrin. This is the substance which creates a blood clot when you cut yourself. Without fibrin a simple cut could be fatal.

In pulmonary fibrosis, the lung tissue is under constant attack from a mycoplasma infection and the response from the body is to deposit huge amounts of fibrin in the lungs. This fibrin decreases the available air space and you slowly suffocate.

That's it until you find the answer.

The infection can be reduced by drugs like doxycycline, hydrogen peroxide spray mist inhaled, nano silver mist inhaled, dmso plus crushed garlic inhaled, or gallium nitrate used orally at less than 1% strength. In addition other techniques such as eboo, uvbi, blood electrification, gcmaf, and eating lots of coconut oil all support driving a mycoplasma infection down

But this is still not the answer as none of these things address the tissue fibrosis.

To actually recover much needed airspace there is but one way in the universe to do that effectively. Nothing else works to dissolve tissue fibrosis except systemic enzymes. The strongest one called serrapeptase.

Most types of enzymes even digestive enzymes can help control pain and inflammation but it requires serrapeptase to actually clear the lungs up where fibrin deposits are blocking air space. other enzymes wont touch it.

More enzyme use = greater fibrin removal from the lungs. Less enzyme use =you keep the disease.

Biofilm a thick gummy mucus that coats the lungs drastically reduces airspace. Biofilm typically harbors more than 500 species of bacteria mold yeast fungus and virus plus heavy metals and toxins. We can use hydrogen peroxide to eliminate biofilm but enzymes can do a really good job of that plus break down the fibrin that fills the alveoli air sacs. Serrapeptase also interferes with viral and bacterial growth in a manner very similar to that of antibiotics. When people fail to get well it is often because they have a flaw in their treatment program. Not understanding the role of systemic enzymes in pulmonary fibrosis = no cure.

Replied by Angie

Ben, how much serrapeptase is needed & safe to take daily.?? Thank you

Replied by Michele


I read your article after researching desperately on any other treatments for IPF other than the traditional Ofev or Esbriet which have terrible side affects (Esbriet having the worst). When seeing many doctors my husband has been told on and on that the only treatment is Ofev and Oxygen or Lung transplant. Maybe I'm crazy but there has to be something else out there than traditional methods. Everyone seems to be talking about Serrapeptase. Could you advise me on how much is required. I also give him two tab of Apple cider vinegar in water every day which seems to help with the cough. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Ld (Los Angeles) on 01/31/2016

You might try Serrapeptase enzymes for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Try 2 each twice day on an empty stomach. Be patient, may take 4-8 weeks. It helped my 80 yr.old mom, oxygen setting 4-lungs "crackling" 50%lung cap, CT scan diagnosed IPF 2 years.

Google-Silkworm enzyme serrapeptase. Read the Japanese studies. Best!!

Replied by Jaydee

Hi Ld from Los Angeles... how is your mom now? Did it continue to help her?

Serrapeptase and NAC

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Posted by Diane (Pa) on 02/23/2017

Editor's Choice

Four years ago I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis. One 120,000 units (enteric-coated) serrapeptase (can do this three times daily - must be taken on an empty stomach) and one or two - 600 NAC (taken with vitamin C) does wonders for me. Haven't had an MRI or CT-scan since the initial one. My pulmonary doctor wanted me to have a lung biopsy (to try to figure out what caused it), but that didn't appeal to me. All the scars from working in the deli (friers) have disappeared though, as well as ALL the other scars that I had collected throughout my life-time. Serrapeptase eats away the scar tissue (as well as blockages in arteries), and the NAC thins out any mucus. I'm still here, so something must be working.

Replied by Thomas J
(East China, Michigan)

I have just started my serra and nac useage about two weeks now, how did you determine the dosage you need to take? Any info will be greatly appreciated.

Replied by Diane

Honestly, I just go by how I feel, what the labels tell me I can take, but I did it religiously for about the first 6 -12 months. I've read that some people feel better taking 40,000 units rather than the 120,000.

I did neglect to mention that I also take magnesium and vitamin d daily. Sometimes magnesium citrate, and sometimes a brand that says that it's high absorption magnesium, 100% chelated.

I never took lungs formulas or other systemic enzymes, like I read that others do when I was researching about it, and I personally would avoid taking anything with nattokinese, because it doesn't know when to stop lysing.

Replied by Nat

Father (NONsmoker) w/ lung trouble for many years. No blood but cough uncontrollably, too much to bear. He got Exposed to black mold in the house he was in. Coughing worse, very severe!

Were you ALSO exposed to MOLD infection? His lungs show 2/3rd black&dead.

How homeopathically cleanse the body of mold, will Serrapeptase&NAC, etc. take care of this??? Mucus he coughs-up is clear... Can you shed any more light on this? You seem to have won your battle.whew Was there ever a mold connection for you?

Thank You, and congratulations!!


Nat, I don't know about a mold "connection" causing my PF. It could have been any number of things... But since I didn't get into all that with the pulmonary doctor after she told me she wanted me to have surgery for another issue that she was concerned with, in addition to the lung biopsy, there's no way for me to know. I used to cough uncontrollably also.

Will the Serrapeptase and NAC take care of it? I don't know, but the alternative is well, not good.

All I know is that there was a package for Pulmonary Fibrosis that I could not afford, so I've done what I can with the money that I have. I've tried to figure out what would be similar, as they used serrapeptase, a formula that I think had serrapeptase and nattokinese, and some other things. The closest enzyme I could find that had the other things, I found in a enzyme formula, and since we are not allowed to name a specific formula, the ingredients in it are pancreatin, protease, amylase, lipase, bromelain, rutin, papin, serrapeptase, trypsin/chymotrypsin complex, trypsin, chymotrypsin, amla fruit.

In a few months, when I can afford it, I may add that formula to my aresenal.

And then, I've used the NAC, but alternated it with mucolyxir (microdose dna). I think the objective is to get the mucus out.

I used to wheeze so loudly that I had a hard time going to sleep, and although I'm sure I wheezed throughout the day, as soon as my head hit the pillow. So that's improved, because I hardly notice it anymore.

See, I was diagnosed with asthma about a year before the other diagnosis. My doctor wanted me checked for asthma because I was coughing a lot, and it took a month for me to get the pulmonary function test. The woman who did it suggested I tell my doctor my lips were blue that day. So, who knows which came first, the chicken, or the egg (the asthma, or the pulmonary fibrosis?

I also do read healing scriptures, Psalms 103:1-4, Isaiah 53:1-6, Psalm 118:17, and all the healing that Jesus did in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I don't see where He refused to heal anyone that came to Him.

Replied by Marla

Hi. Sounds very encouraging. I just bought neprinol and NAC. Pray it helps my very scarred lungs due to scleroderma. Hope your still doing well. How many did you commence with? Blessings and thank you!



When I was first told I had pulmonary fibrosis, I checked Neprinol, but it was not in my budget. HOWEVER, I came across a review on Amazon about it, and the person said he or she started out with 3 a day in the comments section under their review. I just looked at it again, and you should be able to easily find that review with the title "very interesting product". All the best to you.

Replied by Natalia
(Austin, Texas)

That is amazing news Dianne,

When is your next MRI or CT Scan? Would love to hear whether the enzymes have made any structural differences and how your lung function is?
Do you feel the enzymes are working effectively over time and what has your doctor said about you condition since supplementation?

Also what conventional treatments are you currently on?
I'm worried the enzymes would interfere with the immunosuppressants I'm on or heart meds like blood thinners and blood pressure tabs? Would you know where I can find more guidance on this.

Good luck to you and I'm excited to hear your response.

3 posts


I only went to the pulmonary doctor once, so I've never been on any conventional meds, and I've managed to avoid any more MRI's and CT scans, since the initial ones. I do take a B/P med, and I am prescribed two inhalers, which I keep in case I feel short of breath at all, but I rarely need them.

My last visit to the doctor she said my lungs sounded clear, and that oxygen thing they put on your finger said 98%. Don't know how accurate that is though.

I went through something about a month ago, a lot of coughing, had to get some mucolyxir to get that thick and sticky mucus out, but I'm back to "normal" now.

I read here on Earth Clinic several years ago, that asthma can be triggered somehow by acid reflux, and I do suspect that has a lot to do with some of my issues, so I try to eat several hours prior to bed.

But my go-to supplements for the fibrosis are serrapeptase, and I have added nattokinase, but in the past that has caused nose-bleeds for me, so I am careful with that, and Rejuvenzyme, which seems to have just about all of the ingredients in one of the items in the package that was out of my budget. Ideally, I'd take the serrapetase and revenzyme three times a day, but that has never happened, just because I don't think about it. And then I do take the NAC with vitamin C also. But I prefer mucolyxir to NAC for mucus.

I'd like to know what caused the fibrosis, but I'm just not curious enough to go for a biopsy and have three holes in my lung from chest tubes. Curiosity killed the cat, so they say :) Perhaps if I get to the point where I can't breath I'll change my tune.

Replied by Aurora


How did you get on with this combination? Is it essential to have vitamin C with the Serrapeptase and NAC? Is Nattokinase as good as Serrapeptase? Many thanks

Replied by Verbena

So many people here are talking about serrapeptase. Is anyone having stomach problems from it? That is my hesitation. Thank you!


I don't have stomach problems taking it.

Serrapeptase, Breathing Exercises

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Posted by Elizabeth Forbes Bryson (Uk) on 01/14/2017


Over the years I have settled on a programme which has had a positive effect on 92% of those who stay within its guidelines.

I also assume the worse ie it is a slow growing cancer - adjusting the capability of the body to take in at least 75% of oxygen and nitrogen and expelling 90% of carbon dioxide. Research indicates that cancer cells do not flourish in a body with adequate oxygen and discharge of carbon dioxide along with other negative substances, including their rubbish!

Look up Yoga Breathing exercises for Asthmatics. Within 1 week, the breathing pattern improves. It is important that the diaphragm is used to completely empty the lungs and the inhalation is deep enough to take the air to the bottom of the lungs.

Pattern: 3 inhalations - 3 times a day. Start first thing in the morning. Standing up if you can.

Visit your medical adviser. Too often interaction between medication drugs makes the condition worse. Ask for a review. If you are refused change your GP. Ask for an allergy test. Worse ones - statins, blood pressure conrollers and blood thinners. Recently Thyroxin has also come under the radar.

Did you know that during the last 10 years there has been much information released outside the UK showing that the stopping of or reducing of these 3 has not resulted in more deaths AND the patients on them, if they follow the mantras below, have a much better chance. Natural replacements, Hawthorn for BP. Chronic sufferers Hawthorn with Broom. DO NOT STOP your prescribed medication without consulting a fully qualified Natural Health practitioner

Three main points have to be followed for 6 months - without a break. No Smoking ( including the inhaling of perfumed steam - by any means} No alcohol. This means also cutting down the intake of substances that turn into alcohol. Mainly sugars. Any type that is not under the control of a plant and goes onto to a process system.

Turn to enzyme therapy . Suggestions Serraptase 3 times a day for 6 weeks and 0.1% Food Safe Hyaluronic Acid breathed through an inhaler for 30 seconds - 1 hour after a meal (any will do) for 14 days. If coughing occurs, have a small flask of mullein flowers and 1 stick of licqorice made up. Gargle a mouthful - then swallow. REMEMBER - the feeling that you can't breathe is certainly a sign of too much carbon dioxide in your body. DON'T panic. Carry out the breathing exercises

Elizabeth Fully Qualified Natural Medicine Practitioner

Replied by Dr Howard

John Ellis Water. See their site. All waters hydrogen bond angle is only 104/5. It must be 114! All water contains deuterium a chemical that has anti immune factors. Deuterium free water very expensive and has a low hydrogen bond angle of 104. I get mine from eBay sellers. One oz. of straight Ellis Water makes one gallon.You May drink the water straight. Use pure spring water. You can purchase a machine 2,800$! Should use a filter before it goes into machine! That's how bad tap water is! Can clog the machine. This is for all conditions all posters. Lord bless.. Our bodies are 87% water!


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Posted by Larry (Uk) on 10/01/2016

Hi.This is my story and its for all of you to read. I was on holiday in Morroca xmass 2014 and some people in the hotel had severe colds. Well within hours I started to feel unwell and after a few days was contemplating air ambulance home. However managed the plane journey ok and when I got back home went straight to the doctor he's a wonderful man. he sounded my chest and thought there was crackling sounds and considered congestive heart disease. Had an xray and he sent me to a cardiologist, who thought my heart was fine right place and not enlarged. He refered me to a lung specialist and suggested a ct scan prior to seeing the lung specialist. He said he was concerned about the crackling and the white colour on the bottom of the lungs.

Had the scan on the 12th Jan 2013 and saw the specialist on the 19th Jan to discuss the results. I saw the pulmonary nurse prior to seeing him and I was registering 44 breaths per minute. I entered the consultant's room and was told he had Bad News and that I was terminaly ill and should go home and put my affairs in order. I lost hearing and left in a daze. The delivery was brutal. I was 66, lived on my own and had never developed friends in my area, I cried all night, not for myself but as to how I was to tell my family.

I am alcoholic and was sober 18 yrs at this point and then I got very angry and shouted out at 5 am that I did not sober up to die of a silly lung disease ( I used another kind of language ) when I calmed down I googled the name of the disease and Naturopathic possible cures. I was directed to a website and thanks to their clinic the sent me the medication from the USA it was six different capsules and had to be taken 3 times a day.The Social/Health system kicked in straight away Hospice care took over all the paperwork for extra income which helps the terminally ill. I had just opened a new 1 man business 3 month prior to diagnosis. I used 1 day at a time to cope with the illness after 2 months I was able to return to work that was march 2014.

Today is 1st October 2016. When I next saw the consultant bless him I asked if he thought I was better but he concurred with 7 other specialists and they said severe honeycombing meant I would not live 12 months. I defy the odds and a day at a time is good for me. I know there is no cure but you can stabilise it and slow it down last function test he said no further deterioration.They don't recognise Naturopathic cures because they are not empirically tested haha. I cannot make any criticism publicly and don't wish to. All I say is take responsibility for your own health and go for quality of life rather time.

One last thing, after he said no further deterioration smart alec her stopped the treatment and became very ill with 4 weeks all the ridges on my nails had dissapeared but they were back without the Naturopathic medication. be guide by your heart and do not refuse medication offered. I tried all of them and they made me feel so ill I could not get out of bed.

About Gout, try honey mixed with apple cider vinegar. I take it with sparkling water this combination is called Malic Acid and it neutralises the uric acid and allows the kidneys to accept it and deliver it to the bladder it disolves the uric acid crystals. Google Sir Ranolph Feinnes and read his article

Replied by Larry
(Devon, Uk)

Hi here is my update it is Feb13th 2018. I was given 10 months to live January, 2015. I think I got my dates mixed up when I made the post.

Well, it has been three years since my diagnosis (my lung doctor is not interested in the slightest) about alternative care. I still get my serasolve and trebonase from Pivotal Health in the USA and I have to be honest without them I would not be here. I saw the lung doctor last month and was told there had been a change in my gas exchange from the lung function test. Oh well.

I am two + years in credit for my life thanks to these supplements I still work have a mobile oxygenater for the days when I don't breath so well. I have a ritual every morning to expectorate the phlegm and if I don't do it I cannot breath well all day. I think the viscose phlegm coats the remaining avioli and coughing and spitting it out seems to uncoat the remaining avioli

Drink plenty of water remember water contains oxygen.

I take another supplement which contains 4 types of algae good luck everyone and remember treat the illness one day at a time


Replied by Pier L.

Can you say what herbs you took? Or can anyone guess? This post was written in 2016. Thanks.

Posted by Timh (KY) on 02/17/2015 2042 posts

First item to address is greatly improving the quality of indoor air. Replace fiberglass filters w/ HEPA or HEPA Type(generic HEPA), and purchase a Negative Ion Air Purifier.

Zinc & Vit-A is critical in protecting & healing lungs. The mineral Silica is also critical in lung healing. My stomach nor Colon couldn't tolerate silica tablets taken orally so I have added Diatomaceous Earth powder to my mineral footbath w/ noticeable improvements in my PF. The flavonoid Quercetin Dehydrate capsules taken orally will help w/ the inflammation. An herbal product named "PainRx" is a potent anti-inflammatory. Fish or Krill Oil softgels is both anti-inflammatory and promote healing throughout the body.

A good broad spectrum otc natural supplement for lung disorders is Solaray's "Lung Caps".

Treat for Mycoplasma Infection

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Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/22/2015 2042 posts

This P.F. condition I have suffered with for decades and eventually found the cause is a Mycoplasma Infection. This is certainly not always the case, but where there is infection and fibrosis, the chances are likely. The immune & repair mechanisms of the lungs are inhibited by the mycoplasma, thus chronic conditions and sometimes fatal.

Here is the E.C. page for more info https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/mycoplasma_fermentans.html

As for effective treatments, Borax is best for whole body, along with Colloidal Silver, Uva Ursi, Oregon Grape + Garlic, among many other herbs like Pau d' Arco, Cat's Claw, etc..

For the lungs specifically I do occasional Magnet Therapy, then Zapping, then nebulize Colloidal Silver with good results, yet have other conditions that will not allow complete healing (working on that).

The synthetic antibiotic Doxycycline has many good reviews in this case, as it both inhibits mycoplasma replication and stimulates lung repair or regeneration.

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