Pulmonary Fibrosis
Natural Remedies

Managing Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Naturally: Best Remedies to Try

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Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Wa ) on 04/05/2016

Editor's Choice

To recover from copd / pulmonary fibrosis / ipf, you must attack the mycoplasma infection driving the disease, reduce inflammation in the lungs and all throughout the body, destroy biofilm accumulations in the lungs and throughout the body. And reverse the fibrosis scar tissue that is forming in the lungs reducing the airways.

Many here have tried hydrogen peroxide for this condition. Hydrogen peroxide is wonderful stuff but it is only a part of the solution and not a total cure.

Ignore the tissue fibrosis and you will not recover.

There is a component in the blood called fibrin. This is the substance which creates a blood clot when you cut yourself. Without fibrin a simple cut could be fatal.

In pulmonary fibrosis, the lung tissue is under constant attack from a mycoplasma infection and the response from the body is to deposit huge amounts of fibrin in the lungs. This fibrin decreases the available air space and you slowly suffocate.

That's it until you find the answer.

The infection can be reduced by drugs like doxycycline, hydrogen peroxide spray mist inhaled, nano silver mist inhaled, dmso plus crushed garlic inhaled, or gallium nitrate used orally at less than 1% strength. In addition other techniques such as eboo, uvbi, blood electrification, gcmaf, and eating lots of coconut oil all support driving a mycoplasma infection down

But this is still not the answer as none of these things address the tissue fibrosis.

To actually recover much needed airspace there is but one way in the universe to do that effectively. Nothing else works to dissolve tissue fibrosis except systemic enzymes. The strongest one called serrapeptase.

Most types of enzymes even digestive enzymes can help control pain and inflammation but it requires serrapeptase to actually clear the lungs up where fibrin deposits are blocking air space. other enzymes wont touch it.

More enzyme use = greater fibrin removal from the lungs. Less enzyme use =you keep the disease.

Biofilm a thick gummy mucus that coats the lungs drastically reduces airspace. Biofilm typically harbors more than 500 species of bacteria mold yeast fungus and virus plus heavy metals and toxins. We can use hydrogen peroxide to eliminate biofilm but enzymes can do a really good job of that plus break down the fibrin that fills the alveoli air sacs. Serrapeptase also interferes with viral and bacterial growth in a manner very similar to that of antibiotics. When people fail to get well it is often because they have a flaw in their treatment program. Not understanding the role of systemic enzymes in pulmonary fibrosis = no cure.

Posted by Ld (Los Angeles) on 01/31/2016

You might try Serrapeptase enzymes for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Try 2 each twice day on an empty stomach. Be patient, may take 4-8 weeks. It helped my 80 yr.old mom, oxygen setting 4-lungs "crackling" 50%lung cap, CT scan diagnosed IPF 2 years.

Google-Silkworm enzyme serrapeptase. Read the Japanese studies. Best!!
