Pulmonary Fibrosis
Natural Remedies

Managing Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Naturally: Best Remedies to Try

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Posted by Larry (Devon, Uk) on 02/13/2018

Hi here is my update it is Feb13th 2018. I was given 10 months to live January, 2015. I think I got my dates mixed up when I made the post.

Well, it has been three years since my diagnosis (my lung doctor is not interested in the slightest) about alternative care. I still get my serasolve and trebonase from Pivotal Health in the USA and I have to be honest without them I would not be here. I saw the lung doctor last month and was told there had been a change in my gas exchange from the lung function test. Oh well.

I am two + years in credit for my life thanks to these supplements I still work have a mobile oxygenater for the days when I don't breath so well. I have a ritual every morning to expectorate the phlegm and if I don't do it I cannot breath well all day. I think the viscose phlegm coats the remaining avioli and coughing and spitting it out seems to uncoat the remaining avioli

Drink plenty of water remember water contains oxygen.

I take another supplement which contains 4 types of algae good luck everyone and remember treat the illness one day at a time


Posted by Larry (Uk) on 10/01/2016

Hi.This is my story and its for all of you to read. I was on holiday in Morroca xmass 2014 and some people in the hotel had severe colds. Well within hours I started to feel unwell and after a few days was contemplating air ambulance home. However managed the plane journey ok and when I got back home went straight to the doctor he's a wonderful man. he sounded my chest and thought there was crackling sounds and considered congestive heart disease. Had an xray and he sent me to a cardiologist, who thought my heart was fine right place and not enlarged. He refered me to a lung specialist and suggested a ct scan prior to seeing the lung specialist. He said he was concerned about the crackling and the white colour on the bottom of the lungs.

Had the scan on the 12th Jan 2013 and saw the specialist on the 19th Jan to discuss the results. I saw the pulmonary nurse prior to seeing him and I was registering 44 breaths per minute. I entered the consultant's room and was told he had Bad News and that I was terminaly ill and should go home and put my affairs in order. I lost hearing and left in a daze. The delivery was brutal. I was 66, lived on my own and had never developed friends in my area, I cried all night, not for myself but as to how I was to tell my family.

I am alcoholic and was sober 18 yrs at this point and then I got very angry and shouted out at 5 am that I did not sober up to die of a silly lung disease ( I used another kind of language ) when I calmed down I googled the name of the disease and Naturopathic possible cures. I was directed to a website and thanks to their clinic the sent me the medication from the USA it was six different capsules and had to be taken 3 times a day.The Social/Health system kicked in straight away Hospice care took over all the paperwork for extra income which helps the terminally ill. I had just opened a new 1 man business 3 month prior to diagnosis. I used 1 day at a time to cope with the illness after 2 months I was able to return to work that was march 2014.

Today is 1st October 2016. When I next saw the consultant bless him I asked if he thought I was better but he concurred with 7 other specialists and they said severe honeycombing meant I would not live 12 months. I defy the odds and a day at a time is good for me. I know there is no cure but you can stabilise it and slow it down last function test he said no further deterioration.They don't recognise Naturopathic cures because they are not empirically tested haha. I cannot make any criticism publicly and don't wish to. All I say is take responsibility for your own health and go for quality of life rather time.

One last thing, after he said no further deterioration smart alec her stopped the treatment and became very ill with 4 weeks all the ridges on my nails had dissapeared but they were back without the Naturopathic medication. be guide by your heart and do not refuse medication offered. I tried all of them and they made me feel so ill I could not get out of bed.

About Gout, try honey mixed with apple cider vinegar. I take it with sparkling water this combination is called Malic Acid and it neutralises the uric acid and allows the kidneys to accept it and deliver it to the bladder it disolves the uric acid crystals. Google Sir Ranolph Feinnes and read his article

Posted by Timh (KY) on 02/17/2015 2042 posts

First item to address is greatly improving the quality of indoor air. Replace fiberglass filters w/ HEPA or HEPA Type(generic HEPA), and purchase a Negative Ion Air Purifier.

Zinc & Vit-A is critical in protecting & healing lungs. The mineral Silica is also critical in lung healing. My stomach nor Colon couldn't tolerate silica tablets taken orally so I have added Diatomaceous Earth powder to my mineral footbath w/ noticeable improvements in my PF. The flavonoid Quercetin Dehydrate capsules taken orally will help w/ the inflammation. An herbal product named "PainRx" is a potent anti-inflammatory. Fish or Krill Oil softgels is both anti-inflammatory and promote healing throughout the body.

A good broad spectrum otc natural supplement for lung disorders is Solaray's "Lung Caps".
