Pulmonary Fibrosis
Natural Remedies

Managing Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Naturally: Best Remedies to Try

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Serrapeptase, Breathing Exercises
Posted by Elizabeth Forbes Bryson (Uk) on 01/14/2017


Over the years I have settled on a programme which has had a positive effect on 92% of those who stay within its guidelines.

I also assume the worse ie it is a slow growing cancer - adjusting the capability of the body to take in at least 75% of oxygen and nitrogen and expelling 90% of carbon dioxide. Research indicates that cancer cells do not flourish in a body with adequate oxygen and discharge of carbon dioxide along with other negative substances, including their rubbish!

Look up Yoga Breathing exercises for Asthmatics. Within 1 week, the breathing pattern improves. It is important that the diaphragm is used to completely empty the lungs and the inhalation is deep enough to take the air to the bottom of the lungs.

Pattern: 3 inhalations - 3 times a day. Start first thing in the morning. Standing up if you can.

Visit your medical adviser. Too often interaction between medication drugs makes the condition worse. Ask for a review. If you are refused change your GP. Ask for an allergy test. Worse ones - statins, blood pressure conrollers and blood thinners. Recently Thyroxin has also come under the radar.

Did you know that during the last 10 years there has been much information released outside the UK showing that the stopping of or reducing of these 3 has not resulted in more deaths AND the patients on them, if they follow the mantras below, have a much better chance. Natural replacements, Hawthorn for BP. Chronic sufferers Hawthorn with Broom. DO NOT STOP your prescribed medication without consulting a fully qualified Natural Health practitioner

Three main points have to be followed for 6 months - without a break. No Smoking ( including the inhaling of perfumed steam - by any means} No alcohol. This means also cutting down the intake of substances that turn into alcohol. Mainly sugars. Any type that is not under the control of a plant and goes onto to a process system.

Turn to enzyme therapy . Suggestions Serraptase 3 times a day for 6 weeks and 0.1% Food Safe Hyaluronic Acid breathed through an inhaler for 30 seconds - 1 hour after a meal (any will do) for 14 days. If coughing occurs, have a small flask of mullein flowers and 1 stick of licqorice made up. Gargle a mouthful - then swallow. REMEMBER - the feeling that you can't breathe is certainly a sign of too much carbon dioxide in your body. DON'T panic. Carry out the breathing exercises

Elizabeth Fully Qualified Natural Medicine Practitioner
