Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Parasite Treatment and Prevention

General Feedback
Posted by Lily (Corpus Christi, Tx) on 10/16/2011

I see them coming out when I lie down and when I'm on the pc I see them out of the corner of my eye. Again the drs say I don't see anything that's because parasites hide when u try to see them. I'm using bentonite clay food grade internally and green bentonite externally. I have been suffering 4 yrs now and I do hope this works. One tbls with water or lemonade koolaid with lemon juice added to it and sugar. I know the sugar is bad but it's what I like. It crawls down my body at night and it was terrifyiing at first but now I'm used to it , if u can be this is horrible to live with it consumes all my thoughts and time- it's like being in prison for 4 yrs. I've given up on so called Drs!

Parasite Testing
Posted by Claudette (Exeter, Missouri, Usa) on 10/12/2011

There are about 4 parasite testing labs that I know of that will definitely be definative. Here is one I have used recently, located in Arizona:

Parasitology Center Inc. 1-480-767-2522

It is a good place to get started. God bless.

Papaya Seeds
Posted by Jenny From Sydney (Sydney, Australia) on 10/08/2011

Hi Lotusborn (or anyone else that might know) did you use the Papaya seeds straight from a fresh papaya? I have been using fresh garlic before going to bed and have seen the "white rice" in my bm that others talk about so would be keen to try your remedy. Thanks! PS I only found this site a couple of weeks ago but love it and thank everyone for their contributions. I already feel better than I have in the last 15 years!

Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Andreea (Grimsby, On, Canada) on 10/05/2011

Hello Sheila. Thanks again for the reply, but it doesn't work. Do you have a link? Typing exactly as you have specified, I only get references to a book, but not a website with such a name.

Parasite Testing
Posted by Bioman (Hull, Mass) on 10/04/2011

Try labs Phoenix Arizona. Cutting edge testing for biofilm and associated pathogens.

Wormwood, Black Walnut, Cloves
Posted by Carie (Hudson, Oh) on 10/03/2011

You are NOT crazy!! I also had parasites and took medication from my doctor. The second night after taking it, I felt worms crawling in my head. I woke up the next day and had about ten scabs on my head from the worms trying to get out. When worms are threatened, they will move around. I than took a parasite cleanse from my health food store. It was a three month cleanse. Eggs hatch after thirty days so you may have been reinfested. I had some bizarre things come out including something that looked like a little octopus. My husband did not believe me until a week later when the same thing came out of him (he was also doing the cleanse)! Which also leads me to say that if you have parasites your partner most likely does and you could be passing them back and forth. I had started taking coconut oil and began to notice what looked like rice in my stool. I thought it was undigested food but it was parasites. So, I still take coconut oil and will do a parasite cleanse yearly. Good luck to you!

Wormwood, Black Walnut, Cloves
Posted by Loam12 (Memphis, Tennessee) on 10/02/2011

Am so glad I found this site. I am from East Africa, I have lived in the United States for most of my life. And about 6 years ago I felt like I had pinworms and took medication for pin worms. After taking it I felt big worms crawling up my neck. It did not come out I still feel it move around. I also felt worms crawl up my back and neck in to my head. I know this sounds crazy but this is what I felt. I have gone to different docters and they think am crazy. The medication they gave me Albendezol just made the problem worse by making the worms move more to different parts of my body. I feel alone because I can't find one doctor that can help. I want to take the albendezol again but I have heard of cases where the worm can crawl out of ears and even eyes and I don't know if I want to take that risk please help.

If anyone knows any good doctors. After 6 years of this I have become a very depressed person. I also forgot to write that I feel my muscles twiching and I feel tired all the time, my eyesight has gotten so bad, I have bad allergies to so many things.

Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Sheila (Brasilia, Brazil) on 09/25/2011

Type in: The Healing Power Of Rainforest Herbs (By Leslie Taylor ) Scroll down the first page, click on plants, then conditions. You will get a list A-Z. Click on a condition and up will come a list of herbs. Click on a herb and detailed information will appear.

Good Luck

Sheila, Brazil

Oregano Oil
Posted by Brrr1106 (Grand Forks, Nd) on 09/02/2011

If oregano oil is to be used for parasites, make sure it is oil of WILD oregano. There is a big difference. The oregano used for cooking does not contain a phenol called Carvacrol which is antiseptic, antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antivenom and antiparasitic. Do some research on Wild Oil of Oregano to find out more about it and to choose a good quality product. I use a drop or two in the oil when I oil-pull. A drop or two under the tongue when I feel a cold coming on or have more congestion than normal has been beneficial to me. Just make sure you get the WILD OIL OF OREGANO and not a derivative from the ordinary oregano.

Parasite Testing
Posted by Anonynous (Milwaukee, Wi, Usa) on 08/31/2011

A Parasitologist or any Internist... either could do these tests, BUT there is no test that is very accurate... It's usually only 25% accurate!

Posted by Anonymous (Milwaukee, Wi, Usa) on 08/31/2011

Diluted bleach and h20 works great. Soak for 1 minute then rinse well.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Anonymous (Waukesha, Wi) on 08/31/2011

You can mix it with toothpaste/mouthwash...just a drop! Just tastes like the spice oregano but, a little bit stronger!

Papaya Seeds
Posted by Lotusborn (Pahoa, Hi, Usa) on 08/27/2011

Papaya Seeds for parasites. I have had long standing problems with parasites, some of them pinworms, others never identified but caused a terrible rash around butt and vagina and of course sleepless nights.

A simple and inexpensive cure: I blended 1 cup of papaya seeds with 2 small bananas (it just have to be edible as the seeds are like pepper) and ate the whole thing. I lay there and could feel how it became quiet in there. This might be too strong for some but I was desperate. So, one might want to start with a lower dose as recommended but that is not how I personally operate.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Palma (Navarre, Florida, Usa) on 08/11/2011

To ALL who have problems, and posted here for help.

I have purchased FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH for internal parasites (husband, myself, and two cats). And we also use it to "dust our carpets, beds, and even plants. It works by dehydrating the parasites, and works on most all types, including tapeworm. Besides killing parasites, it has good health benefits for humans & pets, and is safe for children. For adults: At bedtime take one heaping Teaspoon in 8oz warm water, then follow with another half glass water. For children and also for small pets dosage is 1/2 teaspoon in 8oz warm water followed by additional half glass of water. I would do this for 30-45 days. Tapeworms will often come out in pieces. Can sprinkle directly on pet's food and mix it up if they won't drink the water. The website I purchased from also sells a duster container which the DE can be poured into to easily dust beds (also kills bed bugs) and carpets. Dust lightly on carpets, as it can clog vacum if sprinkled too heavilyI would suggest a GOOD QUALITY intestinal/colon cleanse after 45 days, though not necessary. We purchased Dr Natura colon cleanse. A bit expensive, but very good.

As for the Diametrous Earth, we bought from Wolf Creek Ranch website. They also give detailed information on dosage and other uses. It has stopped my itching in areas of my body. Avoid getting it in eyes. Can also be lightly sprinkled on pets fur to kill fleas etc. I offer the two brand names as I know their quality, but there are other good ones out there, I am certain. DE MUST BE PURE FOOD GRADE.

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/29/2011

My brother had a tape worm when he was a child. Although I was very small I remember my mother giving him coconut milk and the very long worm coming out. She stretched it in the bath tub and it covered the whole length.

Posted by Kristi (Nanaimo, Bc) on 06/27/2011

Flagyl's other name is Metrondiazole. The chemical compound is not the same as flouride. Many drugs have multiple names, however you can't read into all of their names and assume that just because the beginning of the name is similar to an element that that is what it contain.

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 06/27/2011

hi mary x yes it works! My friend did it and the worm came out gross! And my frinds little boy did the bucket of water job and it looked like a load of pasta in the bucket yuck! Also a nun told me she had seen tape worm expelled like this many times. I don't know why, but it has to be pork and it was a common practice at one time as a lot of older people I spoke to knew about it too. And my friends mum had it done when she was younger. Hope this is helpful to you. And if the worms dead it'll pass in your feaces any way. If I come across any more worm exspusion remedies I'll post them. Love andrea x x x

Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan) on 06/26/2011

Hey Andrea: Do you know anyone who has tried this. Have u seen it work? Very interested.


Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 06/25/2011



Tapeworm Remedies
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 06/25/2011


Parasite Testing
Posted by Ricardo (Portland, Oregon.) on 06/23/2011

Not sure where one can go for parasite testing, however, I don know through my own experience that if you use grapefruit seed extract oil in water, it will kill parasites in your system. I have use this when traveling aboard to 3rd world countries and have had much success. One can buy this product at any health food store. Good luck

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nadell (Mountains, Ca) on 06/22/2011

My kids started drinking ACV diluted by age 2. I even put a few drop in my pets water and their fur is amazing now. I mix ACV with hot water and honey for the kids.

Parasite Testing
Posted by Mysterymommy (Oakville, Ontario, Canada) on 06/22/2011

Did you ever find a lab that does this? I would also like to know.

Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Andreea (Grimsby, On, Canada) on 06/20/2011

I'm sorry, but I can't find this website. I can find references to a book, but not a website, so I'm not sure where I can look for the quinine suggestion.

Help.. :)


Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Sheila (Brasilia, Brazil) on 06/18/2011

Check out, The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs, website. What about quinine.

Good Luck and God Bless, Sheila

Toxoplasmosis Gondii
Posted by Andreea (Grimsby, On, Canada) on 06/17/2011


I have been told that I am infected with Toxoplasma gondii, which is a microscopical parasite. I have also been told that there is no cure for this. This parasite causes me much grief at times, when it flares up and I am convinced my digestive problems are related to it. I would also like to have another child, but being pregnant and having toxoplasmosis is not a good combination, as a toxoplasma activation during pregnancy can lead to pregnancy loss and severe fetal abnormalities. I was lucky once, during my first pregnancy, but I would prefer not to risk it again.

So, any suggestions on this? Thank you so much! Everyone here is simply wonderful!


Vitamin C for Rat Lungworm Disease
Posted by Leila (Hilo, Hi) on 05/13/2011

Sorry, forgot to mention that I also take as high a dose of vitamin C orally as I can to keep away meningitis symptoms. Keeping cold also helps as well as absolutely avoiding sugar, bread, white flour, white rice, and chocolate or coffee. Basically anything inflammatory. I've found vitamin c encased in fatty acids that you absorb in your mouth as opposed to digestive tract is much easier for me. Regular citric acid and other powders give me diarhea no matter what the dosage. Ideally you need 6-10 grams at least a day. I hope to this helps fellow sufferers of this horrific parasite! <3

Vitamin C for Rat Lungworm Disease
Posted by Leila (Hilo, Hi) on 05/13/2011

Vitamin C for Rat Lungworm Disease

There's not ailment category for this disease yet, but please create one.

Many suffer from this horrible parasite that eats your brain and spine in Hawaii and other tropical areas. 40-60 Grams of vitamin C every 3 days is slowly curing me. Some are cured after one treatment, others need it for a year. Holistic doctors usually offer it, sometimes even your doctor will do it if you ask.

Posted by Ashflea (Brisbane, Qld/australia) on 05/08/2011

Please help!

Our family gets threadworms often. We use tablets from the chemist (mebendazole) This helps but they come back even when we take again after around three weeks due to the cycle of worms. We go through this maybe 3 or 4 times a year. Is there something in our diet contributing to this. Is there another way to treat it. We have six children ranging from 12 years to 8 months. I don't think the baby has them but don't really know. The next youngest is 3. I need the simplest way of dealing with this due to getting all the children treated. I am also breast feeding the baby.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Spirit Bear (Minto, N.b Canada) on 05/02/2011

I have had similiar results to diatomaceous earth with bentonite clay if anyone is unable to find it. The bentonite clay gives stomach relief not long after using it, but as was pointed out this only causes the parasites to move to other organs and they must be attacked relentlessly by using such things as green tea, garlic, cayenne, cloves, black walnut, nutrient rich food (especially greens), and anything else that has anti-parasitic properties... Apple cider vinegar and baking soda can help with detoxification, as well as vitamin c and magnesium. If candida is suspected to be present (oftentimes is) the mineral boron (borax) can be taken periodically. heavy metals are often present as well (causing low immune response to such critters), in which case citric acid (found in lemons/limes), soy lecithin, oil pulling, and cilantro work well.

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/24/2011

ACV (diluted in water) is great for cleaning vegetables, and if you get nauseous from something you ate could stave off any sickness.

Posted by Ti (Houston, Tx) on 04/23/2011

I will be visiting rural parts of India for sometime and am wondering what is the best way to clean vegetables and fruits, considering their source of water may not be the cleanest.

Anyone tried cleaning with Grape seed extract or similar products that may help keep the bugs out of my system? Many thanks!

Posted by Florie (San Francisco, California) on 04/23/2011

Flagyl is very very very bad stuff and should be avoided.

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 01/30/2011

Hi Magda,

I'm happy for you that you got rid of this nasty protozoa with olive leaf extract. Could you tell me for how long you took and how? Also what was the strengh of the extract?

Best regards,

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Magda (Cape Town, South Africa) on 01/30/2011

I had Giardia Lamblia for 3 years!! Was on Flagyl a few times, which did NOTHING! Somebody told me about olive leaf extract and after 1 little bottle I got rid of it. It is amazing.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dd (Austin, Texas, Usa) on 01/09/2011

My system was wrecked (nasty rashes, severe joint pain, brain fog, etc. ) by a couple of parasites (tapeworms and blastocysts hominis). I tried all the tinctures (wormwood, black walnut, etc. ) and noticed very slight improvement. The parasites will develop an imunity to any of the tinctures if taken longer than 4 days. High doses of vitamin C (6-9 grams/day or as much as your system can stand without getting the runs) worked well.

The best weapon I found was food grade hydrogen peroxide (see H2O2 cures for the treatment) taken orally. Worked my way up to 30 drops 3 times a day. This, along with starving the little boogers (no grains, sugar, corn, etc) has me back bordering on optimal health. I continue to watch what I eat and use the H2O2 for maintenance. Best of luck.?You can defeat the little suckers!

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Indianapolis (Indianapolis, In) on 11/29/2010

I tried diatomaceous earth for parasites and it made my feet swell.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Shawn (San Jose, Ca) on 11/29/2010

Hi Tommy, a little known pest miracle is food grade Diatomaceous Earth you can buy it online, it's a natural supplement. My father has delt with parasites for years and has tried every remedy in the book and then some!! We are so excited for him, he started taking DE about 2 weeks ago and this is the first time he has had relief! DE flour is also excellent for your hair, skin, nails, bones, energy level, etc. It couldn't hurt, not to mention, it's cheap!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mom Mil (Faribault, Mn Usa) on 11/27/2010

I started using Apple Cider Vinegar just yesterday because I had read on how it would help me get rid on fungal infections and little did I realize that it would attack the parasites, I just found out that truly this kills the parasites, next day bowel movement proved this, I apologize I dont mean to be offensive to anyone but really wanted to share this. I have been applying it on my head for dandruff and took some and the rash on my head is getting better second day, and the above already mentioned by drinking it.. I would like to know if my 8 yr old daughter and 2 yr old can take some diluted in water, I want to start helping my kids at a young age with parasites. Please advise. Mom In MN

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, Usa) on 11/23/2010

I bought my DE at a pets health food store. You may want to try that.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Robin (Huntington, Ny, Usa) on 11/21/2010

Do a search on the internet-it is the only way I could find it. Buy a giant bag, because it stays and it is a fortune for shipping. We got it from a vendor through There are vendors that sell through and Amazon guarantees the authenticity (I think). Anyway, be sure to get FOOD GRADE-it is not the stuff at the pool store. Oh, and people say to put it on floors then vacuum it up in a few days. I had some nightmare trying to get it off of my floors! It broke our vacuum-don't bother. I have been taking it for the parasite problem (mystery) 3x a day in water w/crystal light and I feel much better. My problem, however, is nowhere near done. I am going to try a raw coconut cleanse and using coconut oil (not hydrogenated??) Make sure it is pure and unprocessed. Let me know how you do. Good Luck.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 11/15/2010

Hi Vasilisa,
It's my pleasure if I can help you. That what earth clinic is here for. I mentioned to you that one week or 10 days treatment won't work. You are dealing with a protozoa that has cyst resistant to the anti parasite. You have to continue the treatment for at least 4 weeks. Milk is not good. It feeds the parasite but I never know about tar with milk. You have also to take more than one anti parasite. When you take one at once, you give it a chance to become resistant and we don't want to get to that situation. I think that you might have more than one parasite. If you can afford a comprehensive DNA stool test from Methamerix that will be the best for you. Blastocystis hominis is the worst parasite and it modulates the immune system to the point that we start having no B cells producing the IgA.

In the mean time, try Vidanga ( Ayurvedic herb) and Bai Tou Weng Tang ( Pulsatilla Decoction)from a Chinese herbalist. Also try sweet annie tea with that. For your energy you need to take Caprylic acid. This acid taken by the athletic because it delivers more energy than glucose and it kills the parasites and fungus also. Avoid grains. In your other post you mentioned that grains can be taking but that is not good. Grains are rich in Starch which is a polymer of glucose and more glucose means more colonies of the protozoa. You can also take colloidal silver. For the best results, you have to take these herbs together( Vidanga, Sweet annie, Bai Tou Weng Tang). Don't take capsules. You have to make a tea or a decoction of these herbs. If nothing works than use the treatment I described before for AT LEAST 4 WEEKS. Could you tell me the treatments you took before? and for how long? Did you take Bactrim?

PS: Don't take hydrogen peroxide because Giardia has catalase and it resists it more than human cells.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Vasilisa (New York, Ny) on 11/15/2010

Hi! Did you suffer from Giardiasis? I curse that day when we moved to FL. As russian doctors explained to me I have to avoid tea. I drink tea - a mixture of herbs to stimulate my gallbladder. I even tried a russian remedy for giardiasis "Birch Tar". One russian homeopath doctor recommended to mix 10 drops of tar with milk and drink it twice a day for 10 days, then rest for 10 days and repeat this procedure 3 times. Parasites like milk and when they eat milk they eat TAR also. I've tried it only once. It was so nasty that I stopped. I need to start it again.

Since I've got Giardiasis in the USA, I think I have to try american remedies because russian ones don't work. I've taken Ornidazole also - no effect. All chemical pills help me for 10 days. When I stop taking them, I get the same symptoms in 10 days. 10 days is their cycle. I've read many forums in my language and doctors say it is not possible to get rid of Giardiasis. I'll die eventually. I have vitamin B and Iron deficiencies. It's terrible. I hardly have energy to go to a grocery shop to buy food. I can't work... Only spirulina saves my life a little bit. I am so angry at american doctors. They could have helped me in the beginning. Only after 1.5 years one american doctor agreed with me and prescribed Flagyl. I doubt that it will help me because I've already taken Metronidazole. A russian doctor told me that Giradiasis demages a human being's body about 90% opening doors to other diseases, viruses etc.

It is just beginning of hell.... After reading some posts on this site I take Organic Coconut oil 3 times a day and I take MSM also. It's been 2 weeks and I don't see any improvements. I am going to buy Golden-seal and Black Walnut hull. If somebody had experience with Giradiasis, please share it with me. I'll appreciate it very much. P. S. Personal THANK YOU to Tommy from North York, On, Canada. I don't give up!

Raw Garlic
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 11/11/2010

Hi again,
From the little research I did about Giardia is that is difficult to treat without a proper diet and the appropriate gun. You mention that a person with Giardia should avoid tea. I think that the green tea is very good against parasites. It has a lot of Tannin which will denature them, as Ted explained in another post. You can try Sweet annie and vidanga ( Ayurveda antiparasite) if the sarcosephalus leaves are not available for you. You can also take caprylic acid which is a very good antiparasite and will give you energy. So you don't crave a lot because caprylic acid can provide energy for you and the bug cannot use it ( It's amazing!! Is it?)

If the above doest work than try a combo of :

Ornidazol, Quinacrine, Paromomcyn for 2 weeks ( doctor think that 4 days is enough but that is far from the truth. You have to continue killing them until there are just few cysts that the immune system can handle them). Or Flagel, Furazolidone, Bacitracin Zinc ( I'm trying to avoid cross resistance as much as possible). If you start feeling better, don't let the temptation of starch overcome you and switch the treatment from defense into attack ( Taking immune booster such AHCC, Iodide, L-arginine and L-glutamine to build the tight junctions in the gut). Good luck.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 11/11/2010

Hi Vasilia,
If you cannot get sarcosephalus leaves, try to find a vet who can give you the vaccine GiardiaVax. The reason why the vaccine against Girdia is available for animals and not for human is because the pharmaceutical industry is not interested in ending the problem once for all. A vaccine against Girdia for human means for them less sales of Flagyl, Nitazoxanide, and other medicines as well. Good luck.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 11/10/2010

Hi Vasilia,
Regarding your Giardiasis, there is an herb that has some activity against it it's called sarcosephalus but I don't know where you can get it. You are supposed to drink the tea from the leaves of this herb. It's also called African peach or guinea peach. Good luck.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Vasilisa (New York, Ny) on 11/10/2010

It makes me laugh that I am a human being (Homo Sapiens) can't do anything with one tiny cell protozoa Giardia. I just wanted to give advice to those who suffer from parasites.

1. Wash your hands ALWAYS!!!

2. Clean your apartment or house with bleach. Do laundry every week and wash the sheets in hot water.

3. Get rid of pets. I love pets but my health is very precious to me.

4. Eat and cook at home.

5. Eat organic food, especially vegetables and fruits, different cereals like brown rice, buckwheat, corn (polenta), barley etc to get essential minerals.

6. Don't eat junkie food from fast food, don't buy frozen food. Parasites like it.

7. Avoid alcohol, sugar, canned food. Don't drink black/green tea, coffee, energy drinks (any stimulators). Avoid milk!!!! If you need calcium, please drink Yogurt without sugar or Kefir.

8. DON'T TAKE MULTIVITAMINS while you are killing them. As a russian doctor said to me that I would feed them and my treatment wouln't be effective.

9. Take probiotics to restore intestine flora.

10. Be persistent with doctors. You have to convince them that you are not just crazy. After 1.5 years of struggling I was able to find an infectionist in NYC and convince her that I had Giardia. She prescribed me Flagyl. It was a little bit late because the parasites had damaged me a lot.

11. Be prepared that it will take a long time to get rid of them because they don't want to leave the host's body with plenty of vitamins and food.

12. Watch the movie "Food incorporation". It will reveal the truth.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Vasilisa (New York, Ny) on 11/10/2010

I've been suffering from Giardiasis for almost 1. 5 years. I got it in Sarasota, Florida when I was swimming in the swimming pool of my husband's parents. Oh My God! I've visited 10 doctors in 4 states (Fl, RI, MA, NY) and they couldn't find anything. I've gone through 2 endoscopies, almost 30 stool samples, blood tests, Ultra sound and CAT scan of my abdominal area. I am Russian and I had to fly to my mother country to get help from Russian doctors. Sorry for that but American doctors are money diggers. In Russia my blood was tested and antibodies showed that I had Giardia. I had terrible symptoms:red spots (allergic reactions) on my face, brown pigment spots, painful gallbladder, pain under my belly button, irritated bowel syndrome, yeast, hair loss, fragile nails, numb tongue (Iron deficiency), cracked lips (vitamin B deficiency), malabsorption, bloating, chronicle fatigue, depression, aggressiveness etc. The doctor-infectionist prescribed many different antibiotics (Metronidazole, Albendazole, Tinidazole, Nifuroxazide ) along with herbs to stimulate my gallbladder, pancreas and clean my liver. They helped for a while but they killed all my intestinal flora. Now I drink tea with Birch leaves (russian remedy for parasites) 3 times a day, eat only organic food, take 1 tbs of Flax seed oil a day, drink aloe Vera juice, eat raw garlic 3 cloves a day, mix Spirulina with organic goat yogurt, eat Coconut oil 3 times a day, take probiotics, get shots of Vitamin B complex and Vitamin B12 once a week, eat beef because I have anemia. I don't eat sugar, bread, canned food. Did garlic help me? Nooooo. Am I cured? Not yet:-((( I am struggling for my health cursing Florida and my husband's parents who mocked me everyday because I didn't swim in their swimming pool. Then I decided to shut them up and you know the result. C-- Pharmacy in the USA sells only crap. I bought Selenium there. God, it was mixed with yeast. I have to be very careful what I buy in the USA. It takes time for me to find clean organic products without starch, GMO, yeast, gluten, sugar. It drives my husband crazy but I want to L-I-V-E and be healthy again. After reading some posts I am going to buy MSM. Thank you.

Parasite Testing
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 09/16/2010

Hello, I'm looking for good labs that do very accurate parasite stool testing. The tests offered here in Toronto are microscope test which are not accurate to distinguish between some protozoa spp. So I need DNA test or antigen test. Thank you very much.

Raw Garlic
Posted by Txex2000 (Sf, Ca) on 09/13/2010

What works for one person may not work for another... I have a very sensitive system and 1 clove of garlic sent my whole body into a major purge. It's definitely working! But to your point, there are many types of parasites and likely several methods are needed to remove them entirely. Thanks to everyone for your valuable input.

Black Walnut, Artemesia, Cloves
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 09/01/2010


Hello everyone, I just tried the advice of somebody here to take the black walnut, artemisia and cloves. This remedy did help me for about a week. However, I feel that the protozoa has developed a resistance because I'm feeling the symptoms back. Is there anything else that works good against protozoa? The problem with my doctor is that he doesn't believe me. He says that this protozoa is non-pathogenic and yet me and my wife are having the same problem from it. God bless you.

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