Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Parasite Treatment and Prevention

| Modified on Jul 26, 2024
Coconut Oil
Posted by Soneeta (Santa Cruz, California) on 04/04/2013

Editor's Choice I grew up on an island in the South Pacific where coconut grows pretty much anywhere so I was used to eating the meat, drinking the water, cooking in the oil, my mom massaged it on our bodies and hair. Since we came to the States in the 70's until few years back we switched to EVOO and Canola for cooking and salad dressings, mostly eating American diet. Both my parents died young, one older sibling died of prostrate cancer, sister is dying of cancer so I began paying attention. My grandparents lived into the 90's and my parents younger siblings are still living in UK, Australia and NZ but the ones who lived here are all dead. Well found out several months ago that I have parasites so got back cooking with coconut oil, drinking milk/juice and massaging my head and body with it etc. At first I had violent reactions even diherrea, some cramping, fever like sysmptoms but now am doing better. Skin feels softer, hair is darker, no more headaches, gut is doing good so far. Scary things have been dropping out of my body. We also used to take Castor oil once a month to cleanse our guts, haven't tried that yet but am going to.

I am learning a lot from this site, Thanks everyone.

Posted by Mark (Las Vegas) on 07/01/2014

Cayenne pepper can not and will not cause stomach cancer. That is total ignorance.

Cayenne kills cancer cells, viruses, heals ulcers and can stop a heart attack in minutes and protect the heart from damage. It's one of the best herbs you can take daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 02/02/2009

Editor's Choice Apple cider vinegar saved my life. One tablespoon drank of apple cider vinegar every day rids human organs of parasites that attach to our organs & eat us alive from the inside out. They secrete toxins that make us ill or cause other illnesses to form. After drinking this consistently, I no longer have severe acid reflux, and indigestion that none of the rx worked for me, I've taken them all. Also i no longer have tightness or pain in my gallbladder, liver, or pancreas. Over the years, i've had tests run on my gallbladder, liver heart, four colonoscopies, and endoscopes and no abnormalities were seen because parasites go in&out of the walls & escape visual detection until it is overgrown. All people get parasites, parasitic worms, bacteria from mosquitos, water, airborne, coffee beans, food, salads, walking bare feet. Parasites do not like any type of vinegar environment, and they run & expel thru bowel movements visibly unseen. This is a simple way to stay healthy, lower healthcare costs. I wish to be posted anonymously.

Black Walnut
Posted by Kasra (Tehran) on 05/16/2017

Editor's Choice Hi,

We found a rescued dog, skinny, we could touch his ribs when we took him home and bathed him, as he ate and drank anything in the streets there were no doubt that he had worms, so by what I read here in earth clinic long time ago, I had made a walnut tincture out of walnut hulls and absolute alcohol ( 99.9 % ) which had been resting for about 1.5 year. Decided to give it a shot, why not, a natural remedy with no side effects, so if it doesn't help it won't harm if I try it on him for a few days so ; we added 1 teaspoon to his food for 3/4 days ( we're still giving it, we're at day 6 now ),

Consequently :

-before walnut tincture he peed with a normal consistency but after, he started having diarrhea for about 3/4 days in a row
-his stool became so loose and many tape worms started emerging out of his bowels, by day 1 all alive and moving, by day 4 I found some dead /some moving .
-before walnut tincture, he just took pee once a day but after, he had bowel movements for about 3/4 time a day .
- we found blood in his stool

After 4 days, unbelievably, he peed with a normal consistency, no blood, no tape worms! People are shocked when we tell them the story, we're in shock as well .
thanks earth clinic and everyone posting here.

Posted by Amysuek (Kane, Pa) on 05/14/2013

No, Cayenne does not cause stomach cancer. Please do not post wrong information on conjecture only.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy (buffalo, mn 55313) on 07/28/2005

Editor's Choice After using ACV for just 1 1/2 wks I am passing parasites!!It looks to be a couple of different kinds but LARGE ones!I am taking 1/4 cup 2 to 3 times per day mixed with purified water along with 2 tsps. ground flax seed.The flax seed must be ground and drunk quickly or it will just fall to the bottom as sediment.I haven't been able to find any organic ACV so have just been using store brand but WOW.I have also lost 5 lbs.

Wormwood, Black Walnut, Cloves
Posted by Ilovelife (Tucson, Az) on 11/15/2013

Editor's Choice Regarding parasites, this combination is the one that I KNOW will work for killing all parasites. This is my journey, but if you have an ailment that isn't responding to anything then maybe try this first...

In 1995 I was 27 and living in NYC when one day I had an itchy circular patch on my upper arm.

I ignored it for months (as I didn't have health insurance) until that itchy patch spread...covering my upper left arm and my right leg up to my thigh. It looked like a massive sore. Finally I went to one of the best dermatologists in NYC... and he said, "you have Eczema with a secondary fungal infection. Take "..." for the fungal infection, but your ECZEMA IS INCURABLE. Take these topical steroids. You will have this for the rest of your life!

I took the fungal treatment, but after doing research on the side effects of topical steroids, I decided the side effects were not worth it, especially considering the steroids were really expensive and I would need many tubes of them as my eczema covered a large portion of my body.

I ended up quitting my job because of my discomfort-both legs were so swollen from edema it was hard to put on my shoes, the itching was so unbearable I could not ignore it, my sores weeped and oozed. I was embarassed to be out in public.

So I dedicated 100% of my time to finding a cure.

I read, researched, and tried every "natural" and "herbal" cure I could find...without an income I was exhausting my credit card. I was juicing daily and was on a 100% raw food diet. My credit card went from $0.00 to maxed out in 9 months. Nothing helped.

Then I ended up volunteering at a "natural health colonic clinic" on Sundays, so I could get free colonics. They helped a little, but after the first few the results stopped. Then, after about a month I 'found' a tape of Dr. Hulda Clark speaking about parasites, and wondered if this was my solution.

1 week later, going to a health seminar, I met someone who I spoke to about my issues and they thought I had parasites, and gave me a cloves, walnut hull and wormwood tincture.

I took it and WITHIN 1 WEEK MY SYMPTOMS WERE REDUCED BY ~75%! It was then I did further research and found that PARASITES ARE AN UNRECOGNIZED EPIDEMIC; (salads are the main culprit-Normally your stomach acid protects you (up to a point) from many parasites, but with age, your acid decreases and your barrier of protection diminishes...)

I read that "native" tribes knew of parasites and "de-wormed" themselves every 6 months, that our ancestors put cloves in ham not for the taste, but to drive out the parasites...

I went to a holistic Dr. and he confirmed that I had parasites, and prescribed the same formulation I was taking!


Once you do that for 2 weeks and eliminate the possibility of parasites, then you can move on to filling nutritional deficiencies.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carolyn (Hobbs, Nm Usa) on 09/29/2009

I have a question for you folks that are so much more knowledgeable than I am on natural remedies. I have read a lot about parasites on this web site which I am learning to love. Can parasites live in an alkaline body? It is my understanding that the ACV that I take three times a day makes my body more alkaline. I also take minerals and they make your body more alkaline also. Therefore my question is, can parasites live in an alkaline body? Thanks for taking time to answer this question for me. Carolyn

Posted by Somegirlontheinternet (Sacramento, CA) on 07/24/2014

It has been proven. Dr. Christopher used cayenne for not only stopping heart attacks but stopping hemorrhaging (including those from gunshot wounds). There is science to it. You should check it out.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by A (Pa) on 04/05/2017

I agree that diatomaceous earth (food grade) works the best so far for parasites. I take it in pill form and it works great. If you haven't used a detox before be prepared to feel kinda bad for a few days though. The worse you feel (like cold or fluish) a few days afterwards.. the more it's working. It's the dead organisms polluting your body causing the symptoms. As soon as your body expels them you'll feel great!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mom Mil (Faribault, Mn Usa) on 11/27/2010

I started using Apple Cider Vinegar just yesterday because I had read on how it would help me get rid on fungal infections and little did I realize that it would attack the parasites, I just found out that truly this kills the parasites, next day bowel movement proved this, I apologize I dont mean to be offensive to anyone but really wanted to share this. I have been applying it on my head for dandruff and took some and the rash on my head is getting better second day, and the above already mentioned by drinking it.. I would like to know if my 8 yr old daughter and 2 yr old can take some diluted in water, I want to start helping my kids at a young age with parasites. Please advise. Mom In MN

Black Walnut, Wormwood, Garlic
Posted by Louise H (Utah) on 11/06/2015

The type of black walnut you should be using is made from green walnut hulls. Dr. Hulda Clark in her book, The "Cure For All Cancers", lists black walnut from green walnut hulls, cloves and wormwood. These will get rid of the parasites in the digestive tract, but to get rid of them in other parts of your body, (they travel to other organs) you need to buy a zapper. You can buy them on the internet for about $100. Expensive ones aren't necessary. The instructions are in her book. She even tells you where to buy the right supplements. I buy mine from the Dr. Clark Store in Chula Vista, California, also called Self Health Resource Center. I did her protocol to get rid of eczema which she says is caused from the round worm. They are really huge, 20 or more inches long and about an inch wide. My eczema was gone in 2 weeks, but the worms put up a good fight. My whole body was swollen and red after two weeks and the next day they were gone. I expelled dead parts and clumps of babies as big as my fist. She was a wonderful brilliant scientist. She had a medical clinic in Mexico because our government doesn't let people practice natural cures like they do in other countries. Because her protocol kills all viruses, parasites and bacteria, you should always get good bacteria back into your body, using foods such as pro-biotics and fermented foods like sauerkraut.

Microbe Formula
Posted by Cindy (AZ) on 10/30/2020

Parasites show up when fungal or systemic bacteria or viral infections show up. Fungal (hundreds of types--most common are candida, Lymes, mold) infections---there are hundreds of type. No point in being tested for anything because of the fact that it is fungal means it can go anywhere in the body. No doctor can do a scan that picks up every fungal or parasite throughout the body. I agree with Dr. Oz--birth control, antibiotics, and the food system we eat from make it highly likely that we would have them even if we aren't symptomatic yet. I've researched candida for 25 years, as that's when I figured out what the doctors hadn't even heard of. And no one knew how to treat.

Microbe Formula is the ONLY company I've found that actually cures all the fungals and parasites. (No point in being tested for parasites either. They can and do invade every part of the body and there are thousands of types.

Following their entire protocol (not pick and choose) yields a lot of great results. One thing I learned from them is that candida and Lymes and other things will always come back if there are heavy metals in the body. So if you have anything in your teeth, have that corrected by a biological dentist. And if you are taking any pharmaceuticals, you'll want to work your way off of those, and they are all filled with heavy metals.

In addition to following their protocol (I had NO die-off, and I was infested! I went at a slower pace, and it took 16 months to feel that I was 90-95% cleaned out), I would add

1. Coffee Enemas to release all of the toxins that are being released into your body. And maintenance twice a year. If you see anything coming out, continue your maintenance until it's all clean again.

From all the candida and then parasite research I've done, I believe they are the physical root of most all or possibly all of the chronic illnesses that have plagued our society for several decades now. Besides the best know and most feared (cancer), there are so many others. Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, IC, Ulcerative Cholitis or Chrons. If you can name it, I believe that's the likely physical root. All wheelchair diseases, RA, anxiety, depression, HIV, recurrent infections and so on. Jesus created us, and He knows what is broken. Doctors don't always know. They are indeed "practicing." :)

Hope the info is helpful.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Alicia J (Virginia) on 02/27/2017

I've known about the benefits of ACV and its ability to help you alkalize for a while now. Sadly, I have not been consistent with the regimen.

For the last week, I have been talking ACV, baking soda & diluted with water faithfully 1-2 times a day. (warning graphic detail) Today when having a bowel movement, I proceeded to wipe myself when a 5" parasite ended up on the paper. I was both relieved and disgusted. I always had thoughts that I had a parasite infestation after having "twitches" in my body along with insomnia, severe allergies, liver enzyme issues, constipation and other problems since giving birth to my 6yo daughter. They told me it was anxiety, but I knew better. I was diagnosed with PCOS, and at one time told I had Lyme Disease because of extremely low antibodies. So, to see an actually parasite pass though has me confident that supplementing ACV is a winner. I also noticed that I crave water more when taking the protocol, so that is an added benefit. Thankful for this site and Ted's formulas.

Papaya Leaf
Posted by Cath (Sydney) on 03/16/2018

Editor's Choice Hi there, I have had numerous parasites including blasto. Papaya leaf capsules kill parasites for me every time. I take one 3 times a day with meals. The length of treatment depends on the bug but I would do 7 weeks to be sure as you have to kill all the eggs even after the parasites are dead. Good luck, you will feel so much better after! I used antibiotics once for parasites and never again because the papaya leaf works so well and is good for your gut.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Palma (Navarre, Florida, Usa) on 08/11/2011

To ALL who have problems, and posted here for help.

I have purchased FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH for internal parasites (husband, myself, and two cats). And we also use it to "dust our carpets, beds, and even plants. It works by dehydrating the parasites, and works on most all types, including tapeworm. Besides killing parasites, it has good health benefits for humans & pets, and is safe for children. For adults: At bedtime take one heaping Teaspoon in 8oz warm water, then follow with another half glass water. For children and also for small pets dosage is 1/2 teaspoon in 8oz warm water followed by additional half glass of water. I would do this for 30-45 days. Tapeworms will often come out in pieces. Can sprinkle directly on pet's food and mix it up if they won't drink the water. The website I purchased from also sells a duster container which the DE can be poured into to easily dust beds (also kills bed bugs) and carpets. Dust lightly on carpets, as it can clog vacum if sprinkled too heavilyI would suggest a GOOD QUALITY intestinal/colon cleanse after 45 days, though not necessary. We purchased Dr Natura colon cleanse. A bit expensive, but very good.

As for the Diametrous Earth, we bought from Wolf Creek Ranch website. They also give detailed information on dosage and other uses. It has stopped my itching in areas of my body. Avoid getting it in eyes. Can also be lightly sprinkled on pets fur to kill fleas etc. I offer the two brand names as I know their quality, but there are other good ones out there, I am certain. DE MUST BE PURE FOOD GRADE.

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water
Posted by KT (Usa) on 03/11/2015

Dear Evelyn, I was going to give you what my nutrition almanac recommends for destroying parasites but I feel it is important that you first know what it says about your nutritional needs: "When a person is afflicted with parasites, the body's supply of all nutrients is depleted to the point that supplementation is necessary to restore normal health. Nutrients of special importance are vitamin A; the B complex, especially thiamin. riboflavin, B 6, B 12, and pantothenic acid; vitamins C, D, and K; and calcium, iron, and protein. Acidophilus is especially helpful for amebic dysentery and possibly for all intestinal infestations. Sufficient stomach acid destroys parasites contained in food."

I take Blackstrap Molasses to get my B vitamins and minerals. I eat apricots, carrots, spinach and broccoli to get my A, C, and K. I try to get my D from the sun but sometimes use a supplement...I have to bite the capsule, ingest the contents and spit the capsule out.

I would ask your MD about using garlic and turmeric as your blood thinners instead of whatever he has you on because these will kill parasites as well. Although most physicians don't get this in their training. I didn't ask mine, I just changed the way I eat. I am not suggesting you do this...I'm just advising what I did.

Ginger is also a blood thinner, kills salmonella and staph infections. I am in my late sixties and have been using food and these herbs to treat myself and have had to see my PCP less. Ground cloves and oregano are also listed as herbs that destroy parasites. Apple Cider Vinegar may also help you make your body uninhabitable for those critters because our food is being engineered to last longer. I use yellow onions, not the sweet ones, in just about everything. I've only reduced my meat, milk and egg consumption because we need some animal protein. Those animals are being fed genetically modified grasses and grains.

I have given you this information because you asked for help. The medical profession is not keeping up with what is happening to our food supply, including medications, vitamins and supplements. I hope this gives you some ideas of how you could change your diet and trust it helps. ~Kt~

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Mhunt13104 (Carrollton, Tx ) on 08/26/2010

I use food grade diatomaceous earth to deworm all of my farm animals. It does a great job and yes you can see dead worms in the stool. The worms do not evacuate to other parts of the body, that information is false. The worms are killed on contact with the diatomaceous earth.

Posted by Tony (Taunton, Uk) on 12/30/2015

Re your daft comments that Cayenne causes stomach cancer. Please get your facts straight before posting any further daft comments on here.

Parasite Symptoms
Posted by Darlene (Parkland, FL) on 04/20/2021

Filariasis/ Schitosmias:

See if your symptoms match.

1- did you start with just feeling exhausted all the time?
2- heavy feeling in chest but no cold?

3- panic attack feeling like heart racing

4- rashes started to appear

5- started to feel things on you like no seeums or fleas?
6- progresses into crawling?

7- loss of appetite or uncontrollable carb craving?

8- intermittent constipation / diarrhea?

9- insomnia

10- single line lesions? Looks like a scratch

11- bladder, urinary or kidney, genital issues

12- every test is negative?

13- any nodules?

14- you can feel where they are and collect them?
15- they prefer hair follicles- anywhere on the body?

16- you sometimes get a jabbing pain?

17- you get brown marks where you know they are. (hyperpigmentation)

18 you also get red dots

19-all kinds of things come out of your skin and they all look different? Black, white, Sand like?

If you said yes to most of these, investigate 2 parasites. Filariasis and Schitosmias.
Then the different species. Some go intestinal, some bladder and some cutaneous (skin)

both have zootonic species.

In dogs, it's called H Americana.

look up life cycle of Schitosmias and symptoms

life cycle of filariasis and symptoms.

think back - way back - to any places you traveled when looking at the region of each species. Did you swim in a lake? Eat local food abroad? Are you all of sudden remembering a bout of food poisoning?

these things can lay dormant for years.

Step 1 - get the best parasite cleanse you can afford!

look for my other post on Earth Clinic's morgellons page - morgellons =parasite for more details.

best of luck to everyone for a diagnosis and speedy recovery!


Wormwood, Black Walnut, Cloves
Posted by Ramona (Euless, Tx) on 06/08/2010

I had high blood pressure and what I thought was bacterial vaginosis. Well it turned out I had a really bad parasite infestation. I started a parasite cleanse all the symptoms disappear. I never thought I had parasites but guess what? 90% of the population has parasites. According to Dr Hulda Clark most diseases are caused by parasites and pollutants. I'm pretty convinced is true. I had many symptoms that I got rid off by using a tincture of wormwood, black walnut, and cloves. Take 15-20 drops in water on an empty stomach 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Then rest one week. Repeat 4 times. After the second cleanse you will start passing liver flukes. These three herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites! Those 3 herbs have been traditionally used by American Natives as an herbal remedy against human parasitic animals, parasitic bacteria, parasitic viruses, fungi and Candida My mom had very bad allergies and was treated by an allergist with little success. After only one week on the parasite cleanse her allergies are gone. My sister was considering hormone replacement treatment. After the parasite cleanse she is back to normal. If you have a bad parasite infestation your body will lack vitamin B. Only a healthy intestinal track can manufacture B-complex. Several diseases may result from the lack of sufficient B-vitamins: Depression, Mental lethargy, Irritability, Poor memory, Dementia, Psychosis- paranoia, Insomnia, Anemia, Graying hair, premature births, increased risk of certain birth defects, Anorexia (appetite loss), high blood pressure and others. We should do a parasite cleanse twice a year.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deb (Battle Creek) on 05/08/2016 12 posts

My Great Aunts and Grandmother took ACV 2 tablespoons in the morning, one lived until 94 years old and the other 106- no dementia and they got around fine. Enough said.
