Natural Remedies

Holistic Chronic Pain Management: Natural Therapies and Supplements

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gramma (Raymond, Alberta, Canada) on 09/13/2009

My husband and I use coconut oil as a rub for aches and pains. Hubby had his right shoulder replaced 10 years ago and coconut oil keeps him pain free. I need back surgery but am too old so I use coconut oil to relieve pain. We also use it to rub arthritic knees, hips, elbows and hands. We were in Majuro for 18 months five years ago and were introduced to coconut oil by the natives when I stepped onto a red ant pile and was severely bitten all over my legs. Instant relief from coconut oil. We don't measure, we just scoop out a little and rub it on. It has to be 100% pure coconut oil to work.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beezer (Nassau, NY) on 07/27/2009

I have used ACV for 4 days now, 3 x daily as I read on your site. I do not see any difference in my hip or body pain so far. Is it too early or should I try something else. The pain keeps me up at night alot, and I have trouble walking. Help

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Borax
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/13/2009 495 posts

Hello Magda,

Sorry you are having so much trouble for so long, but you are not the first person I have read about who developed Epstein Bar Virus following a flu shot. Consider yourself lucky that you aren't paralyzed.

With that said, beware of getting unnecessary vaccinations in the future, especially when the unwanted side effects can be worse than the mild disease it could cause! Epstein Bar is a virus and for any virus, I would be trying (for adults-reduce for children) 2 grams of L-lysine and l gram of vitamin C every 4 hours until all symtptoms are gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Borax
Posted by Magda (Secunda, South Africa) on 07/13/2009 4 posts

2 Years ago I went for a flu shot. The day after that I was in severe pain, (I could not walk) but only in the right side of my body. My muscles are in constant spasm from my neck, shoulder, upper arm, ribs, back muscle, my hip, buttock, knee and lower leg. No pain medication seems to work. Some days it feels if there is bubbles under my skin and also sharp pains in head and shoulder. I also suffer from severe IBS and insomnia.

The docters here diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and I am tested positive for the Epstein barr virus.

No medications seems to work. I came across earth clinic's site and started with the apple cider, baking soda and borax mixture and although it is only 4 day now, the pain is a bit better.The only side effect that I noticed is puffy eyes.

Otherwise I am in good health.

I would like to find out if there is anything that you can recommend.

Baking Soda
Posted by LorenP (Henderson, Nevada USA) on 06/14/2009

For constipation and relief of muscle and knee pain, I take half a teaspoon of baking soda when I get up in the night to void. It produces results soon after getting up for the day, muscle pains are much less and after doing this for several days my knee pain is gone. There is no happiness like an empty rectum. I'm 82.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Khalid Mahmood (Singapore) on 06/14/2009

I have severe knee and ankle pain, took first dose last night and in the morning seem 70% pain is disappeared and it also help me remove dizziness and headache.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Guy (Rapid City, Sd, USA) on 04/14/2009

This may be a shot in the dark but I thought i'd ask, could your home be moldy? I noticed when i went to my brothers home in baltimore which is humid and moldy i felt terrible even on the acv but when i returned home to South Dakota which is dry i felt better. Just thought i'd mention this, hope it helps....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Margaret Taylor (Stockport, England) on 02/23/2009

hello just like to say i have been taking acv for five days now and feel great, no aches & pains at all, i have a bad hip, just wanted to know if it would cure sore throats as my son suffers a lot from them, he gets them a lot, he gets so fed up with them,.... i have started taking acv in 8 ozs of water & honey, i find i am sleeping better too

Posted by Max Nass (NYC, NY) on 02/07/2009

What brand of soap? Thanks for your comment.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Max Nass (NYC, NY) on 02/07/2009

I have been taking sesame oil for pain for at least 2 months and I have had no results. I take it in the morning. Should I take it at night before going to sleep? I take it in the morning before I eat or drink. It would be difficult to space it out more than 2 hours before going to bed. Please advise. Thank you.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, CA) on 01/28/2009

Hi I just wanted to say that I have experienced a lot of physical pain, especially hip pain. Am always trying to find relief. MSM is amazing but I have tried ACV to some success. I started working with H2O2 about five days ago and am finding amazing relief. According to my Chinese medicine/ acupuncturist, all my pain is due to phlegm and dampness. The H2O2 is pulling so much out it's crazy. As a result, I feel amazing relief. Give it a try. Go to the H2O2 pages and read about it. I drink it according to the plan layed out in that section but, also gargle with it. I only use the 3% from the store.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Judy (Hubert, North Carolina) on 01/15/2009

As everyone should be I was very skeptical when I read of all the cures acheived with ACV. I started out looking for relief for my partners enlarged prostate. When I kept looking at all the things ACV could do, I said what the heck and tryed it along with him. Well let me just say that I feel like a brand new woman! I have had sever back pain and degenerative disease since I was 11 yrs old. About 6 yrs ago I was in an auto accident that I have had constant neck pain from. More recently, with my age now being 48, I have had knee and hip pain on my right side. After taking ACV in water, 2 tbls in 8 oz, for three days my hip no longer hurt! I decided to follow the recipe better and slowly drink 3 to 4 glasses of the same recipe all day. While at the gym I realized I could move my neck and look over my shoulder with no pain!! When I get up in the morning I no longer have to hang on to the counter when I kneel down to get something from the bottom of the cupboard!! I wake up everyday now PAIN FREE! I can't wait to see what happens next! As for my man, well he see's what it is doing for me and wants to do it too but hates the taste and doesn't have the patients. I have been doing all I can to get him to do it. He will now and again but won't do it every day. Does anyone have any ideas how to make it taste better for him? I am used to it already and really with everything it has done for me wouldn't care how it tasted.Thankyou so so so much for this site! Who would have thought that a little bottle from the grocery store costing all of one dollar could make me feel younger then I ever have!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kate (Brighton, UK) on 11/15/2008

amazing i am just so delighted to find all this information as i sit here typing with my thumb as my fingers hurt. i am an artist -just gone part time in my teaching job so i can draw and make mosaics and my right hand fingers are swelling and painful -difficult to draw! i injured them 2 years ago lifting crates at school and then trapped them under a heavy piece if furniture! they never recovered fully - i am about to drive to the health food store to buy acv. thank you so much. i will tell you how i get on kate

Posted by Rita Cachia (Melbourne, Victoria Australia) on 11/10/2008

Vision improvment

I have been taking 3 cayenne pepper caps a day and I cannot believe how i can see better. I am typing away without glasses this evening. My vision is +2.5 on the left and +2.00 on the right.

Also I suffer from a bad cocxyx (tail bone pain) since I started the caps my pain has halved. I read somewhere it heals nerves I think its true.

I am telling everyone about it.I take a capsule with everymeal.Its working. I had a brand new wart which became sore so I mixed cayenne pepper with a drop of water to make a little paste and put it on the wart. Put a bandaid on it and now its gone. Try it.

Posted by Shelagh (Palm Beach Gardens, Florida) on 11/05/2008

Frozen Shoulder: Hi... OW! I seriously injured my right shoulder in June. I am seeing a chiropractor & a massage therapist & they are doing nice things for me. When I fell I also knocked my head, quite literally, off my block. So adjustments are helping; any ideas as to what else I can do? In the beginning I was talking so many painkillers I was fearful of harming my organs; found this site & started taking turmeric for the inflammation. I am unable to place my hand on my hip, bring my hand behind my back. Any suggestions? I miss kayaking. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rebecca (Aberdeen, Washington) on 10/09/2008

Apple cider vinegar all but eliminated swelling and pain. I am 58 and have been in good shape most of my life but had a low back injury over 3 years ago and have had severe pain and stiffness which has sent me to doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists and even a rolfer for 15 sessions! All of these helped but very temporarily. I have also been doing yoga and exercises from a book called Relaxercise (excellent by the way) which have also helped but only somewhat. I had been getting worse within the past few months and had develped knee, foot and hand pain along with swelling of these areas especially one ankle and foot which was twice the normal size. It hurt to walk or wear any type of shoe. My husband is an RN who looked at my swollen ankle and foot and told me it almost looked like gouty arthritis. This comment prompted me to research the subject and I found a blog of 100's of people all of who had been using ACV and all but 1 person rated the treatment 5 stars. I immediately went to a health food store and bought the organic, unfiltered ACV and started by taking 3 tablespoons in a large glass of water sweetened with organic raw honey. Following the first dose the night before, I woke to find the swelling reduced to about 1/4 of what it had been and the pain nearly gone. The stuff works like a miracle! I have continued to take it every day but have cut down the dose to 2 tablespoons 2-3 times per day in the same amount of water with honey. I have only a twinge of pain and 1 spot of swelling about the size of a quarter remaining on my ankle. Amazingly, my low back has less pain and more mobility than what I have ever had since the injury over 3 years ago. All this and I have only discovered this treatment less than 1 week ago! Amazing!!

Tumeric and Lemon Juice
Posted by Annee (Niagara Falls, Canada) on 08/26/2008

hi to everyone who suffers with a chronic disease.. i suffer with a lot of pain, from interstitial cystitis to severe degenerating disk of my spine. i am only 48.. i have severe athritis as well. i have been taking baking soda twice a day but found out that this cheap remedy is very good and will reduce the acid by far..and is good for a lot of ailments i take 1/4tsp of turmeric/ a spice from the grocery store..and squeezed lemon juice with hot water, about one cup... before breakfast and dinner.. read about information on the web, its amazing.. a specialist who I saw at the spinal decompression clinic told me that.. my faith is in that DR... take care..

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Kenneth (Naples, FL) on 08/26/2008

I have lifted weights for 15 years off and on. For the last 3 years i had a shoulder pain in the front of my right shoulder. It hurt bad sometime and sometimes not as bad but the pain was still there, so i stopped lifting and it got worse, what is going on. I thought it would have gotten better but i was worse. Well for other reasons i inhalled hydrogen peroxide, Not thinking that my shoulder would heal up, it did. I now can twist it raise it, sleep on it and even do pushups again. I am amazed, it healed in alittle over a month. No more pain. From Ken

Posted by Sandy (Cape May, New Jersey) on 08/19/2008

In January I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, in May with chronic polypoid cystitis of the bladder. I had general discomfort throughout my abdomen, flank and pelvic area- not sure what condition was causing what pain. Also had what I believe was arthritic pain in my hip. Only remedy for polypoid cystitis that doctor recommended was painkillers- I declined- or ibuprofen, which I did not want to take on a regular basis. Did some reserch on natural anti-inflammatories, and found lots of info on turmeric. I just went to my local drug store, and bought turmeric capsules, I think they are 500 mg. I started taking 2 pills 2x a day, for a couple of days, then decreased to 2 pills 1x a day, and after just a week or so I stopped taking them altogether. Amazing, but all of my aches and pains disappearred! No bladder pain- no flank pain- no hip pain! If I feel a twinge of anything, I take 2 turmeric, and that does the trick. I am hooked!
