Natural Remedies

Holistic Chronic Pain Management: Natural Therapies and Supplements

Collagen and Keratin Capsules
Posted by Janine (Wellington, NZ ) on 08/11/2008

I have been taking Collagen/Keratin capsules for 2 weeks. I started taking these as a possible cure for neck pain which i have suffered from for years. I developed Sjogrens syndrome 2 years ago as a result of a nasty virus I had. I have had the dry mouth which has affected the linings of my mouth and caused bad breath. In the last year I also had dry gritty eyes, and dry vagina. After two weeks on the collagen/keratin capsules I now have saliva in my mouth! My eyes and vagina are improving with moisture too. And yes my Neck pain has practically dissappeared. Hope someone else might find this cure works for them too!!

Posted by Barbara (Davis, Ca USA) on 07/06/2008

DMSO: I know, I know, it's a solvent, used to clean aircraft and electrical parts. It has an odor, but what cure doesn't come with a drawback or 2?

This stuff literally can work in an instant, long term...I don't know the effects, but then, we all KNOW that Motrin affects the liver directly too.
So, I woke up this AM with shooting electrical pain in my left shoulder again, just wanted to go right back to sleep, couldn't hold it straight without weakness and shooting pains, feels like something is pinched or going wrong.

Swipe some of this DMSO clear liquid on my shoulder muscles, and poof! the sensations went away until right now and it is almost 18 hours later!

Now, what shall get rid of the pain in my hand and finger joints? I am awake tonight because of the intense pains in them, so I am on the internet here reading more about ACV and honey to relieve this, I had a good friend tell me about it years ago, before I needed to use it. Good skin and no pain in the old guys I worked with who all tried it one month on a being young, stored the info away in my brain....for the future. And my auntie, she told me her momma had poured it in drinking water of the hired milkers who they had working in their dairy. Problem is that she thought her mother was being mean in fact her mother was helping them to produce more work/milk in their cows.

Natural Painkillers
Posted by TAN KOON PENG (SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE) on 06/22/2008

Ginger is a natural pain reliever. Just cut it into thin slice and steep it as a tea.
Mace and nutmeg are also good at relieving pain but do not take too much of these because this two herbs can be hallucinogenic.
Bromelain present in pineapple is a great natural antinflammatory.
Arnica and bilberry are good for pain.
Carrot juice are effective for back (siatica),leg pain, and arthritis!
Capsaicin! This is actually a component in chili peppers and also works well for back pain, joint pain etc.

Natural Painkillers
Posted by TAN KOON PENG (SINGAPORE) on 06/22/2008

White willow bark, devil's claw, Turmeric, cayenne, green tea, feverfew, ginger, kava kava, tea tree oil, cats claw, valerian, cloves oil are useful painkiller. white willow bark works well for all kinds of pain.

Eliminate Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Kelley (Toddville, Iowa) on 06/20/2008

In hopes of loosing some weight I started drinking diet pop. Before long I noticed that my hips hurt ALOT. I have been on celebrex for years to help with the hip pain, but when I started drinking diet pop the pain was so intense that I was doubling up on the meds as well as taking tylenal to help with the pain.Going to bed was horrible as it hurt so much. Once I stopped drinking pop all together my hip pain went away. I have stopped taking the celebrex and only need tylenal when I have over taxed myself.

Massage, Acupuncture, Traumeel, Icing
Posted by Kym (Niagara, Canada) on 06/14/2008

I have severe elbow pain from both tennis elbow and golfers elbow caused by trauma to my elbow and then repetitive use. What has helped make it bearable for me is massage and acupuncture. I also use Traumeel cream on the elbow and Traumeel tablets dissolved in mouth 3x daily for relief of pain and inflammation. If the pain is bad and elbow is very inflamed, such as after alot of use, try icing for 10mins or an ice massage (rub an ice cube over affected area for 3-5mins should feel cold,then burny, then achy, then numb be sure to stop when it starts feeling numb). I also wear an elbow brace to support the elbow this helps alot if you have to use your elbow alot.

Castor Oil
Posted by Al (Collinsville, IL) on 06/13/2008

Castor Oil & Pain:
Call it what you wish, Voodoo, Witchcraft, "BS", whatever, but it DID work for me. Having recently torn the cartilage in my left knee, simultaneously diagnosed "with a little arthritis" in the same, and swelling behind the knee. My Sport's Ortho said that the swelling was common with the torn cartilage but should go down in time. I began searching on the Web for a magical pain relief remedy (other than my already supplementation of Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondrotin, Taurine, Collagen, HA, Cats Claw, Bromelain, MSM, etc., etc., etc - .all of which I have been taking for years due to 27 yrs of cycling but at almost 68yo, something had to give). One subject that kept surfacing on the Searches was an old time remedy of Castor Oil. I'm not in terrible pain, but it is a 24/7 aggravation, as anyone who has similar discomforts can attest to. I decided to give it a try; purchased a package of ladies' cosmetic, cleansing pads (~3"x4") and a small bottle of Castor Oil (CO), I placed a pad on a saucer, saturated the pad with CO (not dripping) and popped it into the microwave for about 35 secs. I, then placed the (105F) warm pad on my knee; wrapped my knee-pad with plastic wrap (to keep the CO from staining the heating pad) and then applied a heating pad, set to Med. heat. I left it on for about 1 hour and when I removed everything, I did a "test walk" -not only was my knee not stiff, and the swelling was 95% GONE!! I could walk with 100% less discomfort and this was 10x more effective than the Cortisone or three Hydraluronic Acid injections I had received in a two months period. The other nice thing, is that you don't have to throw the saturated pad away; place in a Ziploc bag for the next application and just add a little more CO.

I generally apply this treatment daily, each time the knee feels better - I know it's not going to remedy the situation 100%, but has made my life much better.

Eliminate Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Patrick (Caldwell, NJ) on 04/20/2008

I'm a forty year old man who feels like he's in his late fifties. For a long time I just figured it was from being overweight and I still am sure that this contributes. But the sheer level of aches and pains for someone so young seemed extraordinary. Every joint hurts constantly, especially on my left side (I'm a lefty so it figures).

Being overweight, there were two things I did to keep from becoming more so. First, I never liked sweet sodas, so started drinking lemon/lime seltzer. Second, I do like sweet coffee so used a single packet of aspartame in each cup I drink.

One weekend I ran out of seltzer, and being too lazy to get more I just started drinking up my wife's diet orange sodas. By the following Tuesday my aches and pains had worsened so much I considered going to the doctor. Visions of wheelchairs and leukemia were swimming in my head.

I put two and two together and went cold turkey as far as artificial sweeteners go, and about three days later and ever since I have been 100% pain free.

I'm convinced.

Posted by Sue (Flint, MI) on 03/03/2007

I would have leg pain a lot when I would go to bed it would get worse my mother in law suggested putting a bar of soap in my bed by my legs I noticed the pain disappeared so now when I have pain I put the soap by whatever hurts

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Claire (London, UK) on 02/24/2007

This is g8 stuff .I had a big problem with carpal syndrome some nights i could not sleep cause of the pain. Searched on the internet for any ideas came across this site and read reviews. Next day brought some BSM (Black Strap Molasses). Took a tablespoon before i ate every morning and another before i slept. After a few days the pain in my arm was not so severe. Within a month the pain disappeared.Also my husband noticed that i had lost weight. Maybe this was due to taking bsm (black strap molasses) . i continued to take it and in 6 months i have lost 3 stone. I think the bsm stopped my craving for sugar and also i didn't feel hungry.So overall, a wonderful medicine with loads of vitamins and minerals. recommend it to anyone.feel g8, hair is shiny. nails strong and skin glowing. This would be g8 for someone who is pregnant as it has calcium and iron in it.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Linda (Orlando, FL) on 03/05/2007

On the acv and baking soda page, Katie from Santa Ana was asking about her chronic shoulder pain and what to do. I had a severe rotator cuff injury about 3 years ago. I could not even lift my arm. Initially I took glucosamine and chondroitin, which helped a lot with the healing and the pain. I was taking two pills per day for about 2 years, and then 1 pill a day for the past year. If I stopped taking the glucosamine and condroitin the pain would return. I found this site a few weeks ago and have begun taking molasses with my morning coffee. I read (on a different page) that it helps with inflamation and pain. I have not needed the glucosamine and condroitin ever since!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Helen (Long Island, United States) on 03/14/2007

I have been taking molasses in warm milk and agree it is like a latte. It really tastes good. Also, my leg pain has lessened and I can go up stairs and walk much better. I am also taking the vinegar and baking soda which I didn't think was doing much, but when I added the molasses drink I think it made a big difference. (My doctor says I have very bad arthritis. This is the first relief I have had. These remedies are highly recommended by me.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Frankie (Franklin, Louisiana) on 08/10/2007

I am new to using BSM...4 weeks ago had an MRI which showed I had a torn meniscus in the right knee, along with arthritis. Orth doctor said at this time, there is no need for surgery. He recommended I take 500mg of calcium a day to help heal the knee and help the bones. This got me very down because I am very active. I was not going to wait around so a friend in Ca. said how BSM was good for tons of things. I found Earth Clinic and I referred to it several times. I LOVE to research and research. Living in Louisiana, we have many sugar cane mills. I found thru friends a gallon of BSM from the mill. And OH is nasty. BUT, every morning I take a Tablespoon right time to play with mixing it in anything. I have been taking BSM for 3 weeks now. This I have noticed and right away. Although active, I was tired everyday......everyday. I ate right but was still tired....NOT me on this one.....I saw the surgeron last week and he commented on how the leg was easy to move and how I was coming along so well. He commented on how I was very up beat and was even losing weight....for some reason I am not hungry all the time. I need to lose some weight to help the knees and I feel that the BSM has come to my rescue....We all know that it takes time for many remedies or meds. to help in various health issues. As I have researched on BSM, it can only benefit you and not harm. My husband began to take it daily also. He has been dealing with hip pain for the last 3 the last 3 weeks he has seen a difference. He also has more energy. I will keep you informed of our progress.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Minian (Delhi, India) on 02/08/2007

Dear Sir, Drinking your own urine cures back pain.

Hamstring Stretches
Posted by Penny (USA) on 02/03/2006

I was handicapped and not able to walk much for 12 years until I found out that my hamstrings needed stretching. Doesn't matter how messed up the back is, it will not refer pain to back of knees or bottoms of feet or likely even to sciatica, if the hamstrings are super stretched. So now I dance! No more crutches and wheelchairs and pain meds! Yogis don't get strokes and high blood pressure and all this other nonsense, but then they also probably don't take in any partially hydrogenated oils (i.e. plastic sticking to arteries) or MSG (poison that makes you fat) or NutraSweet and sucralose (poisons) either..

One kind of hamstring stretch that should not harm the back is when you are on a curb outside and you hang off it from the front part of the foot, or when you lie on your back with a towel around your feet (these are lower back protective). I wake up and throw my leg on the back of the couch or a high bar stool or bathroom counter and begin stretching all kinds of ways from that position, but I have been doing it for a long time, and also stretch the inner thing that way. When I sit here at the desk, I throw one leg at a time up on the desk and reach for my feet, but people need to work up to what works for lower back support in each case. and YES yoga!!!

If we can merely stretch the back the six directions any way we can (rest always between the twist directions), then put some traction (I'm thinking of buying a swing to hang from the hips, but now I get traction from back of couch (breathing deeply) with palms on it after stretching, and if we go upside down regularly, even shoulder stand is enough, just think how many pains we will save ourselves! (One stretch is feet together, arms high and straight and hands touching like a steeple and a straight stretch to the side, hold for count of 10 (breathe). It's hard to do much stretching in the morning before movement has taken place or when it's very cold.

No artificial sweeteners (not even splenda) NO trans fats, and no MSG along with stretched hamstrings and lots of water, I doubt people would age badly or lose memory or get strokes, even doing the minimal amount of stretching. Yoga is enough even for osteoporosis, I heard. And it wouldn't hurt to question the calcium rule of thumb, as it appears Magnesium needs to be much higher. I can send the formula, if you like, though it's a matter of opinion. Stores now carry it both ways. I never did the huge calcium to half magnesium ration and my sisters got the arthritis by my age, not me, and I am not active enough, I admit. The extra calcium running around the body is a bad thing. This is something people can research for themselves.

Here's what I was told, 600 elemental magnesium, preferably, if possible, the citrate maleate, 450 elemental calcium citrate, and 400 units of D (not more D than this). Researching the occasional Vit. K once a week for bones might be good to do for oneself too. I take that, but one must research, as I think it thins the blood a little, but is supposed to help with osteoporosis.

One more..... memory is not lost if one does the shoulder stand to replenish the 180,000 miles or so of capillaries in the brain, nor does hair go grey. Some have had it grow back in brown or grow back period, and it's good for wrinkles, organ flushing (due to new positions of organs) and insomnia and constipation.

Master Miracle 2
Posted by Angie (Sparta, MO) on 12/09/2007

My husband & I have been using the master's miracle 2 products. About a week ago I was having a terrible pain in my neck, could hardly move it. I applied the neutralizer gel and the pain went away 90% almost right away. It did come back, but I applied it again and the pain went away again. Also husband has been having terrible stomach pains, I had him start taking the neutralizer liquid a dropper full underneath the tongue and his pain has went away. Also for about 2-3 months I was having a pain on the bottom of my foot that was especially noticable when walking. I applied the gel 2 times and the pain has completely went away.
