Posted by K.Lynn (Mt.Healthy, Ohio) on 12/19/2008
hello everyone, I just waned to say what a difference these health tips have made for me. this is the 1st fall season I have not come down with a head cold that went directly to my chest and lungsand I credit that to the acv,organic bs,and local raw honey. heat 4oz. of boiled water, and put bs,acv,and honey in that order(cuts down on fizz of bs). I've noticed some complaints from some about the acv's sour and burn,the bs and honey will change that (i'm diabetic and that tbsp does not raise my sugar either).It's 2or3 tbsp of acv, half or whole tsp of organic bs and tbspor half of raw(local)honey. This mixture has also helped my breathing (overweight and smoked for years) edema(swelling) in legs reduced to normal, acv w/diet has brought my sugar down 200pnts. go back and try the acv mix it can't hurt and will help. MANY BLESSINGS!