A symptom is a sign of a systemic lack of some nutrient. When you use a natural "remedy", you're giving the body that nutrient in a natural state, natural amounts, with natural companion elements and compounds that not only offer other nutrients, but also tell the body what it needs to know about the substance so that it can use it most effectively.
When you treat a single symptom with a nutrient in its natural form, the FIRST thing the body is going to do is send what you give it to where it is needed MOST which may or may NOT show in the alleviation of the symptom you're treating until the body takes care of something that is of a greater priority - something more important than the cause of that particular symptom.
In other words, give the body time to identify, sift through and apply the elements of the remedy before you assume it isn't working. Also, give it time between doses to make the most of it.
The body doesn't work in "bulk" when it comes to nutrients. It works elementally - I.e. it extracts elements it needs from what you give it and when you give it more than it can use, it must also put energy into dealing with the excess. And if you give it WAY too much, the whole substance will simply be dealt with as if it is a "toxin". In other words, its priority is going to be to eliminate the excess and it isn't going to stop doing that to apply it where it might be needed. "Excess" is an emergency mode - like dehydration - and the system operates differently in an emergency mode. For instance, when you cut yourself, it bleeds because the whole body is involved in dealing with that cut. It's manufacturing antibodies, redirecting blood flow, oxygen and whatever else is required to keep that cut from killing it. It isn't doing "normal" things like feeding the cells of your liver or kidneys during that emergency.
In dehydration - which most of the population is chronically dehydrated and perpetually operating in emergency dehydration mode - the body is rationing water for the same reason: To keep you alive. But while it's rationing water, some systems within your body are slowly dying of thirst. If your body has to let a kidney die in its attempts to maintain heart and brain function - it's going to do it. And if you don't drink plain water and your body has to steal the water from your colon to maintain brain function, it's going to do that too.
Anyway, when you use natural remedies and don't appear to be getting any results, take that as a sign that you might want to drink that tea every once in a while because if you're missing elements, then that's because you're not consuming them. And the beauty of it is that you don't even have to know what you're missing. All you have to do is add some of that tea to your diet.
Tom's Multi-Cure Protocol
Multi-cure protocol/regimen
(1 capsule unless otherwise specified)
7 AM capsules: rutin (500 mg), prickly pear nopal cactus (650 mg), bamboo extract (300 mg), lutein (20 mg), ginger (550 mg), astaxanthin/zeaxanthin (4 mg each), hesperidin (500 mg), bilberry (300 mg of 4:1 extract), quercetin (400 mg), apple pectin (six 300 mg capsules), chicken sternum collagen type 2 (500 mg).
I take all of the 16 capsules/softgels with 1 tablespoon macadamia oil, put oil in mouth, add capsules and let capsules soak in oil in mouth a few seconds then wash capsules down with water.
7 AM powders (wash down one at a time with water): beef liver powder (1 level tsp), 1 level tsp inulin fiber, 1 level tsp dietary fiber cellulose, 1/8 level cup whole rye flour, 1 rounded teaspoon of beet root powder, 1/8 level cup unflavored whey protein concentrate or isolate.
10 AM boost - tuna DHA (500 mg softgel), marine phytoplankton (500 mg capsule), reduced glutathione (500 mg capsule).
Before lunch: 1 rounded tsp cinnamon powder, 1 rounded tsp beet root powder.
4 PM: 1 rounded teaspoon beet root powder.
8 PM: triphala (500 mg capsule), rosemary leaves (400 mg capsule), soy lecithin (1200 mg softgel), calcium hydroxyapatite (350 mg capsule), 1 rounded tsp beet root powder.
Comments: the nopal cactus healed my after meal itching/psoriasis on forearms and ankles within days, the hesperidin healed my gum pain and keeps my gums healthy, the calcium hydroxyapatite has type 1 collagen which feeds ligaments and tendons and so fixed my bending knee pain and also healed my sensitive teeth and therefore keeps my teeth, bones, ligaments and tendons healthy, the quercetin keeps my lungs and sinuses clear so I don't get chest colds any more anytime or in winter, chicken sternum type 2 collagen feeds cartilage and fixed my bone on bone knees rubbing and knocking around in their sockets and hanging loose while lying on my side and enabled a woman to no longer require a hip replacement after 6 months, bamboo extract seems to promote my fingernail growth and is 70% natural silica, beet root powder lowers blood pressure and dilates blood vessels with nitric oxide which allows me to wake up earlier like an oxygen supplement would and at a tenth of the cost of a well known beets product, whey protein concentrate gives my muscles strength and promotes my skin health/hair growth, liver powder promotes my stamina and has natural B-complex, macadamia oil cured my fungal toenail after 2 months or two 16 oz bottles at 2 tablespoons internally after meals and also dampens my candida stinging, while in the same time frame stopped some intermittent toe numbness & tingling (peripheral neuropathy), tuna DHA 500 mg increases my perception and well-being, plankton increases my life force, verbal fluency and increases my lung volume breath from it's RNA and my muscles' response to my lungs' oxygen intake, reduced glutathione is optimism in a bottle for me, rosemary promotes longevity as in the Italian village of Acciaroli near Salerno where the population of a few thousand has about 300 people who are aged over 100, presumably due to their high intake of rosemary, the soy lecithin softgel I have taken for 10 years before bed promotes sleep dependably and incredibly and is a nervous system relaxant from it's phosphatidyl choline and cured leg cramps in two people I know at 1 softgel daily.
for regularity: rye flour speeds bowel transit time, apple pectin congeals everything, inulin and cellulose add fiber. After being constipated most of my life, I took non-aluminum baking soda for 2.5 years at 1/2 level teaspoon in water morning and evening which cleansed and restored my bowels to regularity and baking soda is also very slick.
Cures I have had summary:
Skin itching/psoriasis- nopal prickly pear opuntia cactus Sore gums- hesperidin Knee pain- calcium hydroxyapatite (type 1 collagen) Sensitive teeth- calcium hydroxyapatite Knee/hip bone on bone- chicken sternum collagen type 2 Fungal toenail- macadamia oil internally Toe numbness & tingling- macadamia oil internally Chest colds gone- quercetin dihydrate Pessimism/brain fog- reduced glutathione Sleep- soy lecithin softgel Leg cramps- soy lecithin softgel
As a seasoned CFS/pain/insomniac/and anxious person, my symptoms are many, varied, and extreme. I have confused doctors with periods of acute vomiting/diarrhea/prodtruding liver, periods of acute abdominal swelling, and more. I had started going to naturopaths in 1986, and although this kept me going, due to $$ it was never possible to continue. Also too, I have some medical conditions which could never be found. What a vicious cycle it has been due to the extensiveness of my condition. I opted for a medication free, alcohol free, once a week coffee, and whole food diet in 1998.
One of the things I wanted to say is that I cannot imagine anyone not concluding that the information on this site is health promoting and life saving. The remedies are simple. The cost is low. Any thinking individual can research the supplements and suggestions on the internet, and make an informed decision on the safety of their use. For example, the history and safety on products such as H202, borax (20 Mule Team), EDTA are all available for people to research.
The 'communist like control' the pharmaceuticals have over both the doctors and the general public is quite frightening. I can say this with at least some authority, having both extensive personal experience and having worked at a medical clinic. But education from sources such as earthclinic is helping to remove the fear barriers, and people worldwide are starting to exercise their right to use natural remedies, and basic nutrition. We need to become even much more proactive and not let fear stop us from investigating the information coming to us from kind and caring people, who've studied and learned and are willing to share their knowledge about the misinformation, and cover-ups, and the fear the FDA and pharmaceuticals are trying to instil on us. We need to 'pay attention' to the possibility that (from whatever source...) there are Superbugs that are killing people. We need to unite 'earthwide' as equal members of humanity.
One thing I've noticed reading earthclinic is that sometimes people seem hasty in providing feedback. The participation is encouraging, but I know from my 20+ years of my own journey, that the body is so complex, most lay people could not understand, the many complexities in our body systems and how even a seemingly simple remedy like BS and ACV can have on the body as a whole. We have to remember that most people who have had years of the standard - well, I speak for Canada here, American diet and medical treatments/medications, that it takes time and patience to see real improvements. When earthclinic repeats words like conservative, one or more days off per week, start slow, just one or two remedies at a time, it is important to listen. We have to understand that we really are what we eat, and we have to cultivate a desire to feed our bodies and mind with the natural whole foods intended for humans. We need to understand marketing and the push to buy packaged food and eat fast foods, and we know the consequences for consuming such products. We have to become moderate in habits, in a world that has become anything but 'moderate'. We have to slow down, and reflect, and to show appreciation for the kindnesses directed to us, and the help we receive from others.
The more I learn on earthclinic the more I see and realize how powerful vitamins and supplements are. One example I'd like to share is I decided to go to the E.R. after 6 weeks of steady heart and left arm pain that had become more then intolerable. I ingested one Vitamin B Complex and a Natural Vitamin E, while trying to muster up the strength to get dressed and call a taxi. As I sat and waited......low and behold, the pain started lessoning. I kept paying attention to what was going on and feeling relief, I decided a trip to the E.R. was not necessary, and so I learned the powerful effects of simple vitamins. I also believe that it takes time for the body to heal, and that adjustments in a personal Remedy Program are necessary along with moderation in all lifestyle habits. I am noticing slow 'consistent' improvements. Writing things down and referring back over the weeks and months is a great help and an empowering tool. It is really quite amazing how we can suffer for years, and not even notice when symptoms decline. I am becoming more and more active, joining in and participating in school, work, and social activities. Recently, there have been multiple stressful events in my life and I seemed to just 'handle' each situation with calm and clarity of mind. Just before I left to attend my mom's funeral, of course I felt anxiety, and stress, and sadness, I simply took my normal supplements of Vitamin B and Amino Acids. Throughout the day long activities I was calm and present, what a difference between this and the other 5 separate funerals I attended over the years for immediate family members. No need for alcohol, Ativan, or the myriads of anti anxiety products from the health food stores. Will I totally recover? I don't know.....but one thing for sure, I will continue to take responsibility for my body and my health. I will continue to listen to my body, and use the most powerful remedies on the planet.......Ted's Remedies
And the best thing of all is:
1) I am no longer desperate to buy into the vitamin therapies' that are so expensive and unnecessary - I actually had an offer from a local supplement company to use their products for a greatly reduced price. I had used the program when I was at my worst health, and it probably did save my life, but I could not go back to products knowing I would be obligated to promote a company that most people can't afford. And then I found earthclinic.........
2) People are starting to ask me questions about health, because they are noticing how healthy I am looking, and I have the privilege to tell them about earthclinic.
Well Deirdre, that's what has been on my mind, I hope you find something here to encourage you, and I want you to know although I'm not out of the wood's yet with my health, this is the best I've been....and I thank you for the chance to discover some normality to a life that was anything but normal.
You have my permission to use what you like for your earthclinic site.
Thanks, and continued success to you!
Turmeric Capsules: I have developed some nasty allergy symptoms over the past couple of years, which included intense itching of the eyes, sinus pain, asthma and copious amounts of mucous from the nose. After ONE DAY of taking two capsules in the morning and two at night, my symptoms were eliminated by about 90%. Within three days they were completely clear. I know it was the Turmeric, because I woke up late the past couple of days and forgot to take them, and the symptoms are coming back.
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) - I started out using it as a moisturizer for my face, but loved the feeling of my skin so much that I started using it all over. Then, after reading all of the amazing claims on this site, I started taking about a table spoon of it in my coffee as well. After about two weeks of doing this, a wart that had been vexing me on the bottom of my foot simply peeled out. No acid, no lazers. . . It just simply came out. This was like magic to me!
Oil Pulling- I started oil pulling two times a day (usually) about three weeks ago with VCO, and just recently switched to Sunflower Oil. I love the way it makes my mouth feel. It did seem to make my teeth whiter right away. The reason I'm so interested in it is because it's supposed to be good for gum disease. I haven't seen any real improvement in my gums yet, but I'm going to stick with it. It also pleases me that I have to blow my nose and cough up phlegm when I'mthrough - even when I have no congestion. It makes me feel like I'm getting rid of the icky stuff! Other Unexpected Benefits - I have noticed several other positive things happening in my body, and since I'm using several foods, I'm not sure which is causing them. - Back and knee pain eliminated. I've always had a bad lower back, and in recent years, the tendons at the front of my knees would get really sore after sitting in one position for a while.
Since I've started taking all of these things, the pain is GONE. - Disappearing Cellulite. I've always had small patches of dimples on my rear. I discovered the other day that the left cheek was about 95% dimple free, and the right cheek was at about 80%! I made my boyfriend double check to make sure it's not all in my head :) it's not! - Noticeable reduction in desire for sweets and junk food. Maybe it's just that I'm consciously taking steps to make myself healthier, but I very rarely want anything that's bad for me. I used to have a tasty(yet very unhealthy) snack of chips or cookies every afternoon at work. Now, I don't even think about it. I am so excited about all of these wonderful benefits from just taking food! It's like real life magic to me! Thank you so much, Earth Clinic, for this wealth of information. I will continue experimenting with the different methods on this page. Thank you! Thank You!
I attribute the PH drink to be the most significant remedy, as the process of healing begins with a healthy PH balance.
This Ted who spends so much time helping people - he says, "if you are well, I am happy". He is knowledgeable for sure: I told him my daughter's symptoms, yet she decided to spend $150.00 on a natural path/blood analysis. Guess what? Ted and the naturopath came up with the same health issues, and similar remedies! I know people who quit aspartame, and their acne clears. I have a friend with skin cancer, and decided after getting 2 cut out, that was enough! I referred her to Earth Clinic, and she is healing them with peroxide! Her son (28) had aspartame poisoning as a child, and is using peroxide/baking soda with amazing results. I have friends that (in their 60's) have switched to purer vitamins and Ted's PH drink, and are running even more circles around me. The people that use the remedies on Earth Clinic are feeling better, looking better, and have more pocket money due to the simple, inexpensive remedies, and a reduction in packaged and prepared foods.
But now I have a new issue, that I did not 'fully' realize last year, even though I wrote about it to you! Simultaneously, I have improved health, and knowledge of the North American Union, and Codex Alimentarius, where my research shows that the use of Vitamin and Natural Health Products could be facing severe restrictions! I have friends from Europe who tell me that since the European Union, there are countries that have vitamins available only at the pharmacy, at very low doses, and very very expensive. I've talked to many alternative holistic practitioners locally....most know, some have been involved with lawyers, in an attempt to stop Canada's Bill C51, which is Canada's plan to remove all supplements that do not have a license from the government which is expensive, and almost impossible to get except for single entity vitamins. Some people have even protested outside the local politician offices. Others know, and feel helpless. Can you imagine what my life would be like if I have no supplements? So what about doctors, people might ask? Yes, I have follow-up with my family doctor, genetic's, heart specialist, sleep specialist, and breast specialist. The breast surgeon biopsied, and the diagnosis was uncertain, so I 'wait and see', or have a 'bilateral mastectomy', the sleep specialist confirmed insomnia, but due to what he call's disatrophic effects of pharmaceutical drugs, he offers me more sleep studies, the heart doctor is no longer necessary due to reduction in symptoms (thank you Ted!), the genetics are puzzled, so I have been offered more testing at the National Institute of Health in Maryland, this March of '09 - that's a nail biter.... nervous as to contrast dyes, or any type of injection for the testing.
The reason I have written to Earth Clinic both last year and this year, is to thank you for providing a service where everyone can find simple home remedies to get well, and also to "unite earth-wide as equal members of humanity", attesting to the benefits of natural remedies, and to show unanimous support worldwide, to the necessity of vitamins, and our right to choose for ourselves!
Donations....hmmmm, it has many angles, especially when you compare the different economies. What I decided was what would a local naturopath cost? That's how I make my decision. Personally, I wouldn't like to see a 'site charge', as this is the very thing that distinguishes 'Earth Clinic' from the rest!
So now, I need to thank you - you provide a life saving service, and many are very appreciative. May it be a help to know that Earth Clinic's remedies are far reaching, simple, and effective! I wish you continued success, great health, and many blessings for your labour of love!
Tom's Multi-Cure Protocol
Tom's Multi-Cure Protocol
Multiple Remedies
On a physical level:
- Got myself a holistic functional medicine nutritionist who picked up a Parasite, Candida and other bad bugs in my gut, heavy metal load in my body and Adrenal fatigue.
- Anti - Candida and Anti - Parasite herbs
- 3 raw cloves of Garlic, 6 teaspoons of raw red onion a day, I also drank green tea on an empty stomach before eating anything for about a month! (i was desperate to get rid of the bugs! ) for the gut bugs
- Ted's alkalising remedy with the lime and Bicarbonate soda for about 3 months
- Digestive enzymes and Probiotic powders
- Diet (this is critical): I went gluten, sugar (also no fruit or root veg, just the occasional sweet potato), dairy(except Eggs) and caffeine free (apart from green tea). Lots of green veg, gluten free grains like Millet and Quinoa, nuts, seeds and a organic vegan protein powder. I introduced legumes after I fixed my gut. I only drank filtered water, herbal teas, green juice/smoothies (daily) and Almond milk. I have been a vegetarian all my life. Prior to all this happening, I thought I had a healthy diet but it was full of sugar and processed foods.
- Ate fat (previously I avoided fat) like organic Coconut oil, Olive oil and Pumpkin seed oil to help the gut.
- High quality vitamins
- Oral Gluthathione and Cellular zeolite for the heavy metal load
- Kundalinini yoga every morning 30 minutes.
- Discarded all mainstream personal hygiene products and makeup. I now use natural paraben, heavy metal and alcohol free products
On a spiritual level:
- I used (and still do) EFT (emotional freedom technique) to get rid of the emotional junk. I saw an EFT practitioner which really helped.
- I listen to my body now and do what makes me happy.
- Positive affirmations and also acting as if I am healed helped
- Avoided negative people/thing
- Believing that a higher power was always going to heal me. For me, it was God.
- Doing things that brought me joy
- Phenomenal reduction in stress after I resigned from my corporate job.
This didn't happen overnight, it does take time. You may get die off if there are toxins in the body. Everyone is different. It's a journey.
Now, looking back I am very grateful for this experience as it has helped me appreciate my body and everything I have in my life. I am so grateful I didn't listen to conventional medicine!
Thank you for reading. Sorry for the length of this post. Good luck on your journey, sending you love and good will! You can do this!
Over four years I've had multiple symptoms that puzzled my doctor. First my toes became so sensitive that cutting my toe nails was painful. Then my finger tips became so sensitive that opening bottles hurt. Then my left eye felt like it had increased pressure in it to where you would expect to have blurriness but I could still see clearly which was puzzling. I had my eyes checked and they could not see a problem. Then my ring finger on my left hand would become impossible to uncurl in the morning without the help from my right hand. Then my legs above my knees would feel like hot needles sticking in them to the point where I had to sleep with ice packs on them.
After a visit to my doctor who wanted to subscribe some Gabapentin for Neurology with a lot of bad side effects I came home and started to do a frantic search here for a remedy. I tried Vitamin B12 of 1000mcg four times a day. I noticed that I started to get relief in my legs right away. Then in a week I noticed that the pressure in my left eye started to subside. I was amazed. By the second week I was able to comfortably cut my toenails. I then acquired an itch on my left knee that nothing could help. I scratched it raw in my sleep and the next day I cut back to 1000mcg three times a day and the itch went away.
A week later I started to notice my eye was acting up so I went back to 1000mcg four times a day and it felt fine. The itch did not return and I noticed that my shrinking gums were beginning to heal. It has been a month now and everything is good to the point where I can open my ring finger on my left hand , and I must add I feel really good about this. It's been a month now and I just got some B12 Methylcobalamine 1000mcg and have noticed no difference with my symptoms as I only take one at bedtime because you don't have to take it with food.
I have also discovered that I can get it in 5000mcg which I plan to use once a day as soon as I run out of what I have. The 5000mcg once a day seems more practical as some times I forget to take one of my 1000mcg. I shall post back if there are any problems with it.
Thank You EC you are wonderful.
PS. I am still taking my ACV once a day and my hips are still good.
EC: The post Molly is referring to is from the acne remedies page:
10/01/2007: Atoya from Washington DC writes: "I just recently started to develop acne after my 25th birthday, before I would have a pimple or two only around the time of my cycle. Since then I have basically tried everything I could get my hands on over the pass eight months or so to rid myself of this embarrassing ailment. One day on one of my usual quests to find a real cure, I went to the Vitamin Shoppe looking for some type of multi-vitamin, hoping that I would find justice. An elderly Sales man, who was very knowledgeable, told me that my liver was full of toxins and Milk Thistle and Aloe Vera would clear my ailment right up. I took 200mg of Milk Thistle a day and 1 capsule of Aloe Vera and it did just that. After about a week later, I could see a huge difference - no breakouts. Your bowel movements will become more and more frequent which is what helps to release the build up of toxins in your body. He told me to take it for about 2 months and I should be okay. I still keep some on hand but at a lower dosage since my initial cleanse, I take 70mg (a lower dosage) two to three times a week for maintenance. It is not good to take any type of herb for an extended period of time unless recommended by your physician. Believe me, this inexpensive concoction is a sure-fire way to rid you of all of your stubborn acne.
Deborah's Cure-All Drink
THIS IS THE ONLY DRINK I USE ALL DAY AFTER MY MORNING COFFEE. It's been 2 months and still going strong. I can't say this will work for every one ,but I can state that it did work for me. All ingredients are organic and pure only available in health food stores. You might paid a little more, but it's worth every penny too me, not to be sick and in pain. Not only living life but enjoying life. Doing things with my granddaughter never thought I would.You all have been a God send too me. Thank you my new friends all over the world for giving me back my life.
Aug. 2011: I got my first T shot in Aug. 2011 after losing 8 lbs. in 8 months and was down to 112 lbs with no energy. The next day I felt ten years younger with lots of energy to the amazement of all including myself and my doctor.Sept. 2012: After being on T for just over a year I was hit by the shingles which not only screwed me up but screwed up my T big time..Spring, 2013: I gave up on the T and let things settle down.
Dec. 2013: At 83 years I was feeling like crap. I had a hernia operation and it no sooner healed when another popped up. A search of the Internet told me some people are just prone to hernias. No energy and going to bed at 6 or 7 and of course my hormones were all screwed up.
Jan. 2014; RJ (Royal Jelly): I started taking RJ because two friends were taking it in place of Viagra with good results. It has not helped or harmed me in any way.
Feb. 2014; GB (Marijuana Butter): After searching the Internet for something to relieve the pain and discomfort of PHN from the shingles I made some GB and tried it. Amazing stuff! I felt much better and slept better as well with more energy. BONUS: it keeps my hernia from popping out.
Mar. 2014: COPs (Castor Oil Packs): Now that I was feeling better with the GB I noticed my GI Tract was not feeling right so I tried a COP which helped for a while but soon faded away. BONUS: My bronchitis is being held in check.
Jan. 2015: M (Metamucil): When the effects of the COP wore off I tried Metamucil and it worked fairly well. I only took it once a day, perhaps I should have tried it twice a day but I didn't like the taste of it. I gave it up after two weeks.
Feb. 2015: VD3 (Vitamin D3): Some time ago, Mike suggested I try Vitamin D3. I ordered some (50,000 IU in each capsule) and surprisingly they arrived on schedule. This has really straightened out my GI Tract. I take 1 capsule 3XW, MWF if I remember. So I'll add D3 to my list. This was also a great energy booster. I guess anything that makes you feel better will give you more energy.
May 2015: PS (Pumpkin Seeds): I have been eating PS for 3 weeks hoping they would help my prostate or my E.D. and it has not helped or hindered. I'll finish the second half kilo in 7 to 10 days because it's good nutrition. They are raw and unsalted. One inconsequential thing I just noticed is that I have much less ear wax since eating them.
May 2015: While my GI Tract feels much better, there's still something not quite right and I'm thinking along the lines of gluten intolerance or more likely Glyphosate intolerance/poisoning. So I had myself tested for both. They both came back clean, no problems.
June 2015: Cialis: At 85 years I feel much better than I have in years and I can easily stay up to 10 at night or later. I still have good REM sleep wood, my libido comes and goes, and I still have ED. I'm taking 5 mg of Cialis for my enlarged prostate which helps but I'm still looking for ways to shrink my prostate, cure my E.D. and maybe gain some muscles, so next month I am going to try T gel every other day and see what happens.
Ted's Remedies
General Feedback
Good question, but no quick and easy answer. The quick answer is to quote another famous answer "The attorney who defends himself is a fool". Some doctors I know say the same about the doctor who treats himself or his family. There may be some truth to this, but my addition to that fellow's saying, is "Assess the results of the diagnosis no matter if it is from self or another person". Keep in mind that your doctor is only making an educated guess when he diagnoses anyone and according to the statisticians (I believe this one was published in the last 2 years) in at least 50% of cases the diagnosis is incorrect and even when the diagnosis was correct, the treatment following was not correct. Doctors and other health care providers have received some extensive training in assessing how the person looks, but probably the most important thing I learned from an instructor was "If you only have 10 or 15 minutes to see a patient, spend most of those minutes listening to the patient". The patient may not know the medical lingo or the proper names for parts of his anatomy but they usually have a pretty good idea of why he/she is there.
I recall the young man who came in and told me "My gallbladder is stopped up". Ok - to clarify what he meant, I asked "What symptoms are you having that makes you think your gallbladder is stopped up?". His reply "I can't pass my water", made the problem clear. He knew exactly what the problem was, but as I smiled as I told him, "If I understand you correctly. you need to urinate or pee and you can't". With a relieved smile, he answered "Yes". I then told him that for future reference, he was blaming the wrong bladder, because it was his urinary bladder that was causing his discomfort, which we could solve immediately with a catheter and run a few tests on the urine obtained to see if we could find what caused the problem.
Sometimes assessing the environment solves the problem. Like the time I was called to the floor because a patient was having trouble breathing. After standing beside the patient a few minutes, this was in the winter and electric heat (which means hot and dry) all the doors and windows closed and the temperature must have been at least 85 or more and very dry. I started having trouble breathing myself. After checking him over and assessing the room, I asked one of the others to open a window so the incoming air would be aimed toward the ceiling, not the patients. Fortunately, I guessed right and the patient and I both started breathing better and I left with asking them to keep the room temperature between 70 & 75%. I recall a 6 month old, overweight after being hospitalized for 1 month for intractable diarrhea, and sent home still having diarrhea and his mother told me that the doctor who treated him in the hospital was wanting to put him on drugs to lower his cholesterol. She also said that he told her the baby might be retarded. I almost laughed when I told her I wouldn't worry about that if I was his mother. After observing him closely for at least 20 or 30 minutes, I told her that I saw nothing to indicate that he was retarded, but that he might be a hyperactive little fellow that was going to keep her busy. My assessment of him was size for age, except for over weight. skin color good and normal, no rashes or lesions, active, aware of what was going on around him, development good for his age, sitting alone on the floor, playing. Adding up history I was given intractable diarrhea more than 1 month, appetite good, no problem eating, stools (bowel movements) very loose to watery & mostly yellow. After assessing what I knew and not coming up with any answers, I began questioning the mother about allergies in herself, husband and their families. She knew of none except for asthma and allergies in the paternal grandfather. I then told her that we were going to try to peg the problem, that I thought it was going to probably be a milk allergy. We discussed how she would have to be diligent about not giving him anything with milk in it from table food, like creamed potatos, not put milk in eggs she scrambled for him and sent her home with a few days supply of a soy bean formula instructing her to return in 1 week for followup. one week. I also told her to use her own judgement on the cholesterol medication the doctor wanted to give him, but knowing some of the side effects of these drugs I would never consider putting one of my own in infancy on it. The following week the 1st words I heard after entering the building was, "His mother called that she won't be here today, but his diarrhea stopped about noon the day after you saw him and he is fine."
I recall 2 other babies I saw with completely different symptoms, but still the same basic problem of milk allergy problem. One was a 6 weeks old infant who looked failure to thrive and was barely her birth weight. Mother brought her in for check & to start vaccinations. Again I listened to the mother, asked about feeding problems, did she choke easily while nursing the bottle, etc. Mother denied problems saying she nursed like she was starving to death. While mother was gone to car to get her bottle, I thought again of allergy and asked the nurse if we had a ready to go bottle of soy formula. We did and little hungry girl had finished the bottle before mother returned, no problems with feeding. Mother and I had a talk about milk allergies and that the reason I saw her little one was because she looked like a failure to thrive infant, however her heart and lungs sounded good, and because she didn't look dehydrated I didn't think it was lack of TLC and care. Mother almost cried when I told her that. She said everybody looked at her baby and asked what was wrong with her and often made her feel terrible like she didn't take care of her. We discussed the game plan between her nurse, mother and myself. Send her home with a week's supply of Sobee formula, since the clinic was going to be closed for 2 days, she was to bring the baby back to the clinic Monday morning so the nurse could weigh her. If she hadn't gained at least 2 or 3 ounces the nurse was to arrange to send her through the system for evaluation immediately. If she had gained weight continue with the Sobee formula but delay her vaccinations for a few weeks while she caught up to where she should have been. Another good guess.
The 3rd one was an l8 months old with repeated respiratory infections/ear infections. This fellow looked like he should grow into being a football player if we could keep him alive long enough to make the team. After assessing him from head to toe, talking with the mother, I went to confer with the regular nurse practitioner who knew them better than I. When asked what I thought, my reply was this kid is sick enough to be in the hospital, but I think if we send him over there they are going to miss the problem and he'll keep on having this over and over. When I asked how much we could rely on the mother, if we let him go home, she was very comfortable with that. We then discussed that I suspected a milk allergy was triggering the congestion that was causing the infections and if the mother was reliable, I thought he needed some antibiotics to get rid of the infection, but he needed to be off all milk, and once his chest cleared up he needed some antihistamines. Another lucky guess. So you see, even when the basic problem is the same, the symptoms can be quite different. You know you hit the right diagnosis when the therapy corrects the problem.
To add another one from my own family - one of my nieces was hospitalized around 6 or 7 years old with what the doctors initially thought was "galloping arthritis" of rheumatic fever. They later changed the diagnosis to allergic to johnson grass, which she was surrounded by where she lived. This same niece started having blackout spells between age 12-13 years. Her initial internist gave up and sent her to Vanderbilt, where the neurologist sent her back to him after an extensive workup including eeg's, with a diagnosis of "idiopathic epilepsy". When her mother asked what that was, the internists reply was, "something arising from inside was causing her to black out and we don't know what the hell is causing it". She was given Dilantin, and the assurance from the neurologist that after a few weeks on this medicine, she would not have any more blackouts. Several weeks later, she had developed a dark mustache (which her male classmates probably envied) and darker hair on her arms and legs and was blacking out twice as often. We were smart enough to wean her off the (neither of us had any medical training at that time) Dilantin which seems to increase rather than decrease her problem. After checking out and reading just about every book I could carry home from the library, her mother and I spent the weekend reading about allergies and the problems they cause. One profound sentence from one doctor was "There is no system in the body an allergy can't hit and no disease that it cannot mimic". Mother started playing detective recording everything that she ate, drank or chewed, times of each and time of any blackouts. Her mother's detective work gave the correct diagnosis of blackouts caused by allergic reaction to ingestion of chocolate covered nuts or chocolate covered cherries, both of which she loved.
I remember a coworker discussing her 5YO granddaughter's frequent urinary tract infections, barely get one cleared up before the next one started. I suggested that there was an allergy to something causing congestion (fancy medical term is stasis) and that the best way to find it was to have parents or caretakers play detective with everything that she ate, drank or took. A few months later she elatedly told me they had found it and she was no longer having UTI's. I was floored when she told me the culprit was Flintstone vitamins - those cutsey little mutlicolored dinosaurs, etc. Then she expressed concern over her not being able to take vitamins now. After thinking over why she was having the problem with them, the logical thing was that it was not the vitamins, but the chemicals used to flavor and color them, so she took the suggestion to go to a pharmacist or vitamin store and inquired if they had a uncolored, unflavored children's vitamin to see if she had any problem with the vitamins. She later reported that they were available and she was taking them without problems.
Hopefully you now know how difficult some diagnosis can be, but in trying to pin down the problem yourself, asks yourself some of the same questions a nurse or doctor would ask you. When did it start? If it's a rash, what might have triggered it? What parts of your body are involved? All over, arms, legs, face or wherver? If it's generalized ask first about things you have changed recently that might have caused it: laundry detergent? lotion? bath soap? etc? Of course a generalized rash can also be a result of a day at the lake & contact with poison ivy or oak, or other offending plants.
If you are really keen on getting sharper on what to look for, I recently found an interesting site on line that discussed the (believe it was the Chinese) diagnosing by assessing symptoms and examination of the tongue. Just type in diagnosing disease by the tongue, and see if you can find it. I remember the textbook we had in the FNC program was "Physical Assessment" by Bates. Medical textbooks usually have a hefty price, but if you can't find it on Amazon or local bookstore, go to the nearest medical college and I'm sure they will probably have one. I can also remember a good article on line (believe it was a cosmotology thing) about assessing one's health by looking at the nails. I am sure that whoever wrote that article had also been gleaning information from some medical texts. Just try typing "self diagnostic tips" in a search window and see what you can find. You might be able to pull up the Chinese tongue diagnosis by typing in something like "diagnosis by assessing the tongue". In the meantime, remember that most trivial ailments usually solve the problem for you by getting better without treatment in 5 to 7 days.
Remember also that you can make a trivial passing ailment worse by treating as even aspirin and acetoaminophen have some serious risks involved. You should also remember that fever is one of the body's defense mechanisms and you don't kill your soldiers for doing their job. If that fever doesn't go above l04 F leave it alone except for keeping fluids going in small amounts frequently. If a fever goes higher a freezer bag of ice enclosed in a washcloth placed in each armpit and across each groin will drop that fever more comfortably and safer than the aspirin or other medication. Most of all remember that your best doctor is your immune system and you keep it in prime condition by giving your body the nutrients it needs to work with. You can't run your automobile's engine on kerosene or water and you cannot expect your body to run properly by feeding it junk food. You don't even have to worry about learning a lot of nutrition - our Creator made it simple for us by giving us color vision and growing a variety of different colored foods.
So just remember to keep looking for those beautiful fruits and vegetables, eating them as fresh as possible, even raw - and serve the different colorful ones at each meal. The closer you eat them to the way our Creator grows them, the healthier you will be. Fresh frozen fruits & vegetables are probably much healthier than the canned variety as long as you stick to the ones that have not been preseasoned (more highly processed) than the simple ones with just the fruits/vegetables and maybe a little salt. So feed yourself and your loved ones the foods to keep your immune systems in high gear, and you won't be having to diagnose a lot of problems. Eating healthier may be a little more expensive, but look at the time, as well as money saved, in not becoming a standard fixture at the doctor's office or the pharmacy. As I told a niece when she told me that whole grain breads cost more than the bleached flour bread, "Yep, until you add in the cost of the doctor bills and medications you buy to correct the problems caused by the lack of nutrients that your body requires.
Ted's Remedies
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Tan Koon Peng's Health Tips
2. If you have stomach ache due to dirty food, drink some honey follow by lots of plain water and the pain will stop.
3. Having grey finger nails, simply soaking your finger nails in vinegar for 20 minutes daily. In 2 weeks times, your finger nails should look normal.
4. Small children shouldn`t be given food after milk and vice versa. Only milk or food should be given at any 1 time otherwise the kids will fall sick.
5. Human tears contains toxins, crying mother should be careful not to let her tears drop into the baby`s eyes or the baby`s eyes will be injured.
6. When you have headache, drop a few drops of alcohol into your ear and the pain should stop soon.
7. Overweight people who wants to slim down should consider having only 2 meals per day.1 meal in the morning and another meal in the evening before 7pm. The diet should consist of fruits, vegetables and brown rice. No meat is allow.
8. After exercising when you are sweating,do not take cold bath. This is to prevent having heart attack.
9. Dollar notes contain lots of germs, do not put your finger in your mouth when counting dollars notes.
10. Having aching legs after exercising, soak your legs in warm water when your body have cool down and your will get relief.
11. Over eating hurt your lung, over hunger hurt your Qi or energy, too much vinegar hurt your bone. Avoid eating only when you are very hungry.
12. For those people who are weak, they should take many small meals daily for better absorption.T heir food should be light and meat should be avoided.
13. After meal do not take fast walk as it will hurt your stomach, slow walk is advise.
14. If you have the urge to urine, do not hold back the urine and go to toilet later. This will result in additional uric acid causing bladder infection and hurt your kidneys. Holding back your urge to pass motion can cause piles.
15. If your ear is itchy, simply drop a few drop of olive oil and the itch will stop.
16. When your wound is about to heal,you will feel itchy.Just apply some oliver oil to stop the itch.Oliver oil will let the wound heal nicely.
17. High blood pressure, take fresh tomato juice daily.
18. Dry cough or persistant cough without pleghm take radish juice with honey.
19. Thyroid and piles patients can take plenty of sea weed.
Soda Crystals
EC: Not familiar with this, we went searching for more information on Soda Crystals:
"... Soda crystals, also called washing soda, is the (somewhat) common name for sodium carbonate decahydrate. It is supposedly available as a household cleaning agent (look in the cleaning aisle of your supermarket), perhaps slightly more available in Britain (although we are unaware of any brand names it may be sold under).
Arm & Hammer sells a clumpy baking soda product in a shaker, which it refers to as crystals, but which is not the same thing. But if you fail in your search for soda crystals, go ahead and use baking soda, which is pretty similar." http://www.ochef.com/425.htm
Another website:http://boards.diynetwork.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/1921916776/m/4961052213
One poster remarks: "I believe it is the same as Arm & Hammer's Washing Soda."
Another poster writes, "Soda Crystals (aka Washing Soda) is Sodium Carbonate Decahydrate. It differs from baking soda which is Sodium Bicarbonate.
Soda Crystals are a cheap and versatile cleaning product, which can be used to clean everything from the bathroom, to removing moss from paths, cleaning greasy grillpans and the kitchen floor! You can get them in the U.K from a company called Dri-Pak, available from supermarkets for about 84p a 1kg bag. It is also a 'greener' cleaner as it contains no phosphates, chlorine or bleach.
I'm 87 yrs. old and feel great. I take this every moring in a cup of hot tea, any brand.
Recipe: 1/2 cup raw honey 1/2 cup AVC 2 cloves garlic, 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
Place in blender for a minute or less, and then put in a jar and refrigerate. Use two teaspoons every morning with a cup of hot water and tea. Drink this instead of coffee with your breakfast. The garlic taste diappears soon after eating.After using this, my vitals have improved immensely. I wouldn't be without it. I'm trying to get my wife to take it. It can't be beat!
Help Requested
This helped someone I know.
Multiple Remedies
Do these 5 things - Magnesium, Iodine, Baking Soda, Vitamin D3, B3 - and forget all the rest. These will take care of your heart, cancer and mind. The other crap is not a deal. It has taken me a lifetime to learn this and I give it to you for free.
For Vitamin D3, take 14,000 iu's a day and expose your skin for 20 to 30 minutes to the sun between 11am and 1pm.
For your brain take nician amide 3xD to = 3500mg. This is in the EC archives and amazing. This was proven at U of Cal Irving and the program was shut down. It's not about health, it's about money. The medical field make lots of jack off Alzheimer's. They don't want you to die , they just want you sick.
Read and when you get tired, read some more. You are responsible for your own health, not your doctor and certainly not me.
Ted's Remedies
Apple Cider Vinegar
I could not recommend Apple Cider Vinegar any higher!! It has changed my life like nothing else! Re-reading my previous review today, makes me want to get back to taking the stuff regularly every day again, but in truth I haven't been doing that. However, it has been displayed on my kitchen counter without exception now, for the whole time, right next to my coffee pot! I take it about half as often as I would like to, but I still take it several times a week, and I always remember it first thing, when my allergies start to creep up, or there are colds going around at work or in the family.
At the first sign of a sore throat, I begin to gargle with ACV (2 teaspoons in a 1/2 cup of water), and it goes away, very quickly, with no hint of further symptoms. If I start to sniffle or sneeze a bit, I get back to having 2 tablespoons per day, and I feel perfectly healthy again in no time. If I could remember to do it every single day, I don't think I'd ever get that sniffle to begin with! So for immunity and allergies... this stuff has positively changed my life, just as I've heard about from so many others. My allergies are dust, ragweed, and various animals including dogs. In particular, the fall was my worst season, featuring an unstoppable cough all season long, every night when I'd try to lay flat to go to bed. I could never get to sleep, and I'd keep everyone else awake with a non-stop wracking cough, and usually persistent sinus infections with tons of useless antibiotics. Since discovering the benefits of ACV, I've not coughed at all nor needed antibiotics ever since! So life-changing? JUST A LITTLE!!
Yes, it still tastes and smells pretty bad, but you are done with all of that in less than 20 seconds. Are you really such a wimp that you can't handle something minorly uncomfortable for as little as 20 seconds, when the results are so undeniable?!
So, yes, I love and swear by the ACV very strongly still, even if just for those uses, at the least. Others have worried that I am just saying all this to sell bottles of Apple Cider Vinegar, but I am certainly not! I'll happily repeat... this stuff is cheap! There are MANY brands that are just fine, so long as they are raw and have "the mother" in it. I've used 5 different brands over the past 2 years and have noticed no difference other than if one brand was cheaper than the other! So what do you have to lose? My attendance at work has been better than ever in my entire life, and I am now using my sick days for personal days off instead, or else I get a check at the end of the year because I didn't need to use them- I couldn't be happier!
Meanwhile, for weight-loss, and cholesterol, please read this review I've written:
I've given up sugar a month and a half ago, and lost 31 pounds (I still would like to lose another 30). The author calls it a diet, but it has changed my life already in so many ways in addition to the weight loss! I've learned that I have a dreadful addiction to sugar, and some people may not have as big a problem with it as I do, but sugar has zero benefit, and giving it up, while increasing fiber, has been nothing less than an exceptional experience! I think my ACV use has complimented my results as well! I'm not saying that you need to buy this book, but if you've think you might be addicted to sugar and cheap carbs too, I highly recommend you research what giving up sugar can do for you!