If sleep is difficult, get some Kava Kava, and take that with your magnesium before bed. It really soothes the nerves.
One more important aspect is the detoxification process. Heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals are literally poisoning the body. These are neuro-toxins that can be flushed out gradually. For instance, lead which has been absorbed, will bind with the extra Calcium, instead of with the bones.
These are my daily routine and i have immediate results. In fact if i miss a dose i start getting the shakes again.
Most of the information came from the "Prescription for Nutritional Healing". No doctor ever gave me the help i needed when i was really in pain and i take no prescription medication. Hope you feel better too.
Here is an excerpt about Dr. Budwig, a doctor that helped cure people of many different diseases including MS from the website http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer/Budwig.html
Dr Budwig was born in Germany in 1908. She passed away in 2003 at the age of 95. She has been referred to as a top European Cancer Research Scientist, Biochemist, Blood Specialist, German Pharmacologist, and Physicist. Dr Budwig was a seven-time Nobel Prize nominee. In Germany in 1952 she was the Central Government's Senior Expert for fats and pharmaceutical drugs. She's considered one of the worlds leading authorities on fats and oils. Her research has shown the tremendous effects that commercially processed fats and oils have in destroying cell membranes and lowering the voltage in the cells of our bodies, which then result in chronic and terminal disease. What we have forgotten is that we are body electric.
The cells of our body fire electrically. They have a nucleus in the center of the cell which is positively charged, and the cell membrane, which is the outer lining of the cell, is negatively charged. We are all aware of how fats clog up our veins and arteries, and are the leading cause of heart attacks, but we never looked beyond the end of our noses to see how these very dangerous fats and oils are affecting the overall health of our minds and bodies at the cellular level.
Dr Budwig discovered that when unsaturated fats have been chemically treated that their unsaturated qualities are destroyed and the field of electrons removed. This Commercial Processing of fats destroys the field of electrons that the cell membranes (60-75 trillion cells) in our bodies must have to fire properly (i.e. function properly).
The fats ability to associate with protein and thereby to achieve water solubility in the fluids of the living body---all this is destroyed. As Dr Budwig put it, “the battery is dead because the electrons in these fats and oils recharge it." When the electrons are destroyed the fats are no longer active and cannot flow into the capillaries and through the fine capillary networks. This is when circulation problems arise.
Without the proper metabolism of fats in our bodies every vital function and every organ is affected. This includes the generation of new life and new cells. Our bodies produce over 500 million new cells daily. Dr Budwig points out that in growing new cells, there is a dipolarity between the electrically positive nucleus and the electrically negative cell membrane with it's high unsaturated fatty acids. During cell division the cell and new daughter cell must contain enough electron rich fatty acids in the cells surface area to divide off completely from the old cell. When this process is interrupted the body begins to die. In essence, these commercially processed fats and oils are shutting down the electrical field of the cells allowing chronic and terminal diseases to take hold of our bodies.
She pointed out that this can be reversed by providing the simple foods, cottage cheese and flax seed oil, which revises the stagnated growth processes. Dr Budwig discovered that when she combined Flaxseed oil, with its' powerful healing nature of essential electron rich unsaturated fats, and cottage cheese, which is rich in sulfur protein, the chemical reaction produced makes the oil water soluble and easily absorbed into the cell membrane.
I found testimonials of people from around the world that had been diagnosed with terminal cancer (all types of cancer), sent home to die and were now actually cured and living healthy, normal lives. Not only had Dr Budwig been using her protocol for treating cancer in Europe, but she also treated other chronic diseases such as Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Irregular Heart Beat, Psoriasis, Eczema (other skin diseases), Immune Deficiency Syndromes (Multiple Sclerosis and other Auto Immune Diseases), Diabetes, Lungs (respiratory conditions), Stomach Ulcers, Liver, Prostate, Strokes, Brain Tumors, Brain (strengthens activity), Arteriosclerosis and other chronic diseases. Dr Budwig's protocol proved successful where orthodox traditional medicine was failing. Dr Budwig pointed out in her book that she often took very sick cancer patients from the hospital with only hours or a few days left to live and had very good results with her protocol, most of the time. She pointed out that in some of these patients she would start their therapy with an enema of 500CCs of an oil mixture and “that their subjective awareness of well being increased immediately.”
I had AHSCT in Moscow, Russia in May, 2018. It uses your own stem cells which you then harvest and put in liquid nitrogen. Then you have 4 days of chemo which erases your immune system and the memory of MS. Then they give you back your stem cells to rebuild your immune system. You spend about a week to 10 days in isolation until you reach a safe level to re-emerge. Then you can go home.
The whole process takes 30 days. You can find out more at www.msclerosis.com. First developed by Dr Burt at Northwestern University in 1995. Stuck in FDA testing because of drug company pressure. Been doing it in Moscow for past 10+ years and at least 8 years for foreigners.
I am 2 1/2 years post treatment and have zero MS after 22 years and every treatment both medical and alternative with little success. I had an EDSS of 4.0 and had relapsing remitting but starting to go secondary progressive. There have been over 1000 patients from outside Russia and an effective rate of about 98%. I consider it a cure. They say it may be available in US in 2024, but the sooner you get it the less chance of permanent damage as if the nerves are damaged (demylienated) they cannot be fixed.
I had tried both Rebif and Copaxone and was miserable with not only dealing with the sore site injections and immediate discomfort throughout my body but crappy side effects... I was not me anymore. I also developed a bad case of depression as a side effect and had to be put on more medication. Got to love the drug companies.
I started looking in to things on my own and found that taking a few more supplemental vitamins and adding in other extracts and such while subtracting things like meat, bad sugars, and dairy I could be me again and live virtually symptom free. Stress is not always something easily avoided but it really is my only set off anymore for the disease. I can tell when an exacerbation will most likely rear its ugly head and usually stave it off with relaxation and meditation. Here are a list of my daily vitamins and supplements in case anyone out there is interested in researching and trying a few or all of the suggestions for themselves.
Once a Day:
Alpha Lipoic Acid 100mg
Acidophilus 10mg
Chelated Manganese 5mg
Black Currant Oil 535mg
Chelated Zinc 50mg
Vitamin D3 2000mg
Twice a Day:
Pycnogenol 60mg
Ginko Biloba 60mg
Transfer Factor 600mg
St. John's Wart 300mg
Three Times a Day:
Co Q-10 30mg
Vinpocetine 10mg
Soy Lecithin 520mg
Omega-3 Fish Oil 1000mg
Spirulina 1000mg
Pure Vitamin C Crystals 5000mg per teaspoon (1/2 tsp. ) dissolved in water to take vitamins each time.
I have a smoothie that I make most mornings with frozen fruit, fresh blueberries, protein, and coconut water that I add a tablespoon of extra virgin raw coconut oil to along with a teaspoon of turmeric. I also do a small concoction of 4.5g or 2 rounded teaspoons of magnesium citrate (raspberry-lemon flavored CALM) mixed with 2oz of apple cider vinegar and water.
This may seem a to be a lot to do... But man I tell you what... I am active, awake, and in a good mood about 90 percent of the time. This disease does not run my life and the regimen is small stuff in the grand scheme. A little bit of exercise goes a long way. I walk, hike, swim and dance my booty off because I want to these days and I feel great not to mention dropped weight.
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Meine Krankheit MS musste viele Jahre mit der Schulmedizin mehr schlecht als recht zurecht kommen. Bis ich letzten Jahres von natűrlichen Mittel erfuhr. Mein Weg fűhrte mich zu DMSO. Seither ist dies mein tgl. Begleiter ( nehme 2-3 TL oral ein ).Ich fűhle mich seither schmerzfreier, vitaler...., außerdem wird es ebenso erfolgreich bei Insektenstichen, Verbrennungen usw.eingesetzt. Kann diese Erfahrung nur weitergeben.
Google Translation from German:
DMSO belongs to every home pharmacy
My illness MS had to cope with the school medicine for many years more badly than right. Until last year I learned of natural resources. My way led me to DMSO. Since then this is my daily companion (take 2-3 Teaspoons orally). I feel since then painless, vital ...., besides, it is equally successful with insect bites, burns, etc. used. Can only pass this experience on.
Dr. Terry Wahls wrote the book The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles. She offers some very interesting information on how cells work in her book. Dr. Wahls had MS so severe she was confined to a wheel chair. She was a vegetarian. She switched to a paleo based diet and slowly reclaimed her health. She advocates eating food for vitamins and minerals. She recommends foods like chicken liver, bone broth for collagen, coconut oil and vegetables broken into 3 groups – greens, sulfur like onions and broccoli and rainbow vegetables like red bell peppers and anti-oxidant fruits like strawberries and blueberries. She also limits her sugar intake to 1 teaspoon per day. I found her book very interesting. She has videos on youtube you can view explaining her principles and amazing recovery:
Minding Your Mitochondria with Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Terry Wahls presentation
Bone broth recipe: Cover a whole chicken in water in a pot with 1 Tbl iodized salt. Bring to a boil on the stove, then simmer covered one hour. Pull off meat. Return bones to the broth. Add 1 Tbl vinegar. Simmer 6 hours.
Dietary Changes, Supplements
The 9 cups of leafy greens and colorful vegetables and fruits, along with no processed foods, gluten free, low saturated fats and low sugar, per the above diets has helped. I lost 13 lbs on the diet. I was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis previously. I can now drive, as the vertigo and nausea is gone, and my leg strength is better. I have not been to the hospital with breathing problems from "ms hug" since starting the diets. The pain is better. I am currently excited about the biotin, as my energy has improved since taking it. There was a recent study done on biotin which had good results, so neurologists are recommending it and vitamin d3 now. If you take vitamin d3, make sure you take a calcium citrate supplement and magnesium to balance electrolytes.
I drink low sodium V8 juice to get the potassium so it all balances out. I do low salt diet, sea salt only to get the other minerals. Salt was found to aggravate ms, and I found it to be true. I drink a lot of water too, since I believe dehydration was worsening ms. You need about 9 cups water a day for a woman, about 11 cups for a man. I set timer on my phone to remind me to drink glass of water.
Pinching skin on back of hand and raising 1 cm and releasing it, skin should snap back quickly. If skin sinks back slowly, you are dehydrated. I thought I was drinking enough water, but I wasn't! Also take a good probiotic supplement. I still have good and bad days, but the improvement is definitely there!
Alkaline Diet
The Liberation Procedure
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
The following article suggests that LDN could be useful for maintaining several aspects of health in MS in some people while not in others because studies have varied in terms of improvement to MS :
Here is a relevant quote from the article :
' A review of LDN research published in 2018 noted several beneficial outcomes from peer-reviewed studies using the drug to treat MS, including:
- Significantly reduced spasticity
- Significant benefits for mental health
- Improvement in quality of life
- Reduced fatigue
- Use as a single therapy resulted in stable disease state
However, not all results have been positive or consistent. The review cited:
- One study showing LDN treatment resulted in no significant differences in quality of life, which conflicts with a later study
- One study reporting side effects of insomnia and nightmares in a minority of cases
- A survey that found treatment with LDN didn't reduce the amount of disease-modifying therapies people were prescribed '
Given the mixed studies for LDN and MS and then taking into consideration the very good safety profile of LDN, it certainly seems worthy of consideration.
The Liberation Procedure
Hydrogen Peroxide
I'm 69 years of age and live in Texas, USA.. Haven't found an ailment it won't cure if done daily.
I have had a lot of family history with MS. When my wife was stricken I used what I'd learned over the years. An MRI demonstrated two lesion in her dorsal vertabra. Hence, she suddenly could barely walk.
Well I knew the road ahead using the conventional treatment so quickly moved to get the mercury out of her system. She did have highly elevated mercury. Only four months earlier she had dental work using mercury amalgams. We killed the virus using colloidal silver drinking three tablespoons daily. She had the fillings removed and chelation to get the mercury removed. Ala Dr Robert Adkins book "Vita Nutrients" who used Calcium AEP in IV form for his MS patients, we added three capsules of that to her vitamin routine. Finally, we got on line "sphengoline" which is a myelin substance and can repair the lesions.
In only two months there were no more symptoms. She keeps her Cal AEP close by in case she can feel a coming "flare up. " That was fifteen years ago.
I have seen this formula work with at least ten MS patients with amazing results.
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Mercury Fillings Removed
Birdie from Calgary, Alberta Canada February 4, 2012 at 3:10 pm
Finally after 55 yrs, I realized I had asperger syndrome after seeing a program on TV about it. I suspected mercury poisoning (identical symptoms) so I had all my "silver" mercury dental fillings removed. MUCH relief was obtained doing this. I could not believe the difference! Then I used Olive Leaf Extract capsules to remove the candida yeast and zeolite powder to detox my system of any remaining heavy metals. WHAT a difference! I punted major fear and depression with this stuff!
When I was in my twenties, I had 17 mercury fillings removed because I had symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Within 3 months all symptoms improved and that was 30 years ago!!
Dave Thomas Protocol
Re the EC video post on my wife's MS;
The list is given on the video but I'll be happy to relist for you:
1. We had to get the mercury out of her system. There is evidence that MS is caused by a heavy metal combined with a virus. When tested she DID have mercury off the chart. She had just had amalgam fillings put in six months earlier. So chelation removed the mercury at large and one at a time using a "dam" the amalgams were replaced.
2. She took a lot of colloidal silver to kill the virus...that over a year... two times daily...about six tablespoons a day.
3. She took sphingolin daily to rebuild the myelin sheath. Can get on line. She took 3 tablets daily.
4. She took six tablets of AEP daily...vital.
5. Also she took 3 tablets Evening Primrose Oil daily which helps build cells. The western diet provides inferior oils... too much hydrogenated oils... deadly for the brain and causes dementia. By the way, this is why an extended low fat diet can be detrimental.
I was told aster her MRI that she would have to face a life of degenerating mobility. She was fine all her life after we got past the initial six months of turning her around.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Dave's Remedies
First: It is likely that a virus has made inroads allowing lesions after attacking the myelin sheath. This is an open wound on the nerve. The sheath has been made suceptible to attack because the wrong oils have been consumed over the years making the sheath "wall" weak. To build the wall back the patient needs good oils especially evening primrose oil in large quantities; 2-3 thousand IUs daily. The good oils must be used for consumption like Olive Oil. Hydrogenated oils must be avoided at all costs. Most restaurants use hydrogenated.
Second: To kill the virus, the patient must ingest colloidal silver daily for at least 6 months, one eighth cup a day, twice a day. One will not turn blue if you are taking true colloidal silver properly diluted. If one does not want to take the silver then there are other virucydes such as echinacea. Hydrogen peroxide can also work. One will need some professional help to administer that.
Third: The patient must take Calcium AEP, up to eight tablets spread throughout the day. Dr. Adkins in his book Vita Nutrients used Calcium AEP as the most important part of his protocol for treathing MS patients. He would give the patients Calcium AEP by IV drip. But one can get the effect orally also. Google Calcium AEP and you will find the many many great helps AEP can give. (Not just MS. ) The key is not the Calcium. The active worker is the AEP. AEP works on the cellular level to do remarkable things. When ever my mother would have a painful leg/ MS "flare up" I made sure she took an extra four or six AEP tablets. That never failed to give her relief. Please read more on AEP. I do not have MS but I take two daily.
Finally, get on line to find a good source for "sphengelin" and I probably have that spelled wrong. This will actually rebuild the myelin sheath.
Also, get Dr Robert Adkins book "Vita Nutrients" and his treatments for all kinds of problems are at the back of the book including MS. He will recommend much more than I have suggested. He does not go after the virus that many believe is an important element in onset MS. That is my only addition to his excellent treatment program.
The Liberation Procedure
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
EC: Read more about LDN: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_dose_naltrexone
Shared Solutions which helps patients manage their Copaxone therapy says that there's no drug or vitamin interaction with Copaxone so it's safe to take other meds and supplements. Once on Copaxone, do everything in your power to remain on the Copaxone therapy. Yeah it's a hassle with the daily injection but it's a small needle and much easier to deal with than Avaonex or Beta Seron. Usually the only problem could be an injection site reaction. I know people that took Beta Seron years ago before Copaxone came along and they had flu like symptons after taking the injection.
Even if you're not on Copaxone, go to the SharedSolutions.com web site and look at the info. Then give them a call and get signed up with them and they'll send you more info and keep you on their mailing list. Copaxone isn't cheap and you likely need insurance to offset most of the cost and Shared Solutions can possibly help with finding financial help.
But definately yes, try other natural therapies and adding supplements to your daily routine. Just as MS affects each of us differently, one thing might work for you while it doesn't work for the rest of us. Unless you're lucky enough to have an amazing Neurologist then it's up to you to educate yourself, network with group and individuals and sometimes be your own doctor to see what helps you.
And like others said here, plenty of sleep and a REGULAR schedule really helps most people suffering from MS. And here I am writing this at 4am :-) I can attest to having a mixed up sleep schedule and how it works against you.
Even though Copaxone has worked well for me and a good friend that takes it, I'd be interested in trying the Honey Bee Venon supplement. I'd seen a video years ago about people with MS getting together and doing group Honey Bee Venom therapy through actual Bee stings. It looked painful but it sure worked for many of the people.
I rambled on here quite a bit because if mentioning a single item here can point someone down the path to finding relief from MS, then I've done a good deed for the day. Be your own doctor, be your own researcher, be proactive and hopefully you too can find help.
May God Bless each of you.
EC: See Reader Q&A section.
I have been taking LDN for more than six years for autoimmune problems. When you take the LDN, it will block your opiates and opiate receptors for four to six hours, which may be why you experience an increase in pain after taking it. It is during the next 18 a 20 hours that LDN will make your body think it is in short supply of these, and it will make more of both. This is usually where the healing is found, especially with MS. If you take LDN more than once in any 24 hours, the blockade will begin again and interrupt the healing time. May I suggest you try taking 3 mg. LDN once a day, and see how it goes? You could then experiment with 4.5 mg. once a day, but if you experience any muscle cramping at 4.5 mg, which sometimes happens at this dose with MS, then go back to 3 mg once a day. I hope you have joined the Yahoo LDN Group with over 13,000 members who take LDN, about half for MS. They can give you their personal experiences and guide you with what has worked out best. Wishing you relief from your pain soon. Best wishes!
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
I forgot to mention that if you are taking opiate based pain medicine, the LDN will block it, which also may be why you feel more pain after taking the LDN. This has the potential of throwing a person who is dependent on the opiate pain meds into a dangerous withdrawal. The ONLY thing that LDN should NOT be taken with is opiate based drugs, for this reason. Some people take pain medicine (Tremadol - sp?)in the morning, and LDN at night, 12 hours apart, and this seems to work for them. I would join the LDN Yahoo Group to get specific information about this from people who use it this way. LDN seems to work better for people with MS when they take it at night, between 10PM and 2AM.
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
I subsequently went on LDN in 2021 and this year (2022) the tests from my neurologist showed that I have improvements in all of my nerve tests and no new symptoms. Of course he tries to sell me new pharmaceuticals at every visit but I say no and continue with the LDN.
It must be filled at a compounding pharmacy and it costs $105 for 100 capsules in Victoria, Australia - I take 1 x 5mg tablet daily.
I found this website helpful - https://ldnresearchtrust.org/what-is-low-dose-naltrexone-ldn
It may not be a cure, but I have experienced zero side effects and the regular MS drugs have a massive list of side issues.