The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Eliminate Artificial Sweeteners, Ldn
Posted by Chip (Playa Hermosa, Guanecaste, Costa Rica) on 03/18/2013
Hello, I have Primary Progressive MS, and unlike most people I know what started it. I used to drink Aspartame sweetened diet soda. In 2004 I started to have significant neurological symptoms, numbness, severe word sluring, loss of muscle control and hot flashes in my left arm. I saw at least a dozen doctors and spent 4 days in the hospital, no one could figure it out. Then in May I went to a Chiropractor and he convinced me to give up Diet Coke, which I was drinking about a 6 pack a day. Immedieatly the symptoms started disappearing and within 2 weeks they were completly gone, except my right thumb and 2 adjacent fingers had some numbness, they felt like anything I touched was through cloth. A follwup MRI showed that I had lots of damage to my brain, and much of my cerebellum was gone (the nerves that control the fingers are in there). I continued to push for a real cause and in December I was diagnosed with MS by a doctor of neurology who was also a professor of Neurology at the University of Miami.
She said I had R&R MS, and I disagreed because I said that I never had a relapse or remission. In any case I did not take anything and seemed to be fine except for the numbness in my fingers. Then 5 years later I started to experience weakness in my right leg, which I attributed to Planta Fascitus which I had in my right foot. I went to a podiatrist and he fixed the foot, and I then went to a physical theripist to strengthen it, she said that the problem was neurological. I than went back to a neurogist and he proclaimed I had MS. Over the next 3 years I steadily declined, never having a relapse or a remission. I saw 3 more neurologists and they all said I had MS.
I tried the Wahles Diet, lots of supplements, the Swank Diet, and acupuncture, all to no avail. Then last week I got a prescription for Low Dose Naltrexon (LDN). I initially got my Doctor to write it for 4.5 mg, but the pharmacist at Skip's Pharmacy in Boca Raton told me to start with 1.5 mg, then after 30days up it to 3 then after 30 more days go to 4.5mg.
Although it has only been a few days already I do not get fatigued by midmorning and my right leg does not cramp up or shake a lot in the morning, like it was. My disease progresses slowly, but I am hopeful that it will now stablize.
I have now retired to Costa Rica, where I got a Doctor to write the prescription for LDN. Since I go back to Florida to visit frequently I hope to be able to keep up the LDN.
Posted by Cheryl (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 11/02/2012
I have MS, and have been following Swanks MS Diet for the past 2 years - I have no symptoms of MS (other than brain fog - but that could just be me! ). His diet is all about reducing saturated fat intake. Dr Roy Swank did over 50 years of research on MS. There was a 20 year study completed on this with MS patients which shows remarkable results. And all it takes is changing the food you eat. Please have a look at the following 2 websites - and Dr George Jelinek's site - . These 2 websites have great forums which show that the diet can slow/reverse symptoms of this disease. Both these doctors also have books that are my bibles. Take care and please look into Swanks MS Diet.
Posted by Jevon (Washington, Dc) on 06/17/2013
I myself have not participated in this diet, nor do I have Multiple Scelerosis. But, I am the main caregiver for my mother who does have MS, and will soon start implementing my findings.
I came across this video recently that I thought was phenomenal that addresses how effective diet is to curing this "uncureable" disease. It's a video from a physician, Dr. Terry Wahls, who herself suffered from a serious case of MS, and now she's back to her healthy self. All she did was change her diet.
Go check it out:
This guy is also a former sufferer of MS, and he went on a fast to cure his ailment. His video can be seen here:
Please let me know if anyone else has tried this stuff, so I can help my mom get back to the women she deserves to be.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Orshi (Exeter, Devon, England) on 01/21/2012
Hi all! I was diagnosed with MS 14 months ago, I had a rubbish year, needed steroid every 3-4 month, havent been able to work as I constatly have problem with fatigue, pins and needles and pretty bad numbness in my feet, bladder dysfunction, constipation, weakness and balance trouble, difficulty with walking, blurry sight with one eye and lots of other symptoms.
Steroid works but every time I get some, by the time I start to get back to normal, the problems slowly come back and I'm going down within two month again. It's very depressing. Now, I'm trying to be positive but right now I can't even walk again for ten minutes without sitting down for a rest. When I was diagnosed I was also told that I have EBV and they couldn't really tell 100% that my symptoms are caused by ms or EBV but most likely ms I guess.
I have been reading about Hydrogen Peroxide therapy for about two weeks and it gave me so much hope that I decided to try it. I am on 14 drops today now, climbing up to 25 and then do the whole protocol as it's in the books... I was wondering if anyone with the same problems has tried HP therapy? Please would you share your experiences with me, and maybe give me a little hope that I will get better one day. I am only 30 but I feel like my life stopped a year ago:-( I know I can't expect anything in a couple of weeks but I believe in this now so much that I tell myself every single day that this stuff will help me and I'm willing to do, even be patient for six months for results as long as I can walk, and after if I get better I am going to drink or inhale hp for the rest of my life.
Please give some good news here dear everyone or Ted! This site is great by the way!
I wish you all good health, and I'm looking forward to some answers. Also here's my email if anyone would share their experience with hp therapy in private orsika(at)
Thank you!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 02/01/2012
This is exciting news to me: stem cell therapy. Is it available in the USA at this time ? ...Oscar
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Don (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/09/2020
Oxygenation of blood through any means seems to do the trick with many illnesses. Eg Jim Humbles chlorine dioxide, wim hof breathing method, it all makes sense to me, not withstanding issues with nutrition and over toxicity.
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 12/23/2011
Nutrition, Electrotherapy
Posted by Wongoblly (San Diego, Ca, Us) on 02/02/2012
I just came across Dr Terry Wahls too. It really is amazing. Please if you now anyone who has MS let them know about her. They can decide for themselves. She has Secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS). again she is a Physician who went from four years in a total recline wheel chair only able to walk a few steps with two canes to riding a bike. Have a peek at her website & youtube videos. I don't have MS but it's nice to see what God's food can do to heal us.
Nutrition, Electrotherapy
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/02/2012
Here is a video by Dr. Terry Wahls which tells you what she ate to cure her MS and get out of her wheelchair. It offers excellent information for everyone needing advice for better health and I really recommend everyone watch the 17 min video. These are the foods we all need to get back to eating. She also mentions foods for liver and kidney cleansing, really helpful stuff.
Nutrition, Electrotherapy
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky Usa) on 02/04/2012 2042 posts
Living near a Mennonite community, one can't help but see how easily the healthy diet comes to these people. Yes, we all have choices, BUT most of us have limited ones in the context of our modern lifestyle/environment. Solitary, disabled, limited budget folks like me don't have many choices. My best option is eat as healthy as possible AND supplement. I will pose this option/combination ---diet
and supplementation as superior to the (either) (or) "choice".
Several yrs gone my dad had finally reached the age of retirement but his health was in steady decline. Fatigue, short term memory loss (forgetfulness), overweight, malice, irritability, depression, etc. Then comes debilitating arthritis. Dad agreed to my recommendation to a good wholefood multivitamin/mineral ---2 daily. 2 mo later and after being out-of-town for 2 wks Dad returns and walks into the hospital room where I was bedridden and I didn't even recognize him until probably 10 sec. later. The results was astounding ---lost 20 lbs, color returned to eyes & skin, mentally sharp w/ no more depression; this was from only 2 multi's day.
If one can eat a very healthy organic (paleo) diet there are yet limitations as far as quantity of nutrients goes, so I would suggest supplementing w/ advanced nutrition (for the topic of mitochondria) like CoQ10, NADH, Alpha Lipoic Acid, d-Ribose, Quercetin.
Of course clean air & water is a must as is exercise to keep the "fire" of the mitochondria burning (cellular respiration yielding high energy Adenine Triphosphate ATP).
The Liberation Procedure
Posted by Laura (Denver, Co, Usa) on 03/03/2012
I had the Liberation procedure 3x. The 1st time (June 2010 India) good results but very temporary, the veins weren't opened up wide enough. The 2nd time (Aug 2010 Los Cabos Mexico) great results that lasted 6 months, then symptoms came back. The third time (Mar 2011 California) veins were still open, even though symptoms had returned. So I had to look for other options.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Jonathan (Asheville, North Carolina) on 05/21/2010
I like to learn from other people's experiences. Having been diagnosed with "it LOOKS like you MIGHT have ms", I wanted to do something immediately. I was going deaf in one ear, having trouble walking, etc. My indefatigable will to walk and not be crippled by this menace was effective but not good enough. Now I am Vegan, but I warn those with MS to stay the hell AWAY FROM SUGAR, ALCOHOL, CAFFEINE, GLUTEN, DAIRY, and any kind of FUNGI! DOING A CANDIDA CLEANSE WILL HELP. Also, take something with DHA and EPA combined, phosphatidyl serine, DHLA, and Gingko/ginseng. Now I am SUPERMAN! I feel great. (I also take LDN).
The Liberation Procedure
Posted by Julie (Buffalo, Ny) on 03/16/2011
Hello, I just wanted to say that I've been doing research on the liberation treatment for some time and have come to the conclusion that I want to be tested for CCSVI. Yes, Dr. Zamboni is running trials here in Buffalo, NY but with such high numbers with people having MS here it is a difficult study to get into. I decided I would go to Poland or another country performing the procedure because I am only 29 and was diagnosed in'08 and I have two young children. Upon researching I found a Dr. Here in New York State that does do the procedure and I finally got my referral to see this doctor for evaluation. The staff there is very polite, via talking to them, and I look forward to going. I was also told by staff at the office that some insurance companies are on board now with paying for this procedure to be done. I will post an update after I go for my initial visit.
Vitamin D3
Posted by Jen (Eureka, Mt, Usa) on 01/18/2011
Phyl mentions Fampridine (also called Ampyra) for MS. Please research this carefully before using -
"The non-sustained release form of fampridine (i.e. , 4-Aminopyridine Or 4-AP) is used as a bird poison to excite the nerve cells so much so that birds get seizure and die. In the process of neuronal excitation, a few individual members of a flock of birds, who have ingested the poison on the roof of a federal building, become hyperactive and utter distress calls which signal other birds to leave the site. The compound is highly poisonous to mammals. It has in fact been known to cause severe poisoning, and in some cases, death, in adult humans. "
I looked into this at my mother-in-law's request, as she has been dealing with MS for about 15 years. This drug is not only dangerous, but in the control studies, people's ability to walk a distance of 25 feet was only increased by .8 seconds. Not even a full second, so is it worth the risk for next to no pay-off?
Vitamins D and B12
Posted by Violet (Chicago, Il) on 08/04/2011
I absolutely agree with what you are doing. I use it too and it works. I also use extra virgin olive oil cold pressed 1 table spoon a day. Make sure it's cold pressed that says on the bottle or you are buing very expensive fat. Also, I take a nap in the middle of a day for one hour. It really helps to get my energy back. Try meditation. It did wonders for me. You do not have to cross your legs and say HHHHHHHH for 2-3 hour, 5 to 10 minutes a day in AM and PM. Look up Dr Oz's show segment with dr Chopra it tells you exactly how to do it.
Also, try to stay away from meat, sugar, gluten, chemicals, MSG as much as you can becauses it causes inflamation in your body. I also use extra virgin coco nut oil 1/2 teaspoon a day. But do not overdo it or you will have blocked arteries.
Also excersice as much as you can. Do the streching excersises, or pilates. Do not waste your money for the gym. I tried it did not work for me. So I bought a stepper, stationary bike and dum bells. it is enough for me.
I have this present (MS) for 9 years.
Vitamins D and B12
Posted by Southern Belle (Atlanta, Ga Usa) on 09/06/2011
To Violet from Chicago:
Please do more research on the Coconut oil. It is not going to block your arteries. Where did you come up with that idea?
Coconut Oil
Posted by Joy (Solana Beach, CA) on 02/22/2009
Ted's Remedies
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 01/30/2009
For the "Partial Leg Paralysis" or "Arm Paralysis" claim, I have to admit that I found myself somewhat skeptical about the "Edgar Cayce Electricity claim". However, it appears that one electrical device has now been clinically verified to "repair this symptom". This device was recently showcased on the Doctors TV show.
Bioness Announces NESS H200 and L300 Systems to Be Available at 88 HealthSouth Hospitals Nationwide
There is a fungalbionics book which seems to implicate the Aspergillus fungus as a possible cause of MS (Ergot poisoning). It seems to say MS is responsive to Nystatin, a non-absorbed antifungal medication. Note: Many nystatin medications are mixed with sucrose(sugar), and so this may reduce effectiveness. I suspect that the SSKI remedy would be beneficial to many ms patients, but I have no experience dealing with the matter, so defer to Ted on the matter.
Dietary Changes
Posted by Jennm (Buffalo, Ny) on 04/13/2010
Do some research on gut permeability and gluten. Increase RAW fruits and veggies, Reduce sugar, do away with form of wheat (bread, pasta, etc,...); and get some sun. I am doing well with these simple, and even better, CHEAP ways.
Posted by Amy (Houston, TX) on 01/04/2009
My husband was diagnosed with MS in August 2003, just days before his 31 birthday. He is currently having increasing bladder problems and is considering acupuncture as a treatment option. How do you go about finding a reputable acupuncturist? He is currently taking medication for MS, bladder spasms and fatigue as well as self-cathing approx 4-5 times a day. Along with the bladder dysfunctions he is experiencing erectile dysfunctions as well. The medications given by his urologist do not work. He is becoming very frustrated with the constant bladder problems and is looking for other options.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Stacy (MA) on 08/01/2021
Look up food grade hydrogen peroxide reviews on Amazon. Do you know about the diets for multiple sclerosis? I don't know if your wife is already on a diet, but that would be helpful for her.
Posted by Coraga (Milwaukee, , Wi) on 05/18/2011
I use about one tablespoon. I stopped taking it a few years ago. But I started back as my MS has progressed, and I am eating a lot of healthy food every day.
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by David (Poole, UK) on 09/03/2007
Low Dose Naltrexone is being used by people with MS (and other conditions) to stop the progress of the disease. Regrettably it does not seem to work for absolutely everyone and does not give much if any improvement with existing symptoms. It does however give one a chance to try other possible solutions knowing you will not get worse as time goes on.
Honey Bee Venom
Posted by Pk (Avon Lake, Oh) on 12/07/2011
I have had success using Bee Venom Therapy for various ailments including: herniated disk, muscle strains in the lower back and shoulders, and it removed a wart that I had for over 5 years on my foot. I have witnessed many MS patients make drastic improvements with Bee Venom Therapy to the point that they got off of the drugs that only made them feel worse.
Many people use BVT for arthritis, carpal tunnel, low back issues, etc... (even Cancer).
Mother Nature has provided the solutions for our health issues.
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Pat (London, England) on 10/26/2008
I have a friend. he is 42 been ill for 2 years now. just released from 4 month stay in london hospital. he has been disagnosed with progressive ms. I have never heard of ldn. what is it. and where can he buy it. many thanks pat .x
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Dudley (Virginia Beach, Va) on 12/15/2009
Naltrexone is a cheap generic pharmaceutical approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating drug and alcohol addiction. In very low doses, it is proving to be remarkably effective in treating multiple sclerosis--with minimal side effects and at a price anyone can afford.
For more information about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), visit
The above site features links to LDN-related research, case histories, discussion groups, books, articles, and video clips.
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Susan D. (MI) on 11/20/2023
I concur w/U! I saw a chart a # of yrs ago noting mgs best for each autoimmune disorder. MS 3.5 mg//more is not best or necessary. Sue
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Susan Duby (MI USA) on 11/20/2023
Do research. search LOW DOSE NALTREXONE IRELAND. Great info through successful docs who support/prescribe LDN
Dave Thomas Protocol
Posted by Sameer (Dallas, Texas) on 05/19/2015
Good day earth clinic,
This email is for Mr. Dave Thomas, I saw your video on curing ur wife's m.s, exactly what are the things or meds4 did u use? Can u tell me please, thank u. Sameer
Dave Thomas Protocol
Posted by Carrie (Vienna, Austria) on 06/18/2015
Dear Dave,
First of all thank you for posting your video, I have watched it thru a few times. I was wondering how you went about the chelation process? Did you use DMPS or the American equivalent DMSA? Also, do you remember the concentration of colloidal silver she was taking, in the 2 Tablespoons 3 x daily? I have a silver generator and the maximum concentration PPM is 30. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Carrie
Dave Thomas Protocol
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 06/18/2015
Hello Carrie,
Re your question to me....
Chelation was performed with EDTA. IVs...over a multi month period.
Also her fillings which were put in (mercury amalgams) were taken out by using a plastic wrap to keep the filling from getting into the system.
On the quantity of Colloidal Silver to kill the infection, about two or three tablespoons twice daily for six months....30 ppm.
The theory is that a heavy metal such as mercury ties to the myelin sheath and a specialty virus invades into the interior onto the nerve...a lesion. The invading virus then has a field day into the nerve. Like shingles virus, like Bells' Palsy. I think even ALS is triggered by a specialty virus...think: Polio.
So she was not only orally consuming CS, but applying topically with DMSO on site of dorsal lesion.
Also Evening Primrose Oil...1,000 IUs daily. Sphingolin....1,000 mg or so.
Now remember; this viral/heavy metal as the cause for MS is my theory. Maybe there are other causes. But in the case of my wife, she overcame the MS; was back walking in months with no loss of motion and all the predictions that she would disintegrate and be bed ridden in ten years, did not come true.
By the way, don't forget AEP...(calcium AEP) "calcium AEP Nutrition Review"
I gave her 1,000 mg of that too...daily.
Dave Thomas Protocol
Posted by Carrie (Vienna, Austria) on 06/20/2015
Dear Dave,
Thank you for your response.
I never had any fillings in my adult teeth. The water in the town I grew up in did have fluoride, and I think it is very possible that I have eaten mercury contaminated seafood. When I was first diagnosed with MS, there were blood tests done and it showed an elevated Herpes Zoster count. (Shingles)
Since watching your video, I started taking the calcium EAP, Evening Primrose oil, Sphingolin and we have started working with the DMSO on the lesion. The chelation is the missing step. I saw that there is some device where you submerge the feet into an ionic foot bath to detox from heavy metals. I am not sure if this really works.
Since my diagnosis I have made many changes, both diet and lifestyle but still have relapses which I only know of because I have had MRI's. (I am a vegetarian now, drinking fresh pressed juices, exercise and I have tried many more alternative therapies, perhaps too many to list.) I want to steer clear of the Allopathic medical model. I was taking Copaxone daily, and heavy steroid doses when I had an attack. This steroid therapy was worse than my MS symptoms. One of my doctors actually suggested a round of Chemotherapy to stop the attacks! I was shocked to say the least. At the moment I am an able bodied sufferer of MS with no severe damage, yet.
Thank you for your video and sharing your story, and giving such detailed advice.
Wishing you and your wife all the best.
Dave Thomas Protocol
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 06/20/2015
Hi Carrie,
In addition to Dave's excellent advice, you should also look into low dose naltrexone ( for your MS. Earth Clinic has some info here, under Ailments, MS:
It is a non-toxic, FDA approved drug (for opiate and alcohol addiction at 50 mg/day) with no side effects except possible sleep disturbances for a week or so. It was discovered several decades ago that when given in very low doses of 1.5-4.5mg/day, it could modulate the immune system, thus reducing symptoms and progression of MS, many autoimmune diseases (phase lll trials are in progress now for Crohn's disease)and even helping with control of cancer. It is low cost at about $40/month, and is taken orally. It stops progression in about 85% of MS users. On the official LDN site listed above, there is reference for a Yahoo LDN Group that has over 12,000 members, about half use it for MS. They will advise you, give you their stories and answer any questions you may have. Best wishes!
Dave Thomas Protocol
Posted by Orrianne (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/23/2015
I hope this message finds you well. I am contacting you regarding a youtube video in which Dave Thomas spoke about curing his wife of MS. He provided some amazing information about numerous supplements. However, the dosages of the Calcium AEP and Porcine Sphingolin weren't mentioned. Are those to be taken as directed on the bottle? Thank you so much for your help!
Dave Thomas Protocol
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 08/23/2015
Hello Orrianne...
On the quantities as I recall...
AEP...4 to 6 caps daily
Spingolin...4 caps daily.
Also we used Evening Primrose Oil...1000 IUs daily
Eliminate Artificial Sweeteners, Ldn
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 03/18/2013
I'm glad to hear you are doing well on LDN. It should stop the progression of your disease. Please be aware that if the LDN is stopped for more than a couple of days, you can get the MS symptoms back again. You need it to moderate your immune system and keep the MS in check. By the way, I believe Skip's ships all over the world and prescriptions can be faxed to them. He has been a true leader in the LDN arena, and has donated many hours and work for it's use to help those with autoimmune diseases. I have no financial interest or affiliation with this pharmacy. Best wishes!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/22/2012
Hi Orshi - I don't know about hydrogen peroxide for MS, but you may find the following TED video very interesting.
TEDxIowaCity - Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria
Dr. Terry Wahls learned how to properly fuel her body. Using the lessons she learned at the subcellular level, she used diet to cure her MS and get out of her wheelchair.
Hope there is some valuable information in it for you. Take care, Bess
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Orshi (Exeter, Devon, England) on 01/22/2012
Thank you very much for your help and all the best!
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Laura (Denver, Co, Usa) on 03/03/2012
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Pete (Vancouver, B.c.) on 03/07/2014
Just found this site and have been reading all the interesting posts.
My yoga instructor was telling us about Hydrogen Peroxide food grade and how it might be beneficial for people with MS, which I have had for 6/7 years now. Not sure if I can get LDN in Canada but will look into it.
Orshi, if you are still looking at this post every now and then, just wondering how you made out and if you have tried the LDN ??
I am 50 and also have extreme numbness in both legs/feet as well as bladder/bowel/eye problems as well as others.
Anyone in Canada purchasing the LDN? Thanks for any info. Best to everyone, Pete
Alkaline Diet
Posted by Dwan (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/21/2011
Hi! Dwan here, in Atlanta, GA who has MS and is now eating mostly alkaline rather than acidic foods - and drinking water with baking soda mixed in.
For those times I decide to eat out eat a restaurant in Atlanta, I want to eat at a restaurant that serves alkaline food.
Is there a directory online that lists restaurants that serve alkaline meals - especially in Atlanta?
Alkaline Diet
Posted by Karen (Clarkston ) on 08/18/2013
Finding a healthy restaurant need not be a chore, whether at home or on the road. Try
Alkaline Diet
Posted by Dwan (Atlanta) on 03/10/2016
Thanks for the reply! I visited and found a bunch of vegan or veg-friendssly restaurants, including Chipotle, one I've eaten at before. I'm not sure that an alkaline restaurant exists.
Nutrition, Electrotherapy
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/02/2012
Here is Terry Wahl's website. She cured her own ms by eating a paleo diet and adding certain things to her diet. She also has a YouTube site. We should all be eating this food.
Nutrition, Electrotherapy
Posted by Iowama (Pella, Ia) on 02/03/2012
I was looking around on Amazon regarding the latest edition of
Minding My Mitochondria and found a review/ response in which the author went through the diet point by point and created a very thorough overview of it (and it has undergone a few updates since I purchased my copy. ) If this is posted under MS, I hope that it will also be posted on the "Healthful Diets" page under "Paleolithic Diet". Thank you and best wishes to all. The link is as follows:
Nutrition, Electrotherapy
Posted by Wongoblly (San Diego, Ca, Us) on 02/03/2012
Oh yes I agree with setting another category "Healthful Diets" page under "Paleolithic Diet". Pella, EC suggests you put in a request form to them to add another category page.
Does anyone know how to request a new page at EC? I did notice a drop down menu at top of page
submit feedback
I didn't know I could post links here. Everybody should see her history video above link. I saw it last month on youtube plus others.
Also watched "Food Matters the Movie" another excellent video.
Duration 1:18
This EC site is awesome. wongoblly
EC: Yes, it was cross posted to Diets section under "Paleolithic Diet".
Nutrition, Electrotherapy
Posted by Wongoblly (San Diego, Ca, US) on 02/04/2012
Thank you for the update from Liza at EC. I had no idea it was there too.
The Liberation Procedure
Posted by Sofie (Tyler, Texas, Usa) on 04/09/2011
is anyone familiar with this procedure by Dr. Zamboni in Italy and is there anyone in the usa that performs the procedure?
The Liberation Procedure
Posted by Jowl (Maine) on 07/06/2023 17 posts
Nobody gets this procedure anymore.
The inventor of the Liberation Procedure had to admit after RCTs that the procedure did not do anything beneficial. Sounds like you had placebo effects.
Vitamin D3
Posted by Todd (Philly) on 12/11/2024
Thank you for sharing. Can I ask what brand of vit d3 with k2 you used?
General Feedback
Posted by Mathura Bhatta (Khatima, Uttarakhand, INDIA) on 07/21/2009
I need of brochure and or other educational material on myelopathy and M.S. for a person in a remote village in India who does not have internet access. I will appreciate if you could put his name on your mailing list and send any info to him at:
[Information Removed]
EC: Dear Mathura Bhatta: You will likely get the best information on these subjects by searching on sites like and and then printing out this material for your friend!
Posted by Monica (Tracy, Ca) on 02/28/2013
Hi Joy! In 2006, when my twins were 5 months old, I was diagnosed with RRMS. It was devastating to me and my family. I could not walk, talk, vision was getting bad. I have been injecting myself with copaxone since that time. My memory is horrible and sometimes I have tremors... I have been using baking soda/molasses as a tea for a while. I have not taken long enough to see if it really works yet. I want to be healed before obamacare is implemented in January 2014. Thank you for your story.
I have made an appointment with an acupuncturist in my city for hopefully next week.
Posted by Jamuna (Delhi, India) on 01/18/2015
Posted by Elaine (New York, US) on 02/18/2015
If anyone wants to try... Puti Meditation. I have seen many miracles in people practicing them and also their Bagua Walking Meditation.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sunnysky (Texas, US) on 12/25/2014
Best wishes to your wife. Where do I find the details on HP % and the number of drops, etc? I've seen this topic before, but it was actually my doctor who whispered/suggested I look into this, including ozone therapy, so will want to look that up, too, but for now I'm looking for info on the HP protocol. (MS for almost 25 minutes) Thanks!
Posted by Wendy (Plover, WI U.S.A) on 10/29/2007
Hi, Se helps the thyroid which slows down due to celiac. Faster working thyroid helps increase oxygen to the brain cells. Brain cells need more oxygen than other cells. Heavy metals block the thyroid medicine from being used and may block how the hemoglobin works. I was full of heavy metals. Colloidal siver poisoned me. It was the worst hell. I don't recommend anyone take colloidal silver. They may build it up like I did.
Posted by Bessie (Vancouver, Canada) on 10/30/2007
Regarding Earth Clinic's query about "Se" in someone's post. It stands for Selenium which is extremely helpful for those who have problems with their thyroid. By the way, I love this site and check it regularly. I've learned so much. Thank you!
Posted by Kim (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/21/2011
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Susan D. (MI) on 11/20/2023
My thought only is to change dosage if LDN not working. Also patience is important along with eliminating seeds, flours, nuts, rices, corn, dairy, fake sugar (or eliminating all sugar type substitutions) same with NO GF foodstuffs.
Posted by Donna Taylor (Janesville Wisconsin) on 02/15/2014
I absolutely LOVE Copaxone. It was a gift finding out I had MS!!! For so long, no one could explain why I had all of these mystery symptoms. Dr's couldn't figure it out, so they told me my symptoms were a side effect of my being FAT! Since taking the Copaxone, my being fat no longer matters and my symptoms have improved 90% or better.
Posted by Lynn (Vinemont Al) on 12/15/2021

I tried the shots and was allergic to it.
Books of Interest
Posted by Len (Chicago) on 11/13/2006
There are many excellent self-help books available for people who have Multiple Sclerosis. They contain reliable information on the management of Multiple Sclerosis and do not hold out false hopes for people, but provide practical advice. There is also medical treatment available from scientists who have put their products through all the rigorous trials required for a drug to be deemed both safe and efficacious. Until the treatment described in his book goes through similar trials, I would not wish to use it.
We also have to remember the Mr. Delaney's claim of curing his MS is connected to the idea that he diagnosed himself with the disease, with only a moderate amount of medical background. He was never a Doctor of any sort. Good luck to those who are truly looking for a silver bullet. I hope a reliable one comes along soon!
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Hristinad (New York) on 03/23/2016
Where can I buy LDN, or a doctor must prescribe it?
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Tom (Los Angeles, California) on 03/24/2016
I am also looking at LDN to treat my daughter diagnosed with Crohn's disease.
I have heard good things about LDN to treat gut issues.
Please share all the details about LDN if anyone has used it to cure their gut issues.
Thank you. Tom
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 03/24/2016
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 03/25/2016
Dudley's page can be found about half way down this page that displays. There are also other LDN sites listed.
The one caveat I didn't mention on my current post that is important, is that LDN can be taken with ANY other drug, including steroids during flares, if necessary, but CANNOT BE TAKEN with OPIATE based drugs. They both compete for the same receptors and LDN will always win, which could throw an opiate user into an unexpected and potentially dangerous withdrawal. LDN will block the effect of an opiate. If surgery is anticipated where opiates will be used afterwards for pain, LDN should be discontinued a few days before the surgery or another kind of pain reliever needs to be used for a few days.
Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Potassium and Chromium
Posted by Wanda (Houston, Tx Harris County) on 11/25/2008
what are the amounts of each of these supplements are you suggested to take--how much are you taking???