MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MS

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Serena (Clover Sc) on 02/17/2014

This is to Ga_bass from Atlanta, Ga 05/01/2013 concerning friend that was diagnosed with MS. Please tell her to research low dose Naltrexone. It has stopped MS symptoms for many. Good luck and stay away from artificial sweeteners.

MS Natural Treatments
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 08/02/2013

Low dose naltrexone is 89% effective in stopping MS progression. It is inexpensive, an FDA approved drug, has no side effects except possibly vivid dreams for a week or two, and is taken by pill or liquid. See

Another all natural product that has been excellent in several MS people I have talked with or heard of, is a Lion's Mane mushroom product made by Mat--x Mushroom. The person I talked with had been taking Avonex for 13 years, had loss of feeling in the legs, began taking the mushroom product and can now ride her horse since she now can once again feel her legs. Her other symptoms are also gone. A man in CA was in a wheelchair, took the mushroom product and now can swim, walk, and works 14 hour days for the mushroom company. He was so happy with the product that he asked for a job and got it. They are now making a product especially for MS people, that contains Lion's Mane, Reishi and Cordyceps. (I have no financial or other interest in this company) Best wishes!

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Fred (South Africa) on 05/17/2013

My wife was diagnosed with MS seven years ago. The Neurologist started treatment with Rebiff and ocasionally she had to go to hospital to receive a cortisone drip. She had constant headaces, fever and spasms after the injection. She was only allowed to use Panado as a pain killer. (Sometimes up to 8 every day) As time progressed and relapses ocurred the spasms headaces and body pains worsened to such an extent that she could barely walk. Speech and bladder controll was also severely affected. She was introduced to LDN little more than a year ago. We started with a daily dose of 2mg after 9 pm, and she is now on 4. 5mg per day. She has no more headaches, never had a spasm again and can walk short distances without any aid. Her speech and bladder controll also improved. Although the MS caused a lot of damage the LDN improved her quality of life to a great extent. Pity we did not know about LDN sooner

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/08/2014

Pete, re your MS;

Also look into a substance that Dr Robert Adkins used as his number one go to for his MS patients that he would give to them in IV form, although the oral consumption I have seen is amazingly effective for the symptoms you describe; "Calcium AEP" and the "calcium" part is not the is the AEP part that is the miracle. You can google "Nutrition Review Calcium AEP" and find an amazing article on the 20 different things AEP can do to help the human body, To deal with leg symptoms, especially when stressed, up to eight tablets of AEP are needed.

Also, I have found Colloidal Silver to be effective in killing viral infections. It is theorized that MS has as a trigger a virus.

Nutrition, Electrotherapy
Posted by Iowama (Pella, Ia) on 08/29/2011

Let me start by saying that I do not have MS. In fact, it has been through my own search for a nutritional prevention for Macular Degeneration that I have become familiar with the work of Dr. Terry Wahls, a member of the faculty of University of Iowa Medical School. It was through her newsletter that I began to learn thorough explainations on how nutrition can protect us from chronic disease. Her newsletter led me to look into Oil-Pulling, which led me to this website. Dr. Wahls is a practicing physician who spent four years in a tilt/recline wheelchair before reversing her own MS through a protocol of nutrition and electrotherapy. She is currently conducting a clinical trial of her method. Like I said, I don't have MS, but I don't want anyone else to have it either.

Vitamins D and B12
Posted by Marina (Bristol, UK) on 07/20/2009

I was diagnosed with MS 2 years ago, after several bladder infections and major dizzy spells. Several years previously I was diagnosed with very low levels of Vitamin D, a fallout from the anti sun campaign prevalent in Australia where I was living at the time. I dont know if any of you saw recently the Times headline about the link between low vit D and MS, I have been aware of this for some time, as there appears to be very low rate of MS near the equator, but I also agree with the previous posts re Turmeric and selenium both of which I use sporadically{ of course in India one would presumably have higher sun exposure too.}, I take cod liver oil capsules containing 25 to 50 ugs of vit D daily, depending on time of year ,sun exposure etc. The other thing that seems to help, sometimes quite radically is sub lingual B 12 which I also take every other day. I do think its important to take a complete B supplement as well [ or good multi vit] so that you dont imbalance your B groups. Oh and good quality fish oils are great, flax for vegetarians. I havent taken any medications and my symptoms are much much better. Sugar makes everything worse!

Posted by Mary (Southaven, MS) on 05/18/2008

This is so strange; I found this site while researching about my dog's bad reaction to vaccination. I watched the video on You-Tube in the above link, thinking it was about animals. It was about human vaccinations. In the information, it mentioned persons getting auto-immune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, after routine vaccinations. My husband got MS 8 years ago when he was 48 -- after taking his very first-ever flu shot, and had received a tetnus booster just a month or so before. Coincidence???.... I can see I have some more research to do. As for my chihuahua, after reading all the stories on here, she will NEVER receive another vaccination of any kind. She is strictly an indoor dog and I no longer see the need for it.

EC: The post Mary is referring to is from our Pet Vaccinations Side Effects page:

05/11/2008: Sherri from Atlanta, GA replies: "You may want to sit down and take a deep breath before you watch this disturbing video on vaccines."

Posted by Leslie (Indianapolis, In) on 10/23/2009

It is possible his vaccination contained a preservative called Thimerosol which is mercury-containing. Mercury is highly toxic to the human body. I have had bad reactions after vaccinations. Mercury is also present in "silver" dental amalgam fillings of the teeth and has been implicated as a possible contributor towards MS. It could be a heavy metals issue or that the vaccination was the impetus for an immune response that triggered the MS. FYI.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rich (Niles, Trumbull) on 03/20/2008

I am trying HP added to distilled water to treat my wife who is disabled and unable walk. I am trying 35% hp in distilled water/6 drops per 6oz once per day. I would appreciate any recommendations. She seems to be more mentally alert and aware. Have been using for about a month and just recently increased from 3 to 6 drops.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rich (Niles, Trumbull) on 03/20/2008

I am trying HP added to distilled water to treat my wife who is disabled and unable walk. I am trying 35% hp in distilled water/6 drops per 6oz once per day. I would appreciate any recommendations. She seems to be more mentally alert and aware. Have been using for about a month and just recently increased from 3 to 6 drops.

Books of Interest
Posted by Dudley (Virginia Beach, Va) on 12/14/2009

I am a retired registered nurse, massage therapist, and Doctor of Chiropractic. I wrote "The Edgar Cayce Way of Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis: Vibratory Medicine" to document my successful use of the Cayce material in putting my multiple sclerosis into remission.

As a healthcare professional, I diagnosed my condition based on the many signs and symptoms that were so typical of MS that, in my opinion, no other diagnosis was reasonably possible.

Edgar Cayce is widely regarded as the father of modern holistic medicine, and the various alternative treatments he recommended have helped countless thousands. Literally hundreds of books and articles have been written about his amazing insights into sickness and disease.

I do not claim to be "cured," nor does my book hold out hope of a "cure" to its readers. Rather, the Cayce approach to treating MS works for some and not for others, and if one discontinues the treatment, symptoms return. Also, it requires a great deal of patience and persistence, and involves working with diet, massage, and a very mild form of electrotherapy. It also demands that one keep a positive mental attitude and maintain a high spiritual ideal.

A small pilot study showed that it was of definite benefit to most of the MSers who could stick to it.

Because Cayce's MS treatment is so demanding, however, it has limited value as a practical solution to the MS dilemma.

My book can be read free of cost or obligation by visiting

Books of Interest
Posted by Jacqueline (Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland.) on 06/12/2011

Len from Chicago, "There is also medical treatment available from scientists who have put their products through all the rigorous trials required for a drug to be deemed both safe and efficacious.

Considering the well documented and severe side effects from a lot of pharmaceuticals medicines and their tendency to treat only the symptoms and not the underlying causes. Which can lead to a long term dependency and usually damage to the liver. I think there can be no harm in giving these natural remedies (which have been used for hundreds, sometimes thousands of years without strong side effects) a try.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 03/24/2016

Hi Hristanad,

LDN is an inexpensive prescription drug in the US. It is gaining recognition among doctors and many will prescribe it. If, however, you can't get a prescription, you can buy it overseas, online. There are also several doctors in the US who will prescribe after a phone consultation. You can buy 50mg pills that can be diluted with 50ml of distilled water to make your own solution, where 1ml of solution equals 1mg of LDN. Measure the dose with a $1,5ml dropper, available at any drug store. Very easy to do. It will keep in your refrigerator for up to 90 days. The new updated, comprehensive book, "The LDN Book" by Linda Elsegood is available on Amazon. If you join the LDN Yahoo Group and ask how to get some, the members will give you details about where you can buy it. I'm not sure that I can post it here. If you look on the site, it will give you a list of reliable compounders in the US to use if you get a prescription and the Yahoo LDN Group address. My doctor told me LDN would be very helpful for my autoimmune problems, and to try to get some because she wouldn't prescribe it off-label. I buy mine overseas for the past six years and have never had any problems, and about half of the 12,000 members also buy their own. I think you can google "buy LDN" and you will see some sights, but most buy from the one run by Ian, who also takes it himself and donates to the LDN community. It does not come from China. If you have any further questions, please join the Yahoo Group that is listed on the LDN site listed in this post, and you will be welcomed and your questions will be thoughtfully answered. By the way, for the Crohn's people here, there are several posts right now from experiences of member users, about the current research and Dudley(the moderator) has posted links to first-hand accounts from other Crohn's users, and many links to research and helpful information. LDN is completely non-toxic, taken by mouth, with no side effects except possible short lived sleep problems, and that can be remedied by taking it in the morning. It is helpful with many autoimmune diseases, including Crohn's, IBS, Hashimotos, RA, (many others listed on the LDN site)by modulating the immune system, not killing it, is extremely helpful for MS, and mitigates the damage to healthy cells in cancer treatment. Some have successfully used it with other supplements and/or allopathic or holistic treatments for cancer. Best wishes! You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 08/06/2018

3mg. of LDN is often recommended for those with MS due to spasticity problems in some at 4.5 mg. If muscle cramping or spasms occurs at 4.5mg/day, reduce your dose to 3mg/day and see if you feel better. You will still reap the benefits of LDN.

Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Potassium and Chromium
Posted by Hope (Hannibal, Mo) on 11/29/2009

I am confused because I thought calcium was NOT to be taken at all -- because there is so much excess calcium in our systems from every direction. There is a hypothesis that excess calcium creates blockage by attaching to inflammation, and that blockages are causing back wash of blood into the brain, creating MS symptoms.

Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Potassium and Chromium
Posted by Mario (Dallas) on 12/10/2020

Dr. Terry Wahls protocol for MS.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Rialc (Ireland) on 10/07/2023 7 posts


My partner has MS for a long time, his walking is deteriorating. He is taking Ampyra. I wonder if LDN would be a benefit for him.

We are living in Ireland but I don't know where to get LDN. Has anyone bought LDN in Ireland or Europe?

Inclined Bed Therapy
Posted by Stephanie (San Francisco, Ca) on 11/03/2013

MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Remedies Needed

Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT)

I would like to suggest people with MS look into Inclined Bed Therapy, which by definition, is the process of sleeping on a bed that is inclined by 4 to 6" at the head of the bed so that the entire body is sleeping on an angle(not just the head, or top half of the body, like with a pillow). The easiest way to do this is to put risers(square, plastic or wood blocks) under the two posts at the head of the bed.

Inclined Bed Therapy takes the pressure off the spine, allowing circulation into the brain stem, allowing new stem cells to develop. People with MS that have practiced IBT nightly for several months report MS symptoms going into remission. There are several websites dedicated to Inclined Bed Therapy and several testimonials, even one man that claims he can walk again due to IBT after only 6 months.

Some of the other reported benefits of IBT include sleeping better through the night, reduced back pain, reduced snoring, reduced sleep apnea and reduced acid reflux, reduced need to urinate in the middle of the night(due to gravity separating the heavy particles from the water particles forcing more water elimination through the lungs as oppose to the bladder). For testimonials regarding many other benefits to sleeping this way, refer to IBT listed here on earthclinic and other websites online, or refer to Andrew K. Fletcher, he is the original person trying to help get the word out. He claims that even the Egyptians, who were brilliant, knew to sleep this way!

If you do have MS, and decide to give IBT a try, please talk to your doctor first and report back your experience here to help others.

MS Natural Treatments
Posted by Just A Thinking Guy (Kansas) on 08/02/2013

I was impressed with Dr. Terry Wahls cure for herself. You can see it on youtube:

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 01/21/2012

I have some good news for you. Please look at this website, LDN is an inexpensive, FDA approved drug, which when taken in a very small dose can help with many autoimmune diseases, and is usually very effective in stopping progression of MS. Additionally, please join the Yahoo LDN group that has over 10,000 members, at least half of whom have MS. They will help you very willingly and with much understanding and experience. You are not alone and help is as close as your computer. Best wishes!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Laura (Denver, Co) on 02/01/2012

Hi Orshi, I have MS too, I have found oxygen therapy helpful. Hydrogen peroxide, and also Homozon. I did CCSVI treatment several times but while there were benefits they only last 6 months for me. I had it again and veins were open but symptoms came back. After lots of supplements, and continued progression, I tried stem cell therapy which stopped the progression and with exercise seems to be helping me get better. Went from wheelchair to walker outside the house. It's been 2 months.

Laura laura.laurapino[at]gmail[dot]com

The Liberation Procedure
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 05/20/2010 490 posts

I seem to recall a number of people on seeking help with MS. You might want to put a link to this site on EC.

Seems that Dr. Zamboni (Italy) seeking help for his own wife determined that it is a vascular problem rather than an autoimmune disease. Thank God for the Zamboni's of this planet earth.

Of course they will probably have a little trouble finding someone in USA doing the liberation procedure. I would suggest contacting some place like Mayo Clinic for information.

Vitamin D3
Posted by Phyl (Ocklawaha, Fl) on 08/26/2009

Research has now shown that the cause of MS is the lack of vitamin D3. On the web site a group of patients have been keeping a journal. All the research that is being done in the world says the you can take up to 40,000 iu of D3 a day and it is not toxic. There is alot of info to read. In my own research, John Hopkins told the FDA years ago that people were deficient in Vitamin D3 and there would be more diseases because of it. I have MS and I am not able to walk without a cane, walker or I use a wheelchair. I am on Copaxone and have no trouble with it. There is a new drug going for FDA approval in Oct., it is call Fampridine. It is suppose to help with walking ability. I live one day at a time.

Vitamin D3
Posted by Wendy (Mississippi) on 04/09/2015

Hi David, your post, by far, has been very enlightening and has opened my eyes to things that I've been missing in regards to treating my MS. When you discuss the Primrose oil, how much should I be taking daily or more than once a day and do I take it with something else or do I just drink it doesn't come in a capsule? Also, in regards to Dr. Atkins book Vita nutrients does the title also include something about all the other drugs. I have had MS for 10 years and I have been a doctor of pharmacy for 20+ years but I no longer work but instead I do consults from home. You have given me hope and truly means more than anything else. Thank you for the information. I hope this text makes it to you and know it was written a few years back and I hope you are doing well. Thanks for the info and I look forward to hearing from you. God bless

Vitamins D and B12
Posted by Mary (Ny NY) on 04/19/2022

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat. 1 tablespoon contains 13 grams of saturated fat which is 65% DV (Daily Value). Per Dr Hyman, coconut oil is good so long as it is used moderately on a low sugar diet. The real villain that robs our health and increases our waistlines is sugar and anything that breaks down to sugar like refined carbohydrates. Quality fats like coconut oil and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats help edge out sugars and inflammatory refined omega 6 fat vegetable oils.

Vitamins D and B12
Posted by Ray (Calgary, Alberts) on 12/29/2012

Belle of the south, sorry but I agree with Violet of Chicago about coconut oil. Coconut oil is a marvelous thing but you have to be very careful about how you use it (as with all things. ) It is not saturated fat but it does have mid chain fatty acids. I started taking it for my thyroid and immediately had paralyzed arms and numbness. I stopped the COil and it went away. A few days later I tried again and the numbness returned. Now I take the coconut oil in much reduced amounts. Too much of a good thing is bad. I had also recommended the cononut oil to my wife.. Same sort of numbness reaction. Use coconut oil... like I do, but as Violet of Chicago says, go easy on the amounts.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Andreka (Atlanta, GA) on 12/04/2008

My MS is well under control never took any MS Meds went to a VEGAN Vegetarian Diet -- no white flour Products no meats, no Dairy my DR. says I look 5 younger years later @ 33yrs.old I'm doing so much better From Severe Progreesive to thriving and loving it.

Posted by Ruth (Atlanta, GA) on 01/04/2009

Response to Amy: Ask your friends and colleagues for acupuncture referrals.They will usually send you to a good one. At least that's my experience. However, do make sure you see the one that they recommend! I made a mistake last year when I went to the partner of a acupuncturist who had been recommended by a good friend. The woman, a traditional chinese acupuncturist from China, was booked a month in advance but I was able to get in and see her partner, (her husband as it turns out) right away. He was also a professor of medicine at a nearby university, so I thought he must be good. He turned out to be a peeping tom, lifting up my underwear on 2 different sessions to quickly peep underneath. The first time I thought it was a fluke, the second time I knew for sure I had a creep on my hands and never went back. My own fault, I should have listened to my intuition when I made the call to just wait for her to be available!

Posted by Nmax (Mn) on 11/21/2013

I've read recently that many cases of M.S. would be cured with Vitamin D supplementation... that they are deficient... In fact doctor said many of us have a Vitamin D deficiency... another important one is Vit B-12 this can cause neurological symptoms... some peoples bodies just don't process it so you need a sublingual (melt under your tongue brand)... I'm taking 2000 mcg daily to get back on track... I felt like I was getting a neurological disease and I found out (thru my fingernails - if you are lacking white moons on your fingernails you may have B-12 def or hypothyroidism... Here are symptoms:

Spread the word...

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Brian (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) on 02/09/2011

Scott from Texas is correct. H202 Hydrogen peroxide food grade is only oxygen, increased intake is absolutely harmless. (withing reason) I have done up to 15 drops at once 3 times a day ( always diluted in water). It also cleans out the bad bacteria in your digestive tract, which most practitioners agree is 80% of your immune system.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Stacy (MA) on 08/01/2021

This hydrogen peroxide book might help. You can also look at the reviews on Amazon for food grade hydrogen peroxide and books on hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by noel (california) on 06/28/2023

yes, try to find the book: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE

Medical Miracle

by William Campbell Douglass, MD

around page 104 there are stories of people curing MS by hydrogen peroxide IV therapy. Perhaps intravenous Vitamin C would work as well since it turns into h2o2 inside the body. good luck!

Posted by Dina (Lake Simcoe) on 12/20/2020

How much Colostrum for MS sufferers?

Thx. :)

Posted by Dr. J (Bombay, Maharastra) on 03/16/2009

Silver is not a "heavy metal" wendy!!! Its up there with calcium and copper and "correctly made colloidal silver" does not and can not build up in the tissues, argyria which is caused from adding salt etc to silver making process and which causes this silver skin is reversible anyway and harmless. Your high level of sheavy metels were caused by other things such as diet, lifestyle, bad water and amalgum fillings etc. EDTA, cilantro and antioxidants can remove your heavy metals.

For those who are fearfull from this "confused" comment please read now:

Posted by CORAGA (Milwaukee, WI) on 09/26/2007

I was diagnosed with MS in 2001 and it been a living nightmare. I did some research and I found Turmeric on the internet. I went to Outpost health store in Milwaukee. I am really shocked at my symptoms. They are not as bad as they were before. I am working out everyday and not having as many relapses as before. I feel better then every. I though a few months ago I was heading for a wheelchair. I take it with Organic Carrot Juice in the morning and occassionally I have it in some bottle water a few days a week. It works.

Posted by Barbara (Parkersburg, USA) on 01/26/2008

I read a comment regarding the copaxone injections. Granted not every solution is for every person however, I was taking the daily copaxone shots and suffered at least twice a month, sometimes more often, of all over body pain and could not do anything that was close to my normal activity level. My suggestions are that only you know your body. Listen to it. I do feel that a more natural path is the way one should follow if they are looking for relief. Remember God didn't intend for us to live unaturally. FDA approved medicines are not always the best way to go and Doctors get paid wether you listen or not.

Honey Bee Venom
Posted by Craig (Goodells, MI) on 01/12/2007

I have had MS for 10 years now. I take the beta seron shot every other day. Well I had a attack a few years back and the steroids did not help. Scared ....I decided to try from the vitamin store a jar honey that contains bee venom. It worked wonders for me i was completely healed within a week. I currently use 2 brands whichever is available at the time of my attack. 1. Actiflex Plus by Comvita....this one is harder to find 2. Nectar Ease Distributed by henneybee thareapy 1-866-289-9233. I really believe they worked for me!

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Deb (Florida ) on 03/24/2016

LDN must be prescribed by a MD & comes from a compounding pharmacy. Around $20 a month. I think you should start low to see how you react 1 to 1.5 mg, then 3 mg, then 4.5 mg if it doesn't bother you. It makes me VERY dizzy, then nauseous. Good luck!

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Deb (Florida ) on 03/24/2016

LDN must be prescribed by a MD & comes from a compounding pharmacy. Around $20 a month. I think you should start low to see how you react 1 to 1.5 mg, then 3 mg, then 4.5 mg if it doesn't bother you. It makes me VERY dizzy, then nauseous. Good luck!

Google Burt Brekson MD PHD.. Dr. Brekson sen uses LDN & IV Alpha Lipoic Acid for everything, cancer, MS. Start low 1 to 1.5 mg, then 3 mg, then 4.5 mg. call a compounding pharmacy ask if anyone in your area prescribes it, they'll know. It makes me very dizzy.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Heather (Cincinnati, Oh) on 02/13/2017

I find LDN therapy for MS interesting. I have been on 2 mga twice a day everyday as it's in combination with my pain med. I actually notice more pain within 45 mins of taking it. I was diagnosed at 16 and I am now 32 so being so young and independent I sought out less acceptable ways of dealing with effects of MS. (i.e.) cocaine, which actually worked, I had no symptoms, amongst other dumb street drugs that numbed the depression and helped me block what was going on with my body.

Long story short when I wised up I found that the crap the docs gave me was making me worse so I sought out natural alternatives and I have felt much better without the injections and percocet and zoloft etc. I happened upon this H2O2 therapy and am going to try it along with all my supplements. The biggest thing through it all that I want to try and eliminate is the pain I experience so hopefully this helps and I can get rid of pain meds even with LDN altogether

Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Potassium and Chromium
Posted by Patrice (Uniontown, Pa.) on 02/08/2011

For MS holistic treatments, I have found that taking B6 [which helps with PMS and mood for me] and Bcomplex vitamin helps with the muscle shaking tremors which I get alot on using weight bearing or squeezing an item with hands or legs. Also helps immensely with energy boosting. Also take 2000 iu of D3, calcium, magnesium.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Posted by Susan D. (MI) on 11/20/2023

LDN for my celiac helps great deal. I had read + saw a chart showing 3.5 mg max for MS patients helps majority MS prescribers best. May want to check that info. 🦃🇺🇸✝️

Dave Thomas Protocol
Posted by Earth Clinic (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/08/2014

Hi everyone!

We just posted a video on YouTube of Dave talking about how he cured his wife of MS 18 years ago. Check it out here:

MS Natural Treatments
Posted by Stenya (Los Angeles) on 08/02/2013

What options are available regarding cure/improving MS? Thank you.

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