Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Migraines

Posted by Dave (Victoria, British Columbia) on 08/12/2013

As one of the most vivid memories of early childhood, migraine headaches have been a part of my life since the age of four. Luckily, they occurred about once a year until my teenage years when they came on with a vengeance, at least 4 times a year. In my twenties, I discovered foods were a trigger; usually coffee, chocolate and especially cheddar cheese, with the older the cheese, the more severe and quicker the onset of pain.

I tried acupuncture and new prescription glasses but get headaches persisted. In all fairness, acupuncture helped but with varying degrees of success. In my late forties, exercise was the new trigger, with intense running, pull-ups and even moderate yoga triggering the headaches.

Finally, my wife mentioned that her yoga teacher was a chiropractor and new exactly how to solve my headaches. After three short 10 minute visits to the chiropractor, cracking my spine in the neck and back, I am migraine free. Now I perform yoga twice a day and avoid my trigger foods and have been migraine free for three months.

Posted by Heather (Archdale, North Carolina) on 01/25/2011

Migraines began with cycle but progressed into 14-day long periods of pain, nausea and light sensitivity. They do run in my family. Tried ACV, magnesium, riboflavin and elimination of caffeine to no avail. My chiropractor did a nerve study and I began an aggressive series of 48 visits starting at 3 times per week. I am 99% better! I might have 1 migraine every 3 months now, which is still usually cyclic and they are not at their previous intensity.
