How to Treat Swollen Lymph Nodes Using Natural Remedies

| Modified on Jun 08, 2024
Posted by Mia (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 11/22/2009

Editor's Choice In late July 2009 @ age 64 I began generously & daily painting my nine lymph nodes with iodine soaked qtip in all four quadrants of my body, covering them with 7% iodine as an experimental treatment for newly diagnosed Stage III non Hodgkins lymphoma (indolent) & the enlarged lymph nodes that go with the territory. I have had NO orthodox cancer treatment, NO invasive diagnosis, just blood tests & ultra sound, no enlarged liver or spleen. Flow cytometry determined the genetic markers for the type of cancer. ALL nodes, regardless of original size, have shrunk by approximately 3/4 of each original size in a four month period. All have stopped feeling "rooted" and are now moveable. I really like thinking of cancer as an infection that is beatable. This lymph node reversal & shrinkage seems to fit with certain iodine 4 health innovative theories I found out there, particularly about the suspected fungal/viral/bacterial nature of cancer. The oncologist is mute, albeit professionally non committal, but clearly stumped. Alternative TCM doc is delighted, fascinated. About to get updated blood panel done. Will keep anyone interested posted. P.S. Admittedly, much more recently "raw family" type green smoothies, Fl-essence anti cancer tea, became part of this program, along with daily ACV, mega green tea caps, selenium, Vit E, & multi enzymes, like serapeptase, etc., plus rebounder, all said to assist cancer cell death. However, node shrinkage was radical before I did much else. I feel & look better than I have in MANY years. ENERGY TO SPARE.

Castor Oil
Posted by May All Be Blessed (Singapore) on 06/04/2016

Editor's Choice I have been sick for around 2 months. It started with a cold then progress to severe cough and ended with lymph node infection. My ear and throat was in pain even when I talk and no matter what I do, it just doesn't heal completely. I was getting worried as it seems to take too long to heal. So I started to search for natural remedies for swollen lymph nodes and came across castor oil application. I did not do the whole protocol. I simply apply castor oil to the area behind my ears and around my neck where the lymph nodes are. After doing this for 3 consecutive nights, I purged out a lot of mucus and I was about 90% healed. One more time of application and I was healed 100%. The pain which has been plaguing me for 2 months was completely gone in 4 castor oil application! Amazing!

Epsom Salt
Posted by Anita (Minnesota) on 11/01/2017

Editor's Choice My swollen glands were gone in one week with Epsom salt.

I've had swollen Lymph nodes most of my life. Drs have been no help. Every one of them telling me it's normal for some people ... what?. It was a C Pnuemonea infection not nothing.

The fastest way I've gotten rid of them is Epsom Salt. A daily very warm bath with 2 cups Epsom Salt (I also add 2 drops organic 100% Lavendar oil). Most important, I get in the bath and then take a handful of it close my hand and submege it just enough to get the Epsom Salt damp. Put it directly on the swollen gland. One was behind my ear. When I've done it I could feel a pulling sensation into my, ear canal, nasal cavity and gums. On the 3rd day I also put it on my face in my nasal cavity area and other lymph nodes. I can breath freely for the first time in more years than I can remember and my ear stopped hurting.

Also my skin is baby soft.

Shake Arms and Legs Method
Posted by Nataliya (Ireland) on 03/28/2018

Editor's Choice I decided to add my five cents to this great community. A few years ago my knee was sore and swollen on the backside. Of course, I went to the doctor who referred me to the physiologist. While I was waiting for the appointment (couple months), I was told about this simple exercise specifically for lymph nodes problems.

Every night in bed before falling asleep and every morning before getting up, I was on my back with my legs and arms up in the air, like a puppy when you rub its tummy ;) Relax and shake both arms and legs at the same time about 30 seconds (I count till 40), have a few seconds break if you need and shake again for another 30 seconds.

It took me only three-four days and all soreness and swelling were gone. By the time the invitation for the physio appointment arrived, I forgot why I needed it! I use this simple exercise every time the nodes are sore and it works like a miracle, and each time I am amazed.

Just two days ago I had some viral infection and lymph node in my armpit was sore, I did this simple exercise last night in bed and this morning the problem was gone again. I thought I should share it here. The theory behind this exercise is it helps the lymph actively move around and clear the nodes. Give it a go, you might solve the problem yourself while waiting for the doctor's appointment, like me :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Orlando, Fl) on 07/17/2013

Editor's Choice I have two stories. First, when I was 16 I had swollen glands at neck and groin for years. The Dr. had me return bi-weekly and be subjected to pelvic exams - then after 6 months of my objections - my parents could not longer get me to go after many missed visits - (Dr. recommended by Dad's sister, a nurse, so only Dr. considered). At the final visit - Dr. declared me a hypochondriac. Three years later, in college went to student health center with a female interning Dr. She immediately told me I had an inguinal hernia, and would have to get a referral for a surgeon from a Dr. Was brought back to same Dr. to get the referral - he didn't believe females could get inguinal hernias - pressed so deeply into my swollen gland that my eyes saw a curtain of black as my legs gave out with extreme pain - he let go at last second to check his medical books - came back after leaving me standing in an area with no chairs - about 15 or so minutes - and gave a referral. In this case swollen glands indicated an inguinal hernia.

Second story - 8 years after a hit and run rear-end crash - herniated discs - whiplash - pinched occipital nerve (discovered 2 years later after being unsuccessfully treated for "migraines" for 2 years) - still having symptoms of lethargy - weight gain - inability to walk without pain in knees, ankles and feet - growing pain in jaw and neck - hormonal induced swelling and pain in neck jaw and head area. Finally found an osteopath who does gentle adjustment - in one visit - imbalance in legs went away, including knee, ankle and most of hip, allowing me to work on painful callus that had formed on feet. So, I decided to go on a ketogenic diet to speed metabolism, knowing many toxins will be released, deciding not to take NSAIDS. Hormones came and horrible pain in side of head and neck. (no longer down to feet, just mid-back now). By the third day could no longer take it - Osteopath had mentioned lymph may be affected when jaw became affected - as this happened at 6 years with no further trauma - and said jaw pain is bodies last physical line of defense.

Now, recognizing and able to focus on upper pains, realized the lymph on left back of head was cause of the swelling, could not lean back on a chair, hours to get to sleep, neck and jaw pain too much to sleep on my preferred left side. I read this forum and took a spoon of ACV - with an ounce of water, and 3 days of pain - fighting myself not to take NSAIDS - and RELIEF! I read hot water throughout day also helps, and cut up fresh ginger in it to keep lymph circulating. Read sleeping on left side, or lying on left side for 10 minutes after meals - puts organs in natural position to move lymph and bile to help digestion and lymph flow.

I also took what essential oils I had: wintergreen, thyme and rosemary into some avacado oil, and rubbed into swollen glands and around neck. The ACV and oil worked immediately, and as the day went by the hot ginger tea seemed to give gentle relief. Last night I was able to sleep on my left side - first time in many years. Today, all but some sore swollen areas in the back of my neck and under throat, are gone, and discomfort is not considerable. Someone mentioned the ACV also will help jaw pain - my jaw clicked less than usual - though hormonally I usually have a few good days during this time period - and I will continue the ACV for the lymph and jaw. Was hesitant about taking my iodine lugols, but now am taking it without hesitation.

Thank-you, this forum saved me from spiralling back into a circle of pain, swelling, drug relief and weight gain. Now I can continue my ketosis diet, and rid my body of the fat stored toxins use the ACV and these methods to naturally allow my body to heal itself without unbearable discomfort to my mind and body.

Thanks so much people of this earthclinic forum!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jamie (Waco, Texas) on 12/04/2015

Maybe because of a tooth issue, I have 2 or 3 painful lymph nodes and horrible ache in my jaw. I've been taking nsaids, pain meds, pain cream, lidocaine. Found this online and thought why not? It was awful tasting. Didn't work instantly, but overnight the jaw pain is 95% better and nodes 90% better. Finally relief after almost a week of misery. I don't know how it helps, but it (ACV) did.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by J (Seattle, Wa) on 06/20/2012

Editor's Choice Hello all, I hope someday my story will help someone who has gone through what I have.

For over a year, the glands on both sides of my neck, and also on the back of my head have been swollen, which made me scared that something was wrong. I had blood work done and also saw a healer, nothing came back as serious, but still, your glands swell up only because your body is fighting something.

I bought organic Apple cider vinegar. I take a shot in the morning, and have only been doing this for two days. The glands are no longer swollen! Within two days, the ACV has worked a miracle and I no longer have swollen glands!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Maryland) on 12/19/2016

I started to get sick on Saturday, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, painful to swallow. My wife started to get sick yesterday. Found your remedy and tried the apple cider vinegar remedy. I took 2 tablespoons in a large glass of water. Started to feel better about 2 hours later. My wife hates vinegar and took 2 Tylenol. I drank another glass of apple cider vinegar last night. Lymph nodes back to normal this morning, just a slight cold and i am taking vitamin c and zinc for that. Wife not improved.

Castor Oil
Posted by l (Sandusky, Ohio) on 10/25/2008

My daughter was diagnosed with Lymphatic Malformation or Cystic Hygroma, (A large growth or swollen mass just under the skin in the neck/throat area), when she was born. It was alarming to say the least. It is a congenital birth defect, and it has to do with a defect in the venous system or Lymph system. The cyst are filled with Lymph fluid. It's also very unpredictable, and a cyst can swell up or go down at any time, and new cysts can appear at any time. The cysts can get very large, and cause deformities in the face and other parts of the body, and obstruct breathing. There is no known cure, except surgery and a drug that can be injected directly into the cyst called OK-432. Usually when the child gets sick or has an infection anywhere in the body, they swell up, or new ones appear. My daughter is two now. About 2 months ago, she developed a new cyst on the other side of her face/neck. I freaked out. I'm not to keen on doctors, because of what they put her through when she was born, and (No money, or a car), I'm always searching for an alternative cure.

I've had extremely good results with Castor Oil. I'm a big believer in this stuff. I buy big bottles of it at a time, it's great. I use it, whenever I have a problem. Edgar Cacey was a Christian, and always gave credit where credit was do, to God, and he felt motivated by him. There have been many, many documented reports over the decades of Castor oil really helping a lot of people for a wide spectrum of ailments. I put her on Castor oil packs about 4 times a week for two months, and the cyst went WAY down, and has stayed that way for a while now. Now, I'm not 100% sure that was what worked for her, but we seem to notice it beginning to shrink and a response from her as soon as we started her on the packs.

The packs are messy, and it's not easy to get a child to hold still for a pack on their abdominal area. So, I used an old throw away shirt, and safety pins. I safety pinned the saturated flannel section on the inside of the front of the shirt to cover her stomach, and generously massaged a large amount of the oil all over her cysts on her neck and throat. I did this regime at night, and in the morning gave her a bath or a shower. The heating pad is not really necessary, but helps, a lot. I did not do a heat source on her, because she is so young, she would never sit still for it. The first few nights, she was restless, and agitated, and was running a mild fever. Then in the morning, the fever would break. We noticed it getting smaller from than on. It really seemed to help her those packs. She seem to have a lot of energy and be in a good mood, the mornings after the packs. If and when this happens again, I'll try the packs again. Castor oil is great. Hope this helps her. Like Cacey said, Do the packs along with a prayer for healing.

Castor Oil
Posted by Moorea (Santa Fe, New Mexico) on 05/06/2008

I am so grateful for this site! Last night I woke with a swollen lymph the size of a tennis ball and was terrified. I'm 24 and have never had something like this happen before. But, did a google search and found your site and Castor Oil recommendation. It REALLY works! I placed castor oil on the area and placed a flannel rag over it and a heat pad. This morning my lymph was still slightly swollen, but after a bath of epson salts, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar as well as eating miso soup (a very alkalizing food) I feel 100% better. I had been sick with a cold for about two weeks and these remedies seemed to cure that as well. I think it is also important to note that these remedies work really well when you have a frame of mind that supports curing yourself, by re-focusing on the things that give you joy and the things that you love, can only help you be more grateful and less focused on the thoughts that created this illness to begin with. Thank you so much!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mimo792 (Morocco) on 12/07/2018

I moved to Morocco and the tiniest insect bit me and a couple of days later this huge ball grew on the front of my neck. I don't know what it is, could be a lymph node, a nodule or a thyroglossal cyst for all I know. Its basically soft, can be moved and goes up and down when I swallow.

Anyway so it has swollen seriously twice: the first time because of the bite and second time because I started smoking (work stress). Both times I panicked - doctors told me I'd probably need an operation.

Then I found earth clinic. I read about ACV and decided to do it. Small glass and just pour it in, don't really measure but probably between 2-4 table spoons.

IT WENT DOWN INSTANTLY BOTH TIMES. Before I drank it I also took a tea spoon of the mix, dipped my finger in it and rubbed it on the ball in my neck. It's now gone down at least 60% and its the second day. Same as what happened before, but before I didn't maintain it. I will maintain for a few weeks and let you know the outcome!


Castor Oil
Posted by Dannie (South Carolina) on 08/28/2021

Lymph Node Soreness

What helped me most was applying organic castor oil with some DMSO externally on the area of my neck that was hurting so bad. I then went and did rebounding on my mini trampoline...gently but firm bouncing, my feet remained on the trampoline at all times. It made the knife stabbing pain and throbbing go away within minutes!! Until then, I'd been up all night sitting on the side of the bed in pain and unable to sleep...God is good?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sal (Uk) on 09/28/2015

Hi everyone,

I had a swollen node right under my collar bone about 2 years ago.My first reaction was to freak out and I thought of the worst. After going to doctors and getting all the tests done, they concluded that it was granular TB however, the last test which is an acid test they do to determine if it is TB was negative. but the doctors made me go through a whole 6 months of TB medication which was horrible for me.

I was very scared at that time and just did not read up much or did any research. The doctors also removed 3 nodes from my neck area.

Now two years later I have found another swollen node and I am freaking out again. After reading some of the things written on this website I took a shot of the ACV just plain concentrated. it felt like hell but to my surprise the node shrink in size.

it has not totally gone away but it has become smaller. And the pain around my neck has gotten better.

Please can someone tell me if you have also experienced this and what did you do and how long should I keep drinking ACV?

Any advice will be welcomed. I am scared!

DMSO, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Beverly S. (United States) on 10/24/2019

Editor's Choice I had a lower molar implant about 20 years ago. Now, every once in a while, the lymph gland below it ( under my jaw) swells a little. It is more annoying than painful but I paint it with a mixture of DMSO and Lugol's iodine and the lymph goes back to normal very quickly.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janet (Las Vegas) on 12/15/2016

Had swollen lymph nodes in my neck from a virus I caught over the weekend. Saw these posts about app cider vinegar. Last night I took 2 tablespoons in a small glass of water and drank it quickly. I can't do shots of ACV, ughh. This morning my lymph nodes were not as swollen. I repeated the tonic twice more, after breakfast and after lunch. Lymph glands back to normal tonight. I will keep it up for another few days. Fantastic.
