How to Treat Swollen Lymph Nodes Using Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bernardo (Rochester, Ny) on 10/06/2010

I had swollen lymph nodes in my neck about one month after quitting smoking. I read about apple cider vinegar and decided I had nothing to lose besides about $5. I took three shots the first day and one shot every day after that, one week later the swelling is down and I feel much better. I definitely recommend giving this a try before anything else.

Peppermint or Castor Oils
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 04/07/2013

20 years ago I had several lymph glands that were swollen for at least 6 months. All tests were normal and so was a biopsy. I still get swollen glands sometimes and there are a few things that help. One is peppermint essential oil. I massage it into the gland. (Avoid contact with mouth or eyes. ) Another thing that helps is castor oil. Massage the oil into the swollen gland a couple of times a day. You could alternate with peppermint oil.

One time when I was sick, a gland in my neck was very sore and swollen. I made an herb poultice and kept it on overnight. It helped so much. I mixed 1 part red raspberry leaf and 1 part plantain leaf. I moistened them with hot water and wrapped them in a piece of flannel. I used a bandana or something to attach it to my face. I didn't know about peppermint or castor oil then.

Had I known about these remedies twenty years ago I would have saved myself surgery.

Daily exercise is helpful to keep lymph flowing and so is plenty of water. (Water with Apple Cider Vinegar would kill two birds with one stone there.)

Hope you get some relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Minkxy (Brooklyn, Ny) on 04/09/2011

Just wanted to say that after having a bad cold, I could not get rid of a rattle in my chest accompanied with cough. Knowing no medicine could solve it, it didn't do anything. I woke up one day with my glands so swollen. I knew whatever had flowed into them. Got online, and found this site. Tried the ACV, WOW in 1 minute right side was gone. 6 hrs for other. And my cough and rattle disappeared. A few weeks later I felt it coming on again. Some ACV and water, some keifer the next day.... All gone. Thank's earth clinic and commenters!

Posted by Mia (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 04/24/2016

Dear Kat: So sorry, did not revisit this site until now, hope you stood up to them.

Using fear for profit is despicable. The thing that kills is fear. When the body feels fear it begins to behave as if under extreme threat. It cannot heal while under threat. Do not let "authorities" instill fear in you. The body knows best. And so do you.

Negotiate with the cancer. Invite it to leave. Do not think in terms of a "fight" against cancer or even using any aggression. Be clear that this is a negotiation. The mind has enormous power to make you sick - or well. Of course you need to help it along. And of course you have to want to live. Sounds simple but many people are conflicted about surviving. Be your own friend in this matter. Claim yourself back from the system.

For the very best kind of truly healing meditation go to

The best thing a fine GP doctor ever told me was this: It is YOUR body, it is YOUR choice, and you are the driver, not the passenger.

If you say NO to a bone marrow extract, to removal of your nodes, (like killing off your soldiers), to biopsies, to a CAT scan which is up to 1200 x-rays in one go, bear in mind that all of this is an employment scheme, and all of it is predicated on the assumption that of course you will submit to chemo, radiation.

If not, what stage does it matter that you are at? this is an ecological question, not a medical one.

Change the terrain and the cancer cannot survive. It is fear of change that holds people back from wellness. It is fear of how powerful the mind is to cure the body that gets in the way of wellness. Yet people make themselves sick all the time, same mind, different use.

Starve cancer and it will move on.

Cancer cells are very simple, they need sugar to survive. Cut off the quick release sugars and slow down all carbs with fat, butter, sweet organic butter is fine, it is exempt from the "no dairy" rule.

How invasively they treat you, that is YOUR choice. They do not call it "nuclear" medicine for nothing. It causes cancer. Chemo is derived from mustard gas used to kill soldiers, a chemical invented by a munitions company, and it causes cancer. Check Lancet and New England medicine sites, they admit this in many white papers. X-rays, too, the same thing. the "treatment" causes cancer, additional secondary cancers, the spread of cancer.

You are worth more than that. Refuse to be a medical masochist.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Donna (Arizona ) on 02/10/2019

Frankincense oil immediately reduced the swollen glands in my throat and my sore throat. I used it straight Topically. And 6-8 drops in water as a gargle. (That bug was keeping me awake and I knew it was getting worse. ) I was able to sleep and did the same routine in the morning. Through out the day I rubbed the oil on my throat. I feel this stopped that cold in its tracks. I have rubbed it on my chest and neck where a cough forms and have found fast relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Mullein and Cleavers Herbs
Posted by Florie (Texas) on 05/19/2018

Took some mullein tincture AND some cleavers tincture (moves lymph) right after reading this, drank a glass of water with ACV, and went to lunch — For the first time in two days, chewing & eating didn't make my glands swell like a bad case of mumps and hurt so much I had to get a to-go box! Nope, I ate my whole lunch without pain, came home and looked in the mirror and saw that the whole left side of my face and neck is much less swollen!

Iodine, Peppermint Oil
Posted by Tassi (Berkeley, Ca) on 12/27/2017

3 nights ago, I noticed that a hard round lump had sprung up behind my right ear, just below the edge of the skull, and it was somewhat painful. Within a couple of hours it seemed bigger and not able to be ignored. I also noted that the soft glands below my chin were swollen (not painful -- and my glands there have been noticeably puffy for the last 40 years, but this was a size increase) and my eyelid on the right side was puffy.

I came to Earth Clinic and looked for ideas -- I have Lugol's 5% iodine and organic peppermint essential oil, so I tried those. I got a tiny pinch of cotton (from some vitamin bottle) and put enough drops of iodine on it to lightly saturate it and bent forward and applied the cotton to the sore lymph node. After getting as much iodine out of the cotton as would squeeze out (it was not soaked enough to trickle out), I took it and rubbed it over the swollen glands under my chin, which painted them brownish.

An hour or so later I got the peppermint oil and a tiny piece of scrunched up paper towel and put a drop or so on that and held it on the lymph node for awhile, moving it around in a bit of a massage, plus running it all around the bottom edge of the skull, and then rubbing the iodine-painted glands below my chin. I did this a couple of times (hours apart) and by the next morning the glands and the hard node were MUCH reduced. Over the next day and a half I repeated about three more times, and now things are pretty much back to normal, at this moment at least. The node behind my ear is still palpable but very tiny and not painful.

Thanks, Earthclinic!

Posted by Ad (Qatar) on 09/07/2015

Pineapples, I was having a lot of trouble with swollen lymph nodes in neck. Pineapple instantly cures the inflammation. And I mean INSTANTLY.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 02/23/2016

Hi Jenna,

Have you looked into low dose naltrexone for the MS? It is an FDA approved, no side effects drug that is out of patent so very low cost, and is effective in stopping the progression of MS in about 85% of patients. Unlike the CRAB drugs or other MS drugs offered, it will modulate the immune system and do no harm. Here is the site:

This site will show a Yahoo LDN Group that has over 12,000 members, about half of whom use it for MS. They will answer any questions you may have. There is also a Facebook LDN site, and much additional info on the Internet. Best wishes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, US) on 06/30/2014

You could try painting the area with Lugols iodine...if it is irritating then rub a little rosemary oil on it (few drop essential, mixed with tablespoon of olive) ...or Thieves oil....though, I still agree it is a good idea to get to the doctor to see what is causing it....especially if it doesn't go away in the next week or more.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lee (Conway, Sc) on 06/12/2013

I have swollen glands under my chin, neck and chest. I read these Apple Cider Vinegar postings and off I went to my local market. I got home and took two teaspoons of ACV and within one minute I felt relief. It is hard to believe, but this worked. I plan on taking some before bed and in the morning. Thanks to all who posted on this subject it saved me a trip to a walk in clinic which would have ended up costing me money, time and no doubt the doctor would have prescribed antibiotics.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ley (Birmingham, Alabama, Usa) on 06/25/2012

Hi, I've begun taking the apple cider vinegar for an infection that had moved into my lymph nodes. I had improvement after 60 seconds and the problem was solved completely within 3 days. (I'd had the infection for a year. ) I've continued taking it and even increased the dose - a capful in about an ounce of natural juice 3 or more times a day, sipping throughout the day. It's an enormous help with chronic pain and I'm hoping that it will end an issue with an ovarian cyst (??).

Quite grateful to Earth Clinic for the shared worldly knowledge. Thank you so very much for making this site available!

Castor Oil
Posted by Diana (Vancouver, Canada) on 05/08/2012

Hi, When I read your post I felt I should reply. You said you were jumping to activate your lymphatic system. I would recommend you continue to do so. Bouncing is a great way to cleanse your lymphatic system, so jumping on a trampoline or even skipping rope daily is an excellent way to keep your lymphatic system healthy.

A lymphatic massage might also be helpful.

Hopes this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by P (California, Usa) on 03/03/2011

Thank you for ACV advise, I've been having swollen gland for days now but it's finally cure by taking ACV. (practically overnight) I've been using ACV to help my son w/his sinus infection, which has been working really well. We've been able to avoid going to the dr and antibiotic because of this. We paired it w/ manuka honey from New Zealand which work as natural antibiotic. At any rate, I'm really glad ACV able to get rid of the swollen gland. Thanks again!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lindsay (Somewhere North, Oklahoma) on 12/05/2009

Man am I glad this site exists. Couldn't get back to sleep last night because my swollen lymph nodes were KILLING me (granted, smoking a hooka with a bad cough/cold was not a good idea but nonetheless I was in pain). I found this page and found (somehow) some apple cider vinegar and like magic in less than 3 minutes my pain was completely gone.

Seriously, thank you and keep the home remedies coming!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ariana Lozano (Sacramento, Ca) on 09/24/2009


I am 28 years old, and this summer I had my first experience w/ a swollen lymph node. I was told to drink hot tea w/ ginger root and a little pepper, and to gargle w/ warm salt water. While the tea was very soothing, there was no decrease in the swelling. After a few days of little improvement, I did some research and decided to try old faithful, Apple Cider Vinegar. They swelling in my throat decreased by half w/in minutes. Since then I have been reading about ACV and its helpful effects. The taste of it does not bother me at all, I love the tanginess, so I've never diluted it in water. I just take a shot out of the bottle. My question then, your website says to sip and not chug. Why? What difference does it make if I sip on it, or take it all at once? especially if I enjoy the taste. I am very curious. Thanks! Ariana

EC: We suggested sipping acv to keep the pH consistently alkaline. Only suggestions, nothing written in stone. Try chugging it and let us know!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pat (Kihei, Hawaii) on 07/25/2009

You guys rock! Googled blocked lymph's ( underarms ) came to you.. having had bronchitas and been on antibiotics ( 2 kinds ) I'm looking for something natural, my right arm is in pain.. just put some ACV on a hot washcloth under my arm, a little releif came.. will start drinking these remedies tomorrow morning. Thank you and God Bless you, keep up the good work



Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dordor (Singapore) on 05/15/2009

I had a very bad case of swollen lymph node near my cheek bone probably also due to 2 mouth ulcers, it was so painful even after 1 course of antibiotics did not ease my discomfort. I decided to try Apple Cider Vinegar after reading much about this miracle drink from earthclinic, it's no brainer to guess what happened next, my lymph node shrunk to the size that i did not even feel its existence. My ulcers healed on the 2nd days i used the ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lebrown (Sealy, Tx) on 03/25/2012

This is for Pat from Madison regarding lemons Acid vs alkaline.

I just found this website years after these posts, but just in case you never got an answer Pat and still read this, I wanted to answer your question. Though lemon juice is of acidic nature, (citrus is a weak acid) when it is metabolized in the body it turns alkaline. Lemon and lime juice promote the release of sodium bicarbonate from the pancreas to support enzyme activity. As well as this, lemon is converted to potassium citrate in the intestine which is also alkaline.

Castor Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 05/27/2013

Castor oil works well for swollen lymph nodes. Massage a small amount into the swollen area a few times a day. Peppermint essential oil works very well for this, the same way. I have done both. I seem to be very prone to swollen lymph nodes. Two decades ago, when I knew nothing of natural remedies, I just went the the doctor because my lymph nodes were swollen for 6 months with no apparent cause. I ended up having sugery (biopsy. ) I was fine. The lymph nodes swell when they are fighting infections. (I even get them when I get a canker sore. ) So, help your body fight the infection. Drink lots of water. 1/2 gallon a day. Add a couple of Tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar to this to improve its flushing ability. Also, you can try taking garlic like an antibiotic several times a day. 1 crushed clove mixed with honey on a little piece of bread 3-4 times a day. Or you could get a garlic supplement at the health food store. They odorless type, if you prefer. (Though I think fresh is the best, but the other okay if the fresh is beyond what you would take.)

Hope that helps!

Indication of Cause
Posted by Ruralgirl (Central Tx) on 07/06/2018

My dentist told me that tender swollen lymph nodes indicate infection while swollen lymph nodes that are not tender to the touch indicate cancer.

Iodine, Peppermint Oil
Posted by Tassi (Berkeley, Ca) on 01/22/2018

Weeks later, I am still wrestling with this problem, although it is usually not too bad. Recommended by an acupuncturist, I have been drinking about a quart of strong dandelion-leaf tea a day (missed some days or had less) to strengthen the immune system. Also recommended was hot-compresses on the affected area, which I think is possibly the best thing I have tried so far. When I am bothered by the nodes-area stiffness etc, I spend about half an hour with a couple of washrags, a small pot of simmering water and a large fork to pull the rag out of the hot water, then wave it around till it is touchable, then wring it out, fold it up and apply, while hot but not burning, to the lumps or stiff area. Keep rotating the rags till the half hour is up.

Posted by Ellenf (Leander, Tx) on 11/30/2013

GtCharlie-your tapping remedy should have a thread if it's own! I've had a swollen gland on the right, below my ear, under my jaw for two days now. I read somewhere that one if the keys to longevity is to rub/massage anything that hurts. I have been rubbing like crazy for about 24 hours now trying to get this thing to drain. It hasn't been working.

I read your reply amongst the ACV comments and decided to try it. I made my fingers into a semicircle and started tapping. Within a couple if minutes there was a marked decrease in pain. I tapped some more and could feel the swelling going down and some muck draining down my throat. I have chronic allergies and get sinus infections, so I'm sure that's how this whole mess started.

Thanks Charlie!

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