Natural Supplements and Home Remedies for Lowering Blood Sugar

Ted's Alkalizing Remedies
Posted by Orbie B. (USA) on 12/30/2020

Been fighting 2 issues: Kidney pain, stones and blood in urine, and PreDiabetes.

Morning blood sugars are 130-150. Lots of weight gain in last few months all around my upper mid section and no change in my diet or routine. I use stevia, not sugar, and do not eat a lot of junk. I generally only eat once per day. I have been taking home made kefir, inulin, cod liver oil, chromium, biotin, flax seed, chlorophyll for a month and my sugar never budges below 120 even though I only eat 1 meal per day.

Finally woke up this morning and my urine was pure blood, fasting sugar 130. My urine will not even change the color of a pH strip it is so acidic.

After re-reading all Ted's posts on kidneys, I went in and made his PH remedy:

  • 1/4 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/4 tsp Citric Acid
  • 1/8 tsp Potassium Bicarbonate
  • 1/2 glass Distilled Water

In about 45 minutes, I went to bathroom and pH strip was now registering about 6.7...not great but much better...

Curiously, I checked my sugar and it was 99!!!! I had just eaten supper less than 2 hours before and I can't remember the last time I had a sugar reading below 120 even after fasting.

So getting the pH alkalized had an IMMEDIATE impact on my sugar. I will continue his remedy twice per day and adjust amounts till I get the PH to at least 7 and I pray this is going to be the long term cure to both issues!!!
